More cats

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17390313371xsOxI1AydXIFw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739031341nTY2LMRO3ZZQ5A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739031345btLWHzjYyaHFpA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739031348umaU6SkB35P6dw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739031351-MJlzjTImGgpMQ.webp

This kills the box



A description after seething through her reels:

*Is a typical giga ultra shit lib white woman single mother

*Got cheated on, and devolved into the cliche of hating all men

*In turn, starts feminizing her son's online

*Posts videos of them dancing to Taylor Swift and teaching her son's "not to be mysoginists", because men inherently are

*Refuses to allow the father to help raise them

*Is a fricking Swiftie and thinks Swiftshit is a source of being a good person (schizo)

*Posts such typical superficial shit lib talking points, you can predict them with barely a thought

*Thinks she's surrounded by patriarchy

*Is so detached from what men actually do in life, she's a delusional perpetual victim that thinks men have an easy life

*Is a narcissist, with neurones purely based off online dopamine likes

*Thinks she's a stronk independent woman entrepreneur smashing the patriarchy, one narcissistic insufferable reel at a time



Upfront, let's get one thing out of the way quickly. Yes, I am aware that Astro is referred to using masculine pronouns in official materials. Someone or something can be an icon to a group whether or not they're part of it. You're probably well aware that Judy Garland was an icon to gay men and you're also probably well aware that Judy Garland wasn't a gay man.

Now, if you were coming into this thread to tell me 'well actually on the press release it says…' or if the suggestion that Astro is non-binary made you feel any discomfort or annoyance, I want you to keep that reaction in mind as we explore further, because I think there's something important to unpick there.

There's a popular way of analyzing art broadly referred to as 'the artist is dead'. You're likely familiar with it, but incase you aren't I will briefly explain it. Art should be able to be appreciated by itself. As such we shouldn't need to know what the artist intended their art to convey. Pretend that the artist died before they could talk about the work, and approach it from that perspective.

It was the intent when making Alien, that eggs were made from captured victims. There was a scene in the script where Dallas is found half turned into an egg, so they were designed with this in mind. That scene was filmed. Now, it didn't make the final cut… and when a different creative team came in to make Aliens, they completely changed the life cycle of the aliens from what was intended by the people who made Alien and who designed the creatures. The alien queen wouldn't exist if the creators of Aliens hadn't approached Alien from a perspective that 'the artist is dead'. Personally I think culture would be worse off without the fight between the alien queen and Ripley in the power loader and…

Astro Bot. This is about Astro Bot. Sorry.

Lets put aside everything other than what we know about Astro from within the fiction. Put aside things outside the fiction like tutorials, menus, credits, product descriptions, press releases etc.

Ignore your instinctual revulsion that his fictional character, a robot, is referred to with masculine pronouns, and remember that that the best media criticism is that which completely ignores anything to come to the conclusion I like :marseyphilosoraptor:. So we'll begin with ignoring all the fictional references to the character and the non-fictional representations of the fictional character... A healthy place for grounded media analysis.

Astro. Astro is a robot. There's no reason to presume that Astro's people reproduce sexually. Certainly no reason to presume that you need a boy robot and a girl robot to do some electric love in order to make baby robots, and that all of those baby robots should be a boy one or a girl one.

When we look at Astro, there aren't any obvious human gender characteristics. While some of Astros friends dress in male or female costumes, (and we'll get to that!) their bodies are uniform.


So what do we have in Astro's case. Well Astro has some blue highlights the other bots don't. Blue=boy! I mean, it doesn't obviously. You could argue that it suggests that, but doesn't it seem like a bit of a stretch? If you aren't looking for reasons to put a robot into a gender binary would you find that compelling?

Given how little evidence we have that Astro has any physical characteristics suggesting male or female, the next thing we generally reach for would be to see whether or not Astro has any expression of gender. And… well Astro wears a cape and its blue!. Blue=BOYx2 QED!.

Again… that's it. Astro's expressions of identity demonstrate aren't stereotypically male or female, instead showing compassion and bravery and joy at belonging to a community. And what a community!

Astro's friends seem about evenly split between those that express a sense of gender and those that (like Astro) don't. I'm not sure if one group is bigger than the other, but certainly the plurality of robots express androgyny when compared to the groups that express masculinity and the group that express femininity.

