

Reported by:
:marseytrump: US govt website drops the T from LGB :marseylgbtflag4: :!shadowkick: :carptransflag:


They really said:

The old page:

New page:

right at the bottom btw :marseyderp:. That's some foreshadowing, gays :marseypridepearlclutch:!


/r/4tran4 reacts

There are a lot of policies they're putting in place that will directly hurt trans people, but this one in particular strikes me as purely performative. They're trying to make sure the LGB-without-the-T idiots continue to tow the line by pretending that they still care about them. It's a distraction tactic to keep eyes off their efforts to outlaw gay marriage.

sorry for existing

Oh were not going to make it

Step 1, make it very difficult to transition

Step 2, make it very difficult to get treatment

Step 3, censor their existence

Step 4, marginalize everyone who is trans

Step 5, make the world see them as horrible beings so that no one can relate to them

Step 6, in a generation or two, have completely eliminated trans people

we're finally free from being associated with strags

Its not the lgb that dropped the t. Its us that dropped the lgb



but a lot of triumph.

'the tarot comes around again'

a line from an odd action movie, the Mask of Zorro, which has stuck with me

all of these young men bitter at wokes discovering that they need to worship the divine feminine, or there's simply no point


I spent all of my energy trying to teach them when they weren't listening

and now I feel empty and tired, and think

teach yourselves, then, because you would not hear me when I said that you have to accept women for what they are.

but this is unfair.


maybe they were listening.

life is so difficult. I could never have guessed half of the successes I would achieve simply by making a persistent and consistent effort.

even so.

I think most of my writing is behind me now.

Reported by:
S*x dlol brohtel wey dem just open dey fully booked for weeks
modern gayming

@kaamrev discuss

Rare :marseytrain2: self awareness


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EFFORTPOST The story of the first cult formed and entirely located on the Internet

Sheldan Nidle lived in an alternate reality from the rest of us.

Throughout the late nineties, while everyone else was surfacing from a post=Seinfeld world, gawping at a presidential s*x scandal, and mourning the death of grunge, Nidle was filling a nascent internet with tales of mass alien visitations and the transformation of the human race into five-dimensional, super-evolved beings. He called his initiative the Ground Crew Project (GCP). Probably the strangest aspect of the GCP, though, wasn't its prediction of a coming fleet of spaceships or the extradimensional expansion of all human consciousness. After all, alien interventions and apocalypses are as common in cults as messiah complexes and communes. What is unusual, though, is that the GCP was, and still is, almost entirely a virtual cult.

Nidle was born in New York City in 1946. He went to college at Ohio University and then the University of Southern California, after which he settled in the Golden State. And those seem to be the only factual parts of his biography—because Nidle claimed he was visited upon his birth, threewise-men-like, by extraterrestrials from a planet called Sirius. These beings would speak to him telepathically, land their ships in his backyard, and take him aboard for flights through space. And that was all before the age of fourteen.

Over the course of Nidle's life, aliens continued to send him messages through an implant they placed in his body, telling him all the secrets of the planet and the cosmos. He learned that humans were part of a divine/extraterrestrial experiment (the divine and the extraterrestrial seemed to be parallel in his mythology, although angels and aliens were distinct creatures). The creator had populated the planet—which is sentient—with what Nidle called "laggard souls," with the hope that they would transcend their limitations to find their place among the other evolved peoples of the universe, thereby joining the Galactic Federation of Light. The GCP were those earthbound members tasked with helping humanity transcend to the point at which they could be welcomed back into the Galactic Federation (hence the "Ground Crew" in the name).

The world learned about the GCP in 1996, when Niles starting writing about it on the burgeoning internet. His site welcomed visitors with statements like, "You are about to embark upon the greatest journey of your

life. You and the rest of life on Planet Earth are about to partake in the raising of planetary consciousness." But his GCP website wasn't just an FYI. It was an urgent message. Niles predicted that on December 17, 1996, the "laggard soul" experiment would end. He said that on that day, the planet would pass through what he called a "photon belt," which he described as an "extremely loving energy" composed of photons, gamma rays, and antimatter particles that occurs every 25,000 years.

