hey rsp.netcels what are your thoughts on the MSSOM drama

on the one hand dasha weighed in and i want to frick dasha so im inclined to agree

but on the other hand the person who made the reddit post is called lana and lana is a hot name too

what is the correct take here




The skit came in a game break during the second quarter of Monday's game against the Philadelphia 76ers at Spectrum Center. The boy joined Charlotte's mascot, Hugo, who was dressed as Santa, on the court. In-game host Ohavia Phillips read a letter to Santa that included a request for a PS5 for Christmas as a Hornets cheerleader walked up to Hugo and gave him a gift bag. The mascot then pulled a PS5 out of the bag and gave it to the surprised boy.

However, the Hornets took the PS5 from the fan after the cameras turned off and a staffer replaced it with a jersey.

Genuinely, how on earth did that get signed off? :#marseyemojirofl:

The boy was confused and disappointed, and cheerleaders, dancers and other team staff members standing nearby were also shocked he could not keep the item, according to Phillips.

Charlotte lost to Philadelphia 121-108 Monday night, falling to 7-19 on the season.


or if you'd rather click "show more" a bunch of times, the article is also a tweet thread here:

The Navy With More Admirals Than Warships

!historychads !britbongs

!brics It's time to take the Falklands back!!

Knockkers stay winning! :chadblack2: :chadblack2: :chadblack2:

MISSION, Kan. (AP) — An 86-year-old Missouri man has died just days after pleading guilty to a lesser charge in the 2023 shooting of Ralph Yarl, a Black honor student who rang the white man's doorbell by mistake, prosecutors announced Wednesday.

Yarl testified at a hearing that he rang the bell and then waited for someone to answer for what seemed "longer than normal." As the inner door opened, Yarl said, he reached out to grab the storm door, assuming he was at his brothers' friends' parents.

He said Lester shot him in the head and uttered, "Don't come here ever again." Although the bullet didn't penetrate Yarl's brain, the impact knocked him to the ground. Yarl said Lester then shot him in the arm. The teen was taken to the hospital and released three days later.

Imagine the terror if a Texas A&M student showed up at your door uninvited. :marseyyikes:

I love sucking peepee and seeing racist old Missourians die. Kill all Missourians, knockkers forever. :marseyblack:



what have you been reading recently thread

balancing like 3 books right now. finished a muriel spark in the middle of the night last night while eating salami out of the fridge.



Republicans cuck even harder for Trump and Elon


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:



Ye claims he had to leave Bianca because she was a Mossad hoe.


:!marseymayo: White guys imitating Indians making street food :marseytunaktunak:


Many such seethings.


What a lowlife you have to be to be so spiteful of poor people and mock them in an overtly dramatic video. And still sucking badly at it. These scums don't deserve our attention. So kindly stop making such cretins famous.

Yall have street sellers infecting people with disease by preparing food in sanitary conditions WORSE than this video making light of it, and you're mad at the video for calling the practice out. You're a joke mate and this is why your country's infrastructure isn't getting better.

So, you think this video's only motive was to make light of unheigenic practices of street vendors? I clearly mentioned "overtly dramatic" just to spite poor people. India being so populated has its flaws, and a "few" street vendors making funny videos highlighting unhygienic practices clearly don't represent the whole community. With gazillions of street vendors throughout the vast length of this diverse country, you're bound to find such idiots. The bigger the sample size, the bigger the number of such idiots. Also, with the advent of social media and the trend to get famous by making stupid videos, you're in for lots of people trying to make such content highlighting unhygienic food vendors.

Yes, we accept there's a problem with unhygenic food vendors. But it equates to the social and income strata they tend to. The poorer section is uneducated and devoid of knowledge about hygiene. And if you think this is the reason our country's infrastructure isn't getting better, you're the biggest joke of them all!


What they are showcasing is true, but please Ask them to wash their butt after pooping before teaching indians cleanliness

Didn't you guys JUST get over 50% of your country access to sanitation facilities??


