since we are talking about mcduggles today
"How would you feel? It's not happening here, but it's happening now"


Personally, I'm quite willing to give some of the Aussie outback to Israel.

:marseytrans2: :marseybigbrain: :gigachadglow:



A user makes a post on /r/doordash_drivers titled "you get what you paid for" with an image of a customer complaining they didn't get notified that a dessert was out of stock, with the dasher retorting "You tipped me a penny." Comments in the post are generally supportive of the dasher, except for a few disgruntled customers, notably... (Labels added to commenters on the first thread for clarity)

(A) He didn't get what he paid for though did he? He paid for his order and delivery and since you didn't get the discretionary tip you wanted/expected you decided to not do the job the customer paid you to do properly. Absolutely disgusting attitude! No wonder your tip was so low! Sounds like you deserved it! (-27 downmarseys)

(B) He paid for the food to the restaurant not driver to update him if they were out of something (11 upmarseys)

(A) He paid the restaurant and he paid the driver to deliver his order, you ding bat. If the driver expects a tip perhaps he should offer a modicum of customer service. Crazy idea I know! A lot of customers adjust the tip once the orders complete. Why should a customer be expected to tip for good service that hasn't even happened yet. Earn your tips!! (-3)

(OP) It's a shopping order dingbat (9) ...

(C) A penny tip is a peepee move regardless (14)

(A) Yeah? Perhaps this driver has learnt a valuable lesson. If you choose to work in a service industry where you're depending on tips offer a good service. Not rocket science is it. (-10)

(D) Found the salty customer who tipped 1 cent, sorry you had to go without your dessert the other night. It's all gonna be okay because you are just so sweet enough already you could afford to skip one. (6) ...

(E) Tips for drivers on Uber, Doordash etc aren't really tips. They're not a gratuity in practice in the same way you might tip your server at a restaurant. The server is employed and therefore has a host of labor rights. The companies like Doordash do not classify the drivers doing the work as employees, so they don't get labor rights such as the right to a minimum wage that the server gets. Doordash pays maybe 2 dollars per order on average which comes out to around 4 to 5 dollars an hour wage, after taxes and expenses. I know the customer paid Doordash decent money, but the driver gets very little of that. The person actually doing the work. The companies make a big deal out of tipping in the app for the customer. They do it because it costs them a lot less money to hire contractors instead of employees with labor rights. (16)

(A) None of this has anything to do with the customer, it's not the customers job to supplement the income of Uber and DoorDash drivers. If you depend on tips, offer a good service and hopefully you'll do well. If as a driver you don't like that, do another job, you can't expect the customer to compensate you because you work for a lousy, low paying company and then get mad at them when they don't tip you "enough". (-5)

(F) Now that you understand how the pay structure works for delivery drivers, do you support drivers being paid 4 or 5 dollars an hour, do you believe that's an ethical practice? This is the way Doordash designed their system to work. If you don't like it, don't use Doordash. (7)

(A) Why are you working for a company that has a pay structure that you don't find beneficial or ethical? (-1)

(F) Because bills gotta get paid. There are very few if any people who do a job purely for the love of it. If you want people to go above and beyond for you then pay them for that effort. If you dont you'll get the simplest pick up and drop off of all time and you'll have to accept that. Asking for a driver to communicate with you is asking for more than required (3)

(A) If you want better tips try being proactive instead of being reactive and you may get better results. Or don't, keep hating your customers, getting shit tips, being miserable and bitching on Reddit. Whatever floats your boat! It's your life! (-1) ...

(G) Would you b-word at your usps guy for you missing Amazon items? Doubt it. Same situation.

