Trench Crusade will make Christianity cool again : TrenchCrusade


Trench crusade is doomed

Woman gets man's dating profile banned for :marseyokay:ing too hard



Not trying to play devils advocate for a racist weirdo, but how are you sure? Not trying to argue, just curious what gave it away.

This is, of course, assuming it's the OK hand gesture. If it's something less obscure, the answer is self explanatory

He was taking a selfie in the mirror. The hand that was at his side was doing the white power gesture. Hands do not naturally fall like thatโ€ฆ so no.

EDIT: Hinge has actually emailed me to say they've taken action against him, so I'm not mistaken as you're inferring.

Her previous posts indicate she absolutely hates men, but is having trouble finding her disney prince on dating apps because they all love hitler. :tayshrug:

The r/fednews redditors don't want to accept the buyout


Trump sent every fed a Fork in the Road email offering 9 months severance if they quit in the next 2 weeks

I attribute this solely to this community and the solidarity found in it. I'm the only person on my team of 8 that's on Reddit and not only have I been better informed, I've been faring better than the others. Two people went on stress leave and frankly I'd be one of them too if I didn't have this community. I'll continue to do my job and fight for the position I've earned. It took me 10 years of applying and 20 years experience in my field to get here. I will not be pushed out by two billionaire trust funds babies. I'M NOT LEAVING!'

I was chill and laid back prior. Now I'm digging my heels in out of spite. I'm a big time hater and being petty is my favorite thing to do.

I can hold a grudge like it's my job

I knew my grudge-holding skills would come in handy someday.

I've never been more motivated to stay. Before the "buyout" memo, I was ready to go job hunting, but then a revelation hit. I took an oath under this position to the American people and leaving my job under the current state would be failing to maintain my oath as civil servant.

I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.


To be clear, searches over the past three months for deleting Facebook have hovered around a 75 score on Trends, peaking to 100 around specific events, like Meta's latest policy changes and the presidential election in November 2024.

Don't go to the hospital in Britain if you're a Jew


fixing my furnace with dad

he would not stop singing pearl jam "alive" and was very proud of his eddie vedder impression tbh i was too then he started going on about the lesbian he used to work with who had a name that sounded very similar to his over the intercom then he started talking about how much he likes licking clit should i put him in a home?

Reported by:
  • Arran : no one asked, no one cares
Met another neurodivergent at the adult learning center!!


WE TALKED ABOUT VIDEO GAMES AND SONIC FOR HOURS OVER TEXT. He's only here to get his math exam, then he's gonna graduate!! I'm not sure how old he is. Looks like a 20 and 30 year old at the same time.

He got a date with someone from class as a joke! I don't think he knows that the other woman is doing it for the bit... :(

I wish I had money so him and I could do nerd shit at a local nerd cafรฉ in town. We both live like 10 minutes away from that place.

I take 2 exams this week!! I already passed my RLA (English) exam 2 weeks ago... FRICKING FAILED MY SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICE EXAM... ITS NOT MY FAULT WE'RE COVERING SHIT I HAVEN'T GONE OVER SINCE 2018-2019. However, my friend is really good at history, and I'm really good at math!


I'm celebrating my birthday at a sushi place with another tranner I met in December. I STILL HAVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS... NOT SURE WHY THAT NOTICE CAME UP ON MY MOM'S PHONE BUT NOT MINE. Someone remind me... even if it's mean....

Reported by:

Backstory about this effortpost, and probably the first ever film script!

17 days ago, @QueenOfSpades (:marseyblacked::chudbbc:) asked what happened to the /r/Drama-adjacent subleddit /r/JapanCircleJerk (, and thus, 17 days ago, I started writing this comment-turned-effortpost-turned Dramakino-turned schizoposting from my head that I want misinformation and rumors to be corrected, but due to a variety of reasons, I did not posted it back then, but now since today is my last day to farm dramacoin, and also since I would really, really appreciate insights, corrections, and addendums from folx who are more familiar with this story, then I will just post it in here anyways.

