SHEILA AT 5:30 AM, AVERAGE SUNDAY :marseyfluffy:

I love her :beavisandbuttheadrocking: :marseycornholio: :marseyhearts: :marseybow: my special lil gal. She has begun giving more nose-kisses daily than Socks ever has the whole time I've rehabilitated that brown piece of flabby tabby :marseygiggle: they are going to fight so stupidly over sleeping with me once Sheila's fixed. We are close to the savings mark for her spay :marseyexcitedgif: :marseyletsgo:

!animalposters !cats



I love the USA :marseysaluteusa: | Dr Phil :boomer: joins Tom Homan (Deporter in Chief) and films it :marseyxdorbit:

!trump2024 !trump2028 !project2025 !chuds

Absolutely malding :marseymalding: by reddi:marseytrain2:s

I'm sorry, what the frick is "Dr." Phil there for? Is he an ICE agent now? Is Phildo the new Mike Lindell?


I won't link it, but there's a video of "Dr." Phil on his social media page basically interrogating a detained immigrant. I wouldn't be too surprised if this turns into a recurring segment as a propaganda piece à la Live PD.

Ugh I don't think this is out of the realm of possibility at all. He would selectively choose the craziest and worst people caught to highlight and make it like it's a representation of all the detainees. His daytime audience of idiots would eat it up


How stupid is it that conservatives doubled down on calling Kamala the Border Czar so hard they invented the position in the next administration so that way their criticism of her being in the aforementioned fictitious position would sound legitimate. She got tasked with brokering a deal with Latin American countries and businesses and successfully reduced emigration from those countries by around 20-30%. But no, it's easier to pretend like she was given the task of overseeing the border directly, which she wasn't. Lol

B-word did nothing STFU neighbor

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] die mad about it


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Gotta love the left. "You have to accept our way of thinking but frick yours!" So pathetic they even need to take of a bumper sticker subreddit so they feel heard. Truly pathetic and so easy to manipulate and trigger (-51)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Try again! This is only true till a 50yr old with a peepee tries to watch my little girl go pee! (-38)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

And it's the people like Republicans that vote to remove them (74)

Every and each one is different. I wouldn't make such a blanket statement so confidently. I used to think the same way. But my family votes Republican and they have been my biggest supporters thru my transition and always tell me to be proud about who I am. (-39)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Emma Weyant and Lia Thomas don't exist then? (-1)

2020 – Alexa Luciano Ruiz was fatally shot in Puerto Rico on 24 February, after an incident in a local restroom.[99][100] Carmen Yulín Cruz called attention to her death before the 2020 Puerto Rico gubernatorial election. Ms. Luciano was killed while the assailant men laughed.[101]2020 – Selena Reyes-Hernandez, 37, was fatally shot in Chicago, Illinois, on 31 May by a man she went home with, after telling him that she was transgender.[102]2020 – Brayla Stone, 17, was murdered in Arkansas in June 2020 by a man seeking to conceal his sexual relationship with her; the killer was "afraid of being considered homosexual" were Stone to reveal their relationship;[103] he pled guilty and was sentenced to 50 years in prison.[104]2020 – Valera (name is changed in the report), a 46-year-old man, a janitor, was killed on 10 February in Chelyabinsk, Russia, by his dorm roommates after they learned he was a transgender man.[105]2020 – Serena Angelique Velázquez, 32, and Layla Pelaez, 21, both tran... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Well, you said women can r*pe too, which had nothing to do with anything we were talking about, so I thought I would get you another r*pe fact because I thought that's what was happening. But what you said had frick all to do with anything we were on about. It's an easy way of inflating assault statics that's what spitting is. It's not nice, but it's harmless. Well, unless you have aids. But 99% of the time it's harmless.The way you are defending and the points you are making, I just thought you were trans. Let's start. I'm an adult who can't hear and see words because of some bullshit. Schools are messing with kids' heads and are destroying lives because of this trans moment. The impacts this will have in the future will be more suicide. They are pushing child mutilation. Trans women are way more violent, and I don't understand how this isn't being looked into more. They're a real danger to the public. But yeah, can't be arsed with this bye. (0)

It does. You said male feminists don't have access to women's bathrooms in prison. Obviously that's incorrect, since male feminist women go to prison, and they use the bathroom there. Or do you think r*pe doesn't count when a cis woman does it?How? Do you have any evidence of this?That's just factually wrong. Statistically, trans women are LESS violent. Where are you getting the idea that they're more violent? (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Just like pretty much everything else, it's performative lip service bullshit that grew out of a partisan divide. The liberals were against the Vietnam war, and it was spun by the right as being against the veterans. Some of them were, of course, but not really all. Anyway, the right claimed it as some sort of moral high ground bad for preachy about it, so now everyone makes a distinction between being anti war and being anti vet by using nice, cheap words to thank them for their service rather than being inconvenienced by doing something useful for veterans. (2)

