The greatest race war between two races that don't even exist yet

One will have patched black-white reflective hair from a Sino-Albino crossbreed

The other will come from an exact 16.666% genetic combination of each Major Race (irish,native american,black,white,mongoloid,latinx) resulting in reddened skin and hair

Their history of ethnic conflict doesn't exist yet

Their slurs have not yet been coined

(If Hitler had won,)

This is fertile ground for theoretical racism PhDs to field their syncretic race-biology-sociology-aesthetic knowledge, i.e. psychohistorical applications

Arkansas boy mma fighter says HEIL HITLER :chadchud: UFC and Reddit in shambles

Which reddit punk is ready to get in the ring and punch a nazi?


I can't sleep!

You know what that means? Time... To... GOON!!!

I got a mild tummy ache but I'm still going to GOON because I'm too lazy to go take a shit but I'm not too lazy to GOON. Sheeit it's the weekend so I can GOON all night and then SLEEP all day on Sunday. If you're tryna GOON and you need some COOMpacks hit me up (Whatsapp only).

It turns out, I wasn't the first to think of this shit. And the lil GOONERS have perfected it. I can COOM easy knowing that this time honored tradition will be upheld by future generations.

Ready to GOON with no headphones.

Where is X (formerly chiobu)tt :marseychonkerchingchong:

bottom text



Before I can talk about Bungie's current bed-pooping I have to give you the context of yesteryear's bed pooping. During the thirdish quarter of 2023 the full weight of Bungie's massive screw up by releasing one of the dumbest, anti-climactic, and poorly written game expansions (even by destiny standards) had been realized. This gave Pete Parsons the CEO of Bungie, you're going to be seeing a lot of seethe surrounding this guy, the justification needed to start layoffs in the company.

On Monday, October 30, Bungie laid off a sizable chunk of its staff in departments including community, QA, audio, and more. According to a report from IGN, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons cited Destiny 2's declining performance in 2023 as a cause. A report from Bloomberg noted that Bungie's upcoming projects were internally delayed as part of the move, with The Final Shape quietly moving to June 2024.

That underline section is going to be important later.

In an internal town hall meeting addressing a Monday round of layoffs that impacted multiple departments, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons allegedly told remaining employees that the company had kept "the right people" to continue work on Destiny 2.

This tone deaf remark caught Pete a lot of flak, as if he would give a shit, and he was criticized for not taking a paycut to prevent the layoffs. He instead chose to purchase 2.4 million worth of Antique cars and offer to show his female employees his collection. :gigachad4:

Speaking to multiple current and recently laid off employees, IGN has confirmed reports that Bungie took responsibility for the layoffs, rather than laying them at the feet of parent company Sony. Parsons told employees that the layoffs were largely due to underperformance of Destiny 2 over the last year, as well as lower-than-expected preorders for upcoming expansion The Final Shape.

As it so happens Lightfall was actually Destiny 2's best performing expansion. The newest expansion The Final Shape failed to break the previous expansions poulation record on steam (although that could also be sttributed to the amount of server issues during the release of TFS. Despite this the expansion still technically "underperformed" because bungie had likely over-promised Destiny 2's performance after releasing expansions during the height of the pandemic when everyone was trapped inside playing videogames. :marseyvaxmaxx:

Employees were also told that Destiny 2 player sentiment was at an all-time low. Sources tell IGN that this issue had been flagged to leadership repeatedly for months prior to the layoffs, with employees begging for necessary changes to win players back.

One former Bungie employee recalled that they were repeatedly assured following the 2022 Sony acquisition of Bungie that there would be no layoffs, and cited an item from a Sony quarterly report that claimed $1.2 billion of the $4 billion acquisition was going explicitly toward staff retention. Multiple employees confirmed that money was distributed to employees who were fully vested, with money split into multiple payments over time and varying based on discipline and seniority.

>t-there's not going to be any layoffs r-right Pete?


