

Druze are cool guys and friends :marseyross: of Israel.

IDF and Israeli :marseyjewish: gov spokespeople promise major :marseygaygeneral: retaliation strikes.



I'M RIDIN WITH BIDEN TILL HE'S DEAD IN THE GROUND :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2: :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

Dear Fellow Burgers, if you've never seen this documentary I don't think you should be allowed to vote in November

:#marseysaluteusa: :#marseypatriot: :#marseyburger: :#usa:

Cat Post

Lardbuckets lie about plusss size:marseysoylentgrin: :soysnoo: :marseychtorrr2:

COPE OD THE CENTURY :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycope: :marseycope: :marseycope:

COMPLETELY WROOOOOOOOOOOOOONG :soyreddit: :soysnoo4: :soysnoo2: :soysnoo3:

"What's with the misogyny lately? You guys to leave the basement now and again" :soysnoo6:

Reported by:

The unfathomably based hot takes that Destiny made about the Trump shooting has been the gift that keeps on giving.

Rollo Tomassi got into an argument on Twitter after someone called him insane for saying that the Trump shooter was inspired by Destiny, and he got so mad he accidently replied with his alt account:

And then like an idiot he confirmed it's his alt by deleting the tweet.


Rollo blocked the guy after asking if that's his alt. :marseysmug2:

Imgur archive of Rollo's and the alt's Tweets.

Not a good look. :marseydisagree:

The best way to cure racism is good s*x, unironically.

Rollo is now threatening to sue Destiny because his alt got discovered. :marseysmug3:

Ok for real there's a good chance it's not his alt but dang would it be funny if it was

Announcing !fosstards - your ping stop for all things Linux, BSD, Free Software and Open Source!

New ping group- !fosstards

None !soyteens !kino !goyslopenjoyers

Reminder that the "soyboy" meme/stereotype was, is, and will always be accurate.


Michael Tracey Stan thread

I've noticed unfortunate attacks on my favorite reporter from BOTH SIDES recently. I need someone to tell me Michael Tracey is cool. RIGHT NOW

WhitePeopleTwitter falls for incredibly obvious bait

Which one of you was this?

More bites from other subreddits:

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : and yet you keep making it ligher. curious.
peak UI

!metashit @MAGAshill


King Olympics

Even somehow united christian and lgbt

Bard spotting on Bluesky 28 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Travelling to Africa as a queer person - r/Africa :marseylaughpoundfist:
New Jack Hulks Up :marseypunched:

I'm going to be away for awhile to focus on work so !marks make sure this hole doesn't die. :marseyblowkiss:


I know this is old but no one else posted it:


But everyone else does:


2pac is the main cause of marital issues in 40% of bipoc marriages:

Full 5 min video:

Nothing causes more cope tho:

DJ Vlad catches a stray:

Not my fault you couldnt hold onto your mans tbh๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’…:



New Toss :marseypharaoh:

Reported by:

I can't really accurately state in a title sentence how much of an impact this had to the apes, see for yourself in this post.


/r/Superstonk is a subreddit revolving around the GameStop (GME) stock, in the briefest possible explanation, the redditors (self described as apes) have a theory that as long as they keep buying and never selling the company's stock, the stock will eventually become worth billions of USD per individual stock.

Ok, you think that sounds unrealistic and sounds a lot like cryptocurrency financial armageddon? Well, that's the outlook required to understand the fanaticism and conspiratorial thinking you're about to see. Some apes think that GameStop will do a turnaround play to be valued like the equivalent to Apple, but this is already seen as a soft-schism as redditors are tired of not seeing massive gains after 3.5 years.

The CEO billionaire of GameStop, Ryan Cohen, has generally been seen as the individual working behind the scenes through the power of 4D chess in ensuring the redditors get paid. His tweets are practically quoted as scripture for the apes to follow, for instance, you'll see a lot through this post about how "ape no fight ape" is supported on an interpretation of a few tweets, such as "The heck with the left and the right. Stop dividing the people ๐Ÿ’œ"

Of course, with anyone familiar with this kind of thinking, it's far more likely he can be identified as a yellow libertarian, such as his views on covid vaccination, his view on "insurrectionists", posing with Javier Milei, president of Argentina, and now, 20 minutes after the shooting of Donald Trump, Trump 2024 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ. He has recently caused a noticeable division within the community through dilution of the stock, being accused of stopping the ape's chance of 'generational wealth'.