Astro treats everyone equally, of course. Whether the bots belong to either of the minorities that express a male or female identity, they are still accepted. The fiction doesn't give me anything to suggest if these identities are chosen, or pre programmed from the moment they come online. Personally I believe they're chosen. That the wigs and costume items (and any custom gear or programming) are built by the robots as they choose to express their truths.

Even if androgyny isn't the default out of the box configuration, it remains the most common one.

And so I default to seeing Astro and a good chunk of the other robots as non-binary.

I think it's telling that we as humans tend to default to male pronouns when presented with a robot or alien race that doesn't have a gender binary. The Sontarans in Doctor Who for example. They're a clone race. One single gender. There are countless other examples I'm sure you can bring to mind.

Even when presented with a culture of robots where a plurality (if not a majority… I'm not going to do the math) present androgynously and only minorities present as masculine or feminine, why do we default to thinking Astro is a boy?

If you're one of the people who felt compelled to come in here and point to the 'fact' that Astro is referred to with he/him pronouns outside of the fiction, or who find an endeavor such as writing an essay on the gender identity of a robot in a video game annoying or frustrating, I really want you to try to reflect on why that upsets you. There are no genitals to check. No pronouns to ask for. No DNA test you can do. No gametes to measure. Because Astro is a robot.

If someone non-binary looks at all that and concludes that Astro is a non-binary icon, since they have an androgynous expression in a culture clearly accepting of masculine, feminine and androgynous gender expressions, and that has some value to them, what in any of that is cause for discomfort?

You can insert a computer code pun here if you want, I won't get offended. And thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


That's a lot of words to suggest that s*x-less robots, literal non-humans somehow also have the this guy's uniquely human concept of gender and gender expression... because they just do okay. How do the ERA philosophers react?

:marsey#clapping: :marseycl#apping: :marse#yclapping:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17342039616086397.webp OP replies with https://i.rdrama.net/images/1734203961816613.webp

How does this make sense? Don't question it bigot


You didn't think about it because it's a game about being a cute robot thing and platforming and being a celebration of the Playstation Brand. Love how he calls it a fact at the end to validate the delusions :marseybrainletclapping:


One person lets it slip that gender identity, especially NB, is a costume :marseyteehee:


Most reset-era tier replies. "I didn't play the game because I don't play games" & "TLDR, but I liked your title"

ANNNNND that's it. Thank you for coming to

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17342039622909832.webp where all the true g*mers gather

:taynod: Swiftie :tayclap:has meltdown when redditors :soysnoo: dare :taygrimacing: to not acknowledge :tayaaagenocide: the queen :taycrown:


Travis Kelce dyes his beard, proudly stolen from @autodrama.

Fatties are grooming less fat people and calling it "intuitive eating"

I was doing my thing this morning, browsing /r/plussize to hate on more fatties when I ran across this. Nothing too special, just typical fatty :marseycope: plus no comments yet :marseysad:



But that last paragraph caught my attention. "Intuitive Eating"

I had heard the words "intuitive eating" and figured it was just estimating calories instead of strictly recording them. Well I'm great at that! I never bothered looking into it more. But here is a plus size fatty using it….

It turns out to a fatty, "intuitive eating" means eating when you want to eat without restriction… :marseyscream:

And of course, a fatty can't just exist alone since then everyone sees them as disgusting. These fatties are reproducing by encouraging others to "intuitively eat."



/u/mental-mention9377 please put down the food and look in the mirror. That shame you are feeling is normal! You don't have to become a ham planet!


The shame takes a lot of active work to get past. My binging stopped quickly but the shame slowly decreases and I have to still fight those feelings periodically.

The first thing to do is just remind yourself that there are no good and bad foods and that your morality is not tied up in what you eat or how much you weigh. Then you have to adapt your self talk to whatever sticks around as you get past the surface thought.

Gluttony is a sin. You are literally self harming by eating. This kind of grooming should be illegal.