(A) Amazon drivers don't expect tips or go to Reddit to cry about them. Plus the driver said he would let the customer know if any of his orders were unavailable and help him with substitutes. So, no, not the same thing at all. (0)

(G) They also get payed a salaried wage and aren't commissioned delivery. Don't forget your tips aren't a tip it's a bid for your service disgusting as a handout. And you're defending that. (6)

(A) Tips are tips, do a good job and you'll usually get one. Act like a self entitled little brat and you end up with a penny, it's called capitalism. If you don't like that get a job where you're not depending on tips. (-4)

(G) No. No their not. We don't get paid enough, tips,are our commission fee disguised as us asking for a handout. A tip is when someone is being paid enough and you're happy with their service. You wouldn't you a server before they serve you. But you live your life bud. (3)

(A) Who's fault is it that you don't get paid enough? Why are you putting that on the customer? Don't like it, get another job. The customer already pays a massively inflated price for using DoorDash and now you want them to subsidize your income because the company you chose to work for doesn't pay enough? 😂 (-1)

(the A & G slapfight goes on and on after this...)

More juicy fights from A in their thread. I'd add them, but this post is long enough as it is. More disgruntled customer comments:

So you didn't do your job and then wonder why you get shitty tips? (-10)

odd, the tip is decided before he even started the job. so don't you have it the opposite? (9)

You accepted the order. Do your job. Anything after that is petty retaliation. Immoral. Stop villainizing the customer for doing nothing wrong, especially when you're in the wrong. (-19)

He did accept the job but the customer tipping a penny is a slap in the face. Only a complete piece of shit would think that's acceptable to do to someone. There is nothing immoral with doing the bare minimum for bare minimum pay. You want professional service then pay for it, otherwise drive your own fat butt to the store and pick it up or accept what you get. (8)

The tip is not compensation. It's a literal gift. (-2)

No, it's a gratuity for doing someone a service. If you're not grateful for them delivering to you, why should they give a shit about the level of service you get? He picked it up and delivered it, they got what they paid for. (4)

Heck are you on about; there's nothing immoral about it. Customer tipped 1 cent, he delivered 1 cent service.

All our job is: pick up a sealed bag and leave it on someone's porch. If you want me to cross reference the receipt with employees and ensure everything is there I will do so, but at least give 10-20%.

If you don't like it go pick up your own darn food (10)

Do your job. The tip is literally optional. (-10)

Yeah, just as tipping has always been "optional".

If the pizza man shows up on my doorstep and I take the food from his hand and close the door in his face: I'm an butthole.

If I leave a messy table at the end of the night and leave no cash for the server: I'm an butthole.

Why is it suddenly so different when you don't have to look the person in the eye? There is a reason it is called "suggested gratuity", it's because that's what everyone else gives and it is what you should give too. At the end of the day I'm still going to do my job right; I have a 5 star rating, 100% completion rate, and 0 contract violations.

I'll promptly drop this if you aren't from the states, as where I live tipping is socially expected and service workers are payed to reflect this. Is it the best system; probably not, ideally a service worker makes a livable wage regardless of tips.

If you are, you know just as well as I do that leaving no tip is not normal; and if you don't that makes you an butthole. (7)

Some other dashers decide that OP is an idiot, and give their own opinion:

You stupid drivers that accept these orders and then get vindictive about it are only making it worse for the rest of us. (-11)

(OP)Here's a penny, give it to someone who gives a shit (8)

Enjoy the one star review I guess? Seriously why do you even take the order if you're not contempt with the tip!? Just don't take it... (-7)

(OP) Do you think I care? (2)

Regardless of what he tipped you, your job is still to pick up the order, that's just being petty now. Doesn't take much effort to just hit button that says item unavailable (-28)

Takes more effort to tip a penny which is why no sane person should care. (11)

Then fine, they're both pricks (-8)

Today's Hard Hitting Issue: Trump Moving the Inauguration Indoors - NYT

The weather is going to be the coldest in DC in 40 years, which coincidentally 40 years ago was the last time an inauguration was held inside.

This is some how a topic of much debate and pearl clutching.

ModPol has some sane takes but some major wingcucks.

Suddenly the people who've been asleep at the wheel the past 4 years are ready to meticulously inspect every daily detail of Trump. Buckle up!

trump gets two scoops of ice cream!

