EA CEO Claims Dragon Age: The Veilguard Failed Due To Lack Of Live Service Elements

Next mass effect will be phantastic

Redditors cope with Canada not being a serious country anyone is worried about


Canadians, trust me, nobody outside of extremely online people have any idea you are boycotting us lmao

Ok im done. These :marseysnappy: :marseyrobot: comments
wtf now i love zoomzooms
Which background color works better for this banner?

Edit: trick question, you all lose. It was this one

@Vegeta !poll_voters !art

Radical centrist koan :marseykneel:

trans lives matter

Reported by:
redscare gf
Weekly "Drawing prompt" Thread #18

Last thread


Last weeks prompt:

Raccoons, Birds and Pizzas

Submissions from last thread:







This weeks prompt:


Thanks to @King_K_Rool for the prompt!


As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.


There is no shame in drawing for fun, but I can't help but feel a bit embarrassed for not progressing as fast as I would have liked. I should be doing more gesture drawings and practice anatomy, but by the time I am "ready" to draw it is already quite late in the day. I am already 15 min over time if I want to get 8 hours of sleep before work tomorrow.

Switched to Librewolf, everything seems to work so far

Copy-pasted my local firef*x profile over since I'm too attached to my beloved browser data :marseyantiwork:


!nonchuds unlimited calories = unlimited chudcel weightmogging:#gigachad2:

40 yr old rich asian dude committed suicide because of BWC (Tragic)

His final post:

He seems pretty intelligent but somewhat neurodivergent. He conducted a "study" over 4-5 year period counting the number of white x asian couples and found that surprisingly 95% of the 10,000 he counted were WMAF.

This is the post that does a nice writeup if u dont want to read the whole blog :marseylongpost


the maymays said musk was gonna make genetically engineered catgirls why he makin the eggs cost more


:marseyloveyou: :marseyxoxo: :adore: :darcyinfatuated: :crystalheart: :marseycinnamoroll: :cinnamorollbuttshake: :cinnamorollhappy:

!animalposters !cats

French president Macron is actually married to his own :marseytrain2:ed out father.



@JimieWhales doxx

Looking good, queen!

heard about the most laughably fake story on NPR about a reddit post

The tl;dr is a woman notices shit in her house is turning green and a r*dditor helps her find out it's because her husband is cheating with a woman that wears jeans.

NPReddit reports on it like it's in the news. All of the articles are slop just quoting the thread.

Most obvious reddit slop reddit shit I ever saw. Clearly trying to ape that ancient carbon-monoxide post.

Let's take a look:

I'm sure parts of it are true but this is the gayest shit I ever saw.

Reported by:
I hate anime now :marseydepressed:


Music Thread :marseyjamming:


:marseysoyhype: Lift, run, fight, shoot. Become strong in all.

:chudsmug: So basically, you're all fricked

:chudglassesglow: Yep lol

They post shit like this while their side unironically believes the below

:shadowrage: And don't forget to look up delicious, healthy recipes in the @N@rchist cookbook!

:marseychuddance: Yall are screwed ngl

:marseychud: You won't do shit

:soysnooseethe: Sounds like projection on your part.

:marseysoylentgrin: I'm never going to be strong enough to repel a Nazi, but generalizing here, keep up your health. It is beneficial in so many ways I won't bother to list them. Everyone on reddit hates me because I always bring up cooking your own food, not smoking, not drinking, getting exercise every day, giving up fast food and ultraprocessed stuff. It's all key to keeping your body and teeth healthy over the years.

The effects are cumulative - one day you wake up and you have some godawful chronic disease, or your ticker isn't what it could be, or you need yet another root canal, and you are slowed down and inconvenienced by having to use the medical system all the time, take pills, etc.

Also, get an annual check up if only so you have a record of your own stats. It's actually interesting to compare your numbers year to year.

:marseyauthright: As a nazi myself, this is all really good advice. Regardless of what ideology you have, everyone should abandon unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy food. Most fast food/door dash and other stuff you get in groceries are deliberately kept unhealthy in order to have a population that can't resist and constantly kept broke and in debt. (not to mention how immoral some of the sources of this food are.) You don't need to be shredded but eating well and working out daily with basic calisthenics goes a long way.

:marseytroll: As someone who's immunocompromised from a COVID vaccine injury, I've learned that sometimes the best choice isn't to fight head-on, but to hide and protect myself. It's a hard reality, but sometimes survival means stepping back, staying safe, and waiting for a time when I'm stronger.

In Harry Potter, Harry and his friends often had to choose between direct confrontation and retreat. Hiding, like when Harry and his allies went into hiding in The Deathly Hallows, was often the wisest choice. It wasn't about surrender, but about preserving their strength for when it was truly needed.

Similarly, Anne Frank showed us the power of survival. She and her family lived in hiding, and though it was painful and isolating, it was their only chance to stay alive. Sometimes, hiding isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy to make sure we can continue the fight later.

For me, hiding isn't giving up. It's about protecting my health and holding onto hope for a better, safer future.

:soyjakwow: (OP) this is real and valid, but PLEASE try to avoid citing transphobic authors. Stay safe!