Anyway, my memory on this is hazy, I miss /r/JapanCirclejerk so much that my brain excludes traumatic memories as a coping mechanism, so since it was banned I have intentionally avoided looking up anything about its history, much like /r/Drama in a certain way :marseycope:, here is what I remember, and what I could piece together as a dramatic story about this historical event in the an(n)als of the Dramastorians, corrections and more information are very appreciated :marseysadge:, !effortposters !bookworms !kino could you please give critiques on my writing style and storywriting skills?:marseythanks:


(original Brazilian Portuguese audio)

(Japanese dub with different lyrics)



(I was going to make a more detailed poster but I need to post this ASAP before Homoween ends, and I have no idea which catchy tagline fits the poster of the movie better)


One day, /r/JCJ was doing the average things that it did as the biggest Japan Circlejerk subreddit, it was making fun of a creepy Gaijin guy in Japan, run off the mill stuff!, what they spent years doing on their subreddit that existed since around the early 2010s, for over a decade JCJ made fun of the average gaijin r-slurs in Japan doing average gaijin r-slur things, this happened all the time in almost all of their posts making fun of in-site drama, so what is so special about this case?:marseyclueless:, well, unbeknownst to the denizens of /r/JapanCirclejerk, this day was the day that would enter in the history of the late-stage Dramasphere on Soyddit.... the cope before the storm.....:marseyaware:

JCJ just so happened to have found the biggest goldmine in the history of their subreddit, the redditor that JCJ was making fun of, was the biggest living stereotype of the 2000s-2010s 4chan incel weeaboo neckbeard libertarian loser neurodivergent r-slur creep to have ever existed, he is almost an AI-generated caricature, what happens when you feed AI on outdated 4chan memes and "Otaku" articles from the mid-late 2000s and create a character based on him , basically, the antagonist of this story is a libertarian English teacher on a JET program.... who got into a relationship with one of his underage students:bruh:

(I do not know her age, perhaps she was 16-17 or so, but she was underage in the eyes of the law, and no, "age of consent is 13 in Japan lol" :marseypedo:, this is a redditor myth that gets repeated, the legal age of consent in Japan is de-facto 18 at all prefectural levels), so his JET agency/school eventually noticed that a child in their school is the "girlfriend" of an grown fricking adult teacher, and sought to either have a serious chat with him, or to take legal action/call the police on him. :siren::marseycop::marseyneckbeard::marseycop2::hansen2::siren:

CHAPTER 2::#objection:Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:

Still not being satisfied with living the ultimate 4chan weeaboo neckbeard isekai fantasy of moving to Japan, having easy and instant access to all weebshit you can think of, getting a real-life UwU kawaii loli gf, and becoming a s*x offender as a foreigner in a country with an extremely strict law system that does not acquits almost anyone, much less foreigners for their crimes, the reddit user (whose username I forgot, so for convenience, shall be named here as Chomo P. Lolilover :marseygroomer2:), Mr. Lolilover wanted to go far and beyond and explore more Tranime genres now that he lived in glorious Nihon, so after he became a s*x offender who groomed a child that he was supposed to teach good values towards, Mr. Chomo sought to also get into a real-life Ace Attorney courtroom drama anime!

After realizing that, well, he had committed a serious fricking crime, the 400 IQ IRL Anime protagonist did the shining glasses move from Evangelion :soyjakanimeglasses:, and realized that the best way to get out of trouble was to ask for help, ask for help where you say?, of course, the best website on earth where libertarians ask for help! -

reddit. :#soysnoo:

Chomo-kun fled to the reddit hugbox of smart Gaijin intellectuals on either /r/Japan, or /r/JapanLife, or /r/JET (do not remember which exact sub that was) to ask for assistance for his Ace Attorney case of Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:, the tard was proudly and without any fricking shame openly admitting on reddit that he is a grown man who is in an illegal relationship with an underage girlfriend in another country, and claiming having no idea as to why the school is fricking angry at him committing a crime, and want his head.:marseywoodchipper2:

As you can now guess, as it is to be expected from the average English teacher in Asia, Mr. Chomo is not really a bright individual, from committing a serious crime in a foreign country, to publicly admitting it on reddit on the account that he links with his Touhou lolicon and child idol blogs, to thinking that he did nothing wrong, to- HOLD THE FRICK UP:marseyspit: what the frick was that?:bruh:

CHAPTER 3::#cirnopost::#soyno: (no, literally :marseydespair:)

Of course, the neighbor got ripped to shred :!stoningdownvotes::marseypedo::stoningdownvotes: even the tards at either /r/Japan or /r/JapanLife or /r/Jet were fuming and thought that he was a fricking weirdo predator menace that needs to be either arrested or deported before more children get groomed, and their already-not-good Gaijinoid reputation gets stained, as the Gaijincels, above all English teachers, already have a stellar reputation as predators and creeps in Asia, so this libertarian freak needs to be stopped ASAP, before his number of victims grow, local media gets involved in it, and other Gaijinoids start to get hated and labeled as libertarian predators even more than they already have the reputation for.:marseychingchongraging::!stoning::mutttantrum::stoning:

I remember that the guy had a schizopost-y style to his writing and rhetoric, angrily replying to all negative comments calling him a libertarian freak, and I recall that he even LIKED TO USE RANDOM ALL CAPS TO SCREAM LIKE THIS:soyjaktantrumfast:, and since he replied to literally all comments mentioning him in the thread, the libertarian lolcow later flocked to /r/JapanCirclejerk to defend xhir heckin cute and valid relationship with an irl kawaii anime japanese loli girlfriend UwU from these heckin harasser stalker chuds and discriminatory Japanese law system:marseyrofl::soysnooseethe::marseylaughpoundfist:

Well, since the guy was quite a prolific schizoposter present in other subs, and had a quite old reddit account, JCJannies stumbled upon his older posts to see what else he was sperging about, but they ended up finding out.... the truth..... but not any average kind of truth, no!, Mx. Dramanxut!, this was a form of TRVTH powered by NVCLEAR fission, a TRVTHNVKE, in fact, this was THE most enriched TRVKERALD that would unfortunately, be the demise of /r/JapanCirclejerk :marseytruthnuke:

By surfing through his account, /r/JapanCirclejerk found out that not only he is a massive Touhou lolicon fan, with a fricking enormous posting history on Touhou subreddits and an also gigantic collection of Touhou memorabilia in real-life, and also off-site blogs where he talks about his figurine collection and love for Touhou lolis, no.... no!..... the motherlover has an enormous blog dating back to years ago, where he posts pictures of REAL SEXUALIZED CHILDREN from "Japanese Idol" magazines. :marseydespair:

Me writing this text from start to finish::marseyaware:

Chapter 4: PERSONAL ARMY REQUEST: ACCEPTED:#marseysaluteccp:

When his CP "blog" was discovered by JCJ, the sub understandably freaked the frick out at an outspoken libertarian with access to children, who has a gigantic blog where he posts "idol" (i.e. sexualized) photographs of real children, who is openly obsessed with loli shit, and who most importantly, has already got in trouble for grooming an underage girl, so all of the "lulz guyz, look at this funny internet r-slur lolcow lolz!!!:lolface:" aura around the subreddit immediately ended, but this was unfortunately, the very last time that /r/JapanCirclejerk would type "/uj" on their comments :marseylibations:

Through the open and proud r-slur posting his personal information on his CSAM blog, they doxxed him (:based:), apparently contacted JET to immediately take action against him (:based:), and overall just started to non-stop shit on him wherever he went on reddit, which is heckin problematic behavior that is against the reddit inc. terms of conduct, and a violation of redditiquete:bardfinn:

Even before the JCJannies started to shit on him, reddit banned their sub for violating their rules on doxxing, and also banned other related subreddits for ban evasion, thank you reddit for making the world a better place, and protecting an outspoken and proud libertarian who has gotten into legal trouble for grooming minors!

Chapter 5: See you, Space Dramanaut:#marseycowboy:

And that was the true story of /r/JapanCirclejerk, yet another extremely funny and informative reddit sub getting banned for them trying to bring a bona-fide open libertarian to justice.