>yeah yeah sure, could you pipe down I'm trying to order more ferraris.


Of course since then there have as of now been 2 rounds of layoff. womp womp! :marseygiveup:

The first round of layoffs targeted those who had stock in the company cutting a lot of senior workers including the lady that designed the flipping Halo logo and Michael Salvatori the composer of pretty much the entirety of the music of the 10 year Destiny Saga ever since they canned Marty O'donnell. Around 100 workers got axed, some very high notoriety, and this isn't even including workers who got shifted into sony positions.

Today's Crisis

As of writing this 3 days ago another hundred or so Bungie employees had found out they had just been uncerimoniously laid off in the same darn community update that any redditor can read for patch notes. This time the layoffs were centered around shuttering all projects that weren't Destiny or Marathon related. This means those projects that were delayed in the underline section before were all cancelled. This time around a lot of leadership roles had been hit as well. Mark Noseworthy and Luke Smith, two guys known for almost killing the game at least 3 times, and one of which had been with the company since before Reach, had been let go. These guys were responsible for side projects and bringing Destiny into other mediums such as T.V Shows. With them gone there's nothing left in the works besides Marathon.

Bungie shrank from 1300 to 850

Sony's Bungie is shrinking from 1,300 people to 850:

  • 220 laid off
  • 155 moving to Sony
  • ~75 to a new studio

"We were overly ambitious, our financial safety margins were subsequently exceeded, and we began running in the red," says CEO Pete Parsons

On top of the layoffs the annual plan for the release of Destiny content has been alterd, and the consensus is looking like future releases are not going to live up to the previous standards. In other words this 7 year old game might actually die this time, for real...maybe. Idk tbh. :marseygiveup:

This leaves Marathon, as the sole entity for Bungie to rest its future on. Bungie has to hope an extraction based looter shooter, a reputably anticasual gaming experience. As well as a hero shooter which have become comically despised by gaymers in the current day (see Concord) will be enough to save them from complete collapse.

This is all that exists of Marathon right now. If I'm not mistaken the studio behind these cgi trailers and cutscenes for Bungie got shutdown too. Little else is even known about this game.

Could be worse though. They could be DICE. :marseysmug2:


*Bungie got bought by sony in 2022

*Bungie released a shit expansion, and had a round of layoffs in 2023

*Bungie released a good expansion, and had another round of layoffs in 2024

*Bungie's current cash cow Destiny 2 is being put out to pasture

*Bungie has no other projects in development right now besides Marathon

*The future of this studio lies in the fate of an extraction based hero shooter

*Pete Parons like cars


I did it... I effortposted !jannies

Reported by:
  • NikocadoAvocadosBussy : Too poor to enter a bet so I'm gonna give my guess here: nothingburger
  • shareblue_shillalalalala : @NikocadoAvocadosBussy goombling money sent :marseycomrade:
  • 0BS : I vote also that grue is a bot and behind everything
  • askheff : There's still time to delete this post.
Biden rushed back to DC over a week ahead of schedule, Kamala cancels her vacation and is raced back to White House. What's going on? BETTING THREAD :carpletsfuckinggo:

Biden ded or almost - 5,800 total betted

Nukes somewhere - 600 total betted

We're going to war - 1,600 total betted

ALIENS - 600 total betted

Something with the drones (NOT aliens) - 2,200 total betted

Death in the family for one of them - 400 total betted

Some sort of high level political death by violence - 600 total betted

Something meaningfully different than these options - 11,000 total betted - WINNER!