While there is ongoing comment wars, the moderators have invoked the "zero politics" rule and have been deleting a lot of comments, so this is a sample of what's leftover. Other schisms of the ape movement have far more politics present, such as when Vivek Ramaswamy appeared at a event focused on the "possible merger" between Bed-Bath-Beyond and GameStop event, but that's a schism story for another time.

Drama time!

"RYAN COHEN on X" (LOCKED, 60% upmarsey ratio with +5,251)

Some apes are sad that Papa/Daddy cohen decided to tweet politics


Why daddy, why?

Some apes are upset not by the politics, but that some "apes" are being bitches and not HODLing

["Well looks like superstonk is about to get political like it or not"]


We're not left or right. We're the ones below coming for the ones above.

RC is at the top & leaning to the right, so wut do? To be clear I just want MOASS and don't care about politics (just the crime)

I have been here for 84 years and a single tweet is what is making you sell? Not selling, not going anywhere.

Some apes see this as.... clearly not politics

"I. Am. Confused."

This is so off brand for a guy that has always said company's and executives shouldn't take sides as it can alienate half your market instantly. I. Am. Also. Confused.

I don't see this as him taking sides (-150)

Some apes see this as only a bad move because it effects the stock price, after all they just want to get paid.

"You're trying to turn a business around and need every customer you can get. WHY WHY WHY do you feel the need to post shit like this. Tesla literally lost millions of sales due to Elmo taking this approach. We don't have millions of sales to lose. Goddarnit!"

Some apes notice that this is just good old billionaire behavior

"Not a single good billionaire. Good thing I put my trust, blood, sweat and tears into this only to see our CEO in support of a fricking traitor."

Apes proceeds to have an intellectual conversion in another thread

"This is not a cult and you should be critical" (87% upmarseyd, +2,213)

"Thats right. Being critical does not mean you're a shill."

>I would agree. But loudly proclaiming that RC is the devil, GME is now doomed, and you're selling seems really shilly to me.

Yes, that sounds equally ignorant. But there's nothing wrong with a little critical dialogue.

This times a 100. When we had the share offering as things were ramping a lot, this discourse we had was good and necessary. The doom and gloom and infighting however, is bad

It's almost as if the doom and gloom and infighting amongst shareholders could have all been avoided by the company's CEO not making a stupid tweet, and that's exactly what those of us who are annoyed are complaining about....๐Ÿค”

"annoyed" you made a post that you wanna VOTE him out, have some shame.

Do we even know he supports Trump? There was another comment in the other thread saying essentially that this shooting just handed Trump the presidency on a silver platter and it was more of a "calling it now" than "I support this". Others also pointed out where RC has previously stated that he frequently shitposts / memes / etc and not to read too much into anything he posts. Which would also support a "well frick here we go" vibe moreso than a "rah rah MAGA" vibe.

You guys are crazy with your mental gymnastics

>You'd have to be a complete and total dingus to take that tweet as an endorsement knowing fully well WHO RC is. ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ‘

Since he also 'proclaimed' he has a small weewee but we know in realityโ€ฆ.

Yes, please continue contorting yourself into a pretzel to explain this away.

Shills these days โ€ฆ ๐Ÿคฃ

"I argue it has turned pretty cultish, apes calling him Papa and praising everything he does even when it hurts them. I don't give a frick what some billionaire does, I believe the DD and I like the stonk, that's it, the rest is fricking noise."

>But he keeps fricking us over by diluting shares. It'll happen again.

How's that fricking us over? It's making the company impossibly strongโ€ฆ like a citadel

Exactly I think he should dilute 300million more shares! Imagine a $10billion warchest! How strong would that be!

A fellow ape notices that there's signs of paid actors.

"'They' are here." (85% upmarseyd, +1,070

I've been here since the beginning, I was here for the last few sub migrations. LONG had it been theorized that the majority of members here are bots/shills. They have always been here. Lurking, biding their time and they have struck with a vengeance this weekend.


>NONE of it matters. The only thing that does is buy, hold, DRS, shop. This has NEVER been a left vs right movement it has ALWAYS been the bottom vs the top and this is all an effort to politicize and divide. DO. NOT. LET. THEM.

>They will post, they will comment, they will reply to each other in argument. ALL OF IT is to spread groomercord and emotion out of ACTUAL shareholders. Ignore the shills, downmarsey, report, check out commenting history. It is PAINFULLY obvious and we MUST be close. Let them expose themselves and i repeat. DO NOT ENGAGE.




"If you think for a second that an assassination attempt on one political member is going to make me forget that they're actively trying to assassinate the middle class, you really have another thing coming."

