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  • Aba : groomercord BIPOCy, pizza is a cuck ted is BPD
  • Snoid : :yawn:
pizzashill is absolutely raging in dm's and i feel like you guys would appreciate it

yes i KNOWWWWW i'm putting too much effort into this but i'm Highly Intoxicated and i can't say i'm not getting a little giggle over how mad this man is. he's still raging. will update as i go

Anyone else think that ai is going to kill everything in 3 years?

I kinda hate rationalists but I haven't heard a convincing counter argument on AI doom.

David Hogg became DNC's vice chair
I don't think Americans understand what a war with Canada would actually look like : AskCanada | American pretends leafs would do terrorism


Right off the bat, I'm American, and this is just my best guess, but I've been talking to and hearing a lot of Americans say stuff like "oh if it came to it it would be over in a day" or some stuff like that. WRONG

We. Would. Not. Be. Able. To. Stop. The. Bombings.

I don't think most Americans consider how much easier fighting a war is when you can identify your enemy by skin color and language, you guys speak English (mostly) you have basically the same demographic makeup as the US, basically what I'm saying is that you are the platonic ideal for a partisan guerilla campaign.

You can't buy KN03 in Canada because the government is worried people would make black powder with it. Americans have nothing to fear from !leafs bombing them.

I can pretty much guarantee that the first thing the Canadian military high command does is erase all records of who is in the Canadian military, hide all of their leopards, their jets, their stuff that is on par with US military tech in bunkers in the Northern Territories and destroy the fricking maps, you won't be using them for a while, but they're nice to have around if needed.

No. We haven't even destroyed the long gun registry 20 years after a court ordered it to happen.

The Canadian military will then systematically erase any identifiable signatures it has, servicemen and women will burn their ID cards, their uniforms, bury caches of small arms, explosives, anti tank weapons, anti air rockets.

Lmao no. Most CAF members have little to no real training. They don't have the ammo needed to train. Heck they got rid of post basic training! !burgers that right leafs go to basic and then "learn on the job".

This war would not look like anything the US has ever seen before in its history, this war would look like car bombs in Des Moines Iowa every day, Police Stations being shot up in every state of the Union, political assassinations.

Canadians allowed themselves to be disarmed (at least the lefties did). They don't have guns to shoot with.

/u/Grotesque_Bisque You're a moron jacking off to fantasy

The power-jannies send their regards to Somethingiswrong2024 :marseyjanny2:




Subway releases new footlong :cocka:
I'm Hegel's great great great grandson

Can someone explain to me what gramps was on about? It feels important to know.

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  • Arran : gf liked post
  • X : TIL Ariana is Pakistani
EFFORTPOST GOOD post :drafts: There is a theory that Ariana Grande broke up two marriages to be with Ethan Slater (UGLY!) because he looks just like her brother. Is this true? Let's look at the evidence :marseydetective:

In case you've been living under a rock, Ariana Grande, pop singer superstar and current actress in the movie Wicked, destroyed two marriages to be with this very ugly looking man named Ethan Slater:

She was married to this man, Dalton Gomez, when she had an affair with Ethan:

(There aren't a lot of pictures of Dolton, since he was pretty low key, but he's way better looking than Ethan)

Ethan was also married during this affair. Ethan's wife and him had been together since high school. His wife had just given birth, and it was a high risk pregnancy as well. The sick thing is that apparently Ari met Ethan's wife and even held their newborn baby while this affair was secretly happening and the wife had zero clue. Here's what Ethan's wife looked like:

We could talk about what huge piece of crap Ariana and Ethan are for being selfish and not thinking about how they were destroying two families. But I don't really care about that right now. Instead, I want to talk about why Ariana FREAKING Grande decided to be a homewrecker for such an ugly guy. I mean look at him:

:marseydisgust: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke:

The thing is, even Ari's die hard fans do not like Ethan and don't understand why someone as hot as her would ruin her reputation for such an uggo. It would be one thing if he was mega rich or talented, but he's neither of those things, his biggest role before Wicked was playing freaking Sponge Bob in some musical. Ethan's wife was the breadwinner and making more money than Ethan. And if you're thinking "Well maybe he's super charismatic!", he isn't. You can look up interviews with him, he has zero charm or charisma.

