New Mexico Green Chile Stew

This is going to be a post where the one guy from New Mexico on rDrama gets really mad, like when Texas people get pissy because you added some kidney beans to your chili or whatever. Hey hypothetical future New Mexico angry guy, it's all good, you should be mad. I am literally raping your culture on purpose.

This post is about making something that's relevant to the state of New Mexico where they venerate a specific type of non-spicy pepper called the Hatch Green Chile. New Mexicans have made this product a point of cultural pride for their state and have done a pretty good job of exporting it all over the country during the brief window they're harvested (late August through part of September if you're looking for some). Now I said "non-spicy" but nowadays clever growers have created new varieties that are pretty spicy, although not much more so than a Jalapeno or something similar. If you want your green chile stew to be spicy, you can either look for those hot varieties, or just add some other peppers for heat. Personally, I don't like using the spicy Hatch peppers in this recipe because you need to add a LOT of peppers (like 30 or 40) which can get INSANE if you use the really spicy ones. It's up to you and your colon, though.

If you buy fresh peppers during the harvesting season, the grocery stores will roast them for you on site. Whole Foods likes to do this in some places. Otherwise, somebody in your town will probably get on the bandwagon. They bring a big roaster out in front of the store and sell the peppers by the pound. You'll probably need in the area of 1 - 2 pounds of peppers to make this recipe. If you go nuts for these things and buy a whole 25 pound case, make sure you have a vacuum sealer and a big freezer because these will not stay good in your fridge for more than a week. They're very wet after roasting, so you can only imagine how fast they're going to grow mold.

On to the stew. This recipe is dead simple to make. It's all just prep work. Hope you enjoy cutting things. You'll need:

  • 1 to 2 pounds of pork shoulder, cut into 1 inch cubes (actual size of the cubes is up to what you like to eat, but if you make them too big you'll have to cook everything longer)

  • 1 to 2 pounds of green chiles (I didn't weigh them or count them when I made this last night, but it looked like there were 25 - 35 peppers)

  • A big russet potato or a couple red potatoes

  • 2 big carrots (not traditional, but my favorite version of this had them so I use them too)

  • A big white onion

  • Lots of garlic

  • Chicken or beef stock

  • Onion powder, cumin, oregano, black pepper

  • MSG in the form of Sazon Goya (totally optional)

  • Plenty of salt

First, you need to process the chiles before cooking them. You need to chop off the seed pod that's on one end and scrape the skins off. The skins aren't exactly inedible, but they have a bad texture that will make you look like an idiot in front of your guests while they try to pretend they don't hate you and your lousy dinner. You don't need to be careful about removing all the seeds, they really won't hurt anything, you just want to remove the seed pod because it's hard as a rock.

You could scrape the skins off the peppers using a fork or a butter knife, but I suggest you use the back of your relatively new, extremely sharp chef's knife. That way, you can talk on the phone with a friend while you're doing it, get distracted while turning the knife over in your hand again and again (using the sharp side to cut out the seed pod and the dull side to scrape, naturally) and then nearly cut the end of your index finger off when you grab and squeeze the sharp side of your knife.

Once you get back from the emergency room, start by browning then removing the pork cubes, then saute the onions, garlic, and chiles a little with the dried spices, before adding back the meat, potatoes, stock and everything else. Cook for about 2 hours (45 min covered and the rest uncovered). If you want to cook longer, don't add the potatoes right away or they'll turn to mush. Add the MSG right at the end or it will lose some of its potency.

Real New Mexican recipes I found online don't have carrots, but the first place I ever had this stuff at was in Provo, Utah (Black Sheep Cafe) and it was so good that I have always tried to imitate it.

Taylor's about to be single again!


People living in first world countries typing from cozy air conditioned rooms while drinking a cup of overpriced starbucks coffe as usual won't understand that maybe, just maybe, giving up your civil liberties to gain the perk of being able to go to work every day without the very real fear of you or your family falling victim to crime violence, might actually be a decent tradeoff.

