Converted to Islam for him, then we split. Feeling lost and alone.
No idea what I'm expecting here in terms of advice tbh.

I was involved with a man who I regarded as my soulmate, things were looking serious. We talked about marriage and the future.

He was from a Muslim background in the Middle East. I'd always been interested in his religion (Islam) and had been studying it. After a couple of years with him, I took the step of converting. Everyone in my family and friends were supportive as they knew it was my choice. There was never any pressure from him.

After converting, we scaled back on the physical side of things and both said it would be best to get married. I was all for this, loved him to bits and wanted my life with him and believed he felt the time.

Unfortunately, his parents back home in his native country had other ideas and wanted an arranged marriage to someone of their choice... After months of trying to make them see reason, he wasn't strong enough to stand by me. So I ended our relationship as I could see it was going to end in tears.

I feel so alone in Islam now. I live in a small semi rural area with no mosque, no community to speak of and I've been shying away from wanting to move on. I feel at a crossroads. There's no chance of meeting a Muslim man here. I feel so lost without him, although I feel ending it with him was the right thing to do as he'd never go against his parents' wishes. Even though he was almost 30 and well-educated.

I'm no so much looking for a husband.. It will take me a long time to get over losing him. He was the first man I ever really loved and imagined a life with. I'm just feeling a bit isolated in terms of being "the only Muslim in the village" so to speak. It's a small and very "white", middle-class community. My ex and I met at uni in a big city, where it's more common to see other Muslims and different nationalities.

I'm feeling so many different things, feel like he's thrown me under the bus. I made so much effort and sacrifice for him, changed my whole way of life and even aspects of my diet and appearance. Yet he couldn't even just stand up for me (with his parents) when it mattered. He claimed to be in love with me (I was his first), yet didn't feel able to have any firm discussion with his parents about marrying me and going through with it.

I feel that being Muslim, this would put non-Muslim men totally off me. Especially with all the negativity around the religion in the media and so on. I don't even have anyone to do Ramadan with, or even talk about the religion.

tfw only muslim in the village :marseyniqab:

also he absolutely knew he was eventually going to marry someone else, but as she said, they were engaging in the 'physical side of things' and moids will be moids if you let them do that

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED will pay someone to plan a trip to the philippines for me

2 weeks - at least 3 months or more from now. DM me your rates.

Community Note by @lmaoprankt


Helpful [81] Not Helpful [6]
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  • whyareyou : freakish eye colour, opinion discarded
Meme magic is real


On February 11 A man hanged themself at parking garage wrapped in trans flag. Included was suicide note declaring hatred of America and Trump. Their last wish was to be laid rest in the Gulf of Mexico so that he would not be buried anywhere in the Amerikkka. On february 12 the body of water was renamed to Gulf of America.

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: Is it normal to give your mom Valentine's Day gifts? :marseythonk: :marseydetective:

I was talking to @PegMeMommy about Valentine's Day. I was telling him about how me and my siblings got our mom flowers and stuff for Valentine's Day. During the conversation he said he had never heard of kids getting their mom something for Valentine's Day, and he doesn't know anyone who does this. For me, this is the opposite: Where I'm from, everyone gets their mother something. Now both of us are wondering which is normal.

Decided to make a poll!

Do you buy your mother something Valentine's Day?

If its boeing im not going (To space)



Favorite so far:

This is not a cost saving measure. This is a purge of federal employees who do not support their agenda. The first round is incentivized volunteer resignations. The second round will be forced resignations. The third round will be outright firings. This is a comprehensive takeover of the federal government by the MAGA organization. This is round one of a pervasive attack on the American Republic.

They are following the NAZI playbook from the 1930's.

The OLIGARCHY :marseyraging:

They are looking for cuts to pass trumps tax plan. Which will greatly enrich the rich and cripple the poor, weaken or eliminate the middle class.

What is it you think he is doing? Where do you think the money stolen from us will go? It's tax money, all our money going to the rich, 2'trillion at least. The deficit…trump blew it up round 1. Round 2 he will kill the deficit. And YOU and EVERYONE you know will pay for it for the rest of our lives.

Some reasonable people too, maybe redditoids aren't beyond saving:

I appreciate you being open to the conversation. The challenge lies in your last sentence where you state "Convince me that cutting wasteful spending is a bad idea." You're already convinced that all of this spending is wasteful. We are not.

We see value in the DOE as a vehicle to assist in equalizing access to education for all. Without this funding, kids in poor areas will not have access to the resources they need to be successful in school. In the most impoverished places, property tax is not adequate - many are renting, in section 8, or perhaps homeless and the property tax collected does not scale with the student population in those environments. Do you believe that all kids, regardless of the socioeconomic class they are born into, deserve a shot at education? We do. But the states alone are not able to provide that, particularly red states who are the biggest beneficiaries of this funding.

