Twitter found tesla engineer pay scale and the top base pay is under 100k lol

Uh it's uhhh about the talent uhhhhh

Deport Vivek is now trending as red hats bring Elon and chief street shitter to the guillotine

lol just like the dantonists, someone forgot to do a vibe check on mass jeet migration. How will daddy trump respond?

Elon Musk has gone woke. Shame.

Hello besties, I have some slop screenshot posts for some :marseychristmaself: christmas time drama that I didn't touch because I refused to use this site on christmas :marseyno:, it's a moral standard

Elon Musk :marseyelonmusk:, immigrant, has revealed himself to be pro-immigrant - after attaching himself to a movement basically solely united by disliking immigrants.

Chuds are taking this poorly!

btw while i was screenshotting, this list of "probable spam" kept growing and I had to scroll down to capture the seethe. Thanks Elon Musk, owner of twitter.

A christmas miracle! The complete calendar :marseychristmasparty: :marseychristmastree:

It seems there is a certain magic on christmas after all :marseyembrace: After his mysterious withdrawal, it looks like @Dramamine came back for the last laugh, and built the courage to post again. Congratulations Champ.

And a big thank you to everyone who stuck around :marseyletsgo: Merry Christmas Everyone.

[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] Why does honesty never work when dating women?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Exactly….. OP is being honest which is fantastic….. that doesn't mean these women have to stick around. Good news : he isn't wasting anyone's time because he's being honest. (291)

True. The problem then becomes these women are so used to believing the thrill of a lie, that an up front truth is not refreshing, just disappointing (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Honesty is working. If you don't want to build a relationship and want to have s*x and leave make it clear. Maybe you're some sort of handsome irresistible man? That's why they want to keep you if they can, but when they find out you really mean what you say then they leave. In reality, s*x is a sacred bond and causes people to be emotionally attached. Because of this, it affects your partner and creates an attachment, even if it doesn't affect you. Continue to be honest with them. They can't blame you for anything if you told them from the start that you're looking for s*x not into making love. (27)

The serious problem is that most of the time if a man says he just wants casual s*x, most women already give up. It's better to hide your goals to seduce a woman and tell the truth after having s*x. (-29)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Being honest doesn't guarantee that she will like what you have to say. (651)

Which is why you are better off just telling her what she wants to hear. (-23)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etc…all while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put out…am I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

What you defined, well explained, can indeed be abusive, but linking it to the field of sexual abuse is very dangerous, even for greater reasons such as the trivialization of the concept, because if the concept of sexual abuse expands more and more, it will be so bureaucratic to be correct that we will have to file contracts for the protection of men and women.Here in Brazil we have the concept of sexual fraud, which is when a person deceives another to achieve sexual intimacy, this has been somewhat common for a long time, but the law that turns this deception into a crime is something very new. This is bad, but expanding into a sexual context could equate this minor crime with actual violent sexual crimes. There is a huge difference between subjective violence and objective violence and equating both things can further disadvantage the real victims.This example of a woman deceiving men with seduction that could result in casual s*x or dating happens a lot. It is common for men wit... (1)

Your first two paragraphs - your argument is that sexual fraud (as it is called in your country) is not akin to sexual abuse because it is not as serious and the victims aren't real victims. You do not understand how s*x is viewed for women. If we find out a guy has been lying to use us - we feel shame, disgust, low self-esteem, we are more likely to accept poor treatment in future because of our lower self-worth - it's very violating and it absolutely is sexual abuse. I was in a relationship like I describe above in my earlier comment - it very much fricked with my head. Adding to it - let's make it murder instead of sexual abuse. The definition of murder I will use is "Person A took action to end Person B's life". The murder could be that A shot person B in the head and they died quickly without pain. Maybe A even had an (almost) understandable reason for wanting B dead. A murder could also be A kidnapping B, tying them down, slowly carving them up, and then setting them on fire. O... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It is not sexual abuse for two reasons:1- This never happened, I only spoke of the hypothesis.2- Sexual abuse involves forcing and attacking, these are two things I have never done.His mentality lacked common sense. Sexual abuse is something very serious, do not try to expand this concept to other things as this is pure evil. (0)

Oh no I'm not expanding. Sexual abuse is many things - including manipulation or lying to get access to a person's body. Sexual assault involves attacking but abuse can occur without physical violence. If a guy I'm dating wants a bj but I'm not in the mood - he then responds by calling me a b-word and refusing to talk to me and giving me the cold shoulder so that in future when he wants a bj, I give him one to avoid that reaction - is that not abuse? Of course it is. S*x should be mutual.Think about it this way. If I go out with you and you pay for dates, pay for my nails to be done, pay for my phone so we can chat, pay for my hair, etc…all while I lead you on with the impression I will be your gf one day and/or put out…am I financially abusive? Of course. I'm stringing you alone so that you'll pay for my shit. Abuse is rampant and it's often things that people don't consider to be abuse. We need to move the conversation forward. It's not evil. (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/MrsKML

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Progressive women hate cute twinks

Hello besties, I have some slop screenshot posts for some :marseychristmaself: christmas time drama that I didn't touch because I refused to use this site on christmas :marseyno:, it's a moral standard

A post about old school homophobia led to some chick noting that women hate bisexuals. Women come out the woodwork after shopping or cooking or whatever women do to confirm it

I want to know what this chick below is on about, sounds like an awesome source of drama


>I'll never date those aids ridden CUTE TWINKS but I'm not homophobic

Too awesome


I don't know if anyone was familiar with this story but it just popped up in my feed and it's Fing hysterical lol! Haven't seen sneed like this in a while.