Hilarious. We should be able to take a joke.

They exaggerate, because the actual Indian guy usually operates in a smaller space, in a crowd, in heat and dust, and doesn't spill so much. His actions are perfected over years of practice. But hygiene is highly questionable, yes.


Recent Pew survey says that majority people in the western countries have favourable view of India by a big margin. But leftist islamist propaganda on social media says the opposite


Laughed my butt out


bonus thread:


White guys being as racist AF!


My imitation of a white guy making food is them going to trash Donald's and spending their life savings for a #1 and still getting the shits from it.


How is this relevant to the sub?

Its not, its just encouraging hatred against indians 😭

Nobody envourages hatred against indians more than indians being indians. We didnt come to those conclusions by guessing, i have seen at least 10 videos of indians actually preparing food this way


Gulf of America chads, we've won
Any transfem yuri? :marseyliathomas:



Yes it's true, I get social anxiety when I try to order a coffee at Starbucks, and I spend almost all my time writing on social media about how I want to achieve brutal revenge against everyone who disagrees with my political views. But the truth is, women don't like me because I'm slightly unattractive. I don't know if this is actually true, since I don't talk to women, but I have an entire folder of infographics explaining that women only want to have s*x with jacked 6'7" billionaires.

travelling with peepee pump tube


For all the guy nomads, how do you carry your peepee pumps? The tubes are big and fairly fragile. Any tips for keeping it secure?


EFFORTPOST /r/ArianaGrandeSnark is full of people being catty about the new Wicked movie


Ariana Grande is a 31-year-old racially-fluid pop star who got her start on Broadway (13) and Nickelodeon (Victorious). She was probably sexually abused by someone important and as a result of that became extraordinarily popular as a singer who mixes pop, retro-pop and R&B elements in her songs. Her style can best be described as giving precocious coquette pickmeisha vibes.

Examples of hit bops by her include

Honestly her whole discography is great. Most of the time she pisses redditor race realists off because she unabashedly changes what race or other social construct she presents as.

Also she spit on a donut one time:


And she had to pay 1.25 million in alimony when she divorced her husband last year:


Cynthia Onyedinmanasu Chinasaokwu Erivo is a 37-year-old African-English Broadway star who broke out in a revival of The Color Purple for which she won a Tony and a Grammy. Additionally she played Harriet Tubman in a movie about Harriet Tubman.

Needless to say, she's no Ari, but she's a decent enough singer and has been riding the DEI train fairly successfully.

Wicked (2003) was a musical based off a book based off a movie based off a musical based off of a popular's children's book published in 1900 called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was written to surreptitiously indoctrinate children into buying Silver and believe in fairy tales. It was basically the Harry Potter of those aughts.

In the early these aughts, Broadway was having a very difficult time. It had become somewhat of a joke to have come from or to go to Broadway. Stephen Schwartz (famous for writing the music for Disney's Pocohantas and Dreamwork's The Prince of Egypt) decided to change all that by relentlessly targeting white women as a demographic. He used a combination of good music, easy moral lessons and nostalgia bait (for college, for Americana and for a popular children's story) in order to make Wicked. It was an extraordinary success and was basically the MCU of musicals. For years afterwards musicals were a thing again.

Originally, the wicked witch in the musical was played by Idina Menzel, a Jewish-American Broadway star with phenomenal vocals known for playing Maureen in the musical Rent, known for her jaw-dropping performance in Wicked and much later known for the hit Disney single "Let it Go"

Sometime around when people were starting to pretend Hamilton was good and JK Rowling was still getting shit for Goblins being antisemitic caricatures (back before Hamas made antisemitism cool again) Idina Menzel was replaced by some DEI hire and a story that was originally a thinly-veiled allegory for Jewish Americans feeling out of place in WASP society and then being pogromed for being Nietzchean supermen was replaced with the same empowered Black vs oppressor White story we've seen a hundred times now. :yawn:

Anyways, they made a movie out of it and true to the moment they picked a not well-known black star whose vocals are only going to be up for the task of the musical's most important song if the audio is remixed by ChatGPT. I'm still going to watch it (and so should you!)

