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(18FTNB) i hate having to go the hospital for physical medical issues bcuz theyre always blamed on my weight. last year i had (n still have) a painful numbness on my right knee, and when i went to the doctor he at first said that it was bcuz i was big n heavy n shit then i told him no it was numb so then he was like oh nevermind its actually nerve damage (it actually was nerve damage from overexercise due to my lovely anorexia) n right now im pretty sure i sprained my ankle (not the 1st time) n i told my mom n she was like oh no its your big massive fat fricking weight your foot cant carry you anymore!!!! b-word shut up yes it can i just turned it weird n now it hurts π i dont wanna go to the hospital for my ankle i dont want them to say thr same thing, i hate how people look at me bcuz of my size i hate being percieved n i hate how doctors act like idk what thr food pyramid is or what diets r its kinda why i dont wanna get checked for lipedema bcuz what if i was imagining it (ik im not i did my research i 100% havr it) or what if the doctors ignore me I HATE HOSPITALS ALAOAOWYDHFJFGFEJSIHSEIDDUDHR
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His Holiness Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome, has instructed the American Bishops to get the various trash and right-wing "Catholics" (polytheistic LARPers who love Catholic aesthetics and nothing more) in line with Christ's teachings.
The Pope is rightly concerned with the dehumanizing program of deportations taking place in the United States:
I have followed closely the major crisis that is taking place in the United States with the initiation of a program of mass deportations.
His Holiness reminds us that
Jesus Christ, loving everyone with a universal love, educates us in the permanent recognition of the dignity of every human being, without exception.
Yes, this applies to refugees and immigrants too, even if they're "illegal:"
the most decisive value possessed by the human person surpasses and sustains every other juridical consideration that can be made to regulate life in society
Earthly laws follow fundamental rights and dignity, not the other way around:
Thus, all the Christian faithful and people of good will are called upon to consider the legitimacy of norms and public policies in the light of the dignity of the person and his or her fundamental rights, not vice versa.
Natural law commands us to take care of all people, especially the vulnerable and oppressed:
This is not a minor issue: an authentic rule of law is verified precisely in the dignified treatment that all people deserve, especially the poorest and most marginalized. The true common good is promoted when society and government, with creativity and strict respect for the rights of all β as I have affirmed on numerous occasions β welcomes, protects, promotes and integrates the most fragile, unprotected and vulnerable
His Holiness explicitly calls out the chud circle of caring chart. If you post that chart to try to own the libs, you are announcing your failure to follow Christ:
Christian love is not a concentric expansion of interests that little by little extend to other persons and groups. In other words: the human person is not a mere individual, relatively expansive, with some philanthropic feelings! The human person is a subject with dignity who, through the constitutive relationship with all, especially with the poorest, can gradually mature in his identity and vocation.
JD Vance, Catholic "Convert" and opportunistic LARPer, has weighed in on the concept of ordo amoris, a supposedly a hierarchical ordering of whom you are supposed to care about. The His Holiness Pope Francis would like you all to know that JD Vance is r-slurred:
The true ordo amoris that must be promoted is that which we discover by meditating constantly on the parable of the "Good Samaritan" (cf. Lk 10:25-37), that is, by meditating on the love that builds a fraternity open to all, without exception.
He closes, asking us to live up to the example set by Jesus Christ, Son of God:
I exhort all the faithful of the Catholic Church, and all men and women of good will, not to give in to narratives that discriminate against and cause unnecessary suffering to our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters. With charity and clarity we are all called to live in solidarity and fraternity, to build bridges that bring us ever closer together, to avoid walls of ignominy and to learn to give our lives as Jesus Christ gave his for the salvation of all.
Reminder, if you are actually Catholic you must agree with the Pope. He speaks, literally, on behalf of Jesus Christ and Saint Peter. Various clout-seeking LARPers should stfu and make their own hateful religion.
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She said she was uncomfortable in the taxi because some taxi driver in Sydney murdered some people and got upset at the popo for taking the taxi driver's side or something. Idk heard it yesterday on the radio.
Basically, Sydney is a dangerous place that you should never go to.
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I'm logging every single Bluesky post.
Their API is designed like dogshit don't let the s that wrote it tell you otherwise.
It's like 10-15k posts per minute.
My log file is growing by like 100-200MB/hr of just text lol.
I don't get how they think Bluesky won't be used for AI training when there's an unauthenticated stream that lets you log absolutely everything.
I don't know if I'm violating the ToS because I don't care if I am.
Tell me if you want me to grep anything juicy.