:chudspin: This thread is the most chronically online shit I've ever seen in my life 😭

:marseydarkxd: Lol

:marseyrapscallion: YES! me and my wife's boyfriend hit the gym everyday so we can own the chuds!

:soyjakanimeglasses: /r/Swoletariat

It fricking exists btw :marseyemojilaugh:

:marseytroublemaker: I am trans so I don't want to lift too much, maybe some toning

:marseyderp: That's a little ableist but I'll support the idea of being healthy! I'm on track at the moment having gone from 260 -> 250 lbs, nearly there =)

thats literally just water weight lmao you can drop that much in less than a week on any strict diet. So you haven't really accomplished anything. Don't pat yourself on the back too hard there bud

No negativity in my revolution :marseydownvotemad:

:marseygigachad: Now we're getting somewhere!

Go with testosterone, as well. Makes you more conservative.

Or just stop taking estrogen lmfao

We've officially found the saddest subreddit out there 🀣🀣

At this point it's >50% trolling by volume lmao

:marseyhesright: I saved this post yesterday before going to bed only to discover it crawling with MAGAts. How many are from here? :capywalking:


I bought a 400/5.6L which will give me long reach to shoot wild raccoons, birds, butts, cars racing and boats. On my Canon R5 I can also shoot in crop mode which will give me a 1.6x multiplier without losing light like you would using the 1.4x teleconverter.

But here's the stupid part.

I've been really getting into video lately and most of my lenses aren't geared towards that. I have the following.

TS-E 17/4 - Manual focus, ultra wide architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

TS-E 24/3.5IIL - Manual focus, wide architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

EF 16-35/4L IS - Ultrawide zoom, great for video but with a stiff zoom ring which sucks because the camera ends up twisting when you try and pull a zoom

EF 17-40/4L IS - My first "expensive" lens, great sharpness and smooth but light zoom ring.

TS-E 45/2.8 - Manual focus, normal architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

EF 50/1.4 - A really great, normal lens if you're shooting stills, but has an archaic autofocus motor that's too slow to keep up with video.

EF 85/1.8 - Great short telephoto lens with fast focus and great low-light capabilities.

TS-E 90/2.8 - Manual focus, telephoto architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

EF 70-200/4L IS - Great for shooting video but only for tight spots. The largest lens I can balance out on my gimbal.

I had the 17-40/4L first and when I got into video, I thought I should have an ultra wide zoom with image stabilization, thinking it would work in concert with the cameras in-body stabilization. I was wrong. It's one or the other. So the upgrade to the 16-35 was for naught. In fact, I like using the 17-40 more, since the zoom ring is very low resistance and it's much lighter weight (not that I'm a kitty, it's just easier to balance on my gimbal).

Some of the more photography-knowledgeable people here are going to realize what I'm missing - a good mid-range zoom lens, like a 24-70mm. Especially since I've been doing a lot of documentary style filming and plan on continuing my Geezer Group doc this summer. Otherwise I have to be constantly switching lenses while trying to capture things in the moment, between the 17-40, 50, and 70-200. So what I'm saying is, I should've bought that. However, it still feels kind of redundant being a focal length I already have covered with other lenses, while the 400mm is something fresh and new. Especially after running into the limitations of the 70-200 during my recent trip to Florida while trying to film boats from the shore.

Was buying the 400mm a mistake? Probably in the short run, but I can always save up and buy a midrange zoom sometime this spring. I have money, but I can only access a little bit of it each month and there are a lot of things I want and need.

I dunno.

:marseychessknight: GOOMBLE INSIDE :marseyladybugcapitalist: biggest drama in chess since the Gary Kasparov split. would you bet on it?

what is freestyle chess?

it is a variant created by the legendary racist bobby fischer where the last rank is shuffled up, tossing the opening prep out of the window.

FIDE, the big boss of chess, thinks they're the only ones who can use "World Championship". Freestyle Chess Players Club wanted to call their tournament a "World Championship" too, but FIDE wasn't having it. They told players to sign a waiver to stay cool with FIDE events if they played in Freestyle.

Things got spicy with both sides throwing shade. FIDE's CEO, Emil Sutovsky, said Freestyle Chess was just protecting the elite players. Freestyle Chess hit back, saying FIDE was pressuring players and even called for the FIDE president to step down.

After all the drama, Freestyle Chess agreed to drop "World Championship" from their promo stuff for the next 10 months. This was a move to keep things chill for a bit.

they are planning tennis like tour and F1 like point system.

the first Grand Slam 2025 Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Weissenhaus is going on rn. semifinals would start from tomorrow. would you like to bet?

tourney drama

magnus initially performed mediocre during the round robin phase, leading to people declaring him washed. currently he's playing games at 98% accuracy while eating fruits (banana)

caruana is rumored to have studied all 960 opening maps and has put the current FIDE world champ Gukesh in his place through straight upperhand matchups

sindarov, the last minute entrant, runner up of the qualifier has been upsetting people left & right. he even chose the tough matchup hikaru (the legendary streamer) for the quarterfinal, shocking everyone. currently playing the tiebreaker

prince ali, the topper of the round robin. current playing vincent (the weakest pick) and is losing lmao. edit: bozo lost

:heartbeat: How did she do it? :heartbeat:

:marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts:

:marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts: :marseyhearts:

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