Nothing in the title is true - 10,000 total betted

We will not get an answer within the next 48 hours - 26,400 total betted





!g*mers !chuds :#chudjakdancing:

HBWO Reddit Max is making a Luigi Dwocumentary :marseyceokiller:

Shaquille O'Neal will put anything in his :marseygoatse:


We had a guy on the team my first year in Phoenix, Lou Amundson. He used to ride a bike to practice every day because he lived right across from the arena. Every time he rode his bike, Shaq would take it and hide it. Somewhere in the arena. Every day after practice, Lou was on a scavenger hunt trying to find his bike. This went on for the entire season. Finally, toward the end of the season, Lou had enough. He said, "I'm done with this. Every practice, I spend 45 minutes to an hour trying to find my darn bike." We tried to warn him. We said, "Yo, Lou, this is Shaq. I've heard the stories—doodoo surprise. He used to take a shit in people's magazines and shoes. This is Shaq you're dealing with, bro. You might want to chill."

So he popcorned Shaq's van, and Shaq was like "Oh okay, this is a good prank, but you don't know who the frick you messing with."

The game happened, I come in the locker room, and I see Shaq. Shaq walking around that locker room naked as nothing, real slow and tight. And he pulls a mouthpiece out his butt and puts it in a locker. He told us "Y'all better not say shit either." He takes Lou's toothbrush, he goes to take a shit, and he stirs it in his shit. We like "We ain't into this shit, this is getting out of hand."

The game happens, somehow I'm on the bench, Matt Barnes on the bench, Steve Nash on the bench, Jared Dudley's on the bench. Lou Amundson checks in the game, and he puts the mouthpiece on and everybody on the bench loses it. He comes to the locker room, he takes his mouthpiece off, and someone's like "Hey Lou, don't use your mouthpiece, Shaq put your mouthpiece in his butt." he said "Uh, no he didn't." and put it back in his mouth and goes out there. The bench loses it again.

So Lou gets subbed out the game, and he said "J-Rich, are they fricking with me? What happened?" I said "Shaq took your mouthpiece and put it in his butt, bro." and he took it out and he just looked at it. Matt Barnes said to him "Anything in your locker has probably been in Shaq's butt, throw it all away."

>Anything in your locker has probably been in Shaq's butt, throw it all away.

:marseynotes: ooh I'm gonna remember that one


Bus fares hiked on scrotes after rides are made free for all kweens :marseyyass: :marseynails:



Husband paid for both in any case. Now state is her hubby.


>tfw I get a cab home from dalli airport for cheaper than bhangiloreans get a bus





Don't believe your lying reason chud


You didn't give them water for 6000 years chud REEEEEEE

Wait was that the right one?


Chamars steal seats without paying in unis and femoids steal seats without paying in public transport. Vishwaguru :marseykneel:

Protest the Incel Tax


Down with the apartheid


Reported by:

Reminder, this is the average type of individual these jannies seek to lord over

Yooo, that is so relaxing and satisfying to see Jenna get her beautiful hair brushed 😍😍😍. Her hair is so brushable, I wanna brush that beautiful hair of hers 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Okay. Now the jannies

The OG Celeb Jannies

The OG celebrity power jannies were a group who made it their life's work to collect every single female celebrity subreddit over the last 10-12 years. Here's most of them

Wait :marseysquint: what mod list is that from? :#marseystare:

That sub was originally created by the /r/Jailbait janny

I wasn't able to figure out exactly when, but I guess after he was suspended, it was passed to the rest of the cabal. Many of whom still mod big subs.

You see, these jannies were so obsessed with consooming every female celeb name subreddit that sometimes they'ed grab the subs before the girls turned 18. Because otherwise someone else would grab it before them and that was very triggering for them.

Their ranks have diminished in recent years as this guy seems to have died of aids or cancer or something 9 months ago

Some of our rightoids might recall he used to regularly make comments like this

But he was always immune to the reportmaxx. Even last year, I caught him sperging about supreme court justices or something, but nothing ever happened. And he'd say these things in /r/news, but his comment would just be removed whereas anyone else would at least be permed from the sub. Power janny privalege :marseyitneverbegan:

Then this guy was suspended (maybe during the API protests last year? Not sure)

And I think at least one other died (actually died). But still, you'll find a group of them carrying on if you visit any female celeb sub name. Seriously, any sub etc.