My uncle fought in Vietnam. He would send notes home to my grandmother, and everyone in the family telling them how bad the war really was and that the media lied to everybody, (and they did lie.) They made it seem like it wasn't a big deal but it was. Agent Orange was not a joke. Napalm was not a joke. They had kids that they were forcing to enlist. Imagine having to shoot a kid because they were forced to believe that you were an enemy. He had to shoot them and came home with ptsd. Full regrets of going to Vietnam. Just remember that war is never like most of media claims. It might actually be way worse than they make it out to be. The media lies. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Kennytime

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 62

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Ghost :marseywraith: is a larper

@Vegeta , @Aevann , can you ban this neighbor :marseyfuckyou: @Liquid_Bridge and @laguerna. It's obviously ghost. I know you probably don't care tbh, but the first :marseywinner: one is pretending to be me and obviously failing, and the second :marseygunnut: is larping as a groomercord :marseynominers: BIPOC.



Goyslopenjoyers rise up and make domino's workers quit over 9.99$ any pizza deal
Cromwell says "This is why I spared some Irosh. To show you why I killed the others"






Reported by:
Another sleepless night :marseyyawn: :marseyyawn:

I'm really tired but I can't sleep, how is that even possible

:marseysoldieramerica: :rape: :rape: :rape: :rape: :marseywhirlyhat:
Reported by:
  • Saitama : sweater
  • Vegeta : sweater
  • DickButtKiss : how about you put in word upstairs and free those of us chuds who completed No N November succesfull
  • sob : Free @HailVictory1776 as a Christmas gift please :sob:
  • haggis : Honeymoon pics plz
  • 0BS : I feel like a bad person now, thanks
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Literally just some pictures from Aevann's wedding including his new wife's wardrobe malfunction

No I'm clickbaiting frick off

cc: @HOHOHOTEP (kiII yourself)


This year for Fistmas we are doing something new, simple enough for everyone to participate in, and hopefully fun :star:


@JoyceCarolOates has very cheerfully created the Marseys wearing unadorned sweaters below for you to make any of them into WHATEVER YOU WANT:


Design an ugly Christmas sweater for her. Or even a very nice Christmas sweater, I don't care. Post it in this thread and also submit it as an emoji making sure to include "XMASSWEATER" as a tag. Your prize is the badge you see in this thread and 500dc.

Once they're all in I think I'd like to make either some margin art with them or maybe a happy sidebar image or ten or an animation or something idk. You're welcome to do the same.

Anyway like I said, simple.


  • Must be in by 12/24/2024.

  • I know I said "everyone can participate" but don't just draw a fricking line or something, at least TRY to make it look like an ugly Christmas sweater.

  • That's literally it, merry Fistmas.


Community Note by @X

There are no lewd pics :marseycoomer3:

Helpful [143] Not Helpful [15]
[🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘] Boycotting businesses that support Trump?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

So you are a fascist that believes only those that share your opinion are worthy?G'head downmarsey this. Just realize that those that do are the reason y'all lost the election. (-53)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

No way you won't support a person cause of who they voted for. For them it makes sense. In fact Trump is even the better candidate. Imagine saying I'm not going to eat somewhere because of their beliefs and say their in the wrong. It's not like they're doing anything illegal or wrong. Respectfully, frick you and anybody who cares about political beliefs in a business, it's doesn't affect whether they can make a good product (-32)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

I think these people should be punished for what they voted for. (24)

So you want to "punish" people who don't agree with you? Indirectly punishing their employees, families and their local communities. You remind me of a young Austrian man who just wanted to be a painter. (-33)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Explain exactly, how supporting the Constitution is the "wrong side of history"? I'll wait. (-8)

Red herring. No where did I mention the constitution, but if you're going to bring it up in regard to this post about Trump-supporting businesses, then I'll say this: Trump has repeatedly violated the constitution:* Using his political power to profit from his businesses while in office (Emoluments Clause) * Enlisting foreign governments to investigate his political opponents (Ukraine 2019, for which he was impeached)* His administration repeatedly refusing to comply with subpoenas to Congress* Falsifying business records to hide illicit activity (Stormy Daniels hush money case, overvaluing his real estate) * Conspiracy to overturn an election (denial of 2020 election results, fake electors plot, pressuring political allies in key states to reject election results, asking Georgia officials to "find" votes for him)* Incitement of insurrection/riot. Denied the 2020 election results, spread misinformation about voter fraud, encouraged supporters to march on the Capitol during the certi... (21)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The op has clearly made this "us v them". I don't care if a politician cares about me. That's not the role of government. Never has been. I don't think you know what the word fascist means. G'head, go look it up. Who i history jailed his political oponents? (-1)