There was also a big deal about the Coca-Cola bottle, ignoring that the Coca-Cola company has been doing that since 2005. GW Bush, Obama, Trump (45), and Biden got customized bottles too.

Since Trump has a personal preference for diet coke, the company filled his custom bottle with diet coke. There were walls of articles and commentary about it, as if this was some sort of huge scandal.

I forget who said it, but someone somewhat high profile said the media is focusing on the wrong things about Trump. They're focusing on tabloid level things rather than serious things. But because both the press and social media spends so much effort on covering tabloid level things there's so much noise that if something serious happens people have long since tuned out.

If the people who've been meticulously inspecting every daily detail of the president the last four years weren't starting a 4 year sabbatical I imagine the new ones would've happily stayed in retirement. This is a silly thing to get outraged about though.

So close but wingcuckery

It's weird that he's being clowned for this online. Now I bet that if he said that it would remain outdoors, people would criticize him for that too

He's getting clowned by people who paid a fortune to see him outside. Now they won't see him at all and are justifiably pissed about their wasted money.

Do you have any examples of that from republicans? All the clowning seems to be coming from democrats. Are you saying there are democrats who paid a fortune to see him and are pissed they wasted their money?

Do you have examples of democrats clowning him?

Is this your first time on Reddit?

That's not an answer.

I gave you evidence. You've refused to do the same

You edited your comment and added some I see. Here you go, I assume the democrat vp candidate counts.

Also "MAGAers?" what a fricking r-slurred phrase.

Also by the way Waltz had his own inauguration indoors.

Politics of Course has to way in. Which is mindnumbling r-slurred.

What a little baby, 18 degrees isn't that cold

He's not afraid of the cold, he's afraid of the crowd size. Imagine how few people were going to show up on a good day, then imagine how much smaller that crowd would be with weather in the teens. He's protecting his fragile ego, not his bone-spur-ravaged body.

This… when Kamala joined the race, I asked my Senators and congressman for tickets to the inauguration. About a month ago I received confirmation that tickets had been allocated for me, and I needed to confirm that I still wanted them. Which, I ignored, because I didn't want them. Last week, I received another email telling me that although I missed the confirmation deadline, they still had tickets and wanted to know if I wanted any.

I think they are struggling to fill the seats…

Get the tickets and don't go. Wasn't that a thing right after the election?

Stop the cap. 18 is fricking cold lmao

Where tf is 18 too cold to be outside a few hours? Arizona?

Gonna be below zero with the wind chill. Let's see YOU go stand out there for a couple hours. I do it every day regardless of the weather. It sucks when it's that cold.

I'm from the north so that's not a problem. But honestly it's probably for the best for it to be inside the capital. Trump supporters are really good at getting inside there anyway.

Okay. That's hilarious. Well played.

No it's not....Monday will be 25°F with 10-20mph winds so the "feels like" temp is 10-15°F. And with good winter clothes that's nothing. Still cold but there's no way windchill temp will be below zero.

don't think you understand the difference between wind and gusts.

on top of that, I expect it to be colder than the temperatures you said that I assume you got from a weather app or TWC or whatever. most apps forecast too high bias for arctic blasts, ECMWF, GEM, GDPS, EPS, CMCE, NAM and GFS models are all saying it'll be much colder.


It was 17° during Obama's.

What a snowflake.

Edit: correcting my memory - it was a low of 19°

3 days earlier, it was 8°

Bone spurs is the worst kind of crybaby snowflake.

Per, it was 28 degrees F for Obama's first inauguration, described as, "Filtered sun through the thin cirrus clouds. Breezy with northwest winds around 15 mph, gusting 20-25 mph. Wind chill values in the mid teens."

Probably where the 17 degrees is coming from.

Meanwhile, from "The 2025 Inauguration will be ... sunny, with wind chills in the lower teens or single digits and winds gusting up to 35 mph in the afternoon. During the ceremony, the temperature will hover in the 20s."

The exact numbers may be incorrect, but it's not a bad comparison.

As I recall, it was 17° that morning. said it was 28F during Obama's first inauguration.