They are obsessive and controlling. Another group of celeb jannies was tired of being banned by the OG's and having to deal with their rules so over the last 2 years they built their own group.

My lungs taste the air of autism, blown past fallen jannies. /r/RisingTideNetwork

You're thinking, surely the new faction can't be worse then the OG's, half of whom used to mod a literal jailbait subreddit :marseysmirk2:

You know how bardfinn or merari will make a super serious comment as if they're the ceo of a fortune 500 company? These RisingTideNetwork jannies are like that, except they'll be talking about a subreddit called "PicsOfTheMoleOnSydneySweeneysAss or "JennaOrtegasEarlobes.


They take it very seriously.

Helm Emeritus


It was started by /u/NotAMod2112, who is apparently a lesbian woman. That account was suspended so now she's under /u/NowAMod. I know, janny...coomer...lesbian? But I couldn't find any trans posting in her accounts. They usually let you know they're trans after all. So maybe it's really a bio lesbian :marseyshrug:

Here's a post she made to /r/RisingTideNetwork last year reminding them of their purpose after she was banned from the cabal controlled /r/AlisonBrie subreddit

Evil Empire - reminder of RTN purpose

The OG cabal on the AlisonBrie janny list

In the comments she mentions a man named Topher, who apparently was the original brains behind RisingTideNetwork

Introducing Topher /u/TimingGod

Here's the two of them flirting

Cute :marseyembrace: , but it's kind of giving me Bardfinn flirting on bluesky vibes :marseyyikes: Topher has a little sub called /r/TopherB where he's posted.... :drafts: ....his ex wives...

His first two wives were white. Third was Asian @BWC discuss

"My windows to the world"

:#marseybruh2: This is kind of just sad. But :marseywtf2: why did he post these to his random sub. Boomer moment.


So anyway, it's a strange group of people because they'll be posting super seriously about janny matters, then the next post will be

Hostile take over of KoreanCelebrityFap? or Celebrity Butt centric subs? or CelebsBikiniUndies needs an approval mod but they take all those goofy subs seriously too.


They've changed leadership a couple times when someone gets too tired. Jannying is tough work, okay :marseysmughips: I think there's at least 2 or 3 sexy Indian dudes in their network. Jeets have really taken over reddit in the last couple years.

And they have a wiki where they lay out their master plan and all their requirements to join the network

They actually seem pretty free speech. They're obviously not as bad as the ex celeb jailbait jannies, they're just a little odd and very cringe.

First one to say @Holly_Jolly_Kong sucks peepee gets 300 coins. I know nobody reads this shit :marseyitsover:

So who's team are you on

Dude bussy lmbo

Leftoids try not to reference :marseyironman: (challenge impossible )

Hexbears won the auction :marseyitsover: :marseybearmerchant:
Reported by:
I hate anime now :marseydepressed:




lol at him trying to grift /r/Savannah and /r/RVA at the same time.

Give me money and I will make Savannah the most important place in the world after I get my $200 for my highway junk car

Give me money and I will make RVA the most important city in the world after I'm not homeless

:marseyleafpearlclutch: Canadians are super pissed... : PrepperIntel :marseyrake:



Canadian here. Not sure if this is PreperIntel worthy but just reporting something I've honestly never seen in my life. Canadians woke up today feeling super patriotic. And super pissed. Not that we aren't usually patriotic but we aren't a bunch of flag wavers. It's more a quiet patriotism we keep to ourselves. And we are generally a polite and reserved bunch in general.

Not today. Holy... the mood in Canada is ... PISSED.

Most of the anger is aimed at your current head of state but also at your country as a whole. Not so much individual Americans. You will be perfectly safe traveling through Canada or visiting. But there is outright anger directed at any product with a "Made in the USA" flag. Every store in Canada is going around with maple leaf stickers marking the "Made in Canada" products. Consumer boycotts are springing up organically across the country. The talk is really sort of ... ugly.