That love light from space would hit our pineal glands and cause a spontaneous evolution in human beings. Our three-dimensional forms would expand to five dimensions. Our DNA would increase from a mere two strands to twelve. We would stop aging or getting sick. The blind would see. We would become telepathic. We would be able to manifest things just with the power of thought. Humanity would finally see the universe as it really was.

According to Nidle, even though the photon belt would turn us into superhumans, it would at the same time destroy our cities and machines and weapons. To help us survive the destruction, the Galactic Federation was supposed to send some 15.5 million spaceships to Earth. These ships were meant to shelter the human race from the planetary apocalypse, by keeping people either aboard the ships or in holographic matrixes that mirrored their lives. Some of the members of the Galactic Federation were building underground sanctuaries, as well.

It's impossible to gauge how many followers Nidle had in the early years, but the most appropriate metric was probably hits instead of commitments anyway, and he kept those numbers to himself. He did have enough followers that several New Age/UFO websites had a rule that members couldn't shill for his cult on their forums, so I imagine it was a considerable number of people buying into this shit. There is no record of any meetings in the meat space. Nidle stuck to posting weekly updates about the coming global transformation.

Of course, the big day came and went without even a twitch of anybody's pineal gland. That was no problem—Nidle just rescheduled the transformation to the following year. Meanwhile, he was creating a mythology of galactic history and its races. He described the human-like Andromedans and their cigar-shaped, hundred-mile-long mother ships; the horse-like Arcturians with their supply ships that resembled "wok lids welded together"; and the Sirians and Centaurians and Mintakins and Bellatricians, the latter of whom were reptilian. At some point, he added villains to his universe as well: beings called "dark cabalists," who were anti-transformation, as well as the "planetary elites" on our own Earth.

Some of Nidle's conspiracy-type theories fit well with the concurrent X-Files mania that began after that show debuted in September 1993. Nidle wouldn't have been alone in that influence, although he was more inclined to drop Star Trek and Star Wars references in his writings. According to a Reuters article from 2009, Britain's Ministry of Defense documented 609 UFO sightings in 1996, a huge jump from 117 the year before. The defense ministry noted, "This coincided with the rise in popularity of The X-Files." A similar phenomenon was occurring in the United States at the time. Still, Nidle's stories of the Galactic Federation were becoming so detailed that they could have been their own multi-arc TV show. He was, to use a term that these days refers to entertainment IP, "world-building."

Nidle eventually settled on May 5, 1997, as the new date for the transformation, and he tied it to the approach of the Hale-Bopp Comet. According to the messages from his implant, the comet was actually a massive, camouflaged spaceship. It contained a crew of more than 200,000, including 10,000 alien ambassadors whose mission was to help guide humanity through the transformation. A shuttle from the faux-comet flagship was supposed to land near Ayers Rock in Australia to kick off the party.

Of course, that didn't happen. But something else did: the Heaven's Gate tragedy. Just over a month before the GCP transformation date, the thirty-nine members of the UFO cult Heaven's Gate committed suicide together in a town north of San Diego. The members of that cult also believed the Hale-Bopp Comet hid an extraterrestrial ship sent to save them. They believed that their suicide would help them transcend their current existence and ascend to the ship.

Because Heaven's Gate had sported their own website, as both a recruitment tool and a suicide note, the media started scouring this newfangled internet for other groups with similar beliefs. They found Nidle and the GCP. The Florida Palm Beach Post, for instance, ran an article with a list of strange groups with an internet presence that included the GCP. The headline for the piece was: "Beyond Heaven's Gate, Web Is a Creepy

Place." Meanwhile, an article in the Atlanta Journal reported that "A group identifying itself as the Ground Crew Project of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation held a toll-free conference Thursday, promising to reveal details about how to get aboard the UFO. The group's advice: meditate."

