chud / :marseytrain2: :marseypoonerretard: bingo card! do YOU score a bingo???

!chuds someone ping cute and valid :marseysaruh: too


Highlights (some from the janny logs):

LW modlog updated in real time janny logI suspect that the individual who made the assassination attempt was most likely one of those really unhinged corporate neo-liberals that fanatically believes that Donald Trump is secretly "a Russian agent." Even though Trump's actual foreign policies as president were just as anti-Russia as any of his predecessors (his administration continued fully supporting and arming the fascist Maidan dictatorship in Kiev). Just pointing this out, because it's only a matter of time before someone starts falsely accusing socialists/communists of being responsible.   

hexbear janny log

Janny had to make a pin:

Do not advocate or celebrate violence, please. Comments advocating violence will be deleted and bans will be issued.

Also, please avoid promoting conspiracies. Discussing current events is fine but suggesting things like "it's a false flag" without evidence is spreading a conspiracy.

Genuinely infurating that the moment anything happens, NeoLibs will just start copying right-wing talking points. [-6]

Got him in the ear, huh?

I can't wait for Trump to turn pro-gun control.

Welp, seems like that's it boys. Trump's got this all locked up.

He is going to win. We've already been over this. Maybe now you can start the process of coming to terms with what that actually means. [-42]

I've been wondering where the crazies were on the left, and now i know [-9]

if bolsonaro is any indication, this is just turning him into a martyr.

really terrible job by whoever tried it.

Most self-aware leftoid:

Half the comments here are proving that people on the right aren't the only ones who can indulge in stupid conspiracy theories.

It's depressing as frick.

If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

Guess some of those 2nd Ammendment guys might be "trying to do something about it" eh Donnie?

This is what you get when you preach hate 24/7. This isn't a gameshow. commies

God dammit, they had to fricking miss

Well I think we can all be certain there won't be any huge downwind effects from this 😐

Staged af.


"he's an existential threat to democracy but there's no place for violence and we should all be relieved he's alive and going to take revenge" - obungler

Scared chapos

I suspect that the individual who made the assassination attempt was most likely one of those really unhinged corporate neo-liberals that fanatically believes that Donald Trump is secretly "a Russian agent." Even though Trump's actual foreign policies as president were just as anti-Russia as any of his predecessors (his administration continued fully supporting and arming the fascist Maidan dictatorship in Kiev). Just pointing this out, because it's only a matter of time before someone starts falsely accusing socialists/communists of being responsible. :marseyhorseshoe: :marseyleftoidschizo: :marseyrightoidschizo:

Excited to be executed by paramilitaries when he gets power. Nice talking to yall

people saying this is staged by trump's campaign have absolutely lost touch with reality. no fricking way trump would ever agree to anything where he could possible be hurt, especially when he's already leading in all the polls

"If Trump wins its the end of US democracy"

"He'll make himself a dictator"

"Project 2025!!!!! Google it Jack!!!"

Dems using that propaganda AND doing absolutely nothing about it (not even having a plan to pay lip service to about it) AND Pudding Brain Joe saying he's not going anywhere - just he's going to do his goodest job and that's what really matters Jack. I can see where someone's brain could break in the wrong way to do this.

If you're going to throw your life away over this bullshit though, at least don't miss

Just got scolded by my lib parents for yelling "god fricking darnit" when we saw Trump survive the shootig. I'm sorry but are we seriously going to pretend that him dying would not have been a better outcome?


Holy fricking shit he was so close.

Shows the importance of not skipping range time. If someone had trained just a little harder, we could have had something extremely cool happen.

I dunno if killing Trump is like, the best idea, but darn it would've been so much more entertaining.


I condemn this in the strongest possible terms. I may be a lefty, but I don't believe assassinations solve anything. The people celebrating it or mad that the shooter "missed" are abhorrent. [-6]


Dramatards, the man on the painting was Charles II of Spain (Carlos II), the last monarch of the House of Austria (the Spanish Habsburgs)

He suffered from metal r-sluration being considered a simpleton and possibly Klinefelter syndrome and epilepsy. That means was sterile and had a micropeepee.