I get the sense there has been significant damage done to the US Brand in Canada. And I don't think it's confined to Canada. I have friends in the UK who say the same. They are also just frankly pissed beyond all reason. I expect it's the same across Europe.

Hopefully it dies down. It's absolutely non-productive and unCanadian. America and Canada have been ride or die BFF's for a century or more. I live in Arizona 1/2 time and I love LOVE it here. I have yet to personally meet an American I didn't genuinely like. You are good people. You do not deserve any of this.

Unless of course you voted for this. In which case... hope you get everything you voted for and then some.


also RIP to /r/prepperintel, it has turned into just another 'Drumf le bad' subreddit :marseylibations:



literally me (I am the main character)

@BWC !alligatorfrickhouse

EFFORTPOST Fascism in South Africa - Eugene Terre'Blanche and the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging [Part One]

Greetings. I hope you are well. I've been doing a lot of research on fascism lately and I've been left utterly terrified. I can see the power the political ideology has thanks to its reliance on a palingenetic rebirth myth that is very effective at uniting people and bringing them under a charismatic strong man. This shouldn't be surprising, as human beings think in terms of stories, so if you're able to tell a good story and piece together archetypes in aesthetically pleasing ways, you can make billions or rule a nation.

The problem with fascism is that it brings with it war, violence, and the death of human rights. If fascism were to take root again in the West, it could lead to another World War and this would affect everyone. I don't want mass death, nor do I want to be conscripted into the military. I'm scared of what will happen to BIPOCs, LGBT folks, and immigrants in such a scenario. The third world isn't safe either, there are dictatorships in Africa with strong militaries and these nations are teetering close to fascism, including countries like Eritrea. The Second Congo War is just a taste of how deadly things can get, as this war led to over 5.4 million deaths within 4 years, the deadliest war since WW2.

South Africa isn't exempt from the threat of fascism and there have been very active fascist parties in the country. This makes me so, so scared because I don't want civil war. Our government has enough problems to deal with. Consequently, I believe that this is the most important longpost I have ever written. Within it, I'd like to outline what fascism is and how it took root in South Africa and almost collapsed democracy before it started.

This is the first part of a two-part series. In this post we'll look into the background of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging and in the next post we'll delve into the life and death of Eugene Terre'Blanche.

Before we begin, I'd like you to complete this poll.

Do you believe your country is currently at risk of fascism?

What is Fascism?

I have outlined a brief definition of fascism in a previous post, but I'd like to redefine it here in a little more detail. The first instance of fascism can be found in 20th-century Italy under the regime of Benito Mussolini. Benito was inspired by the works of Nietzsche and Georges Sorel. The movement arose while Itality was going through political and economic hardships. Mussolini, after returning from war, believed Italy needed a dictator to lead the nation to greatness. To do this, he would need a myth to unify the people.

He coined the term Fascist which he derived from the Latin term "Fasces" which refers to a bundle of wood. Individually, each piece of wood can be broken with ease. However, when they are bundled together, they become unbreakable.

Pictured above is the Italian fascist symbol used by Italian fascist uniforms. Mussolini rose to power in Italy thanks to his energetic speeches and his ability to tune into the anxieties of the masses and exploit them. For the sake of time, I won't go deep into the history of Mussolini's rise to power, but it is important to know that by 1925, he was the country's dictator and he enjoyed widespread support.

Fascism was exported to Italy's colonies, including Eritrea, which may explain the far-right, dictatorial bend the country has to this day (it is often termed the North Korea of Africa). It also spread through Europe, eventually reaching Germany where Adolf Hitler would establish a dictatorship of his own. When fascism is mentioned, Nazi Germany is usually what comes to mind first. This shouldn't be a shock, as the Third Reich is easily the most powerful fascistic State the world has ever seen. If we are lucky, fascists will NEVER acquire that much power ever again.