I just can't wait for the negative self talk to finally subside!!!! I just want to feel comfortable in my body. But I know it's a process and I will get there eventually. Thank you 😭

How is she going to feel comfortable in her new disgusting body. This is ridiculous


Writing it down in a journal is helping me. I'm only about 2 months into my journey. I'm currently reading the book and have both a therapist and registered dietician who specialize in IE. I'm an emotional eater, so it seems like guilt/ self hatred go along with that. I found that being mindful and present is extremely important in this journey, so one way to achieve that for me is writing things down like observations. For example: 12pm I ate one chocolate chip cookie after my lunch. It felt good in my mouth. The chocolate bits were rich and sweet. I ate 1/2 first and checked in with my body and hunger/fullness scale. I wanted to eat the rest so I did. All in all it was a good cookie. I write things down without judgement, just like an anthropologist (they talk about this in the book). Then at the end of the day, I write down what I could improve. Example: I will try to incorporate more vegetables with every meal and eat when my hunger scale is at around a 3 or 4 (instead of when I'm starving), because I'm more in tune with my fullness scale.

This is one of the fastest comments I ever read. Yesterday I ran 4.5 miles, I worked out an hour and a half later in the gym. I didn't eat any cookies. I had a large calorie deficit and I feel great and I'm going to do the same thing today and every day until my I have kick butt abs again. I'm not even hungry since I've gotten used to it after a whole 48 hours :marseyeyeroll:


I took a body image class. It was extremely helpful

They have a class to teach you to be ok being disgusting? I'd like to see the lessons on the proper way to dry fat folds or maybe the one dealing with bad smells.


I can relate! I'm in the beginning stages of trying to heal from decades of diet culture and dieting and disordered relationship with food and my body. I'm in the same place roughly except I've been at this intuitive eating non restrictive thing roughly two months. I know I have gained weight, and I honestly can't stand it. Seems like a double edged sword tbh. I talk to my therapist and nutritionist about it but they just keep telling me not to restrict and convince me that gaining weight is ok and not that big of a deal, but it kind of is if I am uncomfortable in my own skin and end up having to buy new clothes. Personally on my own I feel like I am going to try to limit (not eliminate) sugar (candy, cakes, desserts) and try to focus more on eating more fruit and vegetables, and see if that helps fend off the cravings. I am also going to start small and try to take a small walk everyday.

I've learned to tolerate many things in the last 20 years. I put my foot down at fat acceptance. You are not ever going to convince me to not hate fat and fatties. The internet was a mistake

Everyday I wake up and think I've seen it all. Today I found fat grooming perpetrated by fat women and I'm not happy. I'm going to Walmart and parking all the power chairs in the back of the parking lot


Yep, just your average couple looksmatched by a dating app with an 80% male userbase. So cute! Here's the pic in case no-fun jannies delete it.

Of course, there are a few naysayers.

Weird post for Reddit

Avg looksmatch 2025

I always wonder are these types of post just shills.

Above average height guy gets below average looking girl. My guys celebrating completing gta v story with god mode activated.

It works if you take the bait and sacrifice yourself by jumping to the live grenade

Aaw that's so sweet. Not losing weight because of this post!:) Sorry hope. I meant hope.


Is in the eye of the beholder

And of course the hall monitors pooping up the thread with their whining about how negative the buried comments are:

Here to apologize on behalf of the Incels in the comment section.

That means you're an incel dumb neighbor XD


2, maybe 3 comments tops even alluding to something rude.

"The AMOUNT of people being RUDE."

This Reddit tradition is so fricking annoying. I see it in sports subs too. It's like you want an award for being the first to be outraged at bad group behavior when like, one person demonstrated that bad behavior in a sea of dozens of positive comments.

And furthermore, all you're doing is just drawing attention to those comments and making people seek them out. Why not just downmarsey (or report if you're so offended) and let reddit do the work?

But uh-oh, scrotes gonna scrote and there's trouble in paradise:

As long as you actually like her and aren't fetishizing her. Your comments about overweight women have me (and other commenters you interacted with) wondering πŸ€”

Shit, you made me look at his comments 😬


Yup, it appears that OP is a bit of an architect. Here are some of his feeder fetish posts:


Yessah, I say, lots of potential on that there porkypie :marseysoutherner:


Some might say there's a bit of a gulf between "skin and bones" and his porky princess :tayshrug:


Ugh you guys it's not a fetish to want your woman to look like a Jeep Grand Cherokee and fart on your face.


If you use a website to see deleted posts, one of them is this one:

I purposely have tried to fatten up all of my past girlfriends.

There's also:

AITA for encouraging my girlfriend to gain weight and now she's obese?