When a country's institutions have been corrupted to the point of allowing crime related violence rise to those levels, it's a clear sign that its democracy has already been long subverted.

It's very rich for us in countries privileged with at least somewhat functional law and order and no essentially paramilitary criminal cabals in control of a shocking amount of the country to judge a country resorting to extreme measures due to a literally insane homocide rate.

The biggest tell will be if powers are relinquished when the cartels have been crippled to a degree where they cannot easily return.

Privileged little redditors will always find a way to preach about how they could easily find a way to fix all those issues, while preserving their virtuousness on top of their moral high horses.

!chuds !neolibs !latinx

Reported by:
  • p : links to TWITTER (NOT X YOU CHUD) are banned on rDrama dot net
It appears that two X accounts of Reddit's CEO have been suspended.


I love when ppl find photos where my mask is off for 5 seconds outside for a photo at my book party where every single attendee had to PCR test, as some kind of gotcha. Like yeah, high risk ppl could safely remove their masks for photos now and then if every event/public space had those precautions!

Taylor Lorenz ( 2024-12-02T21:51:08.764Z

Twitter has been feasting on this new turn of phrase



Can someone key me in on what went down the past 5 years? I was sleeping

I used to post on rDrama back like 5-6 years ago but stopped when the carbon monoxide leak in my house was fixed :marseyblowkiss:

Bought Canadian jacket

I didn't looked at brand and thought the jacket looked cool. The package came destroyed because package that cost more than 500 euro are marked so local Muhamed had to make sure to check if it's not iPhone so the package was open and plastic damaged with fingers.

The jacket is like 10kg, very heavy, looks cool but what genius decided to sell Canadian winter jacket in west Europe, that jacket is super warm. Even for Scandinavian capital cities

Texas migrant shelters are empty amid immigration crackdown | The Texas Tribune | :marseyparty:


Jihad conquers Britain! Inshallah!




To be clear, searches over the past three months for deleting Facebook have hovered around a 75 score on Trends, peaking to 100 around specific events, like Meta's latest policy changes and the presidential election in November 2024.

Reported by:

Backstory about this effortpost, and probably the first ever film script!

17 days ago, @QueenOfSpades (:marseyblacked::chudbbc:) asked what happened to the /r/Drama-adjacent subleddit /r/JapanCircleJerk (, and thus, 17 days ago, I started writing this comment-turned-effortpost-turned Dramakino-turned schizoposting from my head that I want misinformation and rumors to be corrected, but due to a variety of reasons, I did not posted it back then, but now since today is my last day to farm dramacoin, and also since I would really, really appreciate insights, corrections, and addendums from folx who are more familiar with this story, then I will just post it in here anyways.

Anyway, my memory on this is hazy, I miss /r/JapanCirclejerk so much that my brain excludes traumatic memories as a coping mechanism, so since it was banned I have intentionally avoided looking up anything about its history, much like /r/Drama in a certain way :marseycope:, here is what I remember, and what I could piece together as a dramatic story about this historical event in the an(n)als of the Dramastorians, corrections and more information are very appreciated :marseysadge:, !effortposters !bookworms !kino could you please give critiques on my writing style and storywriting skills?:marseythanks:


(original Brazilian Portuguese audio)

(Japanese dub with different lyrics)



(I was going to make a more detailed poster but I need to post this ASAP before Homoween ends, and I have no idea which catchy tagline fits the poster of the movie better)


One day, /r/JCJ was doing the average things that it did as the biggest Japan Circlejerk subreddit, it was making fun of a creepy Gaijin guy in Japan, run off the mill stuff!, what they spent years doing on their subreddit that existed since around the early 2010s, for over a decade JCJ made fun of the average gaijin r-slurs in Japan doing average gaijin r-slur things, this happened all the time in almost all of their posts making fun of in-site drama, so what is so special about this case?:marseyclueless:, well, unbeknownst to the denizens of /r/JapanCirclejerk, this day was the day that would enter in the history of the late-stage Dramasphere on Soyddit.... the cope before the storm.....:marseyaware:

JCJ just so happened to have found the biggest goldmine in the history of their subreddit, the redditor that JCJ was making fun of, was the biggest living stereotype of the 2000s-2010s 4chan incel weeaboo neckbeard libertarian loser neurodivergent r-slur creep to have ever existed, he is almost an AI-generated caricature, what happens when you feed AI on outdated 4chan memes and "Otaku" articles from the mid-late 2000s and create a character based on him , basically, the antagonist of this story is a libertarian English teacher on a JET program.... who got into a relationship with one of his underage students:bruh:

(I do not know her age, perhaps she was 16-17 or so, but she was underage in the eyes of the law, and no, "age of consent is 13 in Japan lol" :marseypedo:, this is a redditor myth that gets repeated, the legal age of consent in Japan is de-facto 18 at all prefectural levels), so his JET agency/school eventually noticed that a child in their school is the "girlfriend" of an grown fricking adult teacher, and sought to either have a serious chat with him, or to take legal action/call the police on him. :siren::marseycop::marseyneckbeard::marseycop2::hansen2::siren:

CHAPTER 2::#objection:Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:

Still not being satisfied with living the ultimate 4chan weeaboo neckbeard isekai fantasy of moving to Japan, having easy and instant access to all weebshit you can think of, getting a real-life UwU kawaii loli gf, and becoming a s*x offender as a foreigner in a country with an extremely strict law system that does not acquits almost anyone, much less foreigners for their crimes, the reddit user (whose username I forgot, so for convenience, shall be named here as Chomo P. Lolilover :marseygroomer2:), Mr. Lolilover wanted to go far and beyond and explore more Tranime genres now that he lived in glorious Nihon, so after he became a s*x offender who groomed a child that he was supposed to teach good values towards, Mr. Chomo sought to also get into a real-life Ace Attorney courtroom drama anime!

After realizing that, well, he had committed a serious fricking crime, the 400 IQ IRL Anime protagonist did the shining glasses move from Evangelion :soyjakanimeglasses:, and realized that the best way to get out of trouble was to ask for help, ask for help where you say?, of course, the best website on earth where libertarians ask for help! -

reddit. :#soysnoo:

Chomo-kun fled to the reddit hugbox of smart Gaijin intellectuals on either /r/Japan, or /r/JapanLife, or /r/JET (do not remember which exact sub that was) to ask for assistance for his Ace Attorney case of Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:, the tard was proudly and without any fricking shame openly admitting on reddit that he is a grown man who is in an illegal relationship with an underage girlfriend in another country, and claiming having no idea as to why the school is fricking angry at him committing a crime, and want his head.:marseywoodchipper2:

As you can now guess, as it is to be expected from the average English teacher in Asia, Mr. Chomo is not really a bright individual, from committing a serious crime in a foreign country, to publicly admitting it on reddit on the account that he links with his Touhou lolicon and child idol blogs, to thinking that he did nothing wrong, to- HOLD THE FRICK UP:marseyspit: what the frick was that?:bruh:

CHAPTER 3::#cirnopost::#soyno: (no, literally :marseydespair:)

Of course, the neighbor got ripped to shred :!stoningdownvotes::marseypedo::stoningdownvotes: even the tards at either /r/Japan or /r/JapanLife or /r/Jet were fuming and thought that he was a fricking weirdo predator menace that needs to be either arrested or deported before more children get groomed, and their already-not-good Gaijinoid reputation gets stained, as the Gaijincels, above all English teachers, already have a stellar reputation as predators and creeps in Asia, so this libertarian freak needs to be stopped ASAP, before his number of victims grow, local media gets involved in it, and other Gaijinoids start to get hated and labeled as libertarian predators even more than they already have the reputation for.:marseychingchongraging::!stoning::mutttantrum::stoning:

I remember that the guy had a schizopost-y style to his writing and rhetoric, angrily replying to all negative comments calling him a libertarian freak, and I recall that he even LIKED TO USE RANDOM ALL CAPS TO SCREAM LIKE THIS:soyjaktantrumfast:, and since he replied to literally all comments mentioning him in the thread, the libertarian lolcow later flocked to /r/JapanCirclejerk to defend xhir heckin cute and valid relationship with an irl kawaii anime japanese loli girlfriend UwU from these heckin harasser stalker chuds and discriminatory Japanese law system:marseyrofl::soysnooseethe::marseylaughpoundfist:

Well, since the guy was quite a prolific schizoposter present in other subs, and had a quite old reddit account, JCJannies stumbled upon his older posts to see what else he was sperging about, but they ended up finding out.... the truth..... but not any average kind of truth, no!, Mx. Dramanxut!, this was a form of TRVTH powered by NVCLEAR fission, a TRVTHNVKE, in fact, this was THE most enriched TRVKERALD that would unfortunately, be the demise of /r/JapanCirclejerk :marseytruthnuke:

By surfing through his account, /r/JapanCirclejerk found out that not only he is a massive Touhou lolicon fan, with a fricking enormous posting history on Touhou subreddits and an also gigantic collection of Touhou memorabilia in real-life, and also off-site blogs where he talks about his figurine collection and love for Touhou lolis, no.... no!..... the motherlover has an enormous blog dating back to years ago, where he posts pictures of REAL SEXUALIZED CHILDREN from "Japanese Idol" magazines. :marseydespair:

Me writing this text from start to finish::marseyaware:

Chapter 4: PERSONAL ARMY REQUEST: ACCEPTED:#marseysaluteccp:

When his CP "blog" was discovered by JCJ, the sub understandably freaked the frick out at an outspoken libertarian with access to children, who has a gigantic blog where he posts "idol" (i.e. sexualized) photographs of real children, who is openly obsessed with loli shit, and who most importantly, has already got in trouble for grooming an underage girl, so all of the "lulz guyz, look at this funny internet r-slur lolcow lolz!!!:lolface:" aura around the subreddit immediately ended, but this was unfortunately, the very last time that /r/JapanCirclejerk would type "/uj" on their comments :marseylibations:

Through the open and proud r-slur posting his personal information on his CSAM blog, they doxxed him (:based:), apparently contacted JET to immediately take action against him (:based:), and overall just started to non-stop shit on him wherever he went on reddit, which is heckin problematic behavior that is against the reddit inc. terms of conduct, and a violation of redditiquete:bardfinn:

Even before the JCJannies started to shit on him, reddit banned their sub for violating their rules on doxxing, and also banned other related subreddits for ban evasion, thank you reddit for making the world a better place, and protecting an outspoken and proud libertarian who has gotten into legal trouble for grooming minors!

Chapter 5: See you, Space Dramanaut:#marseycowboy:

And that was the true story of /r/JapanCirclejerk, yet another extremely funny and informative reddit sub getting banned for them trying to bring a bona-fide open libertarian to justice.

6. Where are xhey now?:#marseymugshot:

I forgot most details of what happened following this, however, I am certain that the libertarian's account is still up, and he is still posting his love for underage Japanese children and lolicon, I do not remember his name, but perhaps KiwiFarms or old Pullpush archives still have the name of his account. !libertarianhunters !ranchers

Also, I made this image in a rush in order for me to be able to farm dcoin before Homoween ends, I forgot to add in some Touhou figurine in Toguro's hand for example :chuditsover:

The r/fednews redditors don't want to accept the buyout


Trump sent every fed a Fork in the Road email offering 9 months severance if they quit in the next 2 weeks

I attribute this solely to this community and the solidarity found in it. I'm the only person on my team of 8 that's on Reddit and not only have I been better informed, I've been faring better than the others. Two people went on stress leave and frankly I'd be one of them too if I didn't have this community. I'll continue to do my job and fight for the position I've earned. It took me 10 years of applying and 20 years experience in my field to get here. I will not be pushed out by two billionaire trust funds babies. I'M NOT LEAVING!'