Hitler was directly inspired by Mussolini, though he also drew from philosophers like Nietzsche and scientists like Charles Darwin to advocate for social Darwinism and eugenics. Hitler was also strongly anti-semitic, a position which Mussolini would also adopt in Italy. With this said, hatred of Jewish people isn't the defining characteristic of fascism. In fact, as Israel is proving, it is possible to have a fascistic State that isn't anti-semitic at all. This raises an important question - what makes a fascist?

How to Identify Fascism

Defining fascism is no easy task, and it is among the hardest political ideologies to adequately categorize. We know it is right-wing, authoritarian, and ultra-nationalistic, but other political movements have these traits as well. Saudi Arabia would be a good example of a country that is right-wing, authoritarian, and ultra-nationalistic but not quite fascist. After doing some research, I've identified the following as the key traits of fascism. If you think I've left anything out or gotten anything wrong, I'd like to hear it. It is important to note that while a nation can exhibit some of these traits and not be a fascist nation, but when they occur altogether, the word fascism starts becoming more appropriate to use.

1. Support of political violence

Unlike liberal movements that were gaining popularity in the 20th century, fascists do not believe that violence is inherently bad and it is viewed as a healthy part of political life. This viewpoint is in part inspired by ideas of social Darwinism which championed the concept of the "survival of the fittest". Hence, it was only right that the strong should subjugate the weak. Violence is also the means by which social hierarchies are reified. I'll touch on it more in the next point, but violence is also an integral part of fascist masculinity. Violence is used to eliminate opposition, undermine democracy, force people into compliance, and expand the borders of the nation.

2. Support of strict gender roles and social hierarchies

As I've stated, fascists believe in social hierarchies, and that some people are more deserving of life and power than others. In Nazi Germany, this viewpoint led to the mass involuntary euthanasia of huge swaths of the population that were disabled either mentally or physically. The most appalling example of this can be found with Germany's Aktion T4 program that claimed up to 300,000 lives.

There are also strict gender hierarchies in fascist nations. Fascism generally takes on a patriarchal shape with a "strong man" leading the nation. Women are expected to remain subservient and to serve a reproductive and domestic role in society. In contrast, men are expected to take to the frontlines of the army and participate in violence and war for the sake of the greatness of the nation. For this reason, you'd be hard-pressed to name a female fascist leader.

3. Belief in a palingenetic rebirth myth

This is perhaps the most important aspect of fascism. The fascist leader will convince the people that they were once a great nation but they have been subverted by outside forces i.e. Jews, communists, immigrants, liberals, etc. The populist fascist leader claims that they are the only ones who can restore the greatness of the nation and rescue the people from economic and political hardships, as well as from the threat of decadence and degeneracy. The palingenetic rebirth myth is reliant on a scapegoat to blame for the nation's decline and to give the people a common enemy to unite against.

4. Opposition to any initiatives or institutions that are racially, ethnically, or religiously diverse

The fascist leader will often create an "us" vs "them" schism. Those in the in-group are the true inhabitants of the nation while those in the out-group are invaders that dilute the blood of the land. One of the slogans used by Nazi Germany is "blood and soil" which illustrates how the regime tied race and nationality together.

Don't be fooled, however - a fascist nation does not need to be racist. The founder of fascism, Mussolini, stated the following:

Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five percent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.

However, he did also create an "us" vs "them" schism by scapegoating communists and Jewish people.

So there you have it - four pillars of fascism. If all four are present in a political system, you may be dealing with a fascist nation. I'd like to discuss a fifth possible pillar - isolationism. It appears that a lot of fascist nations aim for an autarkic economy and espouse ideas of isolationism and strong borders. The reason why I do not add this as a pillar of fascism is because scholars generally agree that there is no economic system that is essential to fascism. A sixth possible pillar concerns the use of lies and irrationality. This is seen with both Mussolini and Hitler but I hesitate to add it as an essential element of fascism because quite frankly all politicians lie - it's just a matter of degrees.