At that point, the GCP rebranded, but not because of the negative attention from being linked to Heaven's Gate. It was because of a woman named Valerie Donner, who was a part of the inner circle of the GCP. After a falling-out with Nidle, she left the group, but managed to take with her both the name of the organization and its all-important web domain.

Instead of fighting for the GCP domain, Nidle relaunched his efforts online under a new name: the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO). The new group also had a new tone to its teachings. Nidle pulled back on prophesying the date of the transformation, claiming there was just too much intergalactic politics to ever be sure. Instead, he preached that the transformation was unspecifiably imminent, much like the Christian rapture. He also put more of the onus on humanity making itself worthy of transformation, with members of the PAO responsible for lighting the way through mass meditation and spreading the word of humankind's potential to "activate." In addition, his mythology began to trend more New Age than science fiction. He started working in concepts from other religious groups, such as Ascended Masters, an idea borrowed from theosophy and the cult of I AM. He encouraged his followers to set up their own PAO groups in their individual communities to create a network of enlightenment around the planet. He also began claiming that Earth was not just an experiment in the overarching galactic story, but the fulcrum of it. Its transformation would be a blueprint for the transformation of the entire galaxy. It was also supposedly the home of special crystals vital to the rest of the universe.

Via the PAO website, Nidle also continued to exhort his followers to prepare themselves for the coming ascension. One such update ran thusly:

The call went out for that global meditation day on the equinox, to visualize the Christ Grid energy following a certain procedure. That day was magic for those of us who experienced this 1 to 2 hour meditation. The Galactic Federation and the Confederation of Free Planets plus the Angelic Realm have all confirmed that our meditation has caused the necessary mass consciousness shift needed for the mass landings to become a reality. Therefore, they were given the go-ahead by Earth spiritual Hierarchy to proceed with the landing options depending on the secret government's intent to resist.

Nidle's productivity increased as well, and he began pumping out books and webinars and DVDs and speaking engagements at New Age and UFO conferences. His books and DVDs bore titles such as You Are Becoming a Galactic Human and Tour a Sirian Mothership and Inner Earth, Your Future Home.

On March 17, 2011, Nidle's health started to fail. The PAO website describes it this way: "As he sat at the computer, he was hit with a Direct Energy Weapon that caused marked personality changes, brain damage and, eventually, dementia. By September 2021 his health had deteriorated further and he entered a care facility, where he now lives." Wow, is he the first documented case of Havana Syndrome?

However, his presence is still alive as his followers continue to preach his gospel. Nidle's words continue to fill the internet as they did back in 1996. The PAO website still sells his books and DVDs. The organization still hosts regular webinars and podcasts and posts regular updates. YouTube has lots of videos of Nidle speaking or being interviewed. The Facebook page of Sheldan Nidle has 7.9 thousand followers, although its last update was on September 30, 2021. Among cults, the GCP/PAO stands out. Its messages\ are similar to those of many others—doomsdays and aliens and messiahs leading the way to a new and more advanced civilization are common in cults—but the outcome of its teachings is notably different. There have been no known abuses, suicides, murders, or prison sentences. Every once in a while, a comment on a YouTube video launches an accusation of hucksterism, but that's about the extent of it. Most of the members or followers of the PAO seem to be genuinely dedicated to the evolution of themselves and the human race through meditation and science fiction.

The internet might make it easier for cults to recruit, but in the best-case scenario, it also removes the element of physical isolation that is so often necessary for these groups to go rotten. It's much easier to escape a cult when you can leave with the click of a button.

Their website:


Literally crying.

