Baiting chuds by being a :smugjak: has never been so easy :marseyoctopus2: :marseyoctopus2: :marseyoctopus2: :marseyoctopus2:
Reported by:
  • Fresh_Start : I am surprised the Russians didn't run out of ammunition.
  • Healthy : Mr. Aevann tear down this thread (and hole (and user) )
  • DickButtKiss : EXTREME ukro cope + seethe ITT. The pro Ukranians are literally crying
EFFORTPOST Today is big day for Ukraine

It's been 2 years since Russian retreat from Kherson. There are a lot of "technically" stuff like it wasn't a battle, Wikipedia don't call that event a battle, Russian retreated from Kherson earlier and etc. But if we go very technically we will end up with Ukraine winning 0 battles.

So it's been 2 years since last time Ukraine liberated a something bigger than a village

:marseyclapping: :tayclap:


What makes this even more special that it was before Ukraine got all the game changers nato stuff.

Like first leopard enter Ukraine in March 2023.

Let's remember some hype

The first shipment of Leopard 2 tanks from Germany has been sent to Ukraine, the German defence ministry says. Eighteen cutting-edge main battle tanks were delivered after Ukrainian crews were trained to use them.

Since the Ukraine received around 300 leopards 2 tanks and around 500 leopards 1 tanks that Ukraine for some reasons doesn't use much.

Abrams didn't had any fancy stories. Only interesting story is that when Russia captured like 10 of those and there was visually confirmation of more than 20 of those destroyed it was announced that Australia is about to give Ukraine 49 more.

So it's clearly gov don't tell the real number to public.

Like for example people still believe Ukraine has only 108 Bradley. But early this year it was already assumed Ukraine got way more than 300 of those

Kyiv also has 31 Abrams tanks โ€” a fraction of the more than 300 Bradleys it has received as of early July, according to Pentagon data.

Popular believe is also Ukraine getting old junk.

This is false since stuff Russian captured showed all the tech got deep modernisation and very recent one like Bradley's Russian captured in 2023 had 2023 date of modernisation.

For stuff like artillery and AD, Ukraine gets those straight from factories.

Many countries in east Europe like Poland gave majority of its stuff to Ukraine.

Last time Ukraine captured a village was during legendary spring counteroffensive, they liberated back then exactly 1 village and couple of hamlets. They lost it all since then. Lazy to check exactly dates but it's been over a year since they captured and lost.

This is how map looked when I left in August

This is how it look after my return

Added deep state map since its official government and military sponsored and it shows things even worse for Ukraine

So what we see Ukraine is losing ground at increasing speed and speed faster than Ukraine been losing ground in April 2022 or March 2022. A sign that attrition starts playing a role.

Western media now doesn't hide that Ukrainian don't want to fight and that Ukraine has hard time finding men

Redditors been telling Ukraine should mobilise women for month tho


So since my absence Ukraine lost multiple towns and cities as you can on the map (they also lost stuff in other directions) and now about to lose Kurakhove an strategic city because there are barely anyone defending it and since Russian are already near Pokrovsk.

@Cobra_Cranberrymander <- this homosexual been telling me Russian won't reach Pokrovsk until 2028 because he calculated Russian movement with his epic math. I told him he is homosexual.

Russian would be able to relatively easy capture Pokrovsk and mirnohrad (combine their population is 160k) since there won't be any danger to get hit from flanks for Russian and after they capture pokrovsk there is nothing on Russia way until Dniper river since Ukrainian didn't build any defensive lines. Why because they are at media war where them building in dnipor region defensive lines will be seen as losing.

They losing huge chunks there

They of course love to lie since why would Russian blown up something that they without doubts will capture, they could had destroyed it long time ago but according to Ukrainian statements it happened in last days of that city being under Ukraine :surejan:

So the main question becomes what's Ukrainian goal in Kursk oblast. As you see in the maps, that place has no named settlements beyond Sudzha.

We heard their goal was to capture NPP, didn't happened.

To trade some soldiers, happened but Russia ended up capturing more Ukrainian soldiers in that Ukraine did and exchanging all their conscripts and now have an no prisoners rule in Kursk. Reason for it that Ukraine wants to trade only their elite soldiers and far rights.

