Turns out that giving hobos free money (UBI) doesn't make them less homeless. This makes redditors big mad.

They organized the recipients in the following groups, "Eligible applicants were randomly assigned to one of three payment groups: A) $1,000 a month for 12 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year; B) $6,500 upon enrollment and $500 a month for the subsequent 11 months, for a total of $12,000 in a year, C) $50 a month for 12 months, for a total of $600 in a year."

This is odd, why don't they have a control group that received $0 per month? Could it be that they knew most of these people would find housing of their own volition regardless of the payment provided, and that by excluding an actual control group, they don't have to compare against the null results???

Maybe by providing $50/month to people that would find housing anyway, they could claim that participants showed these incredible improvements (ignoring the fact that the payments are not the reason why)?!?!? No, that would be disingenuous! Leftists wouldn't do such a thing!!!

Actually, that's exactly what's going on here. If you look at Figure 16 on page 27, it turns out that the $1000/mo payment is statistically no more likely to reduce the probability of a participant being unhoused as compared to the $50/mo payment. Does anyone actually believe that $50/mo is enough to solve homelessness? No, that's silly.

Leftists want to believe that UBI will work SO BADLY that they take taxpayer money, funnel it to a group of homeless people they know do not need it (they deliberately chose participants without disabilities and illness), construct a purposely deceptive "study" based on this scientifically unsound process, and then plaster the "promising results" all over the internet, using leftist propaganda accounts on X to trick people.


Funniest carp post (and other memes)

EFFORTPOST LEGO Hill Climb Adventure vehicle tier list

I am a sucker for LEGO games, and once I heard that Hill Climb Adventure was getting a LEGO spin-off I was intrigued. I only played the first one and while it was fun, it didn't have a ton of depth. So I was pleased to find that this game actually has depth and a lot of content. One of the main midgame roadblocks is building new cars, so I thought I'd make a tier list talking about which ones players should prioritze. I have all but 2 cars, and so I feel comfortable breaking the ones I own down:

S Tier

Ace is far and away the best car in the game, in a game where the main hurdles are steep inclines and maining balance, a car that's great at both is a must build. Ace has amazing downforce that makes it easier to control than many other cars, and the speed helps it complete maps better than many other cars. It's only real weakness is that it's bad at getting air time, but that's solved with the other S tier.

Old School is really good for how early you can get it if you're smart. It was the 3rd car I unlocked, and it helped me unlock a bunch more cars that weren't as good. It is super lightweight, making it ideal for reaching high parts of a map. Once it picks up speed, it also goes extremely quick. This car also has the ability to go through roadblocks, but tbh that isn't a big deal and only makes the other car with this ability worthless. It does have one major weakness involving the fact it has poor grip and is thus bad at inclines if the car isn't already moving fast, but the Ace can do that.

A Tier

Hill Climber MK 2 is a fine car, and for being the starter one is pretty solid. As with any starter vehicle in a game like this, it does a bit of everything, and is a solid fallback if you don't have a lot of the specialist cars.

Race Car is a perfectly fine car, but it's actually harder to unlock than the Ace and is not quite as good in nearly every way. It is faster, but I find that isn't very useful.

B Tier

Bus is better than you might initially think, as it has good speed, control, and fuel. However the wheels being far from the sides of the car makes it a bit hard to control and I often find myself running over the passengers at the worst times.

C Tier

Cave Crawler is not a good car, it's slow and hard to control. However it has an exclusive gear item that is required for unlocking everything, so it can't be lower than C tier.

D Tier

Buggy has only one redeeming feature, it is unlocked early. Thus it has some use in the early game and is used in a decent number of side quests. However the car is really bad, with terrible controls and cannot stay grounded. The car is pretty much a new player trap, and should be dropped as soon as a better car is built.

F Tier

Hill Climber MK 1 is a funny concept, but it's worse than the Old School in every way, it's harder to control and has trouble staying grounded. I wish this car at least had some redeeming qualities, but it really doesn't. Even the ability to go through roadblocks is also given to Old School.

Monster is far and away the worst car in the game. It's slow, big, weak, and hard to control. It has literally no redeeming qualities. It is also one of the last cars you unlock, making it even worse. I can't think of a single good reason it's even in the game.