!animalposters !cats





Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Immediate family? No. The only other sibling is his sister and she's 20-ish. She does baby sit in fairness to her. Widening net to cousins etc none stepped forward. They definitely are there on my wife's side at least. Not sure about his side. (1595)

What about the parents? (96)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I did that with another story the other day and I got the same thing 💀 Dead internet is looking really real rn (1294)

Are we the orphans of the dead internet? Who will care for us? (561)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

NAH. It's a devastatingly sad situation but your wife is doing what's best for her and you're doing what's best for the children. I can't get my head round your wife saying no either BUT she's not an AH for it. Some people really don't want kids and that's their right. Unfortunately, you may have to choose between them. (323)

I'd have to chose my wife. I wouldnt consider her an AH either but I'm just very surprised and still disappointed.Edit: I don't see how I'm being downkongd. She's my wife. Weve been together since we were kids. I wouldnt be happy with it but the kids are not the only ones grieving. I made vows to my wife.  (-82)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

This is the correct response. You have not been an butthole. it's a tragic situation that said, she is not wrong either.This will most likely end your marriage and it's a tough spot you have to choose. She made it clear upfront her view of her life. You agreed to that view. Your view changed hers didn't. So you either go back to the lines you both drew together or get ready to start drawing lines without her. She's not wrong or a bad person for this. If you choose her you have to do it under the pretense you can never resent her for this. Can you do that? If you chose the kids and your marriage ends, would you ever resent the kids? There is not an option here that is not going to leave you with massive "what if" questions. Only you can decide what's most important. You are not the butthole unless you resent your decision and others suffer for it. She's not the butthole cause she is just keeping her word about what her life view is. There's nothing wrong with that.Edit due to the 100+ r... (795)

While he's definitely not the butthole, she definitely is wrong. These children are her family, of course she has an obligation to take them in when this tragedy occurs. Modern society is all about "muh rights" but we've forgotten all about our duties and responsibilities.You have a duty to your family. Even if you aren't religious and view them as disposable, you should want to take them in simply for harm reduction. The harm and negative outcomes for older children going into foster care/state placement are demonstrable and horrible. They'll be (likely) split up. They'll be (likely) abused. They'll be far more likely to fall into addictions, crime, they'll have lower lifetime earnings, less stable homes of their own (if they even have families), etc. Every single metric is worse.It'd be one thing if they did not have the means to care for the children (although it'd have to be an extremely bad financial circumstance to make keeping them worse than abandoning them to whatever the st... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Just because she doesn't want to do want you and op wants her to, doesn't make her a bad person. A bad person, is trying to force your beliefs onto others then, slandering them when they refuses. (1)

Um letting your dead sister's children fall into neglect and abuse in the foster system because you're too selfish to step up does make you a bad person. That's what being a bad person is. It's literally being so selfish that you make orphans homeless. This behavior and thought process should be shamed and ridiculed. It's the reason society sucks now, everyone only gives a shit about their own convenience and not about being a decent person. You will never convince me that being so far up your own butt that you refuse to care for those that have no one except you is a good thing. (-1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

ohhh i ws about to type sorry she would leave you if something happened to you as she lacks empathy and saw he said has standing her and Shes a good women. Mans got np clue hes married to someone with a personality disorder. Oh well i guess unless they end up im the system they are better of or maybe still would be cos that shits pathological and one day has going o look back and hate himself. took a twist tbh i was waiting to read he didn't want them. Its a shame people refuse to believe there are woman monsters too. Don't even feel bad for him those aren't red flags they are giant speakers screaming narcissistic personality disorder. if you red this mate, she might change her mind cos she will know she's crossed a big line but if she does yu need to educate yourself on Narcistic child abuse cos that that will happen and you'll need to educate yourself on you to not become complicit either by ignoring it or joining in, you have no idea what you live with in all Honesty nukes you c... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Level-Heart-5270

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseycryinglaptop: "I waited 7 years to read this book. 7 years. And I am not going to finish it."

Brandon Sanderson

For those that don't know, Brandon Sanderson is a Mormon author that specializes in writing fantasy for people that believe video games are art. The Mormonism manifests itself as embarassing and clunky attempts at insults.

For example:

But don't worry. He doesn't need the crutch of Mormonism to help him write atrocities.

