
I'm talking to two girls at the moment, one who is pretty hot (9/10) and another one who is less hot 6-7/10 but whose family has apparently a company back in Korea in the construction sector with over 200 employees. She also wears a lot of designer clothes stuff by companies like Louis Vuitton and often goes on luxury vacations for 5k usd per day so i figured her family might be relatively wealthy.

Given the choice which one of the two should i pick !sex_havers

How will Boe Jiden's presidency be remembered by history?

Send tweet.

Oh my god carp did you add this just for me?

Because this one isn't, but I also think it's probably my best so far.

Weekly What are you watching thread #4

Inb4 Deadpool and Wolverine :deadpool:


@Aevann please pin :marseybegging:

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  • hop : great post for a TLDR

backstory: two months ago, a guy named Sony Piers who's an incredibly well respected open source developer was randomly ousted from the GNOME foundation, and they decided not to tell anybody until like 5 days ago.

The GNOME Foundation Board voted to remove Sonny Piers as a member of the Board of Directors for cause, at a Special Meeting on May 17th, 2024, following the procedure outlined in the GNOME Bylaws, and remove him from all committees. Effective May 25th, 2024, his seat is now vacant, and in accordance with the Bylaws will be filled for the remainder of its term by an appointment made by the Board.

A Code of Conduct complaint was also made against Sonny Piers. The Foundation is engaged in a mediation process with him, which is still ongoing and so we are unable to share more information at this time.

Obviously, people were incredibly pissed.

I'm not happy with the lack of communication and transparency from the Board to the wider community, as well as the poor execution for creating an account and posting something completely vague and uninformative. The majority of us are still completely unaware of the internal affairs and conflicts between the Board and Sonny Piers. We don't even know why he was removed, let alone what happened... Code of Conduct complaints are usually not made public at all (for good reason), so I find it even more suspicious that the Code of Conduct complaint against Sonny Piers was made public. In my opinion, mentioning the Code of Conduct complaint was only used to justify removing him, so that the community would support the decision; not to use it as a learning process and enforce the Code of Conduct, i.e. it was done in bad faith. :marseysnoo:

EBUSSY REPLIES :marseyhappening:

Hari, I hope you realise[sic] that code of conduct violations never have a public explanation in order to protect all the parties involved—both as a privacy aspect and as a liability one. You will never receive an explanation, unless you are one of the parties involved. Any other reading of this is, at best, naive, and at worst conspiratorial. :soyjakanimeglasses:

Nothing of value is said until the director of the GNOME foundation, Robert McQueen, steps in and makes a statement

I wont bore you with the entire longpost :marseywords:, so heres the juicy part :marseyneat:

We took outside legal advice on the situation and the process at multiple points, and it was duly followed. For the purposes of limiting legal liability, that advice also included making the announcement very terse and factual. I appreciate this is at tension with the transparency that the community would hope to see, but Directors are also obligated to look after the Foundation's legal requirements and financial interests.

LEGAL? :marseypearlclutch: I also want to mention that we still dont know why he was removed from the board, and to be honest, unless there's pending litigation, i don't think we ever will. Sonny posted on his blog later that day and was less than willing to leak why he got booted.

Word starts spreading around the linux community, and ebussy come in to clean it up :marseyjanny:

Okay, since we're seeing this topic brigaded by a bunch of new accounts that have nothing better to do than being edgelords on the Internet, I'm activating slow mode.

PART 2: he who shall not be named

During this shitstorm, a controversial tech blogger named Brian Lunduke wrote a piece about the ousting. Some of you may know him from his yearly "Linux Sucks" talks, others may know him for being a big chud :marseychud: This obviously pisses off the GNOME foundation, which, like most FOSS organizations, is left wing his reputation precedes him

enter Mark Wagie. Wagie is, ironically, a non-paid GNOME developer. He's the Manjaro Team Core Member, and the GNOME package maintainer for manjaro. During the shit storm, he posted a link to Lunduke's article about the ouster.

One hour later, the post was jannied :marseyjanny:, and he was BANNED :marseychudgenocide:

The maintainer of manjaro gnome (which isn't exactly small) had his account banned just for posting in this thread.