Law Rider and Hill Climber MK 3 are not included, as I haven't built those yet, my best guess is they are middle of the pack in terms of quality. !g*mers

Chevron is kill ( :marseyhappening::marseyhappening::marseyhappening:) (FED IS DEAD)

The Chevron doctrine stems from the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (1984). It established a legal test for determining when courts should defer to a federal agency's interpretation of a statute that it administers. The doctrine involves a two-step process:

Step One: The court asks whether the statute's language is clear and unambiguous regarding the issue at hand. If it is, the court must follow the statute's plain meaning.

Step Two: If the statute is ambiguous, the court then considers whether the agency's interpretation is "reasonable" or "permissible." If the agency's interpretation meets this standard, the court defers to the agency's expertise.

This doctrine recognizes the expertise and policy-making prerogatives of administrative agencies and allows them to fill in the details of broad legislative frameworks.

TLDR: fed agencies can't make up rules


Dr. Disrespects the Age of Consent admits he was "inappropriately" DMing a minor


I Let My 9-Year-Old Watch the Debate. It Was a Mistake :marseywall: :marseysmug:

The first words out of her mouth were, "He looks so old!" And that's really all you need to know about the first (and possibly last) presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump — the initial impressions of a fourth-grade girl in Brooklyn who has never watched a debate in her life. This was not an example of the unacknowledged truth slipping from the mouth of babes; it was, rather, a universal response, a shattering moment that has upended the race and led to a swell of calls for Biden to step aside. And there is a part of me that regrets that she had to experience it.

There is, too, a part of me that's glad she did. I vaguely remember the first debate I ever watched, between George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis, way back in the mists of time, during a visit to relatives in Washington, D.C. I naturally asked who we were supposed to be rooting for. "We're Democrats," my father said, in a tone that was tinged with disapproval, as if to even consider voting for the Republican was tantamount to betrayal of our values and ideals — of who we were. That is about all I remember from that night, pretty typical fare for a family of Irish American liberals on the East Coast. (For a taste of my family's politics, I recently attended a gathering where one of my uncles was wearing an actual "Free on Wednesdays" campaign T-shirt, which I had never before seen in the wild.) Yet it was also formative, for this is in fact how political and tribal identities are formed, around the sepia glow of a television set, all of us nervously praying this guy named Dukakis trounces this other guy named Bush.

In addition to indoctrinating my daughter into a lifetime of frustration and disappointment — after last night, I was reminded of the banners hanging at The Simpsons version of the DNC: "We Hate Life and Ourselves" and "We Can't Govern" — I also wanted to introduce her to the strange glories of American democracy at work, to see for herself the lurid spectacle that has long fascinated me and that somewhat unexpectedly has become the focus of my career. The debate is a civics lesson, the democratic process boiled down to the fundamentals of two opponents arguing a point before an audience of voters, except it is laced with the sort of gladiatorial showmanship that makes politics absurd and stupid and riveting — that makes it entertainment. I wanted to show her that an interest in politics could be fun.

Except this was the opposite of fun. From the very moment Biden opened his mouth, emitting a vaporous whisper from the ancient cave of his throat, I started to groan on the couch. "What's the matter?" she asked. She would ask this question again and again, as I writhed and clutched my head in response to Biden balking for what seemed like small eternities between words, his sentences petering out into dribbles of mangled thought. "It's not supposed to be like this" is what I kept saying by way of explanation, though she had no way of understanding how it was supposed to be. Even worse, in my estimation, were the moments when Biden wasn't speaking, when Trump would with great verve and conviction utter every insane and hateful thing in his head, and the split screen showed Biden staring unblinking into the distance, as if he were caught in a net of his own dreams, which is another way of saying the net of his old age.

My daughter went to bed before the debate was over, and the next morning, the first thing she said was: "Who won?" Well, Trump did, I told her, and his victory was so decisive that now we'll have to figure out whether Biden can continue at the top of the ticket. She dropped her own Simpsons reference, saying Biden could be like Mr. Burns in the episode where he gets injections that let him live forever but force him to say "I bring you love" in a high-pitched voice. In fact, I said, a colleague of mine said she would rather have Undead Biden than Alive-and-Breathing Trump in the White House, and naturally I feel the same, but that it didn't seem responsible to vote for someone who has so manifestly deteriorated in the last four years and would no doubt deteriorate even further in the next four. And so the morning went, which would seem like evidence that letting her watch the debate was, overall, a net positive, both in terms of real-world knowledge won and father-and-daughter bonding.