Everyone was confused, until someone pointed out something disturbing. Ethan Slater looks exactly like Ariana's brother, Frankie Grande. And I don't mean they kind of look alike, I mean they look like twins separated from birth. See for yourself:

Ethan on the left, Frankie on the right.

Frankie on the left, Ethan on the right

Someone decided to only photoshop Ethan's hair on Frankie. Ethan on the right, Frankie on the left.

For those who are unaware, Ariana and Frankie are super close. They are BFFs and Ari has made it no secret that she cares about Frankie more than just about anyone in her life. With that in mind, it kind of makes sense, in a sick sort of way. Ari can't frick her brother (He's literally gay so he's not interested in her even if they both wanted to act like they're from Alabama :marseyflagalabama:) so what does she do? She goes for someone who looks just like him, but isn't related!

Obviously we can't say for sure that this is why Ari went for Ethan. But it is the theory that makes the most sense, seeing as how Ethan has zero other redeeming qualities. This theory has gained so much popularity that people have started noticing that Frankie has recently changed up his hair and makeup, in a possible attempt to make himself look more different from Ethan:

Idk how well it's working, they both look related still lol

What does rDrama think? Is Ari subconsciously trying to get with her brother, or it just a coincidence? Either way, ever since Ari has been with him, her looks have downgraded:


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:requiredreading: WATCH THEM FROLIC One, Two and Four in the Woods

New Toss


Tariff Trudeau

No background

Original Tigger Trudeau

!marseyartists !marseyfans

China :marseychinesedevil: caught :marseyflirt: being sneaky :marseyninja: again


Creator of Bloodborne Kart seethes after being traumatised by nonconsensual award giving

So some chuds recently made a game awards show called "The Real Game Awards" as an ostensible competitor to the woke and cringe game awards shows run by games journos. The intent I guess is that real g*mers will give awards to games that are good instead of just giving the award to the gayest person with the pinkest hair even if their games were shit

Iconic celebrities such as the angry video game nerd even hosted it

This cost 30,000 dollars by the way

Anyway, one of the awards went to Bloodborne Kart/Nightmare Kart, an homage to PS1 kart games with a Bloodborne theme made by a :marseytrain:, b0tster

The :marseytrain: thinks that this is somehow an epic own because they gave the award to a trans person which surely must be a mistake because le chuds obviously only care about white supremacy or whatever

Twitter responds by pointing out that they gave the award because they liked their game and they don't care if someone is trans so long as they're not a weird freak about it

b0tster responds by hiding all the comments about how they just wanted to give an award to a good game, but keeping all the harsher comments so they look like more of a victim

when that isn't working and they're still getting called out they decide it was illegal to give them an award

finally they just melt down and lock their account completely

twitter is still full of people dunking on theythem. as is ever the case, trans people can't just take a win and have to be weird about it. also the trans woman indie game dev obsessed with ps1 graphics calls themselves lilith btw

What's up with all the s*x parties?

Kinda funny rightoid grift slop just dropped
China has done such a good job preventing terrorism: how can Israel replicate its success? : AskAChinese




Death Note nooticing :marseycantnootice:
Rust is going to take over the world and there's nothing chuds can do about it

Rust is C++ minus jank. It's beautiful, it's a better language in every imaginable way. Yeah its full of :marseytrain::marseytrain::marseytrain: but if chuds have a problem with that, maybe try making a better language?

Total :marseytrain: victory btw.

:nuggetesoteric: Daily neolib :marseysoylentgrin: slop post :nuggetesoteric: Milquetoast article :marseywords: about milquetoast Democrats :marseyclintongarrison: causes slapfight :slapfight: between two verbose :marseylongpost: power users :soysnootypefast:



/u/OkBuddyLiberals - a centrist/neurodivergent neoliberal who's got a custom Manchin flair.

/u/l00gie - a gay Asian progressoid who's basically an embodiment of the reason dRumph won.

slap fight #1 OkBuddyLiberal's longpost about how the Dems really should punch left if they want to win.

Slap fight #2 l00gie's gaslamp/gatekeep/gayboss way to lose the hearts and minds of the American public.

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  • Sussy_Kong : anime
  • KongmothyX2 : anime in japanese means animation
  • Y : Actually anime in Japanese is をニパ :marseybigbrain:
Pool's closed at the DNC.

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