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Anthony Mackie explains what Captain America represents for him:
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) January 28, 2025
“Captain America represents a lot of different things & I don’t think the term ‘America’ should be one of those representations. It’s about a man who keeps his word, who has honor, dignity and integrity.”
(Source:… pic.twitter.com/d5bvqIbreF
Anthony Mackie clarifies his previous comment about what Captain America means to him:
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) January 29, 2025
“I'm a proud American and taking on the shield of a hero like Cap is the honor of a lifetime. I have the utmost respect for those who serve and have served our country” pic.twitter.com/P6sWvlmBxa
this movie might bomb: https://archive.is/uBVM8
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Think the reason people aren’t having sex is because they are retreating from life. They had porn in the 80s. Drugs before that. It’s the screens. People are living in virtual realities all the time. We’ve all seen the folks on subways buried in phones and tablets - no…
— FischerKing (@FischerKing64) February 18, 2025
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“Captain America is a 70s style political thriller”. Yeah, I mean this shot is clearly a homage to Klute pic.twitter.com/5vvNVL2S9p
— David Hering (@hering_david) February 14, 2025
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Also kill Connecticut.
Chicago is also full of nazis and they should all be killed
The Australians are all Nazis and the abo-eaters must be gunned down and the land returned to the indigineous people
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Yes, that M203 40mm grenade launcher.
I was in Iraq 2007-09. On one of our first patrols, a LT ordered one of his platoon members to patrol with a round in the chamber. Patrol went off without any problems, they returned to the outpost safely. Anyway, fast forward a couple of hours and this soldier was cleaning his weapons and accidentally fired a live HE grenade into his thigh. These rounds generally have to rotate about 8 times to arm before they can explode, so it just embedded into his thigh about 3 inches and stopped. Luckily, the Blackhawk pilot of the medevac had balls of steel and decided to fly him out with unexploded ordinance inside the patient. The grenade was removed and the soldier came back a couple of weeks later, just in time to get a field grade article 15 (punishment). If that round would have missed his leg and bounced around the room, the results would have been terrifyingly different.
neighbor fired a grenade into his thigh
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I just knyow in the nyear future there's gwoing two be a "say his nyame" campaign where the nyame has a few randwom digits and symbwowls nyobwody knyows hwow two pwonyounce
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its says they rare, butt not when we're living in the end times. There were three such sightings last year
Just a coincidence im sure, butt dont tell that to the tech billionaires planning for something
also dont tell the Doomsday Clock
also these prophecies be wack, when the pope is sick af
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The people on this threads must have never had a dog or taken care of another living being in their lives. This happens when you own an animal, it completely normal. They are playing and its safe. Someone making a loud noise is not the dogs fault but the humans. The owner should have seen its just safe play and not interfered.
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Ļоw rасíst tíеr: Bļасk аnd mауо
Míd rасísm tíеr: Sļаvs, Mеxíсаn аnd smаļļ еуеd аsíаns
Hígh rасísm tíеr: Аrаbs
Uļtrа hígh rасísm tíеr: Ιndíаn
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!oldstrags you will never again get to experience the pure youthful joy and unrequited yearning of vagueblogging about a crush on your myspace