He was banned as far as I can tell for sharing an article from Bryan Lunduke (which is as usual, unnecessarily inflammatory). I think a removal is entirely fair and warranted - I do not have enough information about this person to know if a ban was as I don't have more information than that. I'm not aware of other posts.

ebussy makes a second appereance

Posting naked links to content from Lunduke is an immediate ban on GNOME forums, GitLab, and chat, :marseyjanny2: because there can't be no discussion. We don't control what people who watch that kind of content do on other websites, so they are absolutely free to be terrible elsewhere; we just don't allow them to be terrible here. :marseysoyhype:

There has been no other ban or removal of posts in this topic, even for people questioning the integrity of the board of directors and the code of conduct committee—something that I'd caution about, incidentally. :surejan:

ebussy and some new user engage in a slap fight, refusing to let either have the last word. (authors note: ebussy is french, therefore he's genetically incapable of letting someone have the last word)

(second authors note: the above was apart of the main thread, until ebussy split it into a new topic. as far as im aware, the original thread is still up and replies are still open :marseythumbsup: )

The moral of the story? just tell people to use KDE.


o r g a n i c

Don't be fooled by some of the titles, they're still about Madam President

And don't think I go looking for this, Reddit literally emailed it to me

Redditards are the worst people




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Snappy is fricking embarrassing and needs to go

Whoever made that useless piece of shit bot is fricking embarrassing, do the mods hire 12 year old's to code that shit? fricking pathetic butt comments that aren't funny just straight cringey and embarrassing, what a disservice that bot does to this site. Literally I believe snappy causes mass shooters to snap and commit atrocities because who the frick could live knowing that comment snappy made existed? Truly a dumb butt mod decision, you should be fricking embarrassed of yourselfs for ever thinking that was a good idea.

I'd rather scroll on reddit politics and read every single comment until I die then have to endure another shit butt comment from snappy, frick whoever decided to make that account, I hope you end up getting skinned by the cartel for it dumb butt


>Depending on how online you are, you might have heard a bit about furries.

>The air is thick with the smell of sweat, coffee, alcohol, baby powder and deodorant.

>It also served more generally as a counterweight to the edgy, nihilist troll culture emerging on places like 4chan.

Honestly, I could quote the entire article.



New yakuza :soyjakwow:

And it's fricking series. In Yakuza every main character is over 6' (he was 6'3 190cm till they downgraded to 183cm 6'0,5) and buff 90kg (210lb)

They picked as lead this guy

He is tall tho 185cm but he is 70kg and look cute so he really don't suits for this role

UNIRONIC ELVIS POSTING - She Thinks I Still Care - YouTube
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previous sneed:

Orchid mantis-chan



Fake news :marseyjam:

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] How minimum wage works

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Then, technology is developed so that the bar is tended automatically and without need of a human; maintenance is $15 an hour.What do minimum wage advocates do? Say evil capitalists are taking jobs away from people and advocate for the technology's prohibition. Vicious cycle.Edit: Of course this is a dramatically exaggerated case in favor of free association and enterprise. Don't take it literally, my point is that minimum wage is morally abhorrent and economically stupid; machines are productive and running a business how the owner sees fit is their right. (19)

Have you considered that society shouldn't be built for the generation of wealth, but for the well being of human beings? You know, the people who make up the society? (-14)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Remember:- $15 was demanded as they shouted that's the living wage.- $15 many places implemented that rate. To no one's surprise except those shouting for $15, jobs got cut and those that remained had to pick up the slack.- Along with job layoffs, businesses began to being in autonomous machines to take orders or check people out.- $20 was then demanded as the correct living wage. California implemented this and to no one's surprise except those making demands, literal business were closed entirely losing thousands of jobs (in Cali and elsewhere).- The use of machines to do check outs, orders, and now delivery's has picked up up at an alarming rate costing even more jobs as business now realize that it's easier and cheaper to maintain a computer than meet the ever growing demands of employees.- Now some are starting to scream for $30 an hour not learning from the past mistakes.If you force businesses to raise pay they will find ways to save money. That means job cuts and replacement... (185)

Thsts not what happened. Covid made things more expensive which made the $15/hr obsolete, not the fact that businesses had to pay more. If you have stagnant wages you get a huge disparity in incomes because prices will keep on going up but the floor stays the same. Eventually this floor is priced out and you have a homeless issue. (-8)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Remember:- $15 was demanded as they shouted that's the living wage.- $15 many places implemented that rate. To no one's surprise except those shouting for $15, jobs got cut and those that remained had to pick up the slack.- Along with job layoffs, businesses began to being in autonomous machines to take orders or check people out.- $20 was then demanded as the correct living wage. California implemented this and to no one's surprise except those making demands, literal business were closed entirely losing thousands of jobs (in Cali and elsewhere).- The use of machines to do check outs, orders, and now delivery's has picked up up at an alarming rate costing even more jobs as business now realize that it's easier and cheaper to maintain a computer than meet the ever growing demands of employees.- Now some are starting to scream for $30 an hour not learning from the past mistakes.If you force businesses to raise pay they will find ways to save money. That means job cuts and replacement... (185)

