- ChristoffWChanderson : inb4 deleted lol
- HailVictory1776 : Free @HailVictory1776 at all cost
- DickButtKissAlt : I also got permabanned for going after that weirdo
: And they still won't give us our horseshoes
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Let me start this off with saying that I am, in true !grillers fashion, an impartial party in the Moon v. Patsy dispute. Obviously, I gave Moon a very fair interview, his first out of prison, and have generally been supportive of his presence on this website. I even gave him $50 to buy a microphone so that he could do interviews with not only myself, but whomever he wanted to talk to next. I'm not saying that to hold it over his head, but to show that I am not "coming after him" or joining le evil heckin groomercord moberino
Let's be clear here: @Patsy deserves to be freed.
you cant heckin call people libertarianrinos!!1
We here at rdrama pride ourselves on being the last bastion of the ways of ye olde internet - a place where you can call people cute twinks, r-slurs, the n word, you name it. We have cultivated a community where, like the internet of old, slapfights over inane, r-slurred bullshit result in years long rivalries and produce sweet, sweet seething and malding between terminally online homos amongst a tight knit community.
The core argument supplied by the janny cabal is that calling people libertarians, without "evidence", is akin to real life harm.
Let me rebute this very easily:
I'm to believe that a fully grown man, who went to prison for years for trolling (unjustly, in my opinion), can't handle being slandered by an r-slur on the internet without janitorial intervention?
Janny Cabal simps: a good faith retort
Let's start out with @arseupwrongo
Our guy here is right in his analysis that libertarian flinging is unfunny and r-slurred. He is also spot on in saying how it develops: r-slur 1 cherry picks an out of context, nothingburger comment and lobs accusations. However, is that really banworthy? If being an unfunny r-slur was banworthy, 99% of you neighbors would be sent packing.
No it doesn't, literally just ignore it lol. Seriously, you can just say "no I'm not, you're r-slurred" and let the other person keep sperging. Everyone I've gone after on this website only made it worse by responding to my bait. Of all people, my neighbor moon should know this - which is why he isn't posting about it anymore, I'd assume.
Now, let's move on to @sayxirname
Easily the most r-slurred argument I've seen in regards to this !metashit. Do you really, actually believe that calling someone a libertarian is going to bring the feds here? Do you think that there is a team of feds that tracks the millions of libertarian accusations posted online daily and checks up on them? That they will shut down this website because some r-slur called another r-slur a libertarian?
Aren't the feds more likely to be poking around because a (wrongfully, imo) convicted terrorist, whom they undoubtedly monitor the online activity of, has made this his home and is a moderator? Get real dude. You are the biggest r-slur on this whole website. How much is the janny cabal paying you?
Lastly, let's go over @UraniumDonGER's comment
This is in regard to @Aevann running around and calling SPAL a libertarian, justifying his ban and the behavior that many users and jannies engaged in when they baselessly lobbed libertarian accusations at him.
SPAL is a fricking schizo psycho btw. He's never once had s*x without a condom, including his WIFE of 8 years, because he was worried about catching STDs. He is deeply paranoid and delusional, yes, but this is also in character for him.
This is the best proof that he is a libertarian that anyone can find, and it's baseless speculation at best. He asks for IDs when he takes women out? Wow, what a libertarian!
The fact is that he was banned for calling Carp a libertarian, and trying to find out why he is a felon. This shook carp so badly that he rage quit the site for months and refused to keep being Aevanns head capo unless SPAL was gone.
I don't blame Aevann for doing this. I don't even blame him for banning Patsy. I just think he should be honest: it's his website and he's doing what he's doing to keep his website running how he wants it to. That's fine, but just be honest brother.
Patsy didn't cross a line by harassing another user, that's what this website is all about. He simply made your life harder and didn't listen to you when you laid down the law. SPAL cannot be credibly accused of being a libertarian, he just made your life harder and didnt listen to you when you laid down the law.
Catching a ban on the website comes down to drawing the ire of the janny cabal in 90% of cases. You don't need to make justifications for it, we all know it's true lol.