The nature of fascism is that it strives to gain power. Consequently, it manifests in varied ways depending on the context. This can make it hard to determine when a nation is fascistic. This has become increasingly true in the modern world where wannabee dictators are aware of the stink of fascism and therefore cloak their ideology using more palatable terms such as "nationalism" and preach about the restoration of "law and order". This isn't always the case, especially with the group we're going to look at today - the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, also known as the AWB.

Apartheid in South Africa

I'm sure the topic needs no introduction, but I'll quickly define apartheid. It was a system implemented in South Africa from 1948 to 1991, and it was led by the National Party, which was an Afrikaner ethnic nationalist party.

Pictured above is the National Party flag and the apartheid South African flag. In short, apartheid is a system predicated on institutionalized racial segregation, and it favoured the White minority. Segregation was achieved through forced removals and the creation of townships for Blacks, which had the secondary effect of creating a cheap source of labour. The government also used pass laws that required black South African citizens to carry passes when travelling outside their homelands. This was enforced by Acts such as the Natives (Urban Areas) Act of 1923 and the Black (Natives) Laws Amendment Act of 1952 that deemed urban areas "white". If 'non-whites' were found travelling in urban areas without passes, they faced the possibility of arrest. As you can imagine, interracial marriage was also banned.

The "heyday" of apartheid occurred during the 1960s and 1970s, but the National Party soon began facing strong resistance from the ANC and condemnation from the international community. Consequently, in the 1980s, some of the petty laws of apartheid were repealed, including the law banning interracial s*x and marriage (the Race Relations Act) and the mixing of the races (Group Areas Act). The government also provided limited political rights to Indians and Coloureds, though it wouldn't be until 1994 that South Africa would have its first democratic elections which were won by the ANC, allowing Nelson Mandela to rule the nation.

So, was apartheid South Africa fascist? No. Importantly, the movement lacks a palingenetic rebirth myth. Nevertheless, there were fascist movements bubbling in the country, with the most popular easily being the AWB.

The Birth of the AWB

As apartheid laws were slowly repealed, some liberal White South Africans saw this as progress. However, there were huge swaths of the White population that did not agree with the increasing liberal influences on the country's politics.

One individual who opposed the direction the country was going in was Eugene Terre'Blanche. We won't go too deep into his history (there will be a separate post dedicated to him), but all you need to know for now is that Eugene was born in 1941 and he expressed Christian Afrikaaner nationalist sentiments from a very young age. In 1973, he called a meeting with several men where he complained of the increasing liberal influence in the country under the leadership of Prime Minister B. J. Vorster. He also feared the increasing influence of communism, and as a response, he formed the AWB, with him as the leader.

The AWB is an extremist far-right party that strives to create an independent Afrikaaner state (Boerestaat) separate from the rest of the country. Is the AWB fascistic? Yes! The group is openly fascist, and is strongly influenced by Nazi Germany. Consequently, the group is anti-semitic, and it uses a flag featuring a "triskelion" which is a three-armed swastika.

It also exhibits all four of my pillars of fascism:

1. Support of political violence

The group has used significant violence since its conception, and it remains committed to using violence to bring about the Boerstaat. It is responsible for many terroristic attacks during apartheid, especially in the 80s and 90s. Notable episodes of violence include:

  • The Battle of Ventersdorp in 1991 which saw the AWB go head to head with the South African Police Force, and resulted in three deaths

  • The Storming of the Kempton Park World Trade Centre in 1993 which involved 3000 members of the group storming the World Trade Center in Kempton Park

  • 1994 bombings which resulted in the death of 20 people

The violence did not stop after apartheid ended. In 1996, the group planted a bomb in a grocery store, killing four civilians. Eugene Terre'Blanche also served time in prison for beating a petrol station attendant until he had brain damage (more on that in the next post).

The AWB is violent and aggressive. You can see it in this Louis Theroux clip featuring the documentarian speaking with Eugene who gets annoyed with Louis and squeezes his hand.