Then other goal was to pull Russian soldiers from Pokrovsk, also didn't happened and it's seems they pulled soldiers from North Korea.

Then to humiliate Putin, that's a childish argument especially when Putin act like the good guy. Ukraine send all their elite stuff to Kursk to capture some 5k people town and ended up losing all its mines in Pokrovsk and from country that export coke/coal to a country that will import it. On top of it giving Putin an example that Ukrainian ain't good guys since they been telling about defensive war and then invade.

Western media in September already told Kursk invasion was a mistake and Ukraine should pull out side they are at hard disadvantage and wasting their best soldiers against Russian cops and soon against NK.

So why they still in Kursk ? Just to save face. Or mb hoping to hold it until Trump will be official president and get some trading chip. But it won't work out especially when Republicans showing sign they want election in Ukraine. Putin also pointed he won't deal with an unelected person.

Zelenskyy is mad at Trump because Zelenskyy won't survive without a war. The peace deal will be for Ukraine worse than one from 2022 and people in Ukraine already questioning why he didn't signed it.

But Trump is saving Ukraine because Ukraine now has no power to stop the grinding and no weapons will do it. Zelenskyy still has one fantasy though, getting nuked since it mb can bring burgers boots to Ukraine.

But last time I ended my long post with

About them doing something stupid.

So here my favourite story since my absence

Guy named: Captain Oleksiy Mes, call sign 'Moonfish'. He was one of top Ukrainian pilots that did some excellent performance during first days of this circus he basically became the proto ghost of Kiev

He became the poster boy for demanding f16 and like long Ukrainian tradition, after coming from Burgerstan he died on his first mission. Ukraine gov refused to comment saying oh he crushed but we will find the real reason and got rid of that case. But many saying it was friendly fire.

And that's why I believe in Khohols. Who destroyed first Leopard, first Bradley, first Abrams, first challenger ? So of course they destroyed the first f16 so Russian couldn't flex

Ukraine basically lost all their best pilots from friendly fire and crushing

The situation is also extra stupid because Ukraine got Israeli modified mig29 that can use all f16 arsenal and more, those jets are better than the f16 they got so they waste their best pilots training for inferior jet just for propaganda reasons :marseythumbsup:

It's just a bit sadly that pro Ukrainian ignoring this big day, since it stopped being a celebration day and more of reminder that they had 0 success since then with all their high hopes

Thank you for reading

Unreal foid privilege :marseysipping:

BTW in most places you'll be expelled if found in the girl's hostel.

Still a friend


Simp boys never win.

Ofc she is imagine dating the kind of r-slurred phag who'd put his career in jeopardy because some foid who friendzoned him was sad.

Happy Valentine's Day! Remember straggots: a wank a day keeps the foids at bay

!coomers @Discuss




I'm 28F, my husband is 32M.

Not a good start, he's a confirmed groomer. :malefeminist:

He's always wanted kids [..] I don't express myself as super excited about it.

Stop wasting his time, b-word! :marseywall:

I've seen so many depressed moms who regret their decision

How many happy mothers do you reckon she's encountered that she completely discounts because she can't relate to them?

Last month was our marriage anniversary [..] he had a gift for me. I was excited. I opened the box and it was so creepy. It was a realistic doll like how a baby looks.

Even the sight of a baby :chadbaby: upsets her. This woman is ROTTEN!

I was so creeped out, but I didn't want to ruin the night, so I just said thanked him and went to bed.

Now she's denying s*x to her husband on their anniversary :marseyindignantwoman: because he actually got her a gift from his heart and not a Stanley cup handbag or whateverthefrick

a few days pass and last night sunday, he went out with his friends. [..] he'd be home late. [..] At 4 AM, I woke up to get ready for my shift. I went downstairs and saw him passed out on the couch. I went closer to wake him up so he wouldn't hurt his back sleeping there.

He would rather risk his back than risk waking up this harpy :marseygrin:

Next to him was his drinks. A bottle of lube. And that silicone sticky doll. Without clothes. Placed on his private parts. He was just laying there. Passed out.

This man is so desperate to be a father he used a doll and the lube that his frigid :marseyeggless: wife needs to simulate the warmth of the child she won't provide him with, and HE'S the monster?