Here's his family tree

As you can see his father King Philip IV and his mother Queen Mariana of Austria were uncle and niece, this is called Avunculate Marriage. Philip IV parents, Philip III and Margaret of Austria were cousins and Philip III parents Philip II and Anne of Austria were again uncle and niece. Because the Catholic Church forbids incest and classifies it as up to third degree cousins, these types of marriages required a papal dispensation.

Here's the family tree of the Houses of Aviz and Bragança who reigned over Portugal.

Again with Uncle-Niece marriages like Queen Maria I (known as Maria the Mad) and her uncle Peter III (previously Infante Pedro of Bragança).

And here's a map of prevalence of cousin marriage nowadays. !antibharatiya

!historychads !ifrickinglovescience

Also !catholics what do you guys think of Dispensations?,and%20their%20niece%20or%20nephew.

And of course here's the family tree of the House of Ptolemy



AITAH for not tipping after overhearing what my waitress said about me?

I (30 F) was at a restaurant last night with my mother. She was meeting my boyfriends mom for the first time. We're punctual people, so we got there about 30 minutes before our reservation. We got seated with no issues. It took the waitress 20 minutes to get to our table even though the restaurant was pretty empty. Right away I could tell the she didn't want to wait on us. She didn't great us with a "hello," she just asked what we wanted to drink. We told her, and I noticed that she didn't write our order down. It took another 15 minutes for our drinks to get to our table, and they were wrong. It's hard to mess up a gingerale and a vodka soda, but she did.

My mom pointed out that she didn't order a pepsi, and the waitress rolled her eyes, took my mother's glass and disappeared. I excused myself to use the washroom shortly after. I had no idea where I was going, so I went to the entrance to ask one of the hostesses there. While I was walking up to the server area, I overheard my waitress talking to some other hostesses. She was pissed that she had to wait on "a black table" because "they" never tip well. My mother and I were the only black people in the restaurant. She wasn't even whispering when she said it either.

I wasn't stunned, but her lack of effort started to make sense. I interrupted their conversation, and I asked where the bathroom was. I didn't let on that I had heard what they were talking about. When I got out of the bathroom, my boyfriend and his mom were already seated. My boyfriend and his mother are white. When my waitress saw the rest of our party, she did a 180. Her service was stellar. She took notes, told jokes, and our water glasses were always filled. She didn't make another mistake.

Because the night went so well, I decided to treat everyone and pay the check. She gave me the machine, and I smiled at her while I keyed in "0%" for a tip. She didn't notice until after the receipt had been printed out. By that time, all of us had already started to leave. She tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I had made a mistake on the bill. I told her I didn't think so, and looked at the receipt. She asked if there was a problem with her service, and I said her service was fantastic, but since I was a black woman, I don't tip well. Her face went white, and she kind of laughed nervously, and I laughed as well. I walked out after that, but my boyfriends mom asked what had happened.

I told her what I had overheard, and my boyfriend's mom said that I should've tipped her anyway because it shows character. She seemed pretty pissed at me after that. My boyfriend and my mom are both on my side, but I'm wondering if I should've just thrown in a $2 tip?


Lazily copy-pasting a month-old drama about Gacha because the drama is cold and I have nothing to add, :marseydealwithit:

Comment offering more context:

Here is a gameplay footage:

The game was released recently as a closed beta test for around 10k players, but server crashed on day 1 so the devs had to delete the players data and restart with 2 servers (refunded currency spent and compensated with pulls)

Gacha pulling video, you can see the male and female characters in the game, the video shows them pulling the only male SSR (Leon):

SGA CEO FB apology on the mixed male and female characters for a hentai game heavily marketed for their women units:

TL;DR: Hentai game heavily marketed for towards straight men with sexy women, but the game has a bunch of male characters. Some players not wanting their waifu to get captured and have their defeat CG viewed by others decided to only use the male units.

The studio is currently developing NU Carnival (fujoshi) and Project XXL (gay) games, so the CEO said developing these games had made the devs too accepting of men in hentai game that they forgot about their straight men audience.