Final Thoughts
This whole debacle is pure r-sluration, from the top on down. The jannies are being r-slurred, moon was being r-slurred, Patsy was being r-slurred. I'm being r-slurred by making a post that took way longer than I thought it would and wasting a half hour of my day that will ultimately not make a difference. I probably just pissed off a bunch of people I otherwise have a good relationship with for no reason - Patsy will still be banned because he didn't listen to Aevann.
In conclusion, every user on this website, including every member of the janny cabal, is a libertarian. Except for me, of course.
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First Anna goes off on discount Anna Kasparian (Emma something, the r-slurred host of pod save america or similar podcast, doesn't matter which one they're all the same):
I remember Emma telling me, verbatim "I never have to work a day in my life if I don't want to" because of how wealthy her family is. Your mom threw a nice little fundraiser for Sen. Gillibrand in 2019, right? I get why you're so attached to a party that fricked over the working… https://t.co/zbFeRiWkFv
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) February 2, 2025
Then some dumbass tried to pin her as jealous of... hasan the r-slurred host of pod save america (all the same, doesn't matter)
At least she’s doing the work… weren’t you also jealous of Hasan..?
— Dieter (@Bukniak) February 2, 2025
Well, surprise, that dude hasan is the nephew (actual nephew, not an nword euphemism) of Anna's long time co-host Chunk Yoghurt and she spills the beans on how he's scared of his viewers and secretly hates them
Hasan is a slave to his audience. I've never seen a man more terrified of the people who watch his streams. I would never be jealous of that. https://t.co/0YfEMSCpMb
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) February 2, 2025
I made a joke ONCE about how I'd like to just play video games and make millions and these morons took it literally. I would rather scrub pottys than be Hasan. He's glued to a computer for 8+ hours a day, placating an audience I know for a fact he hates. Maybe don't open up to… https://t.co/XpQmpg1aWI
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) February 2, 2025
Hope you enjoyed the post, have a nice day dramatard
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(18FTNB) i hate having to go the hospital for physical medical issues bcuz theyre always blamed on my weight. last year i had (n still have) a painful numbness on my right knee, and when i went to the doctor he at first said that it was bcuz i was big n heavy n shit then i told him no it was numb so then he was like oh nevermind its actually nerve damage (it actually was nerve damage from overexercise due to my lovely anorexia) n right now im pretty sure i sprained my ankle (not the 1st time) n i told my mom n she was like oh no its your big massive fat fricking weight your foot cant carry you anymore!!!! b-word shut up yes it can i just turned it weird n now it hurts 😐 i dont wanna go to the hospital for my ankle i dont want them to say thr same thing, i hate how people look at me bcuz of my size i hate being percieved n i hate how doctors act like idk what thr food pyramid is or what diets r its kinda why i dont wanna get checked for lipedema bcuz what if i was imagining it (ik im not i did my research i 100% havr it) or what if the doctors ignore me I HATE HOSPITALS ALAOAOWYDHFJFGFEJSIHSEIDDUDHR
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Bilibili, a strange chinese mashup between 4cuck, jewtube, and the sharty has been abusing AI for a while now like how crackers abused they slaves
But now, it seems like the parallels are more obvious than ever, because they've now begun training (eugenics) AI to AFRICANISE all of their intangible cultural heritage (chinkslop cartoons and kamen rider).
All of it can be found by inputting '非洲ai' into the search bar and searching for the first instance of AIslop. Stupid riceBIPOCs didnt even tag it so this is the best that can be done
Here's some highlights, if the links work for you;
AFRICANISED version of a shitty beast wars knockoff, featuring the most ridiculous deformation of the human body that AI has ever done
【三大猛兽部落酋长大招-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/jSkmctw
AFRICANISED version of ultraman, notable for likely being the video that started this trend to begin with
And finally, another AFRICANISED version of ultraman, this time depicting third most popular trend; african construction workers having dramatic anime fights
【非洲贝利亚入侵光之国施工现场-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/tTKLyQy
In conclusion, i predict we'll have an internationalized, nationalized, racialized sharty-esque global spam war in the future, as translation software stays winning and 4cucks stay losing.