2. Support of strict gender roles and social hierarchies

The AWB uses Christianity to justify its gender roles and social hierarchy. They are insistent that the Bible says that Blacks and Whites must live separately, and they wish to bring about a patriarchal, pastoral Boer society.

3. Belief in a palingenetic rebirth myth

This runs strong in the ideology of the AWB. Their fall from grace comes with the Second Boer War which brought about the end of the Boer republics of South Africa. The party promises to restore these republics and bring about the great Boer empire once more.

4. Opposition to any initiatives or institutions that are racially, ethnically, or religiously diverse

It goes without saying that the AWB strikes for a homogenous society. They do not want Blacks, Jews, or communists in their Boer republics. They scapegoat the ANC, immigrants, and Black people as their enemies.

Unfortunately, the AWB had a huge following and at its peak, it boasted a membership of close to half a million. It also caught the attention of the international world, including Nazi sympathisers. Consequently, the group is quite prominent in right-wing literature, especially alternate history fiction novels such as Gun of the South. I've read the book and I quite like it. This is my favorite quotes from the text:

The AWB in Modern Day

Since South Africa became a democratic republic, the AWB has only shrunk in size, but its supporters remain passionate. One of the topics they rally around is the issue of farm killings, which they frame as a white genocide. They will often protest by shutting down highways and waving Old South African flags as well as the Nazi triskelion flag.

The group is still concerned with creating a Boerstaat, and they have their eyes on the Transvaal and the Free State but they haven't had much success claiming land. In one video worth watching, a member of the AWB tries arguing his case on television, and he threatens the Black female, leading to an altercation between him and the male host who warns him not to touch him on his studio.

Perhaps the biggest blow the group has experienced occurred in 2010 when he was killed by two of his own Black farm workers! He was beaten to death with pangas (machetes) and pipes. The murderers claimed that Eugene was buckbreaking them, though no evidence of sodomy was found.

Today, the group has about 5000 members and it is a shell of its former self with no political teeth at all. So is there any reason to fear the AWB?

Does the AWB still pose a threat?

YES! The AWB is actively recruiting the youth and trying to grow its numbers. It is doing this through the use of social media to spread its message. Several scholars are warning about the rise of fascism in South Africa and it's terrifying me! I'm so scared of fascism, I feel I have to do everything in my power to stop it. Unfortunately, all I can do is longpost. If they win, the races will be separated, then I'll NEVER have a white gf.

The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement), founded in 1973 by noted white supremacist Eugène Terre'Blanche, also remains active today. The group apparently boasts around 5,000 members, and in 2010, members of the group were arrested for plans to attack Black townships in the wake of the murder of Terre'Blanche—which some claimed was racially motivated. The plotters, based in Pretoria, had also threatened foreigners and players traveling to the country for the 2010 World Cup. And in 2002, a far-right group calling itself the "Warriors of the Boer Nation" claimed responsibility for a series of blasts targeting the township of Soweto, in which one woman was killed.

Last week at the 24th Socialist International (SI) congress in Cape Town, a similar warning about the threat of fascism was issued. However, this referred to a global danger. And this week, as the local mining industry faced turmoil, National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) spokesman Lesiba Seshoka also raised the spectre of fascism.


I hope you join me in my next post when I discuss the life and death of Eugene Terre'Blance. It is a long, sometimes funny, but always frightening story. Look, I'm just searching for a way to stop the chuds from winning. I will NOT live in a segregated nation, I will NOT have my vote taken away from me (even if I don't vote), and I will NOT live in a fascist country. Videos like this absolutely frighten me:

I don't know how Americans sleep at night when they have a proto-fascist about to take the wheel. FASCISM BAD!

!africans !nonchuds !effortposters !mayomoment

:!marseylaugh::!marseylaugh: :!marseylaugh:

Volume up, the THUD is the best part

Honorary Hamas members seized a building at Barnard (Columbia) :marseyxd:

One of the X posts made by the group — which proclaims "long live the student intifada"


Gen Z and fake Identity
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