Сhесhеnízаtíоn оf Khоhоļs ín Gеrmаnу ís unrеаļ


Sо whеn Ι tеļļ khоhоļs guуs ín thе wеst mоstļу hаngíng оut wíth sоvíеt guуs еsресíаļļу саuсаsíаn (nоt mаnу nоn саuсаsíаn řussíаn řеfugееs ín

thе wеst) thаt whаt Ι mеаn, guу wíļļ sооn sсrеаm Аkhmаt Síļа

Thеn ļосаļ hоmоs tеļļ mе but khоhоļs аnd Russíаn аřе nоt thе sаmе :marseyjanny2:

Thеу wоuļd rаthеr hаngоut wíth mоuntаín bеаst thаt аttасkíng thеír hоmе tоwn thаn bоríng Svеn Vоn Рíеmеļ thаt саn hоļd а соnvеrsаtíоn оnļу whеn hе ís drunk аs fuсk

Ι аm аn еxреrt ín сuļturаļ аnd sосíоļоgíсаļ íntеrасtíоns

@duck Ι аm wrоng ?

@duck but íts ļеgít аmаzíng hоw thеу turnеd а 17 уеаr оļd íntо а Саuсаsíаn ín 2 уеаrs, hís fасе mímíсs аrе сhесhеns, hís bоdу ļаnguаge ís сhесhеn, hís ассеnt ís сhесhеn



long comment threads where someone says "maybe it was just a bad movie" and people responding "no it's failing because America bad and everyone hates black people"




It's been about a year since I've touched this place, I'm just checking in to see if anybody I knew is still around and recognises me, I've just managed to effectively ruin my life plans in one hour. If everybody I knew isn't here now I am happy they're not rotting here anymore, if you are then my condolences.


Recent events made me support ukraine

I had a lot enjoyment laughing at delusional nafo types, their r-slurred piggy banks in the Whitehouse an most of all because redditors love Ukraine so my morality forced me to believe the opposite.

Now that establishment :marseytrump: is anti Ukraine and slava ukraini shitlibs :soysnootype: are defeated, I decided to come out in support of Ukraine and hope we give 200 billions more of our tax money

And yes I base all my political views on contrarianism :#gigachad2:



East London councillor accused of trying to get 16-year-old girl to drop r*pe allegation

:#chudrama: :#chudrama:

An east London councillor has been charged with perverting the course of justice by allegedly trying to influence a 16-year-old girl into dropping her allegation of r*pe.

Abdul Malik, 50, who represents Blackwall and Cubitt Town ward on Tower Hamlets Council, was due to appear at Thames magistrates court on Friday to face the charge for the first time.

It is said he "contacted the father of a 16-year-old complainant of r*pe and told him to get his daughter to drop the charges against the male alleged to have r*ped her and get him out of custody, which had a tendency to pervert the course of public justice".

The incident is alleged to have happened on January 23. The father and aunt of the suspected male feminist are accused of also intervening two weeks earlier.

Abdul Roqib, 45, is accused of contacting the 16-year-old on January 10 "to ask her to drop the charges against his son, which had a tendency to pervert the course of public justice".

Rahela Begum, 41, is also accused of also contacting the girl on the same day to allegedly try to convince her to withdraw from the criminal case.

All three defendants are due to appear in court to face a charge of committing an act or series of acts with intent to pervert the course of public justice.

Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough's directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.

He currently sits as chair of the Human Resources Committee, and also has a seat on the licensing committee, having first been elected to the council in 2022.

It is understood Malik, of Mercury Walk, Tower Hamlets, Roqib, of Warrior Square in Manor Park, and Begum, of Rye Road in Hoddesdon, were held in custody before their court hearing.

"Just so unbelievably tacky [sic]"


Senate confirms RFK Jr. as HHS secretary in 52-48 vote - Democratic Underground Forums

!chuds lol


Did you know some 20% percent of marriages involving Asian women do not involve an Asian man? Every claims black men are self-haters, but their numbers are nowhere close to that.



New toss


Marsey Sub :marseyembrace:
did nazi that coming
Reese Youngn - "No More Parties" Remix (THE LET OUT)
"America Does Not Have Kings" in r/AntiTrumpAlliance


It's in the Constitution,%2C%20Prince%2C%20or%20foreign%20State.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

CIA asset analyses China's new 6th generation stealth jet made out of chinesium
fixing my furnace with dad

he would not stop singing pearl jam "alive" and was very proud of his eddie vedder impression tbh i was too then he started going on about the lesbian he used to work with who had a name that sounded very similar to his over the intercom then he started talking about how much he likes licking clit should i put him in a home?

Would you vote for your gf?

!Meowr !foidmoment

Canada is full of Nazis and must be denazified


Eating Live Abalone Mixed with Crushed Liver
Day 5 summary of 2025 Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Weissenhaus

hikaru nakamura, ego personified, cried yesterday about how he's getting old n shit because he repeatedly choked under pressure

he failed again today lmao. btw his op, the world champ gukesh is yet to win a match HAH

the hyped semifinal match, caruana v sindarov ended in a draw. wunderkind sindy came close to take another W shit but settled for a draw. the documentary stocks are all time high

the local nazi, vicent, continues to take dump in people's breakfast and defeated magnus carlsen in SF2, with the later left shaken & traumatized. still no one is taking vincent seriously as the favourite and magnus will play with white tomorrow so it maybe true. vincent may win the tournament in flesh but still people will call him "that guy"

rest of the minor matches can go frick themselves

Nim & C: Reaching the stars by standing on the shoulders of giants [FOSDEM 25]
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