6. Where are xhey now?:#marseymugshot:

I forgot most details of what happened following this, however, I am certain that the libertarian's account is still up, and he is still posting his love for underage Japanese children and lolicon, I do not remember his name, but perhaps KiwiFarms or old Pullpush archives still have the name of his account. !libertarianhunters !ranchers

Also, I made this image in a rush in order for me to be able to farm dcoin before Homoween ends, I forgot to add in some Touhou figurine in Toguro's hand for example :chuditsover:

Reported by:
/h/femboy tries sports
STOP FIGHTING :marseycry:
Reported by:
i hate wrasslin' fans

shilling :!marseytrain:s, a youtube channel, and chris chan. :uhuh:

back in my day we had REAL WRASSLIN' SIGNS


eddie was mexican but i'm sure i don't have to tell you that everyone knows dead wrasslers

edit: why didn't that first pic work is it just me it's the RODDY HAS AIDS sign

is it gonna work this time does rdrama just hate stuff saved from tumblr

Yeezy joins /r/fatpeoplehate :marseybdtf:

1000dc to anyone who can explain what the f-word this is trying to convey

I think I get that it's not supposed to be funny even though it's a comic. The stylization kind of disagrees though? And it seems like it's trying to deliver some sort of punchline? The girl with the new baby looks to be about 10 years old so maybe it's a deep psyop dunking on palestoid depravity but I don't think that's it either

But it can't be taken at face value because literally look at the whole thing, any and all of it. I really did think there was some sort of intended deeper meaning or humor here when I began this thread but I've just had another look and I'm scrolling the comments and it's apparently dreadfully serious and exactly as it appears to be.

There is no dc reward as I solved this mystery myself but the title is good for eyes so it stays.

In closing:


:marseyshrug: they are literally the beyond parody borders are immoral people who want to drive down their own wages "uniting" with 6 billion 3rd worlders

Reported by:
  • Y : Get a "load" of this guy :marseyshesright:
  • Wuzizname : I don't work for you.
100 dc to anybody who tweets to Elon Musk's official twitter handle the Message I have for him in the post.

The Message:

"Elon. You know the world is not surviving till 2100. You need to stop with the dumb distractions because we need more than 10,000 people on Mars before 2050 if we are going to survive the collapse. Good luck."

Send me a screencap of the message being tweeted to Elon and I will transfer you 100 dc.

Preferably as many of you send the message to him as possible.

This is important. I have checked with both AI and psychic sources. This needs to be done now.

:marseymonk: The Dalai Lama Chudda says frick off, they're full :marseymonk: :chudsmug:
what have you been reading recently thread

balancing like 3 books right now. finished a muriel spark in the middle of the night last night while eating salami out of the fridge.



!neocon !neolibs

To all our well-meaning newly-arrived liberal refugees, who is this "we" you keep referring to when you lecture and virtue signal about Ukraine?

As far as "we" are concerned, you're all 80% as complicit as the isolationists in the current rightoid administration for the current geopolitical state of the world. It was Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal which emboldened Putin. It was years of liberal soft-handedness and tolerance of crossed red lines from Russia, which prevented Ukraine from joining NATO. It was Biden who refused direct intervention even when Russian troops were miles away from Kyiv. From Iran to Russia to Hamas, and soon China, we've warned for decades that authoritarians are deterred by solidarity and strength, not olive branches.

And now you want to lecture about Republican isolationism? My brother in Allah, you're the problem. As far as we're concerned, you're post Molotov-Ribbentrop Stalin lecturing about the dangers of nazi expansionism. Our contempt for isocucks does not preclude our equal contempt for you. So spare us the self-righteous lectures. The prisoners at gitmo are lucky they were only subjected to waterboarding, and not "self-righteous lecture by self-unaware liberal".

"Could it be the fault of Bush fricking up the Iraq War (and lying about WMDs) that Americans are now isolationalist? Nope. It's Obama's fault"


Reported by:
Zoomers who voted Trump are the stupidest people on the planet.

If there's one thing you should know about Republicans, it's that they love invading other countries and cutting taxes on the rich.

Why would you believe that voting Trump would mean 'no new wars'? That was dipshit stupidity.

Trump wants to invade Panama. Trump wants to invade Greenland. Trump's expansionism isn't isolationist. Trump was never an isolationist.

The strongest possible posture Trump can have is beginning war and invading neighbors, so that's what Trump is going to do.

You made your world a hellscape because you were fooled by a photo op with a McDonald's. All of those good feelings now meet the hard reality of stupid boomer politics.