Sanderson started getting big in 2006 when not mentioning current-day issues in your writing wasn't considered violence. Because his early work was inoffensive, some of his fans had certain opinions and would be described as chud-adjacent today. We'll come back to them in a moment.

With success came the the desire to expand, and what better way to reach more people than making it more relatable™ and courting a "modern audience"! It started out subtle: a background character making comments about the same s*x, allegories about mental health and, eventually, an out-of-place political desire to install a modern democracy in a medieval fantasy world. It got progressively more obvious with each new book, but it clearly worked, because you can't go anywhere online to discuss fiction now without being bombarded with Sanderson recommendations.

And now a large chunk of his fan base looks like this

Wind and Truth

The most recent addition to the Sanderson Literary Universe was the 5th book in the Stormlight Archive series, Wind and Truth.

We're going to look at some 1-star reviews, which are mostly chuds dumb enough to have kept reading up until now.

Remember the excerpts from earlier? ALL his writing is like that. All 4 previous books in the series. These geniuses endured 4,546 pages of slop to get to this point

Goodreads Link. Sort by 1-star reviews. 2-stars are also funny, but it's mostly just people begging him to get another editor.

I will be honest, I cried

I didn't realize I was reading garbage until there was a gay character!


^ This is an actual quote :marseyemojilaugh: :#marseylongpost2:

This guy wrote a whole novel in protest

Can't read it? You're welcome!

It turns into an impassioned plea for Sanderson to renounce Mormonism in favour of mainstream Christianity, which is funny, but not actually worth reading.


I couldn't drug myself to sleep, so I used boring audiobooks


The best part of these 1-star reviewers pouring out their hearts (and some of them posting from accounts with face pics and real names) is that none of it meant anything. The book was well-received overall and will fund the next 5 books in the series! :platyrich:




!cuteandinvalid !lgbt Good Morling

Reported by:

You are wrong.

youtuber speedruns getting banned from sports betting apps for knowing finance
:!soyjakfat: Fat, unionised public servants try to LARP as heroes of The Republic, end up crying, melting down :soyjakfat:


:#soymad: "I'm feeling so defeated and depressed as a two fed family. I can't take much more of this."
:#soymad: "I have honestly cried most of the day today. ."
:#soymad: "I've been scared for myself and my friends/work family."
:#soymad: "I'm a middle school social studies teacher and everything I keep seeing just makes me think of 1930s Germany or 1950s Russia."
:#soymad: "I did not sign up to be customer service rep to die and compromise my health. I'm bordering suicidal and had to have my antidepressants upped today."

Jesus Christ, burgers, what the frick did Trump/Elon do?? Is this just about laying off federal employees??

link to the literal Command HQ of the Reddit army

EFFORTPOST Schizo Stacey documents „being stalked by the feds" for TikTok views :marseyglow2:

Lisa is an American TikToker who goes by the handle @ stalkedbythefeds, where she posts videos alleging she is under FBI investigation as a result of her having an affair with an FBI agent named Lenny DePaul. She claims that ever since she told DePaul's wife of their affair, the FBI has retaliated by opening up an investigation against her. Her proof that she is under investigation includes:

  • Videos of random people in public

  • Videos and pictures of cars parked outside of her house, cars with tinted windows, or cars with „weird license plates"

  • People sitting in their cars outside of her gym

  • Other insane nonsense

How does she have time to schizo post all day? She previously was a psychiatric nurse pratictioner, but now she collects monthly disability checks for an undisclosed disability, which some of her viewers assume is some sort of mental illness causing her delusions. She claims that the FBI is trying to find evidence of her committing "insurance fraud" relating to her disability, and that they've concocted schemes to make her look like she isn't actually qualified. Or alternatively, just find her guilty of absolutely anything so Lenny can get his sweet, sweet revenge over 4 years later.