There are two main types of anti-Ari Wicked posts:

1. I can't believe Ari is outshining Cynthia 😡

2. I can't believe Ari is skinnier than me 🤬

Here we have a gay man complaining about how Cynthia is being overshadowed by Ari:


Comments include:

It's the marketing for the movie too. Plenty of trailers begin and end with Ariana's voice over, feature clips and substantial soundbites from Popular, show multiple costumes and moments from AG…. And have scarcely any meaningful Elphie moments. Even the snatches of her they show in the clips are like Yeoh and Bailey saying something to her, it's not even her speaking. I swear there's way more Glinda / pink merch happening, and her merch is more designed.


i knew this would happen when ariana was cast


It's not the Ariana Grande show, though Ariana and everyone around her are trying to make it that way. Cynthia is the MAIN CHARACTER. PERIOD. Why isn't she the one that's heavily involved? They're banking on Ariana's name to sell tickets and get people into seats. Meanwhile Cynthia is forced to stay on the sidelines. It was an odd move to have Ariana on SNL again and not Cynthia or maybe BOTH of them together. Anyway, I hope they learn from this disaster and keep Ariana on the sidelines and give Cynthia the spotlight during the sequel. Though I doubt they'll sell as many tickets for that than this first movie.

If I see this movie, it'll be to see Cynthia's acting and for the music. I'm still debating because I don't want Ariana's bad acting (the Cat Valentine acting aka the only acting she knows since her Nickelodeon days) to ruin the movie for me.

Here's a post where people look at someone with a normal bf% and think she's dying of cancer:


I said I was genuinely concerned in the ariheads sub and quickly realized it wasn't even worth it. Someone replied "who needs haters when you have concerned fans" I didn't even respond. I was like alright, you delusional fricks. Stay enabling. We're not stupid.


Her physical health is going downhill :/

Anyways there tons of these things. Have a look yourself






BONUS: Here's the youtube version of a tiktok that goes into detail about something:

Australian jews about to get eaten by dingoes and by dingoes I mean **data expunged. Remember who rules you**





This is the dumbest post about it I've seen


Bilibili, a strange chinese mashup between 4cuck, jewtube, and the sharty has been abusing AI for a while now like how crackers abused they slaves :marseychingchongsupremacy:

But now, it seems like the parallels are more obvious than ever, because they've now begun training (eugenics) AI to AFRICANISE all of their intangible cultural heritage (chinkslop cartoons and kamen rider).

All of it can be found by inputting '非洲ai' into the search bar and searching for the first instance of AIslop. Stupid riceBIPOCs didnt even tag it so this is the best that can be done :marseychingchongitsover:

Here's some highlights, if the links work for you;


AFRICANISED version of a shitty beast wars knockoff, featuring the most ridiculous deformation of the human body that AI has ever done

【三大猛兽部落酋长大招-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/jSkmctw


AFRICANISED version of ultraman, notable for likely being the video that started this trend to begin with




And finally, another AFRICANISED version of ultraman, this time depicting third most popular trend; african construction workers having dramatic anime fights

【非洲贝利亚入侵光之国施工现场-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/tTKLyQy

In conclusion, i predict we'll have an internationalized, nationalized, racialized sharty-esque global spam war in the future, as translation software stays winning and 4cucks stay losing. :marseycrusader2: :marseyoppenheimer:


Brits take the dhimmi knee



Watching spiderman ban everyone like:
Reported by:
I have decided to stop drinking

That's it I'm done I got into some crazy situation last night and am dealing with the fallout today I will not drink again.

:surewalz: is :bitchfight: with random :marseybluecheck: over :marseyzelensky:

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