Well the CEO apparently has endorsed him, so yeah I won't forget that. That candidate wants to raise Chinese tariffs. That's where most of GameStop's products come from.

Hey bot, write me a story about apes taking over the world but title it "Planet of Monke", include plenty of references to bananas and detailed descriptions of how they climb trees.

"While I agree with you and your general sentiment, honestly I'm seeing more posts like this than I am actual shills and FUD. I think what is getting lost in the discussion is that there's sorta 2 factions of apes in the sub, those who believe the DD and like the stonk (and that's it) and then those who seem to have formed a cult-like obsession with the CEO and view any critique of him as an attack on them, on GME on everything which is just regarded"

>Does it matter what the company does anymore? According to OP and other posts, nothing matters what the CEO says or what the company does. In fact, this company says the least to any shareholder. Does making a profit matter to anybody?

>Following the logic, the conclusion is, it doesn't matter.

>But the fact is, 45 million shares sold at 20. 75 million shares sold at 28. That capped the moass. But look how they interpret the tweets from RK. Total denial when it all played out.

>RC needs to be voted out. The culture at this company is to just work hard, great, but did this tweet help sales now? No. RC is not a promoter and this Subreddit gave him the power he has. Now he's trying to divide us with his bullshit because of the threat of a hostile takeover.

ALERT: Check this users post history. Clearly against RC and trying to spread division. Apes, be vigilant and check post history of SUS users.

Yeah I am against RC. I'm voting him out. I saw enough of his actions. I am holding GME and not selling. I upmarseyd you for visibility.

"It isn't noise, lmfaoooooo. Are you insane? Half of our shareholders, employees and clients could cut bait. You think the sp will hold up if half of cs sells? We made 6 mil profit in 2023, you think we're green if half our customers don't come in? How can we make money if half our employees quit? The risk that this dumbass tweet has introduced makes Elon's mistepps look juvenile by comparison. The best case scenario is that if was simply a mistake and now fricking AI algos are going to use this negative sentiment to plummet us. The worst case is that he meant it, which would make you question his judgement as a leader. I think it's the former, not the latter, but it was the worst decision I've seen in this saga."

>I don't agree with my bosses politics so I'm going to tell him to stop paying me.


Ehh if my boss was a fricking moron (not saying RC is at all), then I'd have a hard time working with/for them..

My boss is a flaming idiot. Pays darn well though. I'm just here to feed my family. Not really in to crying.

"If you make your financial decision over an X post you shouldn't have access to the stock market" (65% upmarseyd, +663)

>Everyone cries and start talking about pulling out over a post?

>Okay goodbye, I bet you will be so proud watching GME goes to infinity, while you staying broke for ever. Good job

>Nothing has changed and to throw away something you believed in for years because of this is just stubborn

>Aswell this post could mean several things and is not a clear statement of his political position and even if it is, you have to get over it that people have different opinions

"human rights and a standing democracy are not "differing political opinions" this post means one thing and one thing only. and it's fricking disgusting."

>sell it and leave, but at least be true to your morals. I'm here to make money, whether that's under red, blue, or gold. spend your GME money donating to the opposition if you feel stronger politically than commercially.

>Thank you.

No idea why folks care so much about the CEO's political leaning when they know darn well they are simply here to make money.

The guy isn't an idol or a figurehead. Just a man. The hero worship shit is coming to a full-stop.

It's not about hero worship, it's about what the CEO of a publicly traded company supports, and when that's fascism, it doesn't matter if money is made it will only be for those in power

I respectfully disagree. I am not in the business of picking these horrible candidates. I'm of the belief that the system is corrupt from the ground-up. I hate the poor choice of candidates on both side of the isle. Full stop.

That's exactly why I'm here.

I mention hero-worship because I'm seeing folks talk about how their "image of Papa Cohen is ruined" when they never should have put him on a pedestal to begin with. None of these people are our friends.

The community, however, is the strongest it has been in months, and I genuinely believe that. The "Sneeze Round Two: Electric Boogaloo" has reignited the passion so many of us have to see this thing through.

I don't want some stupid fricking tweet to derail all we've worked for. I'm not leaving one way or the other. I just want people to see past the bullshit and get back to what matters.