(EFFORTPOST) Culture War Chimpout (CWC) #32769 just dropped: COPEilation of Chudoids
over Nippon has fallen, we first get a BBC BVLL SOYmurai, then a Lesbian Ninjx, AND now a (possibly Ainu BIPOC+) foid samurai in Ghost of Yooo (GOY
) (eh, doesn't seems to be that bad and only restricted to /v/, even /r/KotakuinAction seems to be fine with the foid protag since she does not looks like a
, and are hailing GOY as the AC: Shadows killer)
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Note: This was not intended to be an effortpost, but I am too much terminally neurodivergentc so my post just kept on growing and growing!
Either way, summoning all !g*mers to examine the Empire of Autism of the 2020s culture wars in the vidya industry!, I look forward for how well all of these discussions will age within 10 or 20 years!
To start, KiNeurodivergents seem to be showing some restraint, and in a rare moment, are more or less fine with a foid protagonist!
Now what are the 4chuds and /v/irgins thinking of it?, spoiler:
Women bleed out of their vaginas 1 week per month, I don't want to play as one, it's disgusting.
One artificial wombs and s*x androids are created women will cease to have any purpose to exist.
because you have yellow fever. you will never have a jap wife though because you're a sexy Indian dude bald manlet
It will be interesting to see how people react to this from both the /pol/ crowd as well as the woke crowd since she pretty much looks like a normal woman. She's not overly doll looking, nor is she ugly like many Western games make women look nowadays. I suspect both sides will just complain anyway kek
even the most basic japanese characters in games with 'realistic' looking characters look attractive when made by asian companies, the west is doomed
remember when video game protagonists were male
Female protagonist
Based but ONLY IF she's a lesbian, or at least bisexual. Here's hoping.
This. Female protagonists are only cringe when they have romance with a guy.
Am I supposed to be mad about getting to dress up a cute ronin girl who plays a stringed instrument while walking down heavily wooded byways surrounded by the falling leaves?
I just am genuinely less interested in games with female protagonists. I am pretty sure women feel the same way about books/films/games with male protagonists. It obviously isn't an automatic no for me or for others, but I am much less likely to play the game if I am forced to be a girl.
Funnily enough if a game has a large variety of selectable characters I then don't care if I end up liking a girl the most. I play Peach in Smash bros and I am not some waifustrag. I've been a Chun Li player since SF4. Stuff like that.
!foidmoment thoughts?
women can`t be a samurai shes probably a rogue ronin
They literally called her a ronin in the trailer. Do you think that's going to stop schizophrenic posting about female samurai?
Why do western devs seem to hate Japanese men so much?
Because Jap men hate themselves and have been cucks to the BWC BVLLS fricking their Jap waifus since Feudal times!?
Face it Japbois, you are all femboy cuckies and your women belong to the VVHITE EVROPEAN BVLLS, it is simply how nature works!
ubisoft designed a more attractive jap character than Sony
How the frick did we end up here??
anyone saying a female samurai is not as woke as a black samurai is r-slurred
your brain has been subverted into thinking the lesser sin is better than the greater sin
Sekiro had female bosses. Tenchu had female protagonist. Fighting games have female fighters. Why playing as a female samurai seeking revenge is wrong? They already did a homage to samurai movies with the original.
It's the fricking r-slurred YouTube shitters whining about anything with a female in it
even fricking /r/KotakuinAction seems to be fine with it, only the YouTube/Xitter touris
s are the ones sperging at fine-looking foid main character (at least she is not frick ugly tho)
could've easily found ANY average looking japanese woman with a modicum of physical fitness
NOPE, the fat xir it is!
That would have required actually going to Japan, a place that modern PlayStation hates. You will take your genderfluid Asian American mutt and you will like it!
both of my previous statements can be true!
If you're going to force a foid on me then at the VERY least make them appeal to my peepee. Otherwise what's the fricking point.
This has to be manufactured outrage by groomercord
s for the purpose of getting epic /r/gamingcirclecute twinks screenshots.
4cuck in current year, get used to it chuddy!
no point in explaining something obvious to a dumb fricking BIPOC, good day.
the Josh Goldberg terminally online shut in hobo phenotype is real, the Chud phenotype is outdated, /pol/ Chuds no longer look like this
they now look more like this:
"muh female protagonist!"
Okay, but let me put it to you this way: Imagine the hot spring scenes.
These are Western modern audience corporate right side of hxstory game devs, not Niplibertarians obsessed with hot spring voyerism
You can play as a Japanese girl in the new Assassin's Creed game tho
she got blacked not interested
Me going to buy BlackAss Creed Chudows after spending months trash talking it because it includes the premium B L A C K E D scene:
I have to wonder, there the frick are you cute twinks coming from? All you r-slurs claiming /v/ hates women protagonist. /v/ has been cooming to women protags since Lara Crost on the ps1. Still cooming to hots girls in Dead or Alive, Stellar Blade, Nier Automata and more. Then all of the sudden in the past week, all you freaks come out of nowhere acting like we hate women protagonists. You tourists need to go back to where you came from.
