twitter users seethe because a leaked genshin character isnt fat enough
Carnotaurus mating :marseythreecodecelscucking: ritual :marseysatanworship2:

!dinochads !music


More black celeb worship:

Jinxthinker dreams of Heaven and Wingstop after staring down a ferocious dog at the shop. Plus physical conditioning considerations & what women want

the dejenerate podcast - mrs peter file 14:20

  • Jinxthinker found an article about a libertarian mom, let's read this shit neighbor. 24 looks fricked up, obese. Yorkshire Live gets 100 bits for being brave enough to call her a pervert.

  • 1:40 This and her fricked up eczema skin is proof that some women are broken. Unlike Jinxthinker who has clear skin, big muscles, and can hoop the frick out. Jinxthinker talks about how he could have been an NBA player

  • 2:15 we read another story about libertarians. Muslim detected.

  • 3:00 Real talk, jinxthinker saw a dog earlier when he went to the shop. Got some Monsters and gummies. The dog was a ferocious beast and it barked at me, but Jinxthinker don't scare. :marseyhank:

  • 3:51 Evidence that the Muslim is a Nazi- he targeted at 10 year old. Can't decided if libertarianism is normalized or if people are getting arrested for it

  • 4:30 Talks about his peepee

  • 5:00 We look at retro-style perfect female AI women. Talks about which tattoos are good ones.

  • 5:50 We have a sexual type conversation. How would you try to get into Jinxthinker's pants. Talks about writing Billie Eilish fanfiction. He's into strong women like an oxen(?). Lithuania sucks.

  • 6:45 Jinxthinker is DTF. It would be cool to have a shotgun. You can put a gun to his head as you are fricking jinxthinker :marseysquint: Punches himself in the chest to demostrate his toughness. :marseybuff:

  • 7:55 Continues punching himself and talking about how he's all conditioning. He's a pure warrior. Sidenote about how Greek philosophy is bullshit and the Jews saved Europe from Pythagoras, Euclid, and Cocratese (Socrates). :marsey300:

  • 9:10 I would go on a date with her- points at screen. They could go to wingstop and get boneless wings.

  • 9:40 Jinxthinker would like to go to heaven eventually. Heaven is cool shit where you do Molly with angels and fire SMGs into the air. That would be cool. He gets distracted by thinking about wingstop. :marseysaint2:

  • 10:40 Talks about his wank.

  • 10:55 Continues to talk about his date. Jinxthinker is very much considered desirable by high IQ women who haven't been de-dignitized by the libertarian men.

  • 11:40 Imagine if you were falling off a building and got impaled by a BBC. That's pretty much what's happening now.

  • 12:10 He was going to have a bath, but didn't.

  • 12:25 He had to insert his card in the shop old style.

  • 12:44 If you think bad things, they are more likely to happen. Tomorrow is egg mayonnaise day with mustard, black pepper, salt.

  • 13:20 Today's dinner was... toast with.... marmalade

  • 13:35 This is why he needs to audition wifes (presumably to be eating better). Zooms in on AI eyes.

!jinxthinkers have you auditioned any potential wives lately?

Rare :marseytrain2: self awareness


Shoutout to the ATF for giving away my Card details!

Love waking up to a 3500$ purchase I didn't make.

Redditors don't like taxing the rich



No drama just Redditors trying to understand why black talk the way they do


Reported by:
sg redditor does some :marseynoooticer: on :marseytunaktunak: hiring practices :marseywrongthonk:


crap didn't know the :marseyjanny: deleted the text too

someone archived the post

The damage of social :marseysjw: media :marseyphoneglued: activism: White :marseyhonky: woman :marseywifejak: goes from singer :marseycrickethappy: to deranged :marseybang: anti-zionist hall monitor :marseyspalspy:

This woman :marseysouthernbelle1: has been making videos on tiktok/yt shorts/rednote, basically any of the shortform content :marseybeanrelieved: platforms.

Most of them look like this

Look at how red she gets when talking :marseypluribusanus: about Blake Lively donating money :marseystocksupdown: to both Palestinian :marseyisiscry: and Israeli :marseygoy: charities.

Here's a bonus clip of her calling Theo Von ugly and saying he was "acting dumb" when he pretended to not know much about Palestine, then seethed and rages when Theo jokes about deportation. She talks about her podcast, which she "centres in Palestine"

Seriously people. Women :marseyhearnoevil: need to be reigned in. They've gone completely crazy

Barely a couple :marsey2commies: years ago she was just making shitty :marseybadlydrawn: music :marseyvibing: and getting decent numbers :marseynoooticer: too, but social :marseyphoneglued: media :marseyphoneglued: dragged her off into the deep end

Redditor just wants to grill :marseygrilling2: for God sake! Soydditors :soysnoo: take it VERY personally :soyjaktantrum: :soysnooseethe: :soyjaktantrumfast: :soymadtyping: :soycrytyping: :soyreddittyping: :soyjakfattyping: :soysnoo4typing: :soysnoo2typing:


!grillers what did you make for the Superbowl yesterday?


"wrong hole-"

Hay Ohhhhh!!!
Us aid aid!


That's not actually a bad idea


Marsey Sub 2 :marseyhugretard:


If you didn't think being bullied off tiktok was bad enough

They are now wholesome and on bluesky :marseyanon:

These are the people who are genuinely afraid to go on 4chan now wearing the corpse of a 20 year old meme


this is so sad can we kill people who weigh under 250 pounds? :#carpagreefast: !sigmastacies

Thoughts on trumps presidency so far?
Why are there so many new faces around today?

Meowdy literally everyone!!! Im noticing a lot of fresh new faces today!!! Where did you literally all come from??? Cant wait to make friends with each one of you!!!

!ghosts be sure to welcome our new friends

The yet to be opened Obama Presidental Center is falling apart. The reason? Racism (or maybe incomptence). Time to sue! :marseyobamahope:

Obama Center subcontractor files $40M discrimination lawsuit against engineering firm for overruns

The subcontractor claims racial discriminatory practices forced it to do extra work that left it at risk of bankruptcy

A Chicago-based subcontractor is suing one of the firms involved in managing the construction of the Obama Presidential Center for $40 million, claiming racial discriminatory practices forced the firm to do extra work that left it at risk of bankruptcy, according to a lawsuit.

Robert McGee, the owner of II in One, which provided concrete and rebar services for the center starting in 2021, filed the lawsuit in federal court last month against New York-based Thornton Tomasetti, which oversees structural engineering and design services for the $830 million project.

McGee claims that Thornton Tomasetti changed standards and imposed new rules around rebar spacing and tolerance requirements that differed from the American Concrete Institute standards, which resulted in "excessively rigorous and unnecessary inspection" and massive overruns.

The allegations: racis' engineers made the contractors be too rigorous

However, Thornton Tomasetti defended its actions nearly a year ago, writing in a memo to the lawsuit that the subcontractors were "questionably qualified," and the delays were due to their own shortcomings.

McGee claims Thornton Tomasetti falsely accused II in One of lacking sufficient qualifications and experience to perform its work, while stating that non-minority-owned contractors were sufficiently qualified.

The counter-claim: No you just suck and qualified people should have been contracted instead of your bum butt. Look at this shit

The project has faced problems in the past. Construction was initially anticipated to get underway in 2018, but it was kicked back to 2021. It is scheduled to open sometime in 2026.

Some community activists claim the new center will cause prices for homes and rent to increase and may price many of those who live in the area. Environmental activists have also been critical of the project, arguing that it would remove too many trees and destroy some bird habitats.

Also this shit was supposed to be done awhile ago and everyone else is coming with their hands out

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