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-07-22 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘Thank you, Joe./r/pics (31M)60%3720
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Our first GenX female president?/r/GenX (152K)67%2992
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Biden drops out /r/Conservative (2M)60%2434
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘[ Removed by Reddit ]/r/memesopdidnotlike (82K)61%1787
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I hope we get to see these 2 debate because Trump is gonna get chew.../r/GenZ (298K)67%1796
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Where are the Non-believers?/r/sanantonio (216K)52%597
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘31F (trans MTF) Is my style too young/provocative for my age? Had t.../r/fashion (504K)66%834
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I am Palestinian AMA/r/AMA (2M)55%471
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Piggyback off what Tulsi said 8 years/r/Conservative (2M)66%605
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘There needs to be a transparent process for selecting Biden replace.../r/lexfridman (41K)52%413

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘To all the people who don't like the game, move on! /r/ConcordGame (3K)51%64
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Jon Stewart '24/r/JonStewart (8K)61%238
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘[ Removed by Reddit ]/r/memesopdidnotlike (82K)61%1787
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Jon Please Run in 2024/r/JonStewart (8K)50%94
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Our first GenX female president?/r/GenX (152K)67%2992
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Is it wrong if I love lords of the fallen more than fromsoft games?/r/soulslikes (14K)47%139
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘There needs to be a transparent process for selecting Biden replace.../r/lexfridman (41K)52%413
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘If you're in your 30's and still live with mommy and daddy, you're .../r/fightsub (28K)48%225
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘If u care about body counts on the opposite s*x you're a fragile sn.../r/fightsub (28K)56%238
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Get rid of wipes /r/OnceHumanOfficial (28K)49%169

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Sharty user's liberal mom catches him spamming "Dead BIPOC Babies" on Groomercord at 2 AM


The thread is a mix of advice, impersonations of OP, jokes at his expense and reminders of the importance of racism-life balance. Xhey're probably right doe that he should probably stop spending all day on imageboards and posting child gore.


compare to the real thing


:marseypeanutbrain: :marseyflagnorthkorea: :wolfbrainlet: :smileyretard: :marseyrofl!:



yes it was the woke mind virus that is making your kids turn out weird lol


Groped my fatso desk-buddy's jiggly belly twice this past month. One time said "You look good, buddy!" too. Bought him lunch twice, both times I ordered a large pizza and 67 fl oz Coke.

I thought I'd insult him if I bought a smaller portion and he was still hungry afterwards. :marseyshrug:

HR said I have to converse with them one-on-one and discuss this behavior. At 9AM. On zoom.

Inshallah GOD finally heard my prayers :marseysalat: The only slight downside is I won't get neetbux because of "Termination with Cause"

Tl;dr - Getting shitcanned bozos.

!dramatards !burgers !r-slurs Will update at 10AM.

Food update

Reported by:
rDrama will now hear the case of u/blacknaerys v. Drama Klansmen

See linked thread for context.

/u/blacknaerys herself has joined us, per the email thread here:

and inexplicably used her university email to verify her account here, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm actually not sure what this trial is over, no one but the bot mentioned her, and it only did so once. But she'd like the thread taken down nonetheless, and as we always do for any moderation decisions, we are putting it to You The People. Please welcome @blacknaerys who will be posting her case for the prosecution which I will pin to this thread. I warn you, she's an academic, so I don't suspect the defense has much of a chance here once she gets going. You may change your verdict at any time within the next 48 hours as the case plays out.


Sneedia going "erm, it was just loud noises :marseyreportercnn:", nothing ever happens :marseychudnotes:

Even Wikipedia is doing it! :marseylaugh:


The kiwifarmer Higgs Bonbon was found because he linked himself gloating in random youtube comment sections. This lead to people searching his name, Higgs Bonbon and finding all his other accounts.

This included his steam where people were able to find his old username, which was Pedononymous :marseypedo:

and his 4chan & 8chan /soc/ posts of his groomercord where he tries finding cute little boy bottoms.