What was the low that day?

I remember it to be 17°.

I could be wrong.

This guy thinks the low of the day is relevant?

The thread is mainly boring wingcuckery but this important enough that arrr politics needs to talk about it twice

Wait until all his supporters at the rally are left stranded for hours and freeze.

It's almost like that's happened before!

I bet most of them won't even think to use the Subway. Despite the fact that the DC Metro is one of the best in the country, is fast, clean, Has connections to both nearby airports and can effectively move 150,000 passengers per hour, i'm sure many MAGAs are so afraid of the idea of public transit that they would rather sit for 4-6 hours in traffic trying To leave. Or even worse, wait for rideshare.

Plenty of people do that in SF too. Tons of people would rather be in traffic in their car than on public transport.

Yall are really clutching at straws aren't you lol. I have no skin in the game, but it's hilarious how stupid both sides can sound sometimes.

This never happened, he was 30 minutes late for a rally in 50 degree weather.

MTG about to claim Democrats set DC's thermostat low on purpose

Can we get an ice storm scheduled, too, president Biden?

You know the Quidiots are going to blame "the liberal Jew weather modification space lasers" for this

He'll say it was a sunny day - the nicest, warmest day ever. You've never seen such a beautiful day. He heard people saying it was the best day ever.

He'll probably in the same conversation say it was the sunniest warmest day, while at the same time use the weather as an excuse for something else.

Hopefully he'll do a William Henry Harrison.

He'd be a kitty if he didn't. Only a cuck wouldn't give the longest inaugural speech ever.

Hopefully he'll do a William Henry Harrison.

This people have never actually talked to a conservative.

Politics x3 on the issue

Crowd was going to be very small. Let's make an excuse.

Only because of the secret democrats controlled weather machine!

Honestly, the whole statement is so stupid. If we had weather machines and space lasers, Mar-a-lago would look like Independence Day meets Sharknado 365 days a year.

He will still claim two million attended.

Oh, I'm sure he will claim they were outside in the cold. But, Mr. Trump, I thought you were having this inside to protect all your fans from the winter chill.

Maybe credible threats of an attack on the outdoor venue?

Attack of the Snow! Close the sky border now frozen water is invading!

No one seems to be considering maybe shit scared of an assassination attempt.

Literally everyone in secret service would be there. He's just scared of the cold.


We're really letting this clown host his inauguration in the same place he tried to overthrow the government?



Cold weather might be the case, but I wonder if it's also for security concerns. If a CEO caught the wrath of one Nintendo character a little while ago, then a Billionaire president, his billionaire cabinet picks, Musk, Bezos and Zuck might attract the entire Smash Bros lineup.

I wanna see Peach, Toad, and Donkey Kong representing the common folk with Bowser and Wario cracking their knuckles in anticipation in the background waiting for the billionaire bros to run to their rocket ships.


Lmao. I have coworkers who are obsessed with him, took time off work next week, bought plane tickets, and intend to travel from CO to DC to watch.

Get fricked fascists. Hope you don't get refunds.


MarkMyWords is delusional as ever

He's moving his inauguration indoors because he doesn't want photos and videos of the minuscule crowd size.


I wonder if it is also related to security issues. Do Capitol police really want to protect this guy?

It's definitely a security issue, and I bet he's the one who requested the change. He's already had two attempts on his life as a candidate [by Republicans, no less], so a massive crowd, outside, filled with his nutjob supporters, and those who don't support him, is exactly what he'd want to avoid.

Yea 2 republicans tried to off him already… and this crowd will be filled with republicans… so definitely. Risk.

??? 2 republicans? The crazy hippy who wanted to shoot him over Ukraine war was a Republican now? You guys just love making shit up.


I thought it was because it will be easier to deal with a pants-pooping emergency indoors

While we would consider pants-pooping as an emergency, Donald Trump sees it as a mild inconvenience.

These people are obsessed with shit and piss.