First link:

1. :marseysmug2: "why didn't her wife impregnate her... oh wait..." :marseygigaretard: "I don't get it..."

2. :marseykente: "all those celeb friends and one wasn't willing to skeet in her?"

3. :chadwomanblack: "and y'all wonder why they chose a white donor... y'all are hateful as F"

4. :marseykingretard: "why is Judy missing a nail..." :marseyclueless:

Second link:

1. :marseybrainlet: :oldwoman: "why not ask some male strags to procreate with you to keep stragdom going?"

2. No idea what this girl is saying but it seems funny

3. :marseyraging: "disease-ridden whyte men want to pollute the world with abomination mixed babies to wipe out the indigenous black pipo!"

Third link:

The Kweenz sneed :marseyxd: :marseyking:

Reported by:
  • Fresh_Start : krampus scat fetish fanfic post. Jewish lives matter.

LinkedIncels have to go back

Reported by: - ratiod by a priv account

Some mor epic seethe :marseylaptoppizzashill2: I found

"cyber force :marseyjetbombing: india"

- epic fuccin troll :marseyfloch:

Chuds on r/Asmongold continue to get the r/drama Gigajanny treatment when they try to make an alt chud sub r/FreeGamingMemes

Chuds gonna learn that once you get on that fat c*nt Chtorrr's radar, your subs are dooomed. They made this sub to bypass all the drama from chud posts on /r/GamingMemes. It got banned, so now the chuds are getting bans for repurposing content. Sound familiar? lol

None - live kiwifarms :marseynullautism: reaction - this is the first :marseywinner: time ive seen his own comment :marseysoypointdubz: section turn against him - his own fan groomercord :marseyfrozenchosenchoke:

Elon is so out of touch with his Canadaization plan for the US tech industry that even redditors are contemplating a final solution to the jeet question :marseyelonmusk: :marseyxdorbit:


Reddit front page on r/dankmemes are raping Communists





Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Full disclosure: I am a leftist in the USA and while I don't have an issue with the rich or ultra-rich existing, I do have an issue with people existing in abject poverty in the richest country on the planet. (41)

Can you give an example of someone in America living in abject poverty?Medicaid, food stamps, section 8 housing, free k-12 education. Plus local and state programs for internet and phone subsidies. Unless you are mentally unwell and not able to manage these programs, you should never be in abject poverty. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

No. Inequality is the killer of Capitalism. People forget the real value of money is not living a more comfortable life; it's power. When a small group of people are able to hoard all the money, it means they hoard all the power. When that happens their immediate next step is to close the door behind themselves to prevent other people from getting power, followed by disenfranchising all of the people who could threaten them. This naturally creates an authoritarian state (Socialism, Fascism, Feudalism, etc. are all different flavours of authoritarianism) where a small crowd that thins to a single person who is given control over the destiny and freedom of every person in the state.It's not about giving everyone a decent standard of living; that's a consequence of them having power. It's about keeping the different levels and layers of society functioning and competing to keep things in balance. (134)

This… makes no sense. You get richer by trading/leveraging others' strong qualities while lending them yours - in good faith (do it in bad faith and people will stop trading with you - and you will fall behind no matter the initial edge). This is the opposite of "closing door behind yourself once you get rich". If your theory made slightest sense people would never get rid of slavery, for example. Nor would developed countries invest in underdeveloped ones (that themselves become developed as a result, mind you). (-17)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Tax them properly. Solved. (7)

But then who will we blame for all our problems if not the rich? (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I am wondering where all this poverty is. Not only do I not see it, ever, but we have vast welfare programs that provide all the necessities and more. Our welfare state provides food, clothing, spending money, housing, healthcare, and probably a bunch of other stuff I am completely unaware of. So how is it we have poverty and where is all this poverty?I think the left has mental problems. They suffer from a sick sense of envy, hatred, and greed. Those problems are focused on anyone they currently deem to have too much regardless of how much the individual worked for what they have. They are authoritarian and want to decide how much money an individual can accumulate. They also want to decide how much everyone is afforded regardless of how little they work. They would literally give able bodied people free everything even if those able bodied people sat on their asses all day long and did nothing. (-6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I am wondering where all this poverty is. Not only do I not see it, ever, but we have vast welfare programs that provide all the necessities and more. Our welfare state provides food, clothing, spending money, housing, healthcare, and probably a bunch of other stuff I am completely unaware of. So how is it we have poverty and where is all this poverty?I think the left has mental problems. They suffer from a sick sense of envy, hatred, and greed. Those problems are focused on anyone they currently deem to have too much regardless of how much the individual worked for what they have. They are authoritarian and want to decide how much money an individual can accumulate. They also want to decide how much everyone is afforded regardless of how little they work. They would literally give able bodied people free everything even if those able bodied people sat on their asses all day long and did nothing. (-6)