Pathetic, incompetent wretches. Easily duped.

Look at Project 2025 preparing zoomers and gen A for the draft.

Look at @TracingWoodgrains on twitter thinking that Greenland wants to join the United States in a 'voluntary empire.' Dude no one wants to pay US taxes for US wars.

TracingWoodgrains is the poster child for this cluster of smug ignorant dipshits clustered around substack and Thielbucks who are disconnected from reality. Trump is just an old person enacting the fascist demiurge and it's not more complicated than that. The "voluntary empire" already exists, it's the trade network between nations and defense agreements allowing us to put military in any fricking country we want without having to pay the overhead of administering vast territories.

Expansionism is stupid. An entire segment of the online chatterati under Musk devoted to seriously entertaining a lunatic boomer. It'd be tragic if it weren't so funny. People really are this dumb. TracingWoodgrains really is this dumb.

like, those litmags are media for Writers and Readers, while every writer who has something to say tosses it up on Substack or somewhere and has more cultural impact than every one of those litmags combined

TracingWoodgrains is one of those ambitious young people so enamored with the idea of having an impact that he disdains the cultural achievements of real writers. Maybe no one reads litmags, but the only thing worse than not being read is being read by an audience that consists exclusively of morons who still haven't caught up to the fact that Trumpism is fascism: you can tell because the military expansionist tic has just been activated.

[REPORTMAXXING] Abortion activists set up shop in Britain's Portland :ramonajak: :marseylibleft: , cause a huge sneethe fest on the local sub


/r/Bristol showed up in a recent post for being prone to :soysnooseethe: :soycry: and this is no exception. Bristol is an extremely left-wing city which is why it is an open-air latrine.

"gore" has been blacked out

Some misgyonist christcuck nonsense about not killing babies has popped up in the very center of the hornet's nest, this has genuinely broken some brains:

Someone needs to burn those boards. What a bunch of ladygardens.


Wtaf. How is this happening here? ๐Ÿ˜‘

Roe vs Wade got overturned in the states, effectively allowing states to ban abortion. That means these peepeehead lobbying charities got what they wanted and have no reason to exist, and bucketloads of money left over, so they are spreading their fundamentalist bullshit all over the world.

These anti abortion peepeeheads are the UK wing of a charity funded by Reagan era state representative. Not dissimilar to Elon Musk funding Reform, all part of a ploy by right wing yanks to get us involved in their brand of culture wars.

Despite the charity being British and :marseybong: abortion laws being considerably stricter than the average US States, all of this is :marseyschizowall: musk and his cronies :marseysnoo: somehow.

The irony is that the fact that these people even think this is proof of their brains being BUCK BROKEN :marseysoutherner: by the :marseysaluteusa: americhad cultural hegemony :marseypatriot:

How do you walk past this without tearing it all down in anger? Ffs.

:shy#yt: this neighbour boutta crash out lmao suddenly has no problem with violence despite crying about it previously

I'm all for counterprotesting these freaks, but it's probably worth mentioning that cults LOVE it when you reaffirm what they teach to their members

I'm all for doing something that isn't internet whining, but here's a carefully preplanned reason why I won't :marseyindignant: I'm actually very above it all and smart :marseybigbrain:

Good, I said my piece and hung around for a bit in case a crowd of counter protest gathered

Oh nice. They will now see how the British people won't put up with their shit unlike the yanks. Get down there boys and give em heck.

:marseylibleft: I shouted at a female charity volunteer and then stood there waiting for a :marseysal: counter protest to form, I am literally an antifascist warrior guys :marseylaugh:

please also :marseyreportmaxxer2: the second comment ty

God forbid people have a different opinion ig Believe it or not, not wanting babies to be killed is a valid line of thinking.

This one caused a huge slapfight which you may peruse at your leisure

Morality is not objective. You may be convinced in your beliefs, I also believe that abortion is morally good. Just because the majority of people share this moral, doesn't make it objectively correct.

Literally two comments later:

There's having a different opinion and then there's just objectively and morally wrong.


My belief is that a woman of sound mind is entitled to make a decision whether to have a baby or to terminate the pregnancy. However i do wonder how many abortions can 1 person have before eye brows are raised?