Disturbed. I quietly went upstairs, grabbed some clothes and left. I called in sick and checked into a hotel.

Any reason to get out an honest day's labor with these harlots

i don't know how to tell my friends or family. I'm Indian


EDIT TO THIS POST. A lot of people are asking about picture. Before leaving the house, i took a picture because i knew no one would believe me.

Now admitting to an actual crime, very good! :marseywomanmoment2:

Or, more likely, this is a bored 20-something troll that realized getting proof made way more sense than running off, not understanding that running off with no proof is what an actual woman would do.

When you're pretending to be a woman you must heed this

Will anybody drop a nuke before trump's inauguration? [GOOMBLE CLOSED :marseyladybugitsover:]

Yes. (My uncle works at nintendo and he says iran is going to nuke israel tomorrow.) - 600 total betted

No but either iran or north korea or somebody will do a nuclear weapons test before he takes office. Seems like the kind of thing they'd want to get out of the way while Kamala Harris is in charge because Trump is erratic and likes to brag about his button, which unlike Kim Jong Un's, is bigger and more powerful, and his works. - 2,000 total betted

Nothing ever happens. - 25,800 total betted - WINNER!




Musk should get the wall

Will Stancil ( 2025-01-31T23:16:36.450Z


:marseygoodnight: :marseygoodnight:


I detest old simps so much its unreal. At least young ones can partly be explained as result of their environment.

No like I keep my mouth shut and call you whores r-slurred in my mind when you're yapping offline. Why would you engage in any political argument IRL?

If a sister says it its true :marseyblm: Lynch that geriatric.

Lol. Lmao. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, phull sapport to pheminists destroying their parent's marriage in their last years :platycheer:


No I'm the better pheminist cause my dad didn't pamper me


How is arguing with randos you see once a year liberating lmao?


Gulaged unless you're top 0.5% ofc.

Oh looks there's a phag just like her father in there. Hope your sherni daughter gets killed by her muzzie bf bro :marseyheart:

:marseychudindian: :heart: :greendesigi!rl:


Isn't there someone you forgot to ask


BTW this is what the femoid looks like



Age 29


  • buys house sight unseen with divorce bucks (330,000/600,000)

  • 100,000 more renovating since it was a disaster

  • the rest on "spending"

  • was spending 5000 a month in past relationship


  • together for 10, married for 5

  • met when she was 19 and he was 40

  • "So I definitely think I was groomed in the beginning" :marseytrollcrazy:

  • "So he used money to control me" timestamp

  • "He thought that I was cheating on him" claims she wasn't

  • thinks she should have taken more

More divorce details timestamp

Debt deets timestamp

CC - $29,294/$29,500, just purchased 6,000 more onto it, 793 interest each month, 3000 this year so far

  • "I didn't understand how interest works when I started that card" timestamp

  • "Explain interest to me" - she tries

  • Transactions get read off - timestamp

  • Notable - Sims micro-transactions, "I own all the expansions," Pelaton subscription, $100 "Waterbean" coffee, ChatGPT subscription

  • Trying to dispute a LinkedIn Premium she forgot to cancel, Caleb presses her

  • "What is the difference between paying something with my debit card and using my credit card?" timestamp

  • "I get airline miles which is how I flew here"

  • "I have like 400,000 airline miles" :marseydarkfoidretard:

  • 2 Cars, both on her credit since his was bad he drives one timestamp

    • 1727 due on his car,

    • 2 months past due - On autopay but there wasn't money so it didn't get paid, claims she's paid it now since husband got 4k on first paycheck (normally 3300, thinks 58,000 yearly), band director, musician on side ("percussionist"),

    • Mazda SUV, $34,000,

    • more than $800 minimum payment a month she doesn't know specifics, 10% interest rate

      • Was underwater on previous car, rolled over onto this one? High twenties purchase price on this car
    • Mazda 3 (2024), hers timestamp

      • Regrets purchasing this one

      • Old car was fully paid off 2016 Mazda 3, she wanted a new car because husband got a new car

      • Worth 28,000 and 18,000 left on it

  • purchased a sofa with a subwoofer (using CC) when she had divorce bux

  • 4 dogs and 2 cats

  • "I'm allergic to both dogs and cats and pollen and trees and grass" timestam

Other CCs not paid off but not as gigantic, not as interesting

How much do you think you spent in a month? timestamp

  • thinks 5 or 6 thousand, it's actually $10,333

  • Presses the b-word on why she's not actually trying to fix things timestamp

"I had heard about debt consolidation" timestamp

Investing timestamp

  • Does not know what an index fund is

  • Does not know what the S&P 500 is. "Is that like stocks?"

