if you like rothko and rilke and are over six feet tall

uh could you slide into my dms here i deleted tinder but don't look at my post history thx

on a more positive note i need to get some jeans that fit and maybe a new belt

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there are new gorilla hats in the shop btw

and several existing dk ones

just search donkey and diddy (harambe for the 2 new ones)

why are you not kongmaxxing !friendsofkong


I bought a 400/5.6L which will give me long reach to shoot wild raccoons, birds, butts, cars racing and boats. On my Canon R5 I can also shoot in crop mode which will give me a 1.6x multiplier without losing light like you would using the 1.4x teleconverter.

But here's the stupid part.

I've been really getting into video lately and most of my lenses aren't geared towards that. I have the following.

TS-E 17/4 - Manual focus, ultra wide architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

TS-E 24/3.5IIL - Manual focus, wide architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

EF 16-35/4L IS - Ultrawide zoom, great for video but with a stiff zoom ring which sucks because the camera ends up twisting when you try and pull a zoom

EF 17-40/4L IS - My first "expensive" lens, great sharpness and smooth but light zoom ring.

TS-E 45/2.8 - Manual focus, normal architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

EF 50/1.4 - A really great, normal lens if you're shooting stills, but has an archaic autofocus motor that's too slow to keep up with video.

EF 85/1.8 - Great short telephoto lens with fast focus and great low-light capabilities.

TS-E 90/2.8 - Manual focus, telephoto architectural lens. Smooth focusing but you have to do it by hand.

EF 70-200/4L IS - Great for shooting video but only for tight spots. The largest lens I can balance out on my gimbal.

I had the 17-40/4L first and when I got into video, I thought I should have an ultra wide zoom with image stabilization, thinking it would work in concert with the cameras in-body stabilization. I was wrong. It's one or the other. So the upgrade to the 16-35 was for naught. In fact, I like using the 17-40 more, since the zoom ring is very low resistance and it's much lighter weight (not that I'm a kitty, it's just easier to balance on my gimbal).

Some of the more photography-knowledgeable people here are going to realize what I'm missing - a good mid-range zoom lens, like a 24-70mm. Especially since I've been doing a lot of documentary style filming and plan on continuing my Geezer Group doc this summer. Otherwise I have to be constantly switching lenses while trying to capture things in the moment, between the 17-40, 50, and 70-200. So what I'm saying is, I should've bought that. However, it still feels kind of redundant being a focal length I already have covered with other lenses, while the 400mm is something fresh and new. Especially after running into the limitations of the 70-200 during my recent trip to Florida while trying to film boats from the shore.

Was buying the 400mm a mistake? Probably in the short run, but I can always save up and buy a midrange zoom sometime this spring. I have money, but I can only access a little bit of it each month and there are a lot of things I want and need.

I dunno.

French president Macron is actually married to his own :marseytrain2:ed out father.



Usaid wall tattoo


'Look, there's nowhere else to go': Inside California's crackdown on homeless camps : sandiego


It's so beautiful



The Tuxedo, 2x broken ribs, an injured paw, and some lacerations. After a night in the hospital, he is expected to make a full recovery. The same can't be said for the pibbles. :marseysmug2:

The velvet hippo wouldn't surrender its new play toy and turned on me when I tried to intervene. I gave the pibbles all 5 tines of a farmer's pitchfork. I lifted the bloody beast up and carried it to the barn. I wedged the handle in the dirt and pinned the velvet hippo to the barn. :marseysneed:

It's like a Mortal Kombat fatality

With the pibbles elevated off the ground and skewered to the barn, it was no longer a threat. I then attended the injured cat. :marseydeadpat:

The deceased pibbles had a collar. I notified the police. Animal control came out to make a report and take some pictures. The look on the officers face when she saw the pibbles pinned the barn was priceless. "Mother Fu*k, that's not something you see every day!" :marseysoypoint2:

The owner of the pitbull was charged for owning a dangerous dog at large and threatening public safety. Armed with the police report, I am now hiring an attorney and filing a lawsuit against the pibbles owner. :marseymerchant:

Also, I contacted the owner of the property whom I've known for decades. The tenants were not permitted to have a dog on the rental property. To avoid a second lawsuit, targeting the property owner, the landlord is evicting the tenants for violating the lease agreement. :marseymerchantelf:

I have no idea what the frick is going on at BPB lately. It used to have a stronger relationship to trolling (remember #PitBullDropoff?) before evolving into paranoid true crime foidery (would you rather meet a man or a pit bull in the forest?). At this point it just seems to be a place for surreptitiously getting off to animal violence. Lots of "pit bull gets kicked in the head by a horse" type videos. More recently people have started posting their badass 100% true stories about how they or their pets killed pibbles.



OP continues to push it:



Kill pibbles. Behead pibbles. Roundhouse kick a pibble into the concrete. Skewer pibbles with a pitchfork.

Close enough. Welcome 51st state, Gaza
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memes (1/n)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17392717912R5qYnSzsKcjxA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271791Vd9wKMjb56K5MA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271791gLXnpipizsTNzA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271791P-pcxHAZoq1afg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17392717920HHCDISzo8n4FA.webp

One of my favorite :mersya: movie :marseyezramiller:



Music Thread :marseyjamming:
Artist calmly dismantles the Maga facade



Edward said was a fricking nazi



There is no shame in drawing for fun, but I can't help but feel a bit embarrassed for not progressing as fast as I would have liked. I should be doing more gesture drawings and practice anatomy, but by the time I am "ready" to draw it is already quite late in the day. I am already 15 min over time if I want to get 8 hours of sleep before work tomorrow.

American Jews cope they suck and are about to be murdered by the Democrats they trusted


New Marvelslop Third Worst Marvelslop Ever Say Critics

Captain America: Brave New World - 51% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Worse than The Marvels.

There have been 35 MCU films and this one ranks 33rd, ahead of only The Eternals and Ant Man 3.

I thought RT was supposed to be rigged. If so, it looks like Marvel has failed to offer up the appropriate number of child sacrifices, or whatever it costs to get good reviews these days.

Feeding the disabled racoon before the others. It's called respect.

Marylin Monroe melted jfks steel beams




Cat Anime featuring humanoid Marsey

Pirate: https://nyaa.si/view/1225344

Holly Willoughby on the Graham Norton Show

she speaks about cleaning a potty



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126k Views :coonsmug:


!friendsofredactor0 !redscarepod

These r-slurs truly think CHYNA is some free society built on socialist values. Are these neighborz even realz?

Lmao. China is so authoritarian they allowed these brave story fabricators to operate as long as their no. 1 adversary was willing to find them.

"Give me 300k per year to say China bad"

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