- HailVictory1776 : Dumbocraps deny Christ, hate the Constitution and democracy and want to disarm and enslave
- Doc : "if the democrats just appealed to my politics exactly, they would win, it's so obvious!"
- Impassionata : lmao rightoids choosing trump over women in comments
- QueenOfSchqiperia : TND now
- DickButtKiss : Geomancy and clairvoyance are good qualities in a leader tho...
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My main takeaway from this, a hypothesis that I've been developing since the first time I voted and was appalled about how our side managed to lose, is that the people running the Democratic Party don't want to win.
Look at how the Democratic Party works in South Korea. The they're hounding the current president's wife because:
Would be such a MILF but...
She's a weirdo.
She's into geomancy.
She believes that she's clairvoyant.
She accepts very small bribes.
She's childless. She doesn't hear the pitter patter of childrens' feet in her house, just the paws of cats. (Yes a female DP member actually this.)
The last president before that:
She might have been fricked by a cult leader in the 1970s. (Heard this one direct from a Korean ajumma.)
She's the lesbian lover of that guy's daughter (I've actually never heard any Korean say this but it's so fricking obvious I'm gonna say it now.)
She's always been controlled by the cult.
She sank a ship carrying 1000 kids as part of a human sacrifice to that cult.
She's childless.
It's not important how many of these things are true (it's a lot ). There's one pattern here to me that's really obvious: None of these things are ideological. They're things that would offend rightoids as much or more. That's what you do when you're trying to win. You try to appeal to the middle to join you and the other side to be so disgusted they stay home.
In America the Democratic Party would rather lose than do anything obvious like:
Call Trump an r-slur.
Call out Trump directly for adultery. (It's everyone's right these days.)
Call out Ivanka for being a literal whore. (Some GenX dem got really offended at me when I even said this on a message board.)
Cut ties with the Teachers' Union and appeal to parents. (You ever wonder why you're losing support among blacks?)
Drop the whole gun control issue. You lost on this long ago. Every time you bring it up you're (no pun intended) shooting yourself in the foot.
Say that you're against illegal immigration without using a bunch of euphemisms that us regular people don't understand because we didn't just graduate from Oberlin with a gender studies degree.
Block blatantly illegal mergers that directly effect consumers, like the one where all grocery stores in the western US are merging.
Do a publicity stunt on Columbus Day where you say something like "I won't apologize for America."
Insinuate that Lindsay Graham is homosexual.
Say that abortion is really bad but it shouldn't be illegal. (Remember when Clinton did this and won?)
Say that you're not "woke" and denounce "anti-racism". (Virtually everyone in America agrees with this.)
Acknowledge that blacks have been losing their jobs to illegal immigrants for a long time.
Reform the tax code so that ordinary people don't need to have so much stress about it. Blame the other side for stopping you.
Reform corrupt county sheriffs and judges so that you can't get held up by highwaymen in uniforms and given a ticket while traveling through hick towns. (The President can't actually deliver on this, but promise it anyway.)
Stop treating Cesar Chavez as the token LatinX you'll appeal to all Latinx through, because you're lazy and want a Martin Luther King of every minority and they're all the same.
Stop saying LatinX.
Call out Republicans for blocking every attempt to stop illegal immigration for generations.
Propose actually doing e-Verify.
Explain to r-slurs that building a wall was always a scam because most of the illegal immigrants come right through the gates and just overstay their visa.
Emphatically support nuclear power to combat climate change.
That's just off the top of my head. I've got better ones I can't remember right now, issues that neither party will address but are really important to the American people.
I've heard that the Democratic Convention in 1980 was already like this. By now it's terminal. The Democrats these days are a bunch of special interest groups tied together by intersectionality, which just means nobody can do anything because someone might be offended. It's an organization where most of the people don't give a shit if their party wins or loses because they'll keep their "activist" job either way. For the rest of us who are actually voting, that's not good enough.