  • "I have like Starbucks stocks, I think, maybe"

Tries to ask her about the school's band timestamp

Caleb went to same Uni as husband at the same time, shits on the music program there and their football program timestamp :marseyemojirofl:

  • She found him through tiktok, "every time he hears your voice he's like turn that off" :marseylaughpoundfist:

  • Caleb recognizes him

  • Husband says "his voice is annoying" :gigachad2:

  • Ton of student loan debt, got a Master's - has not been making payments? On some income-based thing?

    • "Hopefully like there is a change in presidency" timestamp :marseyxd:

Went to Europe last summer timestamp

  • ran up CC balance

  • "money doesn't go as far as I thought"

Budget Breakdown

  • Mentions that she didn't know property tax existed?
:marseyhatium: Shia LaBeouf Hate Thread

Couldn't tell you who he is, what he's been in, or if he's a good actor.

I just hate that stupid girly name.

Reported by:

This guy isn't wrong, however there are a lot of r-slurs I have to deal with applying and interviewing for these jobs. I'm eternally grateful that I graduated before COVID-19.



Sardine Exposed as Libertarian After Exposing Libertarian


I don't think Americans understand what a war with Canada would actually look like : AskCanada | American pretends leafs would do terrorism


Right off the bat, I'm American, and this is just my best guess, but I've been talking to and hearing a lot of Americans say stuff like "oh if it came to it it would be over in a day" or some stuff like that. WRONG

We. Would. Not. Be. Able. To. Stop. The. Bombings.

I don't think most Americans consider how much easier fighting a war is when you can identify your enemy by skin color and language, you guys speak English (mostly) you have basically the same demographic makeup as the US, basically what I'm saying is that you are the platonic ideal for a partisan guerilla campaign.

You can't buy KN03 in Canada because the government is worried people would make black powder with it. Americans have nothing to fear from !leafs bombing them.

I can pretty much guarantee that the first thing the Canadian military high command does is erase all records of who is in the Canadian military, hide all of their leopards, their jets, their stuff that is on par with US military tech in bunkers in the Northern Territories and destroy the fricking maps, you won't be using them for a while, but they're nice to have around if needed.

No. We haven't even destroyed the long gun registry 20 years after a court ordered it to happen.

The Canadian military will then systematically erase any identifiable signatures it has, servicemen and women will burn their ID cards, their uniforms, bury caches of small arms, explosives, anti tank weapons, anti air rockets.

Lmao no. Most CAF members have little to no real training. They don't have the ammo needed to train. Heck they got rid of post basic training! !burgers that right leafs go to basic and then "learn on the job".

This war would not look like anything the US has ever seen before in its history, this war would look like car bombs in Des Moines Iowa every day, Police Stations being shot up in every state of the Union, political assassinations.

Canadians allowed themselves to be disarmed (at least the lefties did). They don't have guns to shoot with.

/u/Grotesque_Bisque You're a moron jacking off to fantasy

:marseyflagsouthafrica: Afrikaans lady says K-word 50 times to Speedos, gets prison. :marseyflagsouthafrica:

Greetings Dratastrags! :marseyexcited:

Today I wanna talk about a funny and dramatic event that occurred back in 2016. An afrikaans turbo Karen was having a :marseywomanmoment::marseywomanmoment2::marseywomanmoment: and screetching to heaven and high. Two black Speedos (Traffic Control Police) had come to her stalled vehicle to aid her or to find out what was wrong, as her car was obscuring a lane.

Earlier her car had been burglarized by black thieves, and she had been helpless to stop them, as most foids are. Thus, she was already having bad bad day, and in meltdown mode when the traffic police officers had arrived to her car, with her in full distress and meltdown mode.

