Euro billionaires can't find wagies for their money generation machine.

!chuds !nooticers

ill pay 500 dramacoin for a chris marsey but it has to be somewhat good quality kinda like :marseyfamily: but with the chris hat on perhaps
So hey , quick shit --> the dete's inside β™‘<--

As youve noticed, ive been commenting in completely almost all your posts i can before i run outta good things to ssy in my head that i find funny, so maybe if i word the feeling jsut right youll feel it too.. people say im schizo but i am very empathetic toward my surroundings, i cms feel the tension being released when i pet my cat and give her a tint cat massage after a day of staring at me and eating. I also have taught others this magic that i have truly never seen in books. But i have to see if it is any before whateevr, but to be completely honest, id rather teach people with my own words since its been taught to others who donr even beleive in higher content of christianity, let alone withcargyt and blskc black magic, ive taught people and still people dont understand what ik teaching. Im no saint. Many have called me evil since school, ive done no harm, and never will, theyve treated me so wronf, so in my lonesome road of speaking with the clouds rhat speak back, and when i tell peolle this, that the clids tske shape of what you ask, that theh speak back, but novody lsitens, and ive neber had a camera to show toehrs, people dont beleive me, im no god, no christ not even a king of pottys.. but yall dont usnersteand when i peel this layer of reality and say "hey, does anybodh wanna chilk with me here?" Im the most sickest evilist man to exits.. this world hates me and i ahvendont ntohingwornt k hrit yall..


Where was i ? Sorry psychosis. But wahy i siad was 100% real! Every mispeled word and typo with the correctly enlgish language words? What am ireatrwd? Nobody cant evn ... jo.. i wiukdnr throw you undr th bus.. its me.. i jsur wnana go.. bakc to dust..

.ih yeahs..My comments Please help me!

May i start submitting a large portion of of the most upmarseyd ones to snappy?


Im stilk working on those 10k upmarseys everyone

: :marseythumbsup:

Mind if I groove?
New defense :marseymacarthur: spending bill :marseybux: has some Neolibs :marseysoylentgrin: upset :soyjaktantrum:. You'll never ever guess why. :marseysmug2:


:elonsalute: elon fires rockets at poland :marseybearsick2:
Cyclists chased by an ostrich.


Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films (2014) - Full movie
Reported by:
:marseystars: :glowietail:


CS2 player experiences rollback for first time in life

Worst part is r-slurred eastern Europeans saying the game is broken when they can literally just turn rollback off.

What's a Spider-Man take that people never agree with you on?


For me, it's that Peter Parker has been consistently depicted as a straight white man for over 60 years, with only female love interests. Even Stan Lee himself confirmed this. He respected the LGBTQ+ community but believed in keeping characters true to their original vision. There's nothing wrong with Peter staying the way he's always been.

People often bring up alternate universes, but what they don't realize is that it usually starts with an alternate version before it eventually affects the main canon. And to be clear, I have no problem with a bisexual or trans Spider-Man. Anyone can wear the mask, and that's the beauty of the character. It doesn't matter how you look, where you're from, or who you loveβ€”Spider-Man's message has always been about inclusivity.

That said, I think it's perfectly fine for Peter Parker to remain a straight white male. That's who he has been for decades, and his love interests have always been women. A lot of fans just want to see him and MJ finally get married and have kids while he still plays a major role in the story. He's already passed the torch in a way with Miles, but that doesn't mean Peter shouldn't still have great stories of his own.


9strag manlets are so pathetic its unreal :incel:

Can't breed :chudtantrum:

Here's a bunch of statistics I made up in my head why its always foids fault :marseychartbar:

You don't understand, I just CANNOT take a shower and maybe a nice haircut and not walk around in the smelliest most unfashionable pants in existence. It's LITERALLY everyone else who's wrong :marseycry:

Weird thing is some women will still go after the guy for financial stability and still cheat. We live in a world where majority of people want their cake and eat it too.

Foids bad m'kay :soycry:

I had to fact-check the "no civilization if not MONOGAMOUS" thing.

Well... turns out he is correct for the most part.

Many consider the first human civilization to have been the Sumerians, in Mesopotamia, 4000-3500B.C.

Sumerian civilization had monogamous marriages, but if wife could not have children, you could take another spouse with 1st spouse remaining at higher rank.

Keeps fricking going for another 10 or 12ish wordswordswords


who ever downrated this is a morron and cant handle the truth


Fatass that can't sit down and write because he's busy eating says an Elden Ring movie could happen.

r/CuratedTumblr seethes over new HoYoslop character


Open Source Game Clones Website

I didn't know this existed as a site but it's cool af. Found it looking for ultima clones.

Reported by:
  • Grue : He/Him pronouns btw
Ladies, get you a meth head Sudanese warlord that does arts 'n craft with you. :marseyhearts:
Boston is full of a bunch of fricking nazis



Night owls. People who prefer to stay up at night until late. Are they real? From a quick research it seems there ain't much controversy to the idea of people who just naturally prefer the dark of night and it's not a new concept either.

Many things can affect your sleep schedule, like a bad diet, a sedentary lifestyle, too much screentime, and on... and a bad sleep schedule can affect many things about you.

But for me? I can't quite recall a single time in my life where sleeping wasn't a problem. Sometimes to a lesser extent, sometimes to a major extent. I don't recall much from when I was a kid, but one thing I'm aware of is that even before the invention of modern day computers and celphones, I had trouble waking up early, going to sleep at ''normal'' times and a general lack of energy during the day and excess of energy during the night. It's actually so ridiculous it's funny, I can spend an entire day feeling like I can drop dead from sleepiness at any moment, but comes midnight and all my sleepiness goes away.

During highschool, most students from my class didn't like waking up early, but they didn't have much trouble with it. It was more of an annoyance than anything. Meanwhile every day for me felt like an herculean task, felt like dragging my body throughout my house and into school. It's funny, as I write this I remember a day a classmate came to school completely hangover, and the state she was in was kinda how I felt every day (but less r-slurred).

And it didn't really get better as the hours went by, if anything it was WORSE. I had school from 7AM to 1PM, but during thursdays it was from 7AM to 5PM. Those days, during the last class, I'd be so tired I'd have to consciously try to keep myself awake. But that's not all, I would get home at around 6PM and sleep from 6PM to 12AM, obviously missing class on friday. So I had a choice: either skip thursday afternoon classes or skip friday classes. I was physically incapable of attending both.

But why am I writing all this shit?

Recently I tried to 'fix' my schedule. I was going to sleep at around 4 or 5AM and waking up anywhere from 12AM to 4PM. So yesterday I woke up early and stayed awake the whole day. Went to sleep at 12AM, only to wake up at 4AM and feel like a walking corpse. I was frustrated and obviously tired as frick so I slept from 8AM to about 3PM. I've been thinking about this and researching as much as I can about sleep cycles and nocturnal people, though researching this stuff is kinda aids.

Right now I'm thinking of saying screw it. Trying to fix in 'normal' hours feels like trying to force a cube into the ball hole.

NFL Stadiums developing Anti-Air defenses


Punk is dead


Pachyrhinosaurus-chan and Psittacosaurus-chan

Tattoo artist gets the most perfectly normal client ever
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