>woman of sound mind


Listen, I've had two in my nearly 40 years of life, TWO abortions? You might be interested in this exercise love :marseyyikes:

These people are SO mad! :marseygiggle: even the jannies are making sure their Good Boy Opinions are known



Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

It's funny how woke/SJW are posting on all these places thinking that anyone has the wherewithall to actually read any of it. I don't give a crap about DEI, all I care about is who has the best product and the best price for it.What's more interesting though is the psychological mentality for people thinking this is somehow useful. It's not, all I care about is product and price. This is same train of "organic" food which failed because the real issue isn't DEI but economics for normal families. (-44)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

No one mentioned DEI, I just said I didn't want to support MAGA. No one will have the best price shortly.And the best way, and most American way to vote has, and always will be, vote with your wallet. I'm voting with mine. (19)

Just replace DEI with MAGA. Still don't care. The only thing I hate about MAGA is the tarriff/inflation which hits our wallets. Let's stay focused on the real goal here. (-23)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Craziness don't go away easily. Kirkland is in the middle of liberal population. You have nothing to worry about. Move on with your life. (-19)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

So are you a capitalist or a constitutionalist.In your world, I am responsible for not only voting my conscience, but am then responsible for the economic stability of people who express ideals that are inimical to my belief systems. Under that logic, I am being punished for valuing things like free speech (if Musk is a special government employee, and he's actively banning political views from X, then this is a violation of my rights), separation of church and state, equal rights, etc.The moral gymnastics you are doing here is amazing. You've said it yourself, you really don't care, as long as people take care of your business by shopping at it. That's unbelievably selfish and completely morally vapid. (0)

are the two mutually exclusive?Didn't say you're responsible for others, but I did point out the harm that you'd cause (it would take a LARGE group of boycotters to have an impact, so when I say "you" I mean the entire r/kirkland subreddit) and the futility of your efforts (ya aint gonna change anybody's mind, but you will most likely entrench them). I can't tell you what to do, but I can let you know how stupid and futile it is.I think you misread. I pointed out the harm a boycott would do to businesses - not only the target's business but affiliated businesses and employees. And while it could include my business, the point I was making is the interconnectivity of all of us in this community. So how much collateral damage do you think is acceptable to punish someone for legally and constitutionally exercising their right to vote?Again, boycott criminals, child male feminists, and real Nazis. But when one group of people tries to punish another group for voting in their own self-interest,... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

If a business posts QANON or MAGA paraphernalia at this point in the game they are advertising that they support an openly fascist regime. Where do you draw the line? (0)

What do you think will happen? If you boycott Spud Fish & Chips* because the owner voted for Trump, which do you think is more likely:a - The owner sits in a dark room with a glass of scotch and re-assess his life and choices. He thinks, "wow, maybe I AM wrong and I shoulda voted for Kamala"b - as sales at Spud Fish and Chips take a 10% hit, he lays off two employees and reduces his orders from local food and supplies vendors. He has no idea why sales have dropped because all the people who disagree with him ARENT engaging with him - they're boycotting. All he knows is what FOX news tells him, and he blames it on Bob Ferguson's climate policies. * I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE OWNER OF SPUD VOTES! I'm just using him/her as an example. Anyway, boycott child male feminists. Boycott real, avowed racists and Nazis. But don't boycott people who are exercising their Constitutional right to have an opinion (no matter how misinformed it may be) and to vote on it. Because that's waaaayyy too close to firi... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Calm down my dude, I'm just asking for info to be more conscious in my decision making, as most commenters agree lol. (3)

And I'm agreeing!! HATE!! HATE!!! HATE!! Let's do this shit!!! (-3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/goggleblock

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ(+5๐Ÿฎ)

Number of comments: 14

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Good lord Meg had the hourglass - whatever happened to her?

Meg had a good body, waist/hip ratio is superb as depicted. Whatever happened to her? Does she have a public profile of any kind to this day? I heard once that Anna said something about Meg being unhappy with how the income from

the pod was shared but unsure if that's true.

Reported by:
Dramastrags and Gaymers, show us your Yearly gayming stats!

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