Every single one of these posters is a tourist
gets called out
gets defensive and tries to larp as an old strag
You're a gcj
that comes here and tries to spam the same garbage. There are like seven threads up right now all saying the same shit.
She is not Samurai. Female warriors were a thing. Samurai's wives knew how to defend themselves as a last resort to protect their homes and the Naginata is romanticized often in Japanese art as a weapon women were proficient with. Although this game could go in a boring, horrible DEIfest, a female protagonist as a vengeful warrior is not something you should immediately jump at in a negative light. I would have preferred a game centred around the four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu. Fits the Ghost theme well. As would a Sengoku-jidai Ninja game starring a fictional protagonist of one of the tragic clans of the period. Perhaps the Azai, or even the Oda after Honnoji. You're all fricking cute twinks for making too many threads about shit you don't really give a frick about, or don't care enough to know about.
The Butt Creed girl is unironically cuter though
FRICK YOU... because your right
I have no fricking clue what this is, but I assume it's some kind of gay twitter or groomercord drama.
I love NewGODs so much bros
Sony marketers (read: Indians earning about .2 cents a post) are currently invading the board and pretending to be mad about a female protagonist in a certain game in order to get you to talk about it, because the IP itself is kind of mid and doesn't really stand on its own merits compared to a certain other Japan-produced IP with a ninja protagonist.
Don't give Sony any oxygen. Don't reply to their garbo threads. If the people you are interacting with seem willfully ignorant, it's because they are being compensated to do so.
!nooticers !antibharatiya do you think this is true?, are all of the anti-woke goobergaters actually a bunch of poos hired by Sony as a form of guerilla marketing?
Ghost of yotei the singular new game that Playstation will be releasing in 2025... my sides
https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/689886712/ (jannied while I was writing the effortpost lol)
Leave to the west to accurately represent how ugly japs actually are, i respect that
Company makes good, authentic, passion filled game with no desire to please the "modern audience"
Game is a massive success
Company makes sequel and fills it with "modern audience" shit, using the good will and reputation they received from their first, good game to market the second one
Everyone can see it and it's not even hard.
It happened with TLOU2, RDR2 etc. It's bullshit.
First one was already woke, secondary. You didn't play it, you will never play it, you don't give a single fricking shit about anything except your little "culture war" for having absolutely nothing else in your pathetic excuse of a "life". Now go on and seethe, b-word and cry since that is the only response you've ever learned to someone calling you out while wallowing in your own fricking shit.
this makes 0 fricking sense you r-slur
why would the guy who posted that pic be a
i swear to God you're a well poisoning
from groomercord yourself
it was always woke so stop complaining chud!
gas lighting. Neck yourself tranner
me or the guy who posted the
So what is the conclusion to this massive wall of text that I spent some few hours working on?, what can we, a bunch of neurodivergent and eccentric individuals posting on an obscure website that is the spinoff of an also-niche defunct subreddit, catered towards "ironic" dramaposting, being adjacent towards imageboards, niche forums, and internet arguments, anger, and autism (AAA), what can we learn from this wall of text existing?, yes, we do indeed learn one simple, yet extremely important thing that is a prominent feature of human civilization in the Year of our Lord 2024:
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I think most people just do not want to deal with actual real politics, when engaging with their hobby that is meant to reduce stress. Obviously, the table politics of my Oath group does not affect my mental health as much as my actual governments recent decisions.
This! Games are often an escape from reality.
I don't stop being a trans person in Mississippi while I'm playing Ark Nova. My very existence has been made political.
Reddit becomes the most insufferable place as soon as Trump becomes President
I'm not sure how it would even be possible. People can talk and interact freely.
"Keep politics out of XYZ" is such an inherently political thing to say too lol
Ten times out of 10 it's really "keep the politics I disagree with out of XYZ" with the person saying it not realizing that they don't view the things they agree with as political.
I always thought when pekole talk about politics or work, their friendship is oretty shallow and have nothing else to talk about.
My buddies and I play board games all the time and politics hasn't come up in 20 years. We have fun and interesting things to talk about.
I don't know. If you and your closest friends don't feel comfortable discussing your deeply held beliefs and the concerns you have for the direction some people want to take the country in your name... Maybe they're just buddies.
Politics are almost as boring as religion.
We have other interests that keep the conversation going.
You are grabbing at straws.
ohhh good point and straws are super bad for the environment and sea turtles. i'm sorry.
Unironically, this comment is pretty much what your post looks like.
No it's not, there's a difference between playing a game and yelling at someone about something political. That's what people mean.