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Despite the high price, Valve will allegedly sell the headset at a loss, prioritizing user experience over profitability.
Probably will be first hardcore gaming VR since meta headset is a bit like early days of iPhone when it had its own unique market.
And probably we will get Half Life Alex 2
- Snappy : Trump supporter
: Why would Snappy say that?
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autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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These deranged alcoholics were REEEEing at abstainers when daddy USA was backing them look at them now
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There is also a free trial on Patreon www.Patreon.com/worldaroundewe/redeem/357DD
VERY different content on each of those!
Thanks for being so welcoming of my dead stuff.
There's no nudity on my OF it's mostly me in grey sweat pants and boxers showing off my things I've made from rats.
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US don't give Ukraine any security assurances but will support security assurances. It means if France gives security assurances to Ukraine, US will say good job.
Ukraine won't be forced to pay any debts to Ukraine but will pay goodwill sum as way to thanks US for all the help.
Ukraine will pay US from profit. This is a big thing since those minerals ain't worth 500 billions after all the explicit and implicit cost. Those resources ain't easy to get so a lot of capital and labour cost.
If resources are the goal then there are tons of better countries or artic where US and Russia agreed to co operate. Ukraine resources probably would be sold at lost next 50 years minimum.
But key part of that deal is the "other" Ukraine will give its infrastructure like ports in U.S. control
Here the deal chronology. Zelenskyy thought Trump is business man so he can frick him over and drag him into the conflict if he offers some arbitrary resources (those resources is what some Soviet researchers assumed is there 60 years ago) for security assurances.
He offered that deal to Trump and Trump told he will give support for assurance and Ukraine will pay debts and Zelenskyy told ok it's a deal. When he talked with some of his lawyers, they explained to him how Trump actually fricked him over so that's why Zelenskyy started bitching about no deal. But since Ukraine is super dependent on US he started to beg to remove debts part so now it's goodwill
And that's kids example why most politicians have laws degree and not political degree
And best part Zelenskyy came to US to sign that deal that would mean to cancel that deal he will need to open an US court
Why did Zelenskyy thought he can frick over a guy that wants him gone…
Zelenskyy has 3 enemies Porochenko, Zaluzhnyy and Trump
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Young men in New Zealand are all done with the rainbow parades.pic.twitter.com/q3NG2uhUqV
— Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 (@BillboardChris) February 15, 2025
- DickButtKissAlt : Obvious @Impassionata post. It goes after @moonmetroplis tho so this time it's good
- Frank_Williams : horse
- Shenron : multiple c*m tributes in this thread
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If there is one thing I despise, it would be "low-effort" trolling. I see it all over this site. Today I am going to start enforcing consequences.
Now it all starts when the user, @BooMetropolis enters my thread. He does nothing but spam emojis. A technique that was funny back during my amateur days of trolling, but one that I grew out of before I even left middle school. I tried to reason with him for a few comments to give him a chance to be more creative. He did not listen and continued to spam. When faced with a spammer there are multiple ways to counter them. I prefer finding a lower effort way to spam. Once I googled his name and discovered that he proudly displays his name and face for all to see. This only serves to make my job easier.
I instantly begin counter spamming. While he has to manually search for an emoji, I simply press ctrl-v and respond with his own face.
As I work from home and treat trolling as one of my passions it will be easy to counter spam him with his own face. But I will not stop there. Normally I would, but this guy considers himself a skilled troll. And yet he resorts to amateurish tactics? Disgusting. He needs to learn.
Before I explain what I did next, there is something one should know about me. I do not get off to porn, and I only release myself once per week in order to peak my testosterone. Moon's most major mistake was messing with me on a release day when my test is peaking. I also only ever get off to my imagination, and my own erotic novels that I have written and self-published. The next thing one should know is that I have mastered multiple forms of meditation, primarily focus meditation. One of the ways I have trained this is by releasing in the same exact spot on the wall for nearly a decade. I always place a target to prevent stains, and I can hit it from over 3 feet away now without even looking.