Being of the same phenotype of of Burgerland Karens, and somehow not having developed the self-preservation instinct which most boers and bongs in South Africa developed, namely keeping their inner-chud in check when other blacks are in the vicinity, or where you could get in serious trouble, in a country where the average white is outnumbered by a factor of 20 by their black countrymen, she went full r-slur mode when the two black traffic police arrived.

The officers arriving to assist her, suddenly found themselves the target of unprecedented vitriol and turbo karen-speak, all for only resembling the black thieves which had burgled her car. The more they talked with her, the more she went off like a volcano, and she seemed to take all of her worldly frustrations upon these two poor chodes. Eventually even the two cops got angry and started verbally bitching back, shocked at this unprovoked tirade.

And then boyz, our lady lucky, went off the deep end by calling the two police officers Kaffirs to their face. Not once, or twice, or thrice, but 50 fricking times! All of this would have been another misdemeanor story in the newspaper, if our unlucky Karen wasn't so unfortunate as to be recorded during her :marseywomanmoment: by bystanders on their smartphones.

Just like George Floyd having his death be particularly going viral over media, because of video evidence of his death, so too did this Karen land herself unprovoked into boiling hot water. National outrage by liberals and pretty much all of the black peeps in RSA ensured that this stupid tart would find herself in a highly politicized court case with large media following.

Just like our cousins in Burgerland with their multiracial nation, so too do we have our historic word of denigration towards blacks in South Africa. Just like N#gger, K#ffer has its legacy as a big no-no word, which elicits pearl-clutching :marseypearlclutch: and fainting wherever it's spoken out loud. It's a word of such mythic proportions, that even today historic books can be arbitrarily banned by the Department of Education, or streets renamed, or geographic features expunged in the National Land Survey Cadaster.

I shit you not, when I was at the Univercity of Cape Town, some students were called upon to aid in the researching of very old records in order locate and delete or rename any features or lands or landmarks with the K@ffer name attached.

I have to say my boer ancestors were a really unimaginative lot - they fricking named so so soooooo many landmarks like, K#ffer valley, K#ffer river, K#ffer mount, K#ffer berg/mountain, K#ffer street, K#ffer lane, K#ffer plateau, and on and on, you get the idea. Like holy shit, the earliest survey records from 1860s to 1880s still surviving in the various Surveyor Generals' archives in their respective provinces had sooooo fricking many features, and locations and landmarks censored because of the racial slur :marseylaughpoundfist:

Apparently our Burger cousins were ALSO once again plagued by this r-sluration: both their fricking Land Surveyors naming literally every 3rd hill or river as n#gger hill or n#gger river or whatever, as well as that they too had to the trouble of trying to move past the abundance of features now considered racial slurs in their modern era.

Squaw Tits lmoa :marseydicklet::marseydicklet::marseydicklet:

I should make a Looongpost about american renaming of racial slurs on geographic features sometime, it's full of r-sluration, but anyways I'm derailing, back to k#ffir.

Basically the terms originates from Arabs, and their word Kafir - which refers to infidels and non-muslims, which they had used to refer to pretty much everyone non-muslim, regardless of race, but because of their trade with non-muslim Southern African blacks in places like Mozambique, which the Portuguese wrestled from the Arab muslims who were slave traders there. Thus already by the 1652 when Van Riebeeck landed to start a colony for a refreshment station, the word kafir was already in the lexicon of the dutch, through cultural osmosis from the Portuguese, and our dutch misconstrued the term as their word for black skinned african people.

It wasn't the only word for african black people, slur or not, but it was within one of the many in their lexicon. By the time the dutch and proto-boers fricked off from the Cape Colony to start their fabled Boer Republics, Kafir had become the main descriptor for black people in general, since most south african whites/europeans at that time would distinguish between favorable and unfavorable blacks - in terms of those who were friendly trade partners, like the Hottentots and Sothos, and those who were openly hostile and dangerous like the fearsome Xhosas and Zulu tribes. Thus Kafir was a general term for black skinned people, and wasn't in itself considered racist in its time, mere a slang for black africans.