But there was a moment where she was watching these two men onscreen that simply felt wrong, for lack of a better word. There was the unmediated exposure to Trump, of course, which always feels like playing with some radioactive substance. But it was also dismaying to see a young person witness Biden falter in such humiliating fashion, as if she were unwittingly watching a form of abuse. How could these two senile creatures squabbling about golf be our only options? How could the Democrats have let this happen? I kept telling her, "It's not supposed to be like this," but this is how it is. And worse — for people like us, anyway, who have been led to believe we are connected in some deep and important way to the Democrats — this is who we are.

!chuds :marseysmirk:

Bongs cucked :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: by yank movie showing yanks being the actual heroes :marseygigachad:

was wondering why on earth is this particulour war movie abrasive ? :marseybeanquestion:

basically lots of sneed :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: :soyjaktantrum: by Bongoloids about "stolen valour" :marseysmug6:

basically orcs (bongs) assblasted that yank flick shows yank as good guyz, in that typical Hollyweird 1980-2000s fashion

sun setting on the dying bong empire, and they :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate:

"Anyone know the release date of that film where 2 British pilots saved pearl harbor?" :soymad: :soymad: :soymad:

"This story about the enigma is more nonsense than even the Great Escape. In the real great escape not a single American was part of the escape but at least they were in the camp until separated by the Germans. But the enigma machine capture is 100% British, and some British sailors blablablabla" nobody likes bongs

:bluelight: BETS INSIDE :redlight: Euro 2024 Round of 16 live watching and betting thread: Germany :marseyflaggermany:: vs Denmark :marseyflagdenmark:







Reported by:
:bluelight: BETS INSIDE :redlight: Euro 2024 Round of 16 live watching and betting thread: Switzerland :marseyflagswitzerland: vs Italy :marseyflagitaly:







The most realistic option is legitimately murder. Their decisions are causing the deaths of many many Americans. And if they die, their bullshit claim to power dies with them. They choose to be murderers in a position you hold until death. They are actively begging to be murdered.

And let's be clear, I'm not advocating anything. This is the reality they made. They've left no legitimate paths to oppose them


The French had a quick and cheap solution

Its weird that no one remembers that the French Revolution was rich people murdering their rivals in a power grab, not some fight for equality, and lead to Napoleon,

1) Soap box

2) Ballot box <— last chance this November

3) Ammo box

In that order

Funny when Cons say this Biden threatens to bomb them, and they forgot #3 is Jury Box

Trump has already said the president should be allowed to [REDACTED] so maybe Biden should take him up on that

Unfortunately, I think the :#marseytunaktunak: won't under stand this one.

This Says a Lot About Society

There actually happened a lot of shit in Ukraine this week especially corruption wise and its related to my previous post about call center

So this guy:

Decided he is da boss of Ukraine. As hobbies he likes to stop random men and telling them to pay him X or he send them to new bakhmut.

He got so insane he decided to take over some call Center businesses

The big men didn't liked it and told Yermak (true leader of Ukraine) to do something or they will them self get rid of that clown

So surprise Yermak decides to get rid of him.

He was arrested and they found tons of money at his place and etc and next day a court case was opened against that man:

He walking to the court

He saying something in the court

Him celebrating the victory in some elite restaurant :marseyxd:

And like 300k people signed a petition to arrest him but this time the guy got out with a warning to not mess up with big bois :marseythumbsup:

Another thing there is preparation to get rid of Sirsky. But Sirsky doesn't give a frick about moral so he got rid of one of his general that was doing Mariupol defence. Now in Ukrainian rhetoric Mariupol and legendary Krinky is failure

Maaaa human waives :chudseethe:

Reality was that Russia just bombed that location without doing any assaults. Like imagine your enemy is rushing towards your camping spot in fps.

And this foid is the main who pushes to get rid of Sirsky and she was also main in getting rid of Zaluzhnyy, she is some minister.

So things ain't very solid and US wants this to end, Biden invited yesterday a Russian homo that Biden personally sanctioned and forbidden to enter US

So Zelenskyy knows things ain't going well so he needs to act like good boi and pretend he wants peace. But I am sure he knows Russian don't need any compromises now when penetrated the Toretsk area (also reason of criticism against Sirsky)

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