He avidly used a site called f-list which is a roleplay site but he wouldn't say what characters he roleplayed :marseyhmm: wonder why

and from pedononymous this post was found

:marseyyikes: This guy was a janny for kiwi

And it makes further sense since he constantly posted in a loli debate thread about why loli was aktually A-ok but he totes wasn't a lolicon

until you look at his poast where he calls himself a devout lolicon

>I may want to frick anime children but I DON'T want to frick those anime children

and his (deleted) baraag . net account , which is a fediverse instance known for being dedicated to loli pornography and is almost universally blocked due to the high amount of child pornography

his github showed he starred forks of mods just renamed into loli-related things, ie lolimc which is an unedited fork of PolyMc made by someone named "Loli Kingdom" whose made things like the Loli License

I'd ping codecels and ask if they'd use this but I already know their answer ( :hansen: )

and before you say "erm, incel" actually no, dumb libtard, kiwichads only get the best of bussy gussy.

bonbon's old girl

believe it or not, that's a woman

and this lead :marseynull: to make a post reminding people that the Kiwifarms is SFW since Higgs ("loligon") Bonbon would post frequent NSFW anime girls, both in specific threads made for such purpose and general threads

all in all,


Let me tell you a drama story in 3 chapters.


Attention boys and girls its time for more BPD whore sperg out.

:#marseyschizoshaking: :#marseydeuxfoid:

What's a V-tuber you might ask? Google it straggot. Tldr a person that uses an anime avatar to make twitch streams. Straggots willingly watch this to throw thousands of shekels at these possibly hideous people.

:#marseycatgirl: :#marseycoomer:

So what's the drama? See title straggot. But let's dive deeper.

Chapter 1

The post

So let's start from the beginning yeah? V-whore "Saruei" makes contest for her simps to draw fanart of her with the best pic getting 5k US dollars then. Right then what's the drama?


Well it all starts with this seethe post from Saruei here

Tldr: Twitch artist cry and piss their pants because they get disqualified from the contest without ever being notified and for bullshit reasons.

:#marseymalding: :#marseypainter:

They waste hours of their time drawing coom bait for Saruei (from this point referred to as V-whore), she bags the art and they get told to frick off from her simp armada.

:#marseygeisha: :#marseyarmy:

So what are those bullshit reasons?

Well first of all poor V-whore doesn't have to time to tell artists they are disqualified lmao. Why are they disqualified? Because their art is traced of course. Is there evidence for this? Frick off incel.

:!#marseypainter: :!#marseyraging:

The aurtist trying to contact her about tracing allegations get to talk to her groomercord jannies (dudes wasting their time simping for 2D kitty lmao) instead. They aren't exactly friendly some might even say cruel. What's the V-whores response to this?

Please look up the definition of the word "cruel", please.


Artists thus utterly btfo.

Carrying on. Other reasons? They drew her books too big. This is her profile banner btw. Yes the one I baited you straggots with. Don't forget to tie that noose just yet.


Any neurodivergent that didn't figure it out yet its all bullshit to get free art lmao.

Now anyway let's carry on to chapter 2



To maybe an r-slured dramatards r-slurred surprise only this caused a lot of sneed and pearls clutching in the mentally stable world of Twitter artism. So here is a delicious selection of their seethe.

:#marseysalty: :#marseysalty: :#marseysalty:

THE GROOMERCORD JANNIES USED THE R WORD and with video proof too. Yes someone recorded this and thought they have got got those pesky jannoids.




V-whore response? Tldr: Cope and seethe.



V-whore response? Blocked lmao.

This one is so hilarious I'm just going to post it. Twitter "people" man.

"as someone who has supported you for a long time, seeing you not only support the toxic bhvr of your mod who LITERALLY called someone a slur in a VC, but you also belittle the feelings of others & call them 'snowflakes'??? Man seeing someones true colors sucks 🥲"

TLDR: V-whore called some neurodivergent a snowflake thus making her a hecking chud.