It did however become a racial slur by the time the Boer Republics were conquered by the Anglo armies of Britain, as an ethnic slur, as modern thinking of proto-eugenics became widespread, and the rush for dividing africa by the European powers, and european thinking had solidified the idea that africans were an inferior form of humanity, as they were seen culturally and militarily inferior - they had not Naval ships, or gunpower weaponry, or cathedrals or castles. Thus, anything african made were fast becoming to be seen as inferior, and that Europeans were justified in subjugating them. Gradually anything african related itself also became a denigration as something lesser that that of their european counterparts, including the people themselves.

Thus Kafir became a slur, as anything black/african was inferior.

Lastly, since Kafir was mostly adopted as the go to descriptor by the dutch, it's pronunciation also changed. From Kafir, to Kaffir. Pronounced from Ka - fer, to Kaf - fer.

It comes from the longer efs that africaners say, and is also where the written joke of Sef-Efricans or Sif - efricans come from; from the very thick afrikaans accents like my own which struggles to say short fs without sounding like were are attempting to whistle whenever they utter a word with fs.

Anyways, by the time the Apartheid years arrived, k#ffer had been firmly established as the Southern African slur for black peeps, and even to this day they are understandably upset about it. The ANC pretty much explicitly targeted the word under the Mandela Administration, when they rewrote our constitution, and formed the laws forbiddingthe statute barring verbal racial abuse directed at another person.

And unlike our Burger peers with their N-word, our black peeps did not develop the curious culture of reclaiming their respective racial epithet, thus the word is as rarely heard as it tends to make eyes widen. From this I hope to have given background and context as to why this Karen lady was in supremely deep shit for having been caught by camera video uttering k#ffer no less than 50 times!!

The case took two years, and in 2018, a judge sentenced Vicki Momberg (our Karen) to three years in prison, with one year suspended if she does not commit the same offense.

Yeah that's right, another white officer had to approach her, to get her to calm the frick down, and not insult his colleagues, before she came down to earth.

Just to demonstrate how much she dug her own grave, and her absolute lack of self-preservation.

""In the past, South Africans have been prosecuted for verbal racial abuse under the crimen injuria statute, but they were just fined.Last month, a South African man was fined 100,000 rand, or about $8,460, for calling a black man the k-word during an argument. In 2016, a former real estate agent was fined about a total of more than $13,000 for repeatedly referring to black people as "monkeys" in a Facebook rant, accusing them of littering and being uneducated.

But in recent years, the South African government has been calling for far stricter penalties for racist and discriminatory behavior. Earlier this month, the country's cabinet approved the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill, allowing it to be sent to Parliament for a vote. That bill would make hate speech or hate crimes punishable up to three years in prison for first-time offenders and up to 10 years for subsequent offenses.""


Now the real drama and sneed is that not recorded, since most media is liberal, but also self-censored by the journ*lists fearing public backlash should they not toe mainstream line of opinion.

The dumb Karen deserved her shit being pushed in by the justice system, but many non-black peeps had noticed the political fiasco the social media storm following this case had influenced judgement, and that the gov high command had pressured the justices presiding over the Karen case to make an example of the b-word , rather than conducting true law and order.

An example, the influencial and powerful Julius Malema had uttered pretty extreme opinions over the past 15 years, things that in South African context would make him a pretty hardcore NazBol calling upon the extermination, subjugation or just plain violence towards SA whites. Much of his words and statements through the years have been merely alluded to calls to violence, and some had been pretty explicit in their intention.

lol. White domestic servants :marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

My point is these aren't just conspiracy victim-complex bitching from rightoid SA whites, these were decades long very extreme opinions normalized by ANC Youth and EFF politicians working under Malema. The good news is that they are so fricking incompetent, and perpetually infighting for influence between the ANC and EFF, that the practical ground level reality of these morns actually organizing anithing approaching an arab springs white genocide is very unlikely, but the racial hatred and intent is there.

I don't blame many of these black peeps directing their hatred at me for their squalid living conditions, but I do enjoy breathing, and being alive.

There were also other hypocracies throughout the country which demonstrated clearly that only white bigotry would ever be punished, and would further demonstrate that the prison-sentence of the Karen was not only wildly disproportionate to the crime, but motivated by political affectation.