AdviceAnimals appears to still get the Kamala Kash

Just storm the venue. Trump will tell you he loves you.

You're very special people. They said sir, sir, they're storming. They're storming the venue. Do you wanna know about storming? We had hurricanes, those are storms with tremendous wetness in terms of- and I told them- what if we launched nuclear? And that could sort of disrupt- but there are so-called science people that say sir, no you can't so when it comes to venues, we have some of the most beautiful venues

According to reddit 'this isn't inciting violence'

He realized his crowd wasn't going to be that impressive so he made a decision to counter it. Chilly has nothing to do with it.

Too many Luigi's outdoors

"Too Many Luigis" sounds like a fantastic idea for a children's book!

Too Few Luigi's" is the prequel?

Reddit is really ok with terrorism


I bet it's because of security concerns.

Small crowd to begin with. It's a convenient cover-up for the excuse and lies that he'll put out soon.

Right? We will be hearing about the "hundreds of thousands of people" waiting outside because they wouldn't let them in. lol. Sad really

Yeah i was also hoping for another attempt by a much more talented marksman.


Please go on about the lefts empathy and caring.

It's neat to see maga cry when the left acts like maga.....

It's because y'all know the left is morally superior so anytime there's a slight poke of fun, y'all like "omg so much for being loving" lol

24 degrees is so cold, real men don't like the cold

Morally superior? You mean the people upset that Florida made it a felony for a teacher or librarian to give porn to children?

Minnesota sucks off Walz

I love the fact that Walz embodies all the masculine traits that conservatives wish they had. And he manages to do it without being a sexist or bigot.](

As a country, we're really gonna be kicking ourselves for not giving him and Harris a chance

No truly masculine person believes that.

Walz is masculine? :#marseyemojirofl:

That's definitely Midwest for "what a frickin kitty"

Now THAT'S a man of the people. As kids, my friends and I would sit in a fresh snow bank because it's comfy once you nestle in. Try it sometime.

AND insulating from the air being a real temperature compared to just ice lol

We could've had it all. I loved how frank he was on the campaign trail, and how much it upset Republicans. They couldn't stand being called with they were, weird and Skippy dipshits.

Are you living in reality? Walz was the weird one. Prancing around and skipping on stage with zest

I'm not American so can only provide an outside view and Walz was great - sincere, capable and honest. It speaks volumes about the people that preferred Musk, Vance and Trump.

The answer to that guy's question is "no, I don't live in reality" Walz was capable?

Walz is a real man - Trump - scientists are still trying to figure out his species

The species is "Minnesotan". It got up to 33° yesterday and I passed at least 3 cyclists on my 10min commute to work.

Yesterday was great. I took my dog out to potty in shorts, a tank, and sandles. Lol

This is classic toxic masculinity. Not what a "real man" does.

Walz is the opposite of any form of masculinity. He's the one who started the 'Weird' line of attack and acted like a catty mean girl.

> I'm by no means for trump but this nitpicking argument about weather and the choice to move inside ain't it... There is an endless supply of shit to harp on Trump and co for, but this is the the dumb nitpicky shit I'd expect from conservatives on X.

If it's cold you go inside, why the frick does this matter?!


I like Tim Walz but this is beyond stupid. Telling people to challenge the weather is how you kill people. It's equally dumb when people say to work through the heat or wait out the hurricane.



Turnout is a funny thing for the election loser to criticize.


Reported by:
BADGES + 600,000 DC UP FOR GRABS Frick the rigged Drammies, it's time for the 2024 Carpies :marseyhappening: !badgemaxxers get in here for the nomination thread!

Hecko. Remember this snorefest where the categories were just a bunch of things I don't care about and the winners weren't me? Probably not, the premise as described is very unmemorable. This thread will address that grievous wrong.

rDrama presents...


Here we will use a TRUE DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM to award THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST people and media of the past year. I will vote on each nominee and then I will determine the winners based on the number of votes from me they received.