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A senator yelling that the science can be wrong, but we shouldnβt question it because The Science is settled, perfectly sums up the absurdity of what we dealt with during Covid pic.twitter.com/bEnXt4v3cC
— Ian Miller (@ianmSC) January 30, 2025
IDK what the context is
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Here bro. pic.twitter.com/HxjpsjmCqC
— Embodiment of Intellectual Prowess (@baldassnugget) February 2, 2025
Somehow he thinks this is normal. Some tvs have smoothing on as default. He didn't even know what it was. Zoomers are so brain rotted they think a normal ps5 can run rd2 which has a draw distance of like half a mile at 60fps. This is some ceiling bird levels of not noticing.
I think noticing should be a mandatory class in high school. A full second input lag would entirely unplayable for someone with a brain.
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The answer is no. Unless you want a divorce or to be miserable. There are small differences that are fine but you're talking about major values and that's a big no no.
You can disagree on the best NFL team (Go Birds π¦ ) but for fundamental things, you must be on the same page or, as you mentioned, there will be lots of fights and resentment in the future.
You can disagree on stuff like sports teams, restaurants, vacation locations. As soon as your disagreements reach "Human rights", then you're in a major issue. You will be with someone who believes some people are destined and deserve eternal punishment for the love they show being different. Take that how you will
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The instability, the trumpflation - really not good for folks that enjoy the market.
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These don't have to be explicitly political. Just something that can be applied to our politics. Unfortunately while the writing in Madoka Magica is top tier and the story makes me feel in ways that few other forms of media can, it does not do politics very well which is why I took my favorite quote from a series that is actually based around geopolitics.
In a way this quote truly encapsulates the condition of our current political system, and in a way it mirrors the shinobi world quite well. For example we don't get to choose our sides. People act like we get a choice but there just are not many options. For example like the shinobi, we are given a village, a country. And that country can be segmented down into clans, families, and many other forms of allegiances. All of these are decided entirely by the nature of our own birth, rather than our own choices.
We are guided only by the necessity to make the most prudent choice. We are expected to be part of the group and sacrifice our entire being for its benefit. Like the shinobi each one of us is little more than a tool to be discarded when we are no longer useful. Is that not the way things should be?
Anyways, I'm excited to see your favorite anime quotes that can be applied to political systems! If anyone finds away to do this with the Madoka Magica series please let me know! I have been trying to find a way for years but it just doesn't seem to fit.
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Many such seethings.
What a lowlife you have to be to be so spiteful of poor people and mock them in an overtly dramatic video. And still sucking badly at it. These scums don't deserve our attention. So kindly stop making such cretins famous.
Yall have street sellers infecting people with disease by preparing food in sanitary conditions WORSE than this video making light of it, and you're mad at the video for calling the practice out. You're a joke mate and this is why your country's infrastructure isn't getting better.
So, you think this video's only motive was to make light of unheigenic practices of street vendors? I clearly mentioned "overtly dramatic" just to spite poor people. India being so populated has its flaws, and a "few" street vendors making funny videos highlighting unhygienic practices clearly don't represent the whole community. With gazillions of street vendors throughout the vast length of this diverse country, you're bound to find such idiots. The bigger the sample size, the bigger the number of such idiots. Also, with the advent of social media and the trend to get famous by making stupid videos, you're in for lots of people trying to make such content highlighting unhygienic food vendors.
Yes, we accept there's a problem with unhygenic food vendors. But it equates to the social and income strata they tend to. The poorer section is uneducated and devoid of knowledge about hygiene. And if you think this is the reason our country's infrastructure isn't getting better, you're the biggest joke of them all!
What they are showcasing is true, but please Ask them to wash their butt after pooping before teaching indians cleanliness
Didn't you guys JUST get over 50% of your country access to sanitation facilities??
Hilarious. We should be able to take a joke.
They exaggerate, because the actual Indian guy usually operates in a smaller space, in a crowd, in heat and dust, and doesn't spill so much. His actions are perfected over years of practice. But hygiene is highly questionable, yes.
Recent Pew survey says that majority people in the western countries have favourable view of India by a big margin. But leftist islamist propaganda on social media says the opposite
Laughed my butt out
bonus thread:
White guys being as racist AF!
My imitation of a white guy making food is them going to trash Donald's and spending their life savings for a #1 and still getting the shits from it.
How is this relevant to the sub?
Its not, its just encouraging hatred against indians π
Nobody envourages hatred against indians more than indians being indians. We didnt come to those conclusions by guessing, i have seen at least 10 videos of indians actually preparing food this way
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There is also a free trial on Patreon www.Patreon.com/worldaroundewe/redeem/357DD
VERY different content on each of those!
Thanks for being so welcoming of my dead stuff.
There's no nudity on my OF it's mostly me in grey sweat pants and boxers showing off my things I've made from rats.