:#marseypearlclutch2: :#marseypearlclutch2:


I will link the video of the jannie saying r-slur and screaming at an Aurtist here again

:#marseyraging: :#marseysob:

Everone involved in this is so fricking pathetic lmao.

Chapter 3

the aftermath

The V-whore did what no r-slur should do before the Twitter horde. Apologize.


There was actually a post of this with comments enabled. The feeble V-whore couldn't handle all the back clash though (as seen with all the blocking earlier) and disabled the comments. No more drama for us then. Well enough. The V-whore is seething. Twitter artists got owned again. This was all very entertaining. Rdrama wins as usual.


Well this is our conclusion then. Make sure to post a :marseycatgirljanny: marsey if you came this far to prove you aren't zoomer brained.


Also anyone posting "TLDR?" or any variation of "words words words" gets a 12 hour ban as I'm sick of Zoomers running rampant here. So you get to enjoy that extra drama in the comments. Cheerio straggots til next time.

:#marseyxoxo: :#marseywave2:

"WHY WAS KILLINGSTALKING SO RELATABLE?????" :!marseycommittedwoman: :!marseymeds:

Good Morning


Today I decided to go back to /r/BPD. I initially went back to check on Frankie-Buns but I was drawn to this. Meet /u/Careless-One-9222. A 21 year old gal who's just really going through it.

This is a throw away account. maybe if I got enough financial incentive I could attempt to find her real account.

But for now I'll show you what homegirl's been going through the last...9 days.

It all starts with a post to /r/KillingStalking, because of course it does.


Venting TW:abuse

Throwaway account!!! I'm 21F and literally I made the worst mistake reading this book called killing stalking



Why is it always the killing stalking fans?


I thought it would be some mystery slasher horror book but no it's so much more, literally I relate to Bum a little too much in some ways, with my mentally abusive mom and my physically abusive alcoholic dad and my brother in law who molested me when I was 6


PLEASE learn how to use periods, good God


This all came really rushing back, and I thought I managed to suppress it deep enough and be numb to it tbh, but Bums infatuation with sangwoo really forced me to look at myself in the mirror cause bums stalkerish behaviour is quite literally what I did (to some extent) I searched up this guy I like, and I found his entire family and I made fake accounts so I could look at his family's accounts and even commented on his dead brothers online funeral page (under a fake name) and I'm not proud of this but I stalked his ex girlfriend and I hate her but I have no reason too

and after talking for a while I was, still at hooked. And he was so nice in the beginning, so so so sweet but then after he started calling me names, from stupid to r-slur to other stuff ( I'm half black and half white and he's white so you can guess what makes he called me) and it's so terrible but I'm more than willing to go back for more, I tried to move on I really did cause one time he made me vomit and when I went to the potty to vomit he tried to drown me. He said it was a joke and I know it's not a joke but I'm not mad at him for it, but hey I'm self aware? That has to count for something? Sorry for all the messed up stuff I just needed to vent. Like we weren't dating so it's not like we were boyfriend and girlfriend but he doesn't want to speak to me anymore and this one guy I started talking to here he said he liked me and he found me attractive but he's married but he said he doesn't like his wife anymore but he was afraid cause he thought I was too young I'm 21 he's 45 but I really liked him a lot and he said he can't talk right now but I thought he liked me, why can't I do anything right??? I told him I loved him! I always mess things up every freaking time, I hate this I hate my life and maybe if I was prettier people would like me more and I'd have more friends and a happier life I'm so ugly all I want to do is peel my skin off or run away and start a new life as a hobo since that's whahdybs I deserve, so I crave approval yes but what's wrong about being the best of yourself to make others happy, god writing this made me lose my appetite, but I did get paid today so I may buy random stuff to hide my pain but I should have for school but I'm so dumb it doesn't even matter


Here are some of my favorite comments on this post:

You need help, girl. Please, reach out to someone. Shouting into the void in the Internet won't help. Please, reach out for help. You are worth it.