And a long post from June:

Hey all I've been contemplating posting this for a while. I am a M26 who has long been a lurker on this community. I work with a new girl who could best be described as your typical attractive sorority type girl that most men find attractive. She's a F23 and I would guess her to be 5 ft 3 and 120 lbs or under. We have a cubicle right next to eachother and I have overheard her conversations with friends on the phone saying how much she loves the cafeteria at work. I also heard her the other day talking with a friend on the phone and she told her friend "not to judge her this summer if she wears a high waisted bikini on vacation because she's put on weight since working here". This got me to take a closer look at her. I always found her attractive but she was too thin for my tastes when she started. While she is by no means fat though I did notice her work skirts fitting tighter and a starter belly and starter double chin. While the gain is probably only 15 lbs at this point it has me wondering if I've possibly found a girl who is into this weight gain fetish. I decided to ask her this week if she had anything yummy for lunch and she responded by saying "Yeah I had a delicious burger, French fries and coke, oh and the cashier in the cafeteria has been giving me a free cookie every day". I kept the conversation going by telling her I never get a free cookie and she responded by laughing and saying "lucky me must be female privilege". The next morning I decided to test my theory and bring in doughnuts to work. I stopped by her cube first and offered her a doughnut. She couldn't decide between two and I told her she should just take both and it would be our secret. She happily took both and I told her I'd leave them in the break room. She laughed and said "oh so you only brought them to my desk you're not doing that for everyone?" I then said she was getting more female privilege and she laughed and started eating the doughnuts. I know this post is long but I was wondering if y'all think she is into this fetish stuff or if it's just a coincidence. You can message me for more info. Any advice is appreciated!

Some commenters are wise to the coomer menace. But of course, the lards of reddit are overall pretty comfortable with a deranged fetish as long as it plumps up their egos and assuages their guilt from eating entire Pringles cans in one bite:


The thread is still developing, so maybe he'll update with something cool like if she has a massive heart attack while he's using her mouth to play cornhole with Totino's pizza rolls :fingerscrossed:

What's the line between safe edgy and actual edgy?

And is performative edginess actually any less cringe, or just a slightly more offensive manifestation of the same ODD toddler mindset? Can you be outrΓ© without being a ten year old who finally worked up the nerve to curse on voicechat?

Reported by:
  • X : michael tracey is usually quite chuddy on glennpai's show :marseythonk:
  • UraniumDonGER : The faster America burns down, the better. SLAY QUEEN :marseynails:
  • hello_how_are_you : michael tracey is a fake chud

Reported by:
i hate wrasslin' fans

shilling :!marseytrain:s, a youtube channel, and chris chan. :uhuh:

back in my day we had REAL WRASSLIN' SIGNS



eddie was mexican but i'm sure i don't have to tell you that everyone knows dead wrasslers

edit: why didn't that first pic work is it just me it's the RODDY HAS AIDS sign


is it gonna work this time does rdrama just hate stuff saved from tumblr

Reported by:
  • Y : Get a "load" of this guy :marseyshesright:
  • Wuzizname : I don't work for you.
100 dc to anybody who tweets to Elon Musk's official twitter handle the Message I have for him in the post.

The Message:

"Elon. You know the world is not surviving till 2100. You need to stop with the dumb distractions because we need more than 10,000 people on Mars before 2050 if we are going to survive the collapse. Good luck."

Send me a screencap of the message being tweeted to Elon and I will transfer you 100 dc.

Preferably as many of you send the message to him as possible.

This is important. I have checked with both AI and psychic sources. This needs to be done now.

Erdogan defends liberal democracy, Heck freezes over


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

Harvesting the potatoes & getting ready for cool season crops
Among Us 3D Teaser Trailer :marseysus: :marseyamogus:


Intro to Flow Maps [UE5]
Death Grips is over


Originally announced through the world's most annoying AMA by some guy that worked with Andy Morin: https://old.reddit.com/r/deathgrips/comments/1ikrpo2/ama_i_worked_with_andy_morin/

It's over :marseyitsover:


Reported by:

This guy isn't wrong, however there are a lot of r-slurs I have to deal with applying and interviewing for these jobs. I'm eternally grateful that I graduated before COVID-19.

Crying in the bathroom right now. :soycry:


So I make breastmilk and memorial jewelry and there's a big company in China that manufactures the jewelry. There's actually even a really big well known brand that's I've seen that uses their jewelry and lots of smaller businesses do too. I've looked and looked and LOOKED to find something else but there's nothing like them.

My husband is a Trump guy even though he says he doesn't like him. We've had discussions about the tariffs and he's saying that it's corrective to bring jobs back to the US.