We're talking about two different things. You're using false equivalency. OP doesn't want to support businesses who are directly contributing to the rapid and violent decay and destruction of this country. That is his free market right. What you're doing is acting like a sore winner by using childish, bullying taunts. But whatever, it's par for the course, I don't care about any of that. Here are the 14 "early warning signs of fascism" made famous by a poster displayed in the US Holocaust Museum:Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalismDisdain for the importance of human rightsIdentification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying causeThe supremacy of the military/avid militarismRampant sexismA controlled mass mediaObsession with national securityReligion and ruling elite tied togetherPower of corporations protectedPower of labor suppressed or eliminatedDisdain and suppression of intellectuals and the artsObsession with crime and punishmentRampant cronyism and corruptionFraudu... (5)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

These people don't support bigotry. The problem with you extreme left folks is always categorizing people as something evil when you have a disagreement. Grow the frick up. (0)

Your group literally got offended bc target sold pride flags. Flags you didn't have to buy lol. But we need to grow up? And yes you support bigotry. Sexism. Racism. Homophobia. By voting Republican. They are already talking about repealing gay marriage. Why? Never mind the attack on trans ppl. I'm not even talking about bathrooms (which us stupid) or sports (yall don't care about women sports. You just hate trans). I'm talking about the trans men and women who have loyally served our country. The ones who wanted to enlist. And they can't. Taking a woman's right to choose to carry a child even during r*pe. Placing an unborn child's life as more important than the mothers. The fact women have died from pregnancy complications. These Ice raids. Fine round them up if you have to. Nobody is denying illegal immigration's problem. However referring to all of them as criminals, animals? Treating them like less than human? Harassing actual citizens. Potentially scaring chi... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/avalve

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • X : Total. :marseytrain:. Death


:#soysnootypefasttalking: :soysnooseethetalking:

>White Supremacist



Holy mother of reddit, this reply is the :#smugjak: personified

>MySpace emos of the 2000s became the "queer community" of 2020s social media


"It's not like he killed anyone" yes he did you chud bigot, posting mean tweets towards tranx folx is genocide and makes you as evil as Hitler and Pol Pot :marseyshapiro:

No, as long as they still have access to their MCU merch and UberEats, ledditors do not get tired, fighting back against online bigots is their reason to live.

:#marseytruthnuke: :#soyjaktantrum:

:siren: LAST COMMENT HAS BREACHED CHUD CONTAINMENT :#chudtantrumfast: :#siren:


>mfw when I die I will be regarded as a terminally neurodivergent BBC/BWC poster on an obscure subreddit splinter website


!transphobes !chuds !trump2024 !project2025 !music

Its over for supercels
new Sedimentary Erosion


!chuds !transphobes he told the same joke with different doodles :3


also that , comma :marseyeyemixer3:



Cant wait to watch my fiancée become the amazing mother she was meant to be :marseywholesome:


Me (cis f) and my soulmate (mtf) are having our son on Friday and we just finished her second lactation consultation today. She's been on a protocol of hormones that essentially mimics pregnancy and can trigger lactation it's looking like she's starting to produce a milky like substance which she got swabbed today during the appointment. Her breast development has also sky rocketed since the new protocol and she's really happy with that. She's just been glowing and I can see her confidence increasing which makes me so happy for her. If all is well she will be able to eventually feed our baby (we will both be breastfeeding).

The lactation consultant seems really hopeful and excited because there aren't many cases of situations like ours. There have been studies about trans women breastfeeding but what makes our situation a little different is that our baby is my fiancées biological son. I feel like in a way my fiancée will be able to help other trans women in the sense of providing the lactation consultant with this experience and further knowledge on MTF breastfeeding. Her lactation consultant has dealt with lesbian couples before, but not a lesbian cis/trans couple.

On top of that, my fiancée is so excited to be a mother and I know she's going to be amazing at it, I can't wait to see her hold and love our son and I'm so excited to start this new chapter with her. I love her so much.


!chuds !transphobes

I will follow for follow.

I'm looking to gain followers for my Madoka Magica content.

Republicans move to create millions of new voters


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