It's the lower income working class where the poverty is at. Due to rising costs in housing and health insurance, middle income earners are slipping into poverty as well. Car insurance and home insurance rising costs are going to bring even more workers into poverty. I would say the high number of adults who don't have kids or are not into marriage/dating are often victims of working class poverty because often they realize they cannot afford family/children, so why bother dating in the first place. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

I think there's two problems here:2 - All the measures I've seen to lower income inequality ultimately just harm potential business owners and house owners the most.3 - Anecdotal but it feels ridiculous how Leftists get mad at people having money. Like an athlete offers a service and gets paid [X] amount of money for it. How's he at fault for someone else being poor? (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/ColorMonochrome

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseyitsover: Groypers BTFO- Nick Fuentes has GONE WOKE :marseysunglassesoff:

I thought caring about optics was gay :marseythinkorino:


Redditors join chuds in seetheposting about H1B sexy Indian dudes.


Elon musk recently called for a massive expansion of the H1B visa program. This has caused an expansion of the supply of dramacoin on Xitter where MAGAs and Techbros have been fighting over the question of h1bs (a plurality of which are from India). The former bromance between the two groups is now burning up like a firecracker full of butt gas.

Some of the drama has spilled over to reddit, which while less likely to be racialized, contains much of the usual redditisms.

First of all, imagine spending your Christmas doomblogging about this shit instead of enjoying food and presents with your family. LMAO, what a bunch of fricking losers.

Selected Comments:

Lmao now being an expert on codeforces is going to be a bare minimum in usa 😂😂😂.


I thought a lot of people voted R to regulate and reduce H1bs.

Anyone who votes right/conservative thinking they'll reduce immigration is an idiot. They love immigration for 2 main reasons.

it helps their billionaire friends (more poor people to abuse and exploit)

It gives the people a scapegoat for them to direct their anger towards instead of the politicians or their billionaire friends.

The last point is an old leftist chesnut, undermined by the fact that GOP base is turning against the billionaires who are advocating for raising immigration caps. The main reason is the Republicans secretly love the status quo, care little to understand issues intellectually, sit on their hands, and don't do shit. (in short, NOTHING EVER HAPPENS :chudsmug:)

Elections have consequences.

America gets what it fricking deserves.


You need to import more Luigis.


And just like that liberals hate immigrants


There's more seetheposting on CSMajors and CSCQ

Edit: unrelated side note, but has anyone noticed how Teslas have become a go-to car for sexy Indian dudes? Are they displacing the soys and boomers as Tesla's customer base?

when I text frozen (I'm Elizabeth and she's Sunny)
Marsey :marseyunithecat: bound and gagged emojis


Will DOGE and Musk be out of the Trump administration before he even takes office?



Terminally online :pooner: vents about not being man enough to take online bullies :chudsmug: .


So uh, personally I normally have good boundaries when it comes to social media and know when to disconnect when it gets instense. Or block people liberally.

Men don't have boundaries. We just ignore r-slurs.

I also have a trolling personality and like messing with haters to not let it affect me. Actively making them waste their time or feel stupid when I get bored.

:soycry: clearly that's working for you.

I have even had people dox me, find out where I live and send the cops over to my apartment to restrain me under claims I was suicidal or gonna start a shooting (I obviously wasn't).

To be fair you sound pretty suicidal

And this happens across multiple platforms by different people who are committed to harrasing me. It's not contained to one. I also know a few other trans people who experience this too (tho they are trans girls), and sometimes people like JK Rowling will set targets to send their fans after.

Get off the internet. You're neurodivergent and it's making it worse.

Are there any other people with similar experiences? Did it ever stop? did the needful and made me toughen up. :marseytunaktunak:

:marseypoonerretard#: OP literally thinks they have a handle on things, but they don't.

!transphobes /u/GalaxyAxolotlAlex get off the internet and go to Church.




christmas has fallen :chuditsover:

millions must celebrate new years :capy2025pin#k::marseyp#arty:

Shit flinging as leaf and jeet seethe over jeets and burgers(?)
Official Terminally Online /h/furry Dating/Marriage Megathread :marseydiscord: :marseybride: :pridefurry:

Hello!, this is the main thread for posting edating/relationship requests related to finding a fuzzy (or scally) friend, now officially supported through the rdrama marriage feature.


Here are some things to keep in mind.


  • these relationships can be as low or high involvement as you like, only your -tism is the limit


  • if you have certain requirements (gender, sexuality) you probably should specify, idk about rdrama but if you don't on other platform expect to be asked out by a bunch of 40 year old moids lol


  • Don't ask or talk about details in DMs until it's final, what fun is it if the common people can't observe or make fun of it :zoroarkpout:


  • If you just want the badge then just be honest, someone will surely help you lmao


Other then that I could care less what you degens do, just remember to have fun!

:#furrycatdance: :#vaporeonfastlick:

!furries !cuteandvalid

me on the right
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