Here are some of the ways she claims the FBI have tried to entrap her:

She said that the FBI approached her hairdresser and convinced her to become a CI. She says it was "so obvious" to her because her hairdresser "Started asking questions." She claims that almost everybody that she interacts with is in cahoots with the feds and anybody who isn't will be coerced into becoming an informer.

She also claims the FBI turned one of her lifelong friends into a CI. Supposedly, the FBI tried to get her to commit fraud by convincing her long-time friend to ask Lisa (who was a RN at the time) if she could help get the friend's sister on disability, because she couldn't work due to health complications. Lisa says she "didn't take the bait", and instead accuses her friend of selling out to the FBI when she was seemingly just looking for help for her sister.

She again claimed that the FBI poached one of her friends, this time by trying to get Lisa (still a RN at the time) to sign "emotional support animal" paperwork so she didn't have to pay the pet fee to her landlord. Suprise Lisa, the FBI isn't setting you up- your friends are asking favors from you.

Recently, she announced that to escape the feds, she was going to be moving to Bali (which to many may seem like a worse fate…) But, lo and behold, to the shock of almost no one, within less than 4 days of moving she claimed she was still being followed in Bali. Including the riveting proof of: a lady standing outside on her own porch (complete with scary music in the background)

Although on the surface, this may seem like just another insane schizo "gangstalking" victim, some of her followers have theorized that this is all a very intricate scam concocted to scrape the wallets of r-slurred tiktok users and collect tiktok creator fund money in addition to her disability (which I believe in itself would be insurance fraud. We got er boys!!! :marseyglow:) Her denial of this is not helped by the GoFundMe link in her bio (even if it's only raised less than $300 with a goal of 20k.) Another TikToker, released a series of videos claiming to have previously worked for Lisa, and stating that she believes her story is a ruse.

Even if the whole stalking story is fake, I do not believe that she is not crazy. This is not the face of a sane woman:

Mexico just rugged leafs? :marseyemojilaugh:

Blackface trusted the bean yenta to team up on Donald and he got fricked

She's kinda based for it tbh

Reported by:
The obsession with neurodivergent women needs to stop

Seems like lately the internet has been deluged with posts that are along the lines of "I NEED an neurodivergent gf" or "me and my neurodivergent gf" etc.

As someone who actually dated an actually neurodivergent girl for about a year I can promise that it actually sucks. Sure it's cute the first few times she infodumps about her favorite musical or something else, but after the 15th time of her saying the same stuff she did last time for an hour it gets annoying.

It's also really hard to talk to her about anything that's not one of her interests, and even harder to have any serious conversation with her since she just doesn't understand or relate to anything you're telling her.

Maybe it was just her but intimacy was also a no-go. One time we walked past a lingerie store and she had a pretty exaggerated reaction to it being gross. Another time we were at a local art museum looking at a porcelain exhibit they had and there was this beautiful piece depicting nude, muscular men ala Renaissance/Greek statue styles and she had the same exaggerated reaction.

I'm sure all that makes me sound like a peepee but I really did try to be sweet and nice to her and be a good boyfriend in general. I just ultimately couldn't see her as my wife or mother to me children.

Of course everything I just typed is most likely meaningless since they mean the quirky doesn't like going out tiktok autism and not real autism.

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST The story of April30th2015: How a doomsday larp caused mass chaos and panic

I've lately felt the need to make a few posts looking back on the days when Reddit wasn't completely lame and normie-fied, and this seemed like a good place to start. This occurred back in the days of 2015, ten years ago now, before Reddit would go on to become completely buckbroken by Trump's victory and G*mergate, thus ushering in the soulless website that is modern Reddit. The drama sub was in its infancy, culture wars and Tiktok hadn't ruined online discouse, it was a simpler time.