Sometimes shouting into the void does help. Sometimes the void shouts back with support resources and a push toward professional help, in addition to empathy and understanding which can do a LOT for people who have been chronically abused. Hard agree to everything else you said tho.


hey so its good reading KS made you realize you have some issues, but you need to see a professional. im not sure if this is really a place for personal vents, since no one here is really equipped to deal with someone's real life problems. it might even trigger (or make extremely uncomfortable) people who are okay with certain topics in fiction but not so much in reality. it's a similar vein to rule 7 really. if you want to talk about this, it might be better to go to a subreddit dedicated for those who want to share their personal struggles and people who are prepared to listen, like a r*pe, CSA, family abuse, or general vent related sub. still, thats only a stop gap. you need a doctor not strangers online. we cant do much but feel sympathetic, which isnt going to fix the problems.

This response isn't very compassionate, if anything it's more compassionate to imaginary people who "might be" triggered or offended with little regard towards the person actively struggling. Nothing you said was wrong per se, I agree that there are better suited subreddits etc those support groups really can be helpful in addition to professional help. I just think you could have been a bit more measured in addressing such a sensitive matter and I'm commenting to comfort OP in case they read your response and feel disregarded.

^^^ that's the same :marseychtorrr2: who responded to the first comment btw.

That same :marseychtorrr2: reccomend that OP go to /r/BPD and /r/CPTSD for further support.

I felt the same when I read K/S, Bum's psychology was shockingly relatable.


Of course it was.


Trauma informed therapy can help. Look into CBT/DBT cognitive/dialectical behavioral therapy.

/r/cptsd and /r/bpd I recommend over the other trauma/SA subreddits because creeps do lurk trying to find people who have experienced terrible things so that they can harass them...


:malefeminist: :!marseyemo:


I hope you accomplish all the healing and fulfillment that you need, and I want to add (because you said you're more than willing to go back for more) that there are consensual avenues for abuse underneath the umbrella of bdsm, but you absolutely HAVE TO STAY AWAY FROM THESE TYPES OF VIOLENCE UNTIL YOU DEVELOP THE NECESSARY SELF PRESERVATION/SELF VALUE/BOUNDARIES to be able to protect yourself!!!!!! And get away from that guy you're talking about.


Would this really be a reddit screed from one fatherless foid to another if they didn't encourage each other's deviant interests? That certainly doesn't sound like compassion.

Now, careless one made this EXACT SAME POST on /r/BPD.

Then comes the post made to /r/BPD agian 3 days ago.

I'm going to rip my hair out

Why won't he reply back??? I thought I did everything right I even offered to carve his name into me cause I thought guys like that


Holy shit


I said I love him i showed him how mature I was! I'm 21 I'm old enough! Why doesn't he like me, all I want is for him to like me,

I said I could buy a ticket, why doesn't he like me, I said I could do more makeup or plastic surgery to be prettier, why isn't my life fair


Unfortunately because mental illness loves company, a lot of the comments under this post were affirming OP's feelings for this potential creep.

Things like "you don't have to dim your feelings for him, just find a healthier outlet", and "it's actually a green flag he didn't go for your carving his name into you"

For /r/BPD, and the foids who dwell there, the bar is literally on the ground.

That leads us to the most recent post:


Honestly I find this kind of stuff interesting in a psychological observation kind of way.

Seeing how this stuff can be influenced by media is also fascinating. One of these days I'll have to look into KillingStalking to get a better idea as to why this manga is so popular among the mentally ill.

Now if the cows come to pasture:

Careless-One-2999, you desperately need some kind of intervention and you need to work on your Grammer. Periods are a wonder thing, learn how to use them.

Trump's biggest fans do a dramatic reenactment of the holy scene :marseyarthoe4:

:marseysalty: :marseysaltlicking: :marseyflakes: Post salt here :marseylickinglips: :marseylickinglips: :marseylickinglips:

Reported by:

This article is r-slurred. Everybody could have already guessed this…except probably the antiwork r-slurs. I think it would be fun to mess with them. Either pretending that article is capitalist propaganda or posting that "maybe I was wrong about being anti work all along and I'm scared I'm going to hurt my children".

Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #59

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

!bookworms !classics !ringbearers

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