All winners will receive a bespoke badge and 50,000 dramacoin per category won
In the event of a non-user winner (i.e. "best book I read"), coins and badge will be paid to the one who nominated it

Best Thread On-Site

Best Thread I Posted

Best Book I Read

Best Movie I Saw

$$Robocop again

Dread Delusion$$

Best Gayop

Best Online Drama

Best IRL Drama

Best Marsey OC Art

Best Non-Carp Contributor

Janitor of the Year

Dramacel of the Year

Voting for nominees ends after one week. No further nominations will be accepted, only the approved nominees above for each category.

Good luck to everyone!

Cal Fire captain found stabbed to death inside of her San Diego County home :marseyterfdomesticabuse:


A Cal Fire captain was found stabbed to death inside of her San Diego County home on Monday and authorities are still searching for the suspect.

Deputies were dispatched to the 20200 block of Rancho Villa Road in Ramona at around 9 p.m. on Monday after learning of an assault that happened in the area, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Office.

Upon arrival, they found the victim suffering from multiple stab wounds, deputies said. Despite attempted life-saving measures the woman was declared dead at the scene.

On Tuesday, the victim was identified by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, as Rebecca Marodi, 49, a 30-year firefighting veteran who was stationed in French Valley just north of Temecula.

Thus far into their investigation, Sheriff's Homicide Unit detectives have yet to identify a suspect or motive in the incident, but they suspect that Marodi "knew the perpetrator and are treating this case as a potential domestic violence incident."

According to Cal Fire officials, Marodi began her firefighting career in 193 as a volunteer firefighter in Moreno Valley. She then served as a seasonal Fire Fighter I from 1994 to 2000 in San Bernardino and Riverside before she was promoted to Fire Fighter II. In 2007, she was promoted to a Fire Apparatus Engineer and to Captain in 2022.

She was previously stationed in Perris, Home Gardens, Indian Wells, Menifee, North Rancho Mirage and Temecula before ending up with French Valley Station 83.

"Beyond her operational assignments, Captain Marodi was deeply involved in Peer Support and Hazmat, always prioritizing the well-being of her colleagues," the Cal Fire statement said. "Her legacy of mentorship, service, and dedication will be felt for years to come. Her passing is a profound loss to her family, friends, and all who had the privilege of working alongside her."

Anyone who knows more is urged to contact SDSO homicide detectives at (858) 285-6330.



Me and my partner are both plus size. We were having s*x doggy position and he slipped out and immediately try to go back in but went into my butt instead.

This is the second time within a month that the same incident has happened. First time I cried so much because it hurt and he comforted me. This time it hurt still as much but I didn't cry because I'm more mad than sad.

I'm mad because I've always told him that I never want to do anal it's not something for me and he brought up doing anal for the longest time until I told him I'd have to break up if this was a deal breaker because it's never happening and he let it go.

Now that this has happened twice so close together I feel as if it's been done on purpose. Only because we've always done doggy and when he slips he repositions himself gently back in he never just tries to immediately go back in.

He apologized and said "I'm sorry. It's my fault I've gained weight and my belly is more round so I couldn't see and didn't realize"

So am I to believe his belly blocked him and he was just into it that's why he didn't position himself gently back or was this done on purpose? He didn't stay in long only because I let out a scream and told him to get off. It just feels so close together to have the same thing happen twice when in our 2 year relationship this has never happened before.

JUST WANTED TO ADD: Thank you I just felt like I was overthinking this. Once I brushed it off as accidental but twice within a month is too much. He is currently snoring while I'm here with a bit of soreness, nothing compared to the first time it happened but still. This happening twice now… I don't want to think he did it on purpose but this is looking like it was. I'm not sure how to proceed if we didn't have a baby together I'd say it's over. But me being a sahm me leaving over this it just can't happen overnight.

I think I'll just refrain from s*x with him for a while. He's not an aggressive or mean person but this incident just has me needing to take a step back from being intimate.


AITA for being repulsively hideous?


AITA for continuously triggering her trypophobia?