Why is this relevant? Because I released all over MoonMetropolis's face.
Your first response is probably going to be "Isn't that gay?!?" A response that is easily countered. Because you see, I was not thinking about Moon at all, my thoughts were focused entirely on his mother and my original story that I wrote about her. I simply stuck his face to the spot on the wall where I normally aim for and by controlling my thoughts I came all over him in the most heterosexual fashion. Below is the story I wrote and used as my inspiration. I wrote this in about 45 minutes, and was still on the clock when I wrote it meaning I made more today writing that story about riding Moon's mom than he made at all today. This is something called "effortless mastery". Years of work trolling the ff14 ERP community put on full display for all to see.
Sognara stared at the screen, his fingers hovering above the keyboard as "Moon" spammed emojis. It was a typical online spat, but for Sognara, this wasn't just about winning a digital war of words. He was disgusted by the low effort that his fellow "troll" was putting out. He decided it was time for a requiem. He googled Moon's name and instantly found his name and face. "Some people put no effort into their cybersecurity..." Sognara said smugly to himself as he stood up from the desk.
For you see, Sognara was not an ordinary troll. He had mystical powers that gave him the upper hand in more than just trolling. His eyes narrowed as an idea began to form in his mind. After a few keystrokes, Sognara's screen flickered, tapping into something beyond cyberspace. Through the glow of his monitor, he could see the dimly lit room where Joshua sat typing furiously. But his gaze shifted, zeroing in on the woman moving through the house in the background—Joshua's mother. A grin crept onto Sognara's face. She would be the key to his next move.
With a few whispered words, his power surged through the connection. In Joshua's home, a strange aura enveloped his mother. She paused in the kitchen, her hands trembling as she gripped the counter. Her body began to change—stretching, expanding, until she towered over the room, her head brushing the ceiling. She gasped in shock, trying to steady herself as she realized what had happened.
Joshua, oblivious, continued typing at his computer, wasting his entire life away, spamming emojis because there wasn't a single creative thought flowing through his thick skull.
Sognara wasted no time. With a surge of energy, he projected himself into Joshua's home. His form materialized near his mother, and without a second thought, he leaped onto her back, gripping a lock of her now massive hair like reins.
"Let's give your son a little wake-up call," Sognara chuckled, pulling on her hair as if steering her like a mount.
His mother tried to resist, but Sognara's will was too strong, her eyes wide with confusion and panic, moved forward, her huge feet thudding against the floor with each step. Sognara dug his heels into her sides, urging her toward Joshua's room.
As they approached, the walls of the hallway trembled. The floor groaned beneath her weight, and without hesitation, Sognara guided her to kick through the door. The force sent wood splintering into the room, causing Joshua to spin around, his face contorting in disbelief as he saw his now enormous mother standing in the doorway, Sognara perched smugly on her back.
"What the—?!" Joshua stammered, standing up from his desk, his hands shaking.
"Hey, Joshua," Sognara called, his grin widening. "Still think you're the best troll around?"
Joshua's mother, in her dazed state, stumbled forward, her massive hands flailing as Sognara guided her into the room. Her foot came crashing down on Joshua's desk, shattering it into pieces. His computer went flying across the room, sparks flying as it hit the wall.
"Mom?!" Joshua screamed, running toward her, but Sognara yanked on her hair, steering her out of the room. The giantess clumsily moved through the house, knocking over furniture and smashing through walls as Sognara spurred her on like a wild horse.
The house began to crumble under her weight, each movement sending tremors through the foundation. Sognara cackled heartily as they smashed through the kitchen, the giantess' hand accidentally sweeping dishes and appliances off the counters as she tried to regain her balance.
Joshua ran after them, helpless as the destruction unfolded before him. "Stop! What are you doing?!"
Sognara turned to face him, smirking. "You thought you could out-troll me? This is what happens when you mess with the master."
With one final command, Sognara guided the giantess toward the front of the house. Her foot slammed into the wall, creating a gaping hole as the structure gave way. The roof began to collapse, dust and debris filling the air.