I was chill and laid back prior. Now I'm digging my heels in out of spite. I'm a big time hater and being petty is my favorite thing to do.

I can hold a grudge like it's my job

I knew my grudge-holding skills would come in handy someday.

I've never been more motivated to stay. Before the "buyout" memo, I was ready to go job hunting, but then a revelation hit. I took an oath under this position to the American people and leaving my job under the current state would be failing to maintain my oath as civil servant.

I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Woman gets man's dating profile banned for :marseyokay:ing too hard



Not trying to play devils advocate for a racist weirdo, but how are you sure? Not trying to argue, just curious what gave it away.

This is, of course, assuming it's the OK hand gesture. If it's something less obscure, the answer is self explanatory

He was taking a selfie in the mirror. The hand that was at his side was doing the white power gesture. Hands do not naturally fall like thatโ€ฆ so no.

EDIT: Hinge has actually emailed me to say they've taken action against him, so I'm not mistaken as you're inferring.

Her previous posts indicate she absolutely hates men, but is having trouble finding her disney prince on dating apps because they all love hitler. :tayshrug:


I know it's stupid to seriouspost about this kind of stuff on rDrama, but frick...

Oddly, November Rain isn't one of those songs, I think it actually makes me feel a bit better. But this is about as far as I can go with any music that refers to romantic themes right now... it just hurts too much. At least November Rain has some machismo to it. I feel like if I put on any Leonard Cohen or somesuch right now I'd just feel psychologically destroyed, the remains of my holding myself together ripped apart like shittily made ropes on a ship in a tempest.

Weird how a relationship that lasted for many months can just kind of evaporate in one night. Although I suppose if it does, maybe it's because it was already evaporating.

Weekly "What are you watching?" Thread

Severance is mid

Landman is slopaganda

Anora is an gopnik incel fantasy

KNEECAP is the best film of the decade

Reported by:
1000dc to anyone who can explain what the f-word this is trying to convey

I think I get that it's not supposed to be funny even though it's a comic. The stylization kind of disagrees though? And it seems like it's trying to deliver some sort of punchline? The girl with the new baby looks to be about 10 years old so maybe it's a deep psyop dunking on palestoid depravity but I don't think that's it either

But it can't be taken at face value because literally look at the whole thing, any and all of it. I really did think there was some sort of intended deeper meaning or humor here when I began this thread but I've just had another look and I'm scrolling the comments and it's apparently dreadfully serious and exactly as it appears to be.

There is no dc reward as I solved this mystery myself but the title is good for eyes so it stays.

In closing:

MFW I see carp
Reported by:
  • Arran : no one asked, no one cares
Met another neurodivergent at the adult learning center!!


WE TALKED ABOUT VIDEO GAMES AND SONIC FOR HOURS OVER TEXT. He's only here to get his math exam, then he's gonna graduate!! I'm not sure how old he is. Looks like a 20 and 30 year old at the same time.

He got a date with someone from class as a joke! I don't think he knows that the other woman is doing it for the bit... :(

I wish I had money so him and I could do nerd shit at a local nerd cafรฉ in town. We both live like 10 minutes away from that place.

I take 2 exams this week!! I already passed my RLA (English) exam 2 weeks ago... FRICKING FAILED MY SOCIAL STUDIES PRACTICE EXAM... ITS NOT MY FAULT WE'RE COVERING SHIT I HAVEN'T GONE OVER SINCE 2018-2019. However, my friend is really good at history, and I'm really good at math!


I'm celebrating my birthday at a sushi place with another tranner I met in December. I STILL HAVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS... NOT SURE WHY THAT NOTICE CAME UP ON MY MOM'S PHONE BUT NOT MINE. Someone remind me... even if it's mean....

:marseymonk: The Dalai Lama Chudda says frick off, they're full :marseymonk: :chudsmug:
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