(Trypophobia is an intense and disproportionate fear or disgust for holes, bumps, or patterns that are clustered together or repetitive)

(aka r-slurred)

I (19F :marseywall:) have had acne for so long that I honestly can't remember my skin without it. I used to wear a lot of concealer to cover it up, but that only made things worse. Eventually, I realized my skin was controlling my life (and draining my bank account 💀), so when I started at a new school, I decided to stop wearing makeup :chinkbitch:. My skin still isn't great, but I'm on medication, so I have some hope that it will improve.

Here's the problem: There's a girl in my class, let's call her Callie (18F :!marseybooba:), who has trypophobia [is r-slurred]. I had no idea until we were put in a group together. The moment I spoke to her, she started crying. Naturally, I asked what was wrong, and she screamed at me that my face was triggering her trypophobia :marseywitchtriggered:. Her friends immediately jumped in to comfort her :marseypearlclutch2: while I just sat there, confused, wondering if I was supposed to apologize for my skin, something I obviously didn't choose to have :10inbongland:.

When I tried to speak again, she told me to shut up and leave because I was " :gigachadnoticeme: drawing attention to myself by talking. :gigachadnoticeme:" I asked what she expected me to do about it, and she said I could at least wear concealer. I explained that it wasn't an option because it's expensive :marseypoor: and just worsens my acne. Her friends glared at me and called me selfish :marseymeangirls:.

That was just the first incident. Ever since, anytime I sit near Callie or have to present in front of the class, she starts dry heaving or crying :marseychonkerfoidpuke: (having a panic attack?) :marseywomanmoment2:. It's disrupting lessons so much that my teacher pulled me aside and asked if I could just wear concealer for the sake of keeping the peace. She admitted it wasn't fair but said she couldn't think of another solution.

I already feel like such a freak because of my skin. I know my skin is horrid, :marseyskinnedwalk: but why am I the one expected to cater to Callie? I didn't choose to have acne any more than she chose to have trypophobia. I can't help but feel like I'm being unfairly treated here, but at the same time, I know she can't control her reaction either.

So… AITA? Should I just wear the darn concealer?

!r-slurs !neurodivergents !foidmoment !\verifiedugly

Bonded Bois


My sweet boys grow cuter each day!

!animalposters !cats

Scientists :marseybrainlet: forget about chromosomes (again) :marseytrans2:


User accidentally reveals that his wife has a mustache, posts several comments of pure seethe in response.
Psychotic terrorist whore whose parents are siblings declares defeat

Just two days ago:

Just two weeks ago:

Lots of westoid dunking in the comments, worth the scroll for the schadenfreude. Summarized:

Valve Reportedly Releasing a Wireless VR Headset by Late 2025

Despite the high price, Valve will allegedly sell the headset at a loss, prioritizing user experience over profitability.

Probably will be first hardcore gaming VR since meta headset is a bit like early days of iPhone when it had its own unique market.

And probably we will get Half Life Alex 2

Have you eaten yet? 你吃了吗?


get you a girl who wears this

Ladies take notes if you ever want to be wifed

Reported by:

stolen from here


Almost as if it isn't actually child safety that they care about

People must admit that it was a bad game . : ConcordGame


Vg journ*list loe

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : You're idiots. LED = point source light. Terrible for eyes - trans lives matter
Senator Mike Lee: Using far less efficient, fragile, dusty butt light bulbs will own the libs :marseydab:

Republicans doing everything in their power to validate the r-slur accusations

The caliber of people defending this

  • Think the poor can't afford a pack of light bulbs and would prefer those with 1/25th the usable life

  • Muh aesthetics... ignoring all the options you have with LEDs + "I'm sure someone will figure out these are actually bad... because I'm just sure they are"

  • Migranecels (read: munchie)

  • Dinesh trying to insight

  • I use some lights less, so they should be shittier because???

16 made me realize I was transgender.


Brocels they're trying to LITERALLY erase us

The comment ftr


!incels (fakecels) stone cold !truecels its OVER

Reported by:
  • ShitMan : haha, wow that's whacky!
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