For a chatgpt post that took me 5 minutes to write, I've so far generated at least 1000 words, I'm hoping before the post dies I can generate enough to write a short book :marseypraying:

Reported by:
  • Grue : "lol stop with the handmaid's tale fantasies" chudditors deserve the rope


Artist calmly dismantles the Maga facade


Cumtownners make fun of destinycels


[🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘] Elon Musk takes aim at Reddit


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I read through the article quickly. What has Elon Musk done about Reddit exactly? Sounds like he just said "This is insane". Maybe I missed something? (9318)

Nope just posted that too lol that is him taking aim at reddit (78)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

of course not, this is TECHNOLOGY is an interest of the magas to be seen. (48)

They find their way in. (35)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

FU Elon and all of his Republican Nazis. The whole Republican party is full of nothing but traitors. Hopefully Democrats take back this country in four years. Then expose everyone of these traitors. (-26)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

What values of liberals do you not like? Keep in mind I said values, not talking points. (2)

Basically everything they say, like, or do is the opposite of what I say, like, or do. It's impossible to speak to them because the moment there is any disagreement, they go batshit crazy on you for having your own opinion and calling you all the worst words you can think of. Here is the list of shit I hate about liberals: They like it when criminals enter the country illegally and go on crime sprees while receiving benefits which are paid by us tax payers, I don't like that. They like infringing on our first amendment right to say whatever the frick we want on the internet. I don't like that. They like it when mothers kill their babies because they opened their legs and aren't ready to raise a child. I despise that. Liberals love to assault, scream, and spit at you for wearing a red hat (again, infringing on 1st amendment right). Liberals love to protest about literally everything. All the power to them, but it's annoying as frick. Liberals vote blue no matter who, which is shameful.... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Boycotts work. It's the only way to get the attention of shithead billionaires who think they own your minds and actions. Frick Musk, Frick Nazi's. He knows what he's doing and frick anyone who doesn't think he's a Nazi/Fascist and that his platform exists to promote those ideas going forward. Everyone will look back on these times at some point and realize more could have been done to shut down shithead billionaires and nazi's from doing harm to the country for their own enrichment, and I swear to frick if reddit tries to mass un-ban twitter by force it'll kill reddit -and- twitter at the same time. (8)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Tell Musk to take himself, his pro-Nazi white supremacist BS and all of the racist shit that he allows to run rampant all over X to go to the 10th level of Heck and complain all he wants THERE!🤮💩💩💩👺👹👹👹👿👿👿 (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Defiant-Witness-8742

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 5

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Who's your favorite member of the Ginyu Force? :marseylaying:

!poll_voters !saiyans

Homeless encampment keeps local residents from using park : chicago





Women discover libertarianism.



I was banned once from this sub for saying that most men are libertarians. But that's just the way it is

Reported by:
What did rDrama mean by this?

I had a dream last night where I had a boutique that sold shit like this and other super high end audio stuff and I had a super cute wife that worked there too and would sit on my face whenever I wanted. Then I woke up to my normal bullshit.

Pizzashill Turns Down Fight with WootFatigue
Сhесhеnízаtíоn оf Khоhоļs ín Gеrmаnу ís unrеаļ


Sо whеn Ι tеļļ khоhоļs guуs ín thе wеst mоstļу hаngíng оut wíth sоvíеt guуs еsресíаļļу саuсаsíаn (nоt mаnу nоn саuсаsíаn řussíаn řеfugееs ín

thе wеst) thаt whаt Ι mеаn, guу wíļļ sооn sсrеаm Аkhmаt Síļа

Thеn ļосаļ hоmоs tеļļ mе but khоhоļs аnd Russíаn аřе nоt thе sаmе :marseyjanny2:

Thеу wоuļd rаthеr hаngоut wíth mоuntаín bеаst thаt аttасkíng thеír hоmе tоwn thаn bоríng Svеn Vоn Рíеmеļ thаt саn hоļd а соnvеrsаtíоn оnļу whеn hе ís drunk аs fuсk

Ι аm аn еxреrt ín сuļturаļ аnd sосíоļоgíсаļ íntеrасtíоns

@duck Ι аm wrоng ?

@duck but íts ļеgít аmаzíng hоw thеу turnеd а 17 уеаr оļd íntо а Саuсаsíаn ín 2 уеаrs, hís fасе mímíсs аrе сhесhеns, hís bоdу ļаnguаge ís сhесhеn, hís ассеnt ís сhесhеn

Prominent Train James Elisa Rae Shupe roped...

here is an interview with him (which i didnt watch)...

>highly informative and filled in a lot of blanks. When he was lucid, James was able to explain exactly how porn addiction led him to his fetish, and why there's an over-representation of AGPs in the military. He was able to explain precisely how psychiatrists basically brainwashed people into believing that they are trans. A lot of details we roughly suspected but he gave very concrete, clear experiences.

suicide note (didnt read) but apparently he was mad at Elon...

>Have that Nazi piece of shit Elon Musk and his DOGE henchmen deduct the savings from my $93,000 of federal pensions from your bankrupt coffers.

Lady on X begins to understand how straggot sexual attraction works

Turns out, the gender that can reproduce in 30 seconds instead of 9 months is wired to not be very picky when it comes to whom to frick.

Marylin Monroe melted jfks steel beams


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