Well I was just talking to the owner that manufactures the jewelry and he told me that they might have to shut down because they basically sell at wholesale and barely make a profit and DHL and UPS are charging more for the headache of the tariffs. He's not sure if they will have to pay or the buyers will have to. I'm hoping a praying that it's us as the buyer.

So I told my husband this and he was like, "well, it's just the market correcting itself." I was like, "you're not even a little mad that my business might be affected?!" Idk what he said but he was laughing and I blew up in his face.

I told him that he doesn't care enough about anyone but himself. He doesn't care about women's rights, lgbtq+ rights, immigrants, not my business, nothing.

Now I locked myself in my bathroom and I'm crying. He keeps trying to talk to me but I won't talk to him. Talk me down man.

Regency S*x Ed: How did women :marseyextinction: in 19th-century Europe :marseyww1russian2: learn :marseyreading: too lie back and think :marseychildclutch: of England?

Books :marseysexylibrarian: explicitly designed for sexual :marseyhornybonk: education also existed in the period. One well-known work was the grandiosely titled Aristotle's Masterpiece, first :marseywinner: published in 1648 but regularly revised and reprinted throughout the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. (No connection to the ancient :marseysphinx: Greek :marseycerebrus: philosopher :marseyphilosoraptor: is supported by the historical :marseysargonofaccat: record.) The manual includes descriptions and diagrams of sexual :marseyhornybonk: anatomy, including an explanation :marseycontextjak: of the clitoris as crucial to female :marseysuffragette: pleasure. Tableau de l'Amour Conjugal by Nicolas :marseyegbert: Venette was purportedly written by a medical :marseyhouse: doctor :marseyhouse: and, like Aristotle's Masterpiece, was a central sexual :marseyhornybonk: education text for hundreds of years after its 17th-century publication. In 1826, frequently jailed British :marseynorf: reformer and radical :marseygoldenhorseshoe: publisher Richard :marseydawkins: Carlile put out the first :marseywinner: well-known sexual :marseyhornybonk: education tract specifically designed for women: Every Woman's Book, or What Is Love? Every Woman's Book includes extensive descriptions of contraceptive options, including how to access :marsey403: and employ them. These books :marseymoreyouknow: were often sold alongside medical :marseyhouse: textbooks, but we know from newspapers and diaries that they were frequently read by laypeople as well. Though Aristotle's Masterpiece and its later :marseywave2: editions were often published anonymously, print :marsey3d: runs were high and the book sold extremely well β€” even when the medical :marseygutspill: information therein was considerably out of date.

And of course, the historical :marseyredcoat: record also gives us numerous books :marseymoreyouknow: from the period :marseytampon: written for titillation. Eighteenth-century erotic novels, often translated from the French, were enormously popular and provide a fascinating :marseylaying: window :marseyshortbus: into the sexuality :marseymicrosoftpride: of the period. Lesbian :marseypicrew: sexual :marseyhornybonk: encounters were common in fiction, even for otherwise heterosexual characters, such as the eponymous Fanny Hill, written by John Cleland in 1748. Works like the Harris's Lists of Covent Garden :marseyplant: Ladies, published annually in the second :marseygunnut: half of the 18th century, blur the lines :marseystocksupdown: between :marseyzeldalinkpast: guidebook and erotica. These lists purport to describe all the s*x workers in London, often in effusive and charming terms, along with their prices and favorite :mersya: activities. One "inviting nymph" in 1788 is "of the middle :marseystfu: stature, fine auburn hair, dark eyes, and very inviting countenance … In bed she is all the heart :marseyavril2: can wish, or eye admire, every limb is symmetry, every action :marseypop: under :marseyhandsup: cover truly amorous." The list helpfully informs us that this nymph's fee "is two pounds two." S*x worker :marseymerchantelf: memoirs were not uncommon; one particularly well-known work in this genre is The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson, Written by Herself (1825). Wilson's lovers :marseymemories: included numerous members of high society, including the Duke of Wellington, and her autobiography displays her ambition, intellect, and powerful style. "I will be the mere instrument :marseyworldssmallestviolin: of pleasure to no man," she writes.




Read for yourselves

white extinction is long overdue

Weekly "what are you reading" Thread #85 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.


@Kongvann can you :marseypin2: pls



Orange Site

This is why you should use Brave instead !braveshills :marseybraveglow:

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