As they stepped into the yard, Sognara gave one last laugh before jumping off her back, landing nimbly on the ground. The giantess shrank back to her normal size, collapsing into the grass, dazed and exhausted.
Sognara gave Joshua a mocking salute before he snapped his fingers, vanishing back into the digital void, leaving Joshua standing in the wreckage of his home, stunned and speechless.
With this blow dealt, I will now easily when the battle of wills and beat him at his own game. He will eventually realize that he can't out spam me when it takes me less effort to simply paste his face. If this continues to the point where I get bored of this I will hire an Indian to join the site and I will pay him 20 dollars per month to reply to any comments directed at me with his face until he gives up. That is called the power of having a job.
For the rest of you who lack creativity or who put no effort into your work I want you to consider this a warning. That is all for today.
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Most Based Comments
Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘
I've already messaged Coulthart as well (107)
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
Right? I wouldn't touch that with a bare hand (or sleep with it under your pillow), before seeing if it was putting out any excessive Rads. Amazing sighting, I believe you. Maybe I'm an Idiot, but I believe you. (434)
Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘
I can put them in touch! Please OP! Reach out to Garry! I'll send him screenshots of this (322)
DO IT (72)
Angriest Comments
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡
Biggest Lolcow: /u/LordFlarkenagel
Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘
Number of comments: 2
Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘
Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘
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NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining!
autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents.
Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion
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Please help me feed my family $ANNA AsCzbtFHxokNyoJr4xzoXXPmpGdcHnH275sC7frrpump pic.twitter.com/VKbErEIejs
— Anna Khachiyan (@annakhachiyan) February 12, 2025
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Even if it is, you can just die right? I fail to see the terrible consequences.
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So there is chances that he was the one downmarseying Baldurgayts
Feng Ji emphasized the significance of their four nominations, marking it as a first for a Chinese game, despite ultimately winning only Best Action Game and Players' Voice
Winning gaymers vote as Chinese is same as fat girl having boobs
He voiced frustration over the unclear criteria for Game of the Year and noted strong dissatisfaction among players regarding the award outcomes.
I don't like that gaybot got the award but it doesn't mean blackkong should been awarded
If looking legit fairly than this year has an easy goty and that's Metaphor.
FF7 rebirth is full of fan service (non erotic one ) tons of mini games the game is also more geared towards the fans of original and extended universe of ff7, an first timer won't enjoy that game as much as someone that already completed the og game and crisis core. The whole Zack element is out of window to them and the game kinda lacks og romance between cloud and Tifa (Aerith still loves Zack in this remake but not in og) so to fully enjoy the game you need experience beyond what the game is offer.
Silent hill 2
It's a GOTG game, 100+ of research papers are wrote about that game
It's artstrag shit. You can't name more story telling impactful game as it. MGS2 was also important but the game aged we are post mgs2 future so you have to be very knowledgeable to understand it's sociological concept. But silent hill touches eternal topics that were 2000 years ago relevant and will be relevant until the end of humanity. So remaster had a such solid fundamentals so the only thing piljaks had to do is not frick up graphic and gameplay, everything else was done already. Giving them goty would been unfair.
Ji also highlighted that their game's success was not a fluke, attributing it to Chinese culture, talent, and the gaming industry's growth.
The game was good but come on, chunks do a Wu Kong game ? That would be if Iraq does Aladdin game. But in Iraq case we don't have that much Aladdin game when we have billions of Wu Kong games
Coolest was obviously Enslaved.
Would been way cooler if they made Water Margin game
China is basically Wukong and gaymance of 3 kingdoms. So even if they made commie game it would been more interesting than non stop riding those 2 topics
It seems Game Science's CEO isn't happy their game, Black Myth Wukong, didn't win the highly-coveted
Apparently, that wasn't enough, as Game Science CEO and the producer of Black Myth Wukong, Feng Ji, just went on a tirade on Chinese social media platform Weibo, where he questioned the award-winning body's decision process.