Back around the end of 2014, a subreddit would appear by name of 'April30th2015' with a sidebar message and post from user '20141220' explaining that he had mysteriously time traveled in his sleep back to the year of 2014 and felt the need to warn everyone of the impending solar flare disaster on April 30th, 2015 that would effectively plunge the world into chaos. Note: I had difficulty finding the original post as the sub OP eventually deleted their account but most of the sub's other posts are still readily available. The sidebar reads:

At 0250 UTC on Friday 1 May 2015 (which is late on Thursday, April 30th in the US) the power goes out throughout the world due to a solar storm on the level of the Carrington event of 1859 (though most people won't know the cause for several months): the power has gone out and there's no more running water or food deliveries ... and it will be this way for many years to come.

Within a the short period of time leading up to April, the sub amassed a decent amount of attention and as expected, reactions were very mixed.

Most immediately suspected it was a larp and reacted accordingly, quickly developing a meme culture around it and shitposting about the coming 'skeleton apocalypse'.

If the power goes out, people will say 430 blaze it instead of 420 blaze it because they will need to light candles

MRW the power goes out

April 29th be like...

BREAKING: Time Traveler has brought back photographs of the world after the power outage. Warfare and banditry become comonplace.

But this is Reddit and inevitably, some would take the bait.

Realscienceguydude comes to explain to us why time travel is impossible:

Why all of this is Bullsh*t

And 2015 Reddit responds as 2015 Reddit does:

Another brave skeptic steps forward:

Why This Can't Be True

And of course, some would play into the larp to the ridicule of most of the users.


The OP would eventually gain his own cabal of edgelords playing along in every post

Horrible... very horrible things await this poor planet

April 30th is not what you think it is. And it's exactly what you think it is. It is probably the end of Humanity as we know it.

I did it, but I couldn't stop them. Their plans have only been delayed for a year.

However, the reactions that would attract the most attention would be the ones genuinely panicking under the conviction that societal collapse was upon us.

I'm legit kind of freaked out about this, someone tell me why I shouldn't be, please.

This guy is a fricking butthole

Gullible person with anxiety here, is this roleplaying?!?!

Is this real?! D:

Now in the days leading up to April 30th, the larp would start to amp up: 20141220 would prophesize that a Malaysian Airlines planes set to take off the morning after April 30th would crash. Reactions were, again, mixed but largely skeptical but this wasn't enough to stop one user from rising up to the occasion.

20151220, you are terrorist and a fear monger. You either release a public message saying that this is a load of bullshit, or I and countless others will report you to authorities. Who's with me?

He'd go on to argue in a now deleted post about his valiant efforts to stop this terrorist.

Now, after rumbleshit had supposedly contacted the authorities over this, 20141220 would abruptly delete his account and a gloating thread would follow.


With the bulk of his gloating occurring here

But that wouldn't be the end of this as new accounts stepped in to push the larp.

I am 20141220, and I do not live in Greater London

Many would argue in the comments section about whether he was the legitimate 20141220 or not, but a new account would soon appear. The user SaveTheSpyCrabs would step forward with a post announcing he was 20141220 and this had merely been an epic troll.

He never broke character, *I never broke character.

He'd go on to try to argue some sort of proof in the comments but users remained skeptical. April 30th of 2015 soon approached and to no one's surprise, nothing happened. Users responded accordingly.


SpyCrabs himself would show up to shitpost and try to revitalize the edgelords.

I can't keep hiding.

But this time around, Reddit users weren't biting.

SaveTheSpycrabs most recent post is just him roleplaying.

The subreddit would die a slow death as users got tired of skeleton posting and many moved on to other pastures. Nonetheless, this sub is one of the last remaining vestiges of what Reddit was like in a time not wrecked with culture wars slap fighting.

I found a chudjak lora

it's not bad

Reported by:
me irl



yes - 104 bets

no - 125 bets

please stop posting - 6 bets

I will give a SIX HUNDRED (600) marseydollar bounty to the first person who sends me the inevitable news article.

If nobody has sent me the article within a month, I will spend SEVEN (7) minutes searching for the article on Google news. If I do not find it then, the bet resolves NO.

!remindme 1 month "site:nytimes suicide"

!bets !goomble !goomblers !goombling !project2025


stay tuned

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