Florida enacted a 15 dollar minimum wage. It also enacted a ten dollar minimum wage for tipped employees.You know what happened? The restaurant I worked at raised the prices fifty cents per item, and when I lived there I got a 500 dollar check each two weeks instead of nothing(server)So the rich tourists who visited where I live essentially subsidized my wage by paying more. My boss was a multimillionaire. Who exactly loses in this situation? The poor rich fricks who have disposable income to visit paradise? My multimillionaire boss?I'm cool with that That's reality not whatever bullshit you're going on about. (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Land? Oil? Forests? Water? Iron? Copper? The vast majority of the "wealth" held by the public at large is the property their house sits on. Land that was once obtainable for free just by being willing to work it is now beyond obtaining with a lifetime of work. The majority of "wealth" predates any work. Nobody created any natural resource. Why do some get to claim that as their private exclusive "capital" and others are subject to them in order to survive?You need to read up on the Lockean theory of ownership and Georgism. Your argument is that used to defend Monarchy that owns all natural resources and everyone else must mutually agree with the Monarch to get something back for working and using what belongs to him. It is anti-liberty. (-2)

Your take on wealth reminds of of Bataille's in his book, The Accursed Share, all wealth is shit out from the sun's anus and there is an excess of it and so we waste it instead, but certain people get to waste more than others *(*no one is "creating" or "producing" anything that has not already been created/produced by the sun's anus).Those who are given less to waste are themselves wasted by others. The excess that is wasted is called luxury and luxury is the share that the poor never get. It's like Aztec sacrifice all over again only the sacrificed are those who have been made vulnerable in and by this system--the wealthy waste their share AND they waste the share that could have gone to those made vulnerable. This last share is luxury and you cannot have luxury without rendering someone as vulnerable.As Leonard Cohen crooned, "The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor." The sad thing is that someone had to buy that TV to watch that shit and then someone else ... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I dont mean if you and me can define need. Im saying a large centrally-planned economy cannot define need. Isnt that one of Ludwig Von Mises main contribution to austrian economics?And for the rest I totally agree with you, minimum wage decimated the low-skill labor market. But i condemn it because some people actually have low skill. Those jobs are needed to get them on the market. Theres a big difference between 0$ and 1$. You can get something going from 1$, at 0 you're stuck. And I think its honestly classist and elitist to call those people because slaves because they dont make a lot of money. The point of the meme is to underline the fact that the exchange is consensual, these people are agreeing to the terms and can leave whenever they want, whether moralizing elites like it or not. (1)

But that the meme fails to recognize is the inherently servility with consensual relationships among unequal trading partners. The entrepreneur can collude with other business, the worker cannot collude with other workers without ceding his liberty to a union. The entrepreneur has capital, so any collusion with other entrepreneurs is less binding because he has a fallback. The worker dies without work for too long. So wage fixing is far more tilted in favor of the entrepreneurial class, and rightfully so because the entire system of economics would fail if there was no profit to be gained from exploiting productive labor. So when you speak of consent without recognizing that the worker is in a vastly inferior bargaining, then you speak of a fairy tale. The minimum wage eliminates the practice of the employer collusion to artificially deflate prices past a certain threshold AND eliminate wholesale any industry which cannot support labor past the threshold. The threshold is arbitrary,... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Business owner here! If I want some minute task down for me that I'm only willing to pay a wage for what is deemed to be unsustainable to live, am I not essentially soliciting a slave? Alternatively, is the task possibly zero-value added since the return value is less than a living wage, and therefore unnecessary for the health of my business? (3)

To answer your question: Its only slavery if the person is forced to do it. That was the problem with the slavery = capitalism argument. The law enforced slavery and made it illegal for slaves to refuse to do the work at 0 wages. They further made it illegal to run away if you didn't want to stay there. I have personally worked in an unpaid internship position. I did so for some on the job training. Should that have been made illegal? More generally - my friend owns a firm. He tried to low ball his engineers. He got stuck with crappy engineers because all the good one's refused to take that salary. So he had to pay market rate for engineers and scale back on other types of workers - including office administrators. He used a consulting service to manage HR and payroll and legal. Money doesn't grow on trees and running a business in a competitive market is cut throat. (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Vanilla_Mushroom

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)

Number of comments: 13

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Why is everything on this site based on "cel"?

I know incel, but why does almost everything here end in "cel"?

Codecel, WPDcel, etc.

What does it mean?

Codecels = Code-s*x-havers?

Reported by:
  • Corinthian : carp posts are the canned corn and we are the livestock kept fenced in from society :soycrychicken:
Just fed chickens a pound of canned corn out of my hand

Photo is obviously pre coop entry

But omg they were SO HAPPY and they somehow knew to stop attacking my hands when the corn was gone and wait for more

Who knew chickens weren't r-slurred

Should I get a chicken coop

Ragebait or BWC pilled? :asianchud:

!asians Thoughts on this race traitor? :marseychingchongitsover:





What happened to the c*m jar Marsey or did I imagine it? :marseyconfused2:

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what can be?! UNBURDENED by what has BEEN! 👑 kamala

our queen


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