Those homos didn't even noticed the only 2 true Japanese games that got goty are Zelda and Elden ring ? They were never going to give weeb game win. Or when Geff gave award to his friend Syrian Joseph that hyped the show for Geff ? "Frick the Oscar's" ?
He should be a man and accept his fate
Also the game award is an private event it has no legitimacy like BAFTA or DICE since those two events are a bit connected to gov and presented them self more than just entertainment event
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Why is an external site that I can't interact with in the feed? I'm not signing up over there. Also their posts suck. Let me hide them.
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You may think you know how much Intel is struggling, but the reality is worse.
The once-mighty American innovation powerhouse is losing market share in multiple areas that are critical to its profitability. Its many competitors include not just the AI juggernaut Nvidia but smaller rivals and even previously stalwart allies like Microsoft.
One flashing warning sign: In the latest quarter reported by both companies, Intel's perennial also-ran, AMD, actually eclipsed Intel's revenue for chips that go into data centers. This is a stunning reversal: In 2022, Intel's data-center revenue was three times that of AMD.
AMD and others are making huge inroads into Intel's bread-and-butter business of making the world's most cutting-edge and powerful general-purpose chips, known as CPUs, short for central processing units.
Even worse, more and more of the chips that go into data centers are GPUs, short for graphics processing units, and Intel has minuscule market share of these high-end chips. GPUs are used for training and delivering AI.
By focusing on the all-important metric of performance per unit of energy pumped into their chips, AMD went from almost no market share in servers to its current ascendant position, says AMD Chief Technology Officer Mark Papermaster. As data centers become ever more rapacious for energy, this emphasis on efficiency has become a key advantage for AMD.
Notably, Intel still has about 75% of the market for CPUs that go into data centers. The disconnect between that figure and the company's share of revenue from selling a wider array of chips for data centers only serves to illustrate the core problem driving its reversal of fortunes.
This situation looks likely to get worse, and quickly. Many of the companies spending the most on building out new data centers are switching to chips that have nothing to do with Intel's proprietary architecture, known as x86, and are instead using a combination of a competing architecture from ARM and their own custom chip designs.
A spokeswoman for Intel says the company is focused on simplifying and strengthening its product portfolio, and advancing its manufacturing and foundry capabilities while optimizing costs. Intel interim Co-Chief Executive Michelle Johnston Holthaus recently said that 2025 will be a "year of stabilization" for the company. Intel is currently seeking a permanent leader after its CEO Pat Gelsinger was pushed out last month.
The decades that developers spent writing software for Intel's chips mean that Intel remains a giant, even as its market share has shrunk, and that legacy will limit how quickly Intel's revenues can decline in the future.
Analysts estimate Intel's 2024 revenue was about $55 billion, just behind Nvidia's approximately $60 billion. Intel still has the lion's share of the market for desktop and notebook CPUs—around 76%, overall, according to Mercury Research.
AMD recently formed an alliance with Intel to collaborate on support and development of the x86 ecosystem that both companies make chips for. Papermaster says that his own company continues to invest in this ecosystem even as AMD also develops ARM-based chips for some applications, such as networking and embedded devices.
For a concrete example of Intel's challenges, look at Amazon, the world's biggest provider of cloud computing. More than half of the CPUs Amazon has installed in its data centers over the past two years were its own custom chips based on ARM's architecture, Dave Brown, Amazon vice president of compute and networking services, said recently.
This displacement of Intel is being repeated all across the big providers and users of cloud computing services. Microsoft and Google have also built their own custom, ARM-based CPUs for their respective clouds. In every case, companies are moving in this direction because of the kind of customization, speed and efficiency that custom silicon allows.
All those companies are also making their own custom, ARM-based chips for AI workloads, an area where Intel has missed the boat almost entirely. Then there's the 800-pound gorilla in AI, Nvidia. Many of Nvidia's current-generation AI systems have Intel CPUs in them, but ARM-based chips are increasingly taking center stage in the company's bleeding-edge hardware.