Seeing past the bullshit is realizing that Cohen is a fascist apologist and the only route to MOASS is a Trump administration. It's gonna happen either way so I guess why not support it ayy dirt bags? Fascism as long as you profit right? And that's a question to myself because I'm invested, but questioning that day by day

"โ€ฆor that your presupposition is wrong. Maybe there are reasons to support Trump that you're not considering and your own rage is blinding you to a potentially fruitful dialogue"

>oh please

Right, that would be too much thinking huh

only valid reason for RC is tax cuts for the richest of rich, and even that is a bad look for me personaly

Lower corporate tax, lower interest rates, better US economy? I know, why would a CEO want THAT!?!?

A christo-fascist dictatorship, why would a CEO of Gamestop not wan't that?

It's not serious!

"Ryan tweets about poop all the time, why is this different?" 65% upmarseyd, +257

"Poop isn't political"

>So because a shit post is political we're not allowed to look for deeper meaning? We're supposed to take it at face value despite being a huge conflict with everything else he's posted and claims to stand for? We're supposed to believe the man who days ago was lauded as a business and finance mastermind is now going to nonchalantly alienate more than half his companies home country?

>Personally I think there's more connection between Kenny and Trump. Who was the gensler During the last administration? What did they change? How are they or trump still connected to this? We should be decoding this like every other shit post, not crying about politics and crying about crying about politics.

"Mods delete this, trying to divide us with politics"

>i never mentioned politics

"because he endorsed a presidential candidate alienating half his customer base"

Giant Meteor 2024

>When I post this am I endorsing something that will wipe out humanity for president candidate obliterating all the GME customer base? Am I worse in this case?

>Everyone needs to chill out, put down the pitchforks and wait for the clarification since his statement could be interpreted so many different ways. Either investigate to see if he did something concrete like donated to Trump's campaign or wait for him to clarify.

>Honestly 4D chess move would be to do absolutely no clarification and to make GME cheaper then RC to buy cheap shares, allow shorts to load up and then issue a statement.

>Edit: Guess people don't like my candidate. That is sad. There would be peace on Earth. No more wars.

that's ridiculously hyperbolic


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Thr way people flippantly fear monger with project 2025 is terrible. It is not endorsed by Trump, even though people lie and say it is. Most of the contents of the document contain ideologies & ideas thay are reprehensible to most of the American populace. Translation: project 2025 is not something that the American people want (sure, fringe extremists do). This means that it cannot even be implemented. (At least not all of it, namely the really ridiculous parts).It's disgusting the amount of fake news online about it, i just call it blueanon. (12)

No answer, huh? You folks are so in deep with liars that the truth scares you. (-19)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

It may not be his position, but it is the heritage foundation's position. Last I checked, Republicans only appoint judges approved by the heritage foundation. I think there's merit to the idea that this is not Trump's position, but he's just the useful idiot they need to make this "bloodless revolution" happen. Trump isn't exactly a details guy.OP shouldn't have been banned though. I would have loved to have this discussion respectfully. That's why I enjoy reddit. (38)

Fair point on judges, but I think we probably could look to other proposals by the Heritage Foundation to get a better basis on how seriously to take this.It's definitely a topic that requires far more digging and open-mindedness than the average redditor/mod is willing to put up with. (0)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

But it is his agenda. (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Hahaha. I think we are all fricked tbh. And I'm not blaming just one side but both. Sucks to watch the country crumbling down in real time. Man I miss the 90s when people were normal. Guess it's time to start on my basement fallout shelter. (2)

I relate to that big time. I mostly feel bad for the next generation that'll grow up thinking this shit show is just normal I'm not that old but I remember a time when John Mccain corrected his own supporter that, while Obama was wrong about literally everything, he wasn't a Muslim terrorist It's just crazy how far and fast we've fallen. I probably have more in common with most conservatives I disagree with than any politician in office (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Democrats are desperate, they're grasping at straws and one of them is P2025. They think they can scare weak minded voters into believing it's Trump's plan or something. Fact is the GOP put out a platform and it's nothing like P2025.Stooping to fear mongering is a desperate act, and a bad look. Dems are in trouble and they know it. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The hysteria I'm seeing right now includes a second American revolution, a complete dismantling of the Federal government, and to "reorder society and fundamentally change it" thru constitutional amendments. Just the amendment part would require a 2/3 majority in the house and the senate, plus 34 states would have to ratify each one individually. Sounds pretty cuey to me. (-1)

Those may be extreme but the attacks on LGBT+ rights, attacks on overtime, attacks on workers rights, elimination of FDIC insurance, and all. These don't need 2/3 and will hurt people. They are also things that Republicans have been openly working towards. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Cool_Radish_7031

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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Important Be nice to Carp.

That is fricking all. Remember that there is a fricking real human behind every user.

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