=====(from article)

Magistrate Daniel Thulare shocked the Cape Party on Tuesday by ruling that posters bearing the words "Frick White People" are not hate speech or racist. The Cape Party, which is a registered political party seeking to declare the Western Cape a sovereign republic, had filed a case against the Iziko South African National Gallery for exhibiting the suit.

The posters, which were covered with the words Frick White People in black-and-white all caps letters, has been on display since 2016 alongside a chair and "goldendeanboots" as part of an exhibition called The Art of Disruptions at the gallery. The work was created by Dean Hutton, a Masters student in fine art at the University of Cape Town who wore a suit with the same print publicly before Iziko approached them.

The Cape Party sought an order for the Cape Town magistrate's court to declare that the posters are hate speech and racist because they violate the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act. But Magistrate Thulare dismissed their case.

He criticised reactionaries to Hutton's work with a "pity-me-I'm-a-victim attitude" which sought to suppress views like Hutton's.

The Cape Party had asked the court to order an unconditional apology from Iziko for exhibiting the posters and to declare that it is hate speech to say, print, display or in any way communicate the phrase "Frick White People". It sought R150 000 in damages, for Iziko to remove Hutton's work, a restraining order against any other such displays, and a referral to the director of public prosecutions.

Cape Party leader Jack Miller told the Mail & Guardian that the party had used the Oxford Dictionary definition of "frick" to make their argument, but the magistrate said that in the context of art, a literal definition was not sufficient to explain what Hutton meant.

"It's very disappointing. We're quite shocked by the decision, because it's a massive setback and it sets a dangerous precedent," Miller said.


The judge is black btw

All the way back since the Zuma days, the hatred of whites in the ANC being open in their top leadership was known. I mean I get it, I understand. I just don't want my country's president talking hitler talk regarding me. :marseysweating::marseysweating::marseysweating:

Powerful men like Zuma, with influence were never punished, not even with a fine. But a civilian women with no power, got 3 years for using racial slurs (she deserved it, but you guys understand why there was discontent about this court ruling).

Here two politicians did apologize and make up, but you can understand that open hostile racism and anger isn't a rare occurrence in South Africa, or that same year as 2018.

More open hypocrisy as powerful men saying arguably worse were never even fined or punished.

Anyways I only mentioned this to put in context why non-whites were pissed by the 3 year court ruling as they believed it only occurred in a nation where 80% of the population were black and held political dominance, and thus the prison sentence of our idiot Karen, was an open political stunt, and a systematic scandal of justice.

However when her sentence would be criticised by newspaper journostrags, they in turn would be accused of racism, and that they approved of Vicki racially abusing the two Traffic Officers, rather than their complain at the disproportionate punishment instead of a fine.

The :slapfight::slapfight::slapfight::slapfight::slapfight: would go back and forth over social media

Anyways that's all I got, GOOD DAY


:marseytrain: Tgirl epidemic discussion on Redscarepod :marseytransrentfree:


Sorry I know this is a subject everyone here is tired of hearing about by now lol. This has happened to me twice now. A guy I had a thing with ended up being a pre-HRT one and another one just put "any pronouns" in his social media bios lmao and is def walking the line. Can we not have slightly feminine, nerdy awkward guys anymore without them feeling like they aren't masculine/a guy at all? It makes me sad

Plot twist I actually posted this superpeanut45 is my mobile account I use to scroll red scare subreddits and /r/industrialmusic. Jannies :marseyjannyitsover: have me device banned (this is my 6th account) so I think this account won't last long. I'm doxxing myself because I am slowly becoming an unironic Redditor and need to stay off Reddit entirely besides clinks I lick here so I think basically selfdoxxing may be the only way to leave reddit forever. :marseychtorrr2:

Also this is a true story and yes I know :marseytrain2:s make up 2% of the cute male nerd population but RSP loves overgeneralized statements and unpopular popular opinions and the comments have been pretty good and there is even some cope and seethe. Something for everyone

EDIT I deleted my plebbit but please click this link for my favorite post

Happy New Year you glorious cute twinks!

By the way, why does everything say r*pe now?




Tik tok girlies seethe that Walmart sells cheap heart shaped slop
One of my favorite :mersya: movie :marseyezramiller:

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