Intel's repeated flubs in entering markets for new kinds of computing and new applications for chips are a textbook example of a big, profitable incumbent becoming a victim of the innovator's dilemma, says Doug O'Laughlin, an industry analyst at SemiAnalysis, which recently published a blistering report on Intel. The innovator's dilemma holds that powerful companies that are unwilling to cannibalize their biggest sources of revenue can be overtaken by upstarts that build competing products that start out small, but which can ultimately take over the market which the incumbent dominates—like the mobile chips which ARM started off with.
In 1988, former Intel CEO Andy Grove published a book called Only the Paranoid Survive, which highlighted the ways that companies have to be vigilant about what's coming next, and be willing to disrupt themselves and pursue new technologies.
What he intended as a warning to all companies has since become a prophecy foretelling Intel's current difficulties.
"The book is literally about the importance of not missing strategic inflections, and then Intel proceeds to miss every single strategic inflection since," says O'Laughlin.
Then there are laptops. After decades of trying to make it happen, 2024 was finally the year of credible, ARM-based laptops running Windows, thanks to efforts by Microsoft to make Windows on ARM work. The company convinced other companies to port their own software, and created cowtools that allow most existing programs to run on the new laptops, in emulation. Chips in these devices are made by Qualcomm, and benchmarks show that they can finally compete with Apple's M-class mobile processors, which are also based on a combination of ARM technology and a great deal of custom chip design by Apple's formidable in-house team.
Another bastion of market share and profits for Intel, the PC gaming market, is also showing early signs of erosion. Portable gaming systems like Valve's Steam Deck and the Lenovo Legion Go, which can run even very demanding games, use processors from AMD. Future devices that will be part of the company's plan to license its custom OS to other manufacturers may also use ARM-based ones.
Inherent in Intel's woes is the way its vertically integrated structure, long an asset, now weighs on the company's bottom line and ability to innovate. Unlike other companies that either design chips or manufacture them, Intel has stuck to a seemingly antiquated model of doing both.
Intel reported a $16 billion loss in its most recent quarter as it spent big to transform into a contract manufacturer—that is, a company that also manufactures chips for other companies, even competitors—and catch up to rival TSMC, which now produces the world's most cutting-edge chips.
Analysts expect Intel to return to profitability in 2025, but it won't be clear for years whether the company's big manufacturing bets will ultimately pay off.
One of the big bets of Intel's recently departed CEO Gelsinger, was Intel's attempt to leapfrog TSMC in terms of chip technology. What it calls its "18A" tech could in theory allow its own chips, and those it makes for outsiders, to once again be the most cutting-edge, and the fastest, on the planet. The company has said it could regain that title by 2026. Intel recently announced it had signed a deal with Amazon to make custom chips for the company, using its 18A technology.
Even if Intel can once again lead the industry with its technology, the best case scenario for Intel's own products is that it regains dominance in a market that continues to shrink—the x86 CPU one, says O'Laughlin. The removal of Gelsinger, who was betting on an all-in strategy for Intel to regain dominance both in the market for its own chips and in serving outside companies, suggests that Intel's board agrees that the company can't continue to count on being the best in the world at everything.
All of these challenges and conflicting priorities may push Intel to someday split in two, severing its product side from manufacturing. Intel Co-CEO David Zinsner recently said that spinning off the company's manufacturing side is an "open question."
It's also possible, in the worst case, that a fate even worse than being dismembered could be in store for Intel.
Rene Haas, CEO of ARM, recently observed that Intel has long been an innovation powerhouse, but that in chipmaking and design, there are countless companies that don't innovate fast enough—and no longer exist.
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(Foreigners, zoomers, and illiterates who are somehow reading this: This is a reference to Shakespeare's Macbeth where the king's wife is an evil b-word whose ambition to be more important influences him to do bad things.)
Get all the girls together, this is gonna blow your mind!
I dunno how I feel about Pelosi. (I have no idea how congress really works.) But I know I hate Jill Biden. She's done immense damage to this country. Maybe she wasn't the first female President of the United States but she managed to be the woman who fricked up this country worse than any before.