How would you feel if you weren't daddy's favorite? But I am daddy's favorite :marseybib:

My fav The Far Side comic
Woman gets man's dating profile banned for :marseyokay:ing too hard



Not trying to play devils advocate for a racist weirdo, but how are you sure? Not trying to argue, just curious what gave it away.

This is, of course, assuming it's the OK hand gesture. If it's something less obscure, the answer is self explanatory

He was taking a selfie in the mirror. The hand that was at his side was doing the white power gesture. Hands do not naturally fall like that… so no.

EDIT: Hinge has actually emailed me to say they've taken action against him, so I'm not mistaken as you're inferring.

Her previous posts indicate she absolutely hates men, but is having trouble finding her disney prince on dating apps because they all love hitler. :tayshrug:

Russian Farm Helicopter

Vibes vibes vibes vibes



"Bigot blaster" I love this :chadleftoid:

Gemerald and built for bbc :soyteen:

Seeing these two comments, one next to another, is just so beautiful :marseyhappytears:

Reported by:

:marseyxd::marseysoyswitch: :marseygamer: :marseymoidmoment: :marseygameritsover:

OK so basically I'll give a TLDW for all the boomer gaymers and actual boomers who've never gaymed, to comprehend the scope of his clumsy attempt to deceive people in thinking he's some kind of GAYMER badass, and how he's desperate to be seen as one of the COOL kids gaymer crowd, but his terminal out-of-touch boomerism makes his attempted masquerade so incredibly brutally r-slurredly obvious for anyone even remotely familiar with the type of game he's playing on his Tesla-branded (TM) livestreams. :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyxd:

BACKGROUND - POE2: Pillars of Eternity 2

Path of Exile 2 is a vidya where gaymers control fantasy chad characters in an isometric view, to make the characters kick baddguys and monsters in the balls, as the characters gain experience in combat, they level up with better super powers, to kick monsters in the balls even harder. :marseypunching: :punch: :pepepunching: :carppunch: :squareup:

The game/characters is controlled primarily controlled via the mouse and keyboard, and is called an A-RPG (Action Role Playing Game), in order to distinguish it from all those lame straggy nerdy wimp RPG games which all the 4-eyed losers in highschool played, because A-RPGs are cool and manly :marseycool2:

The reason I'm mentioning the genre, is because virtually all A-RPGs are all 90% the same, if you've played one (Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Torchlight, Pillars of Eternity 2), then you've gathered the intrinsic knowledge to have played them all.

All of them are isometric firework fiascos, and all of them follow the core-DNA which was established in the genre defining releases of Diablo 1 & 2 about 30 years ago in 1997 & 2000 respectively.

Well if all of these gaymes are all 95% the same, then what's the point of playing them all? It's because Blizzard (the company which created the Diablo games, along with the famous World of Warcraft) sucks in its current form, and the latest Diablo 4 is shit, and thus Path of Exile 2 has filled in the void.

POE2 is consistently in the top 10 most played games on steam monthly charts, and though it sometimes falls off every now and then, whenever big AAA releases are released within a month, like call of duty or the latest FIFA. Regardless of the fake popularity contest - I bring this up only to indicate that POE2 is currently one of the most popular games on Earth, and while it isn't as big as League of Legends, DOTA2, Fortnite, it's still as popular as it's reasonable for any Game Developer to can ever dream of, and is spoken alot by children, Highscoolers and terminal gaymers IRL that I have actually spoken to.

The 1st Path of Exile 1, was free which garnered a massive playerbase, especially in the poorcel :marseybeggar: :marseypoor: :marseywagie: 3rd world !brics and followed the same transactional-scheme as League of Legends, paying only for exclusive skins and appearances and crap, which the playerbase very happy with, because it meant that skill and progress was never bought.

So it's unsurprising why even a giga out-of-touch Boomer like Musk would have heard about a game like Path of Exile 1/2, whereas games like Fortnite are still in a much more younger audience (at least perceived so, and games like LOL/DOTA are way too fricking painful and turbo-neurodivergent, POE2 is instead something relatively noob/non-gaymers could enjoy, and also eventually grind/skill-up their way into the elite ultra-autism vidya gaymer club, and thus POE2 is semi-cooler as a game for a boomer like Musk to want to relate with, to the cool kids younger gaymer memer maymay club :marseycool2: :marseycool2: :marseycool2: :marseyelonmusk:


Musk has claimed many times on in interviews that he's a top-tier vidya-gaymer, including in Joe Rogan, where he mentioned that he's played a metric shitload of games and is good in them, including in games which are in different genres to that of POE2, such as Starcraft 1/2. All of the games which Musk has claimed he is a super good chad at, all have one thing in common - they are very popular, and have large playerbases and thus non-gaymers would have heard of them. You'll note, as many others have before me, Musk has never claimed to be good in obscure, non-famous games, the type Boomers like Musk would not have heard of - like Rogue Trader compared to Starcraft.

Musk has claimed in Joe Rogan Podcasts that he's in the top 20, top 100, in games like Diablo or Path of Exile!

And since Elon Musk is such a massively dramatarded dramapilled controversial figure, heaploads of people have sought to disprove even these inane throwaway statements. And shockingly Musk Proved them wrong with an account which he controlled in one of his several livestreams, controlling a verifiable character, which has been actually in the Top 10 leaderboard of the month for POE2!!!

(Here's an Indian "article" :marseyxd: )

Where players and Musk-fanbois followed his character's climb from the top-1000 players during the Christmas period, to eventually the top-100 players by the time New Year's Eve arrived.

Here's a jannied thread on /r/PathOfExile, which catalogued Elon Musk's character's meteoric rise into the top-1000 Leaderboard, but which was deleted because even gaymer redditors are wingcucks, and the jannies jannied it because no WRONGTHINK. Please very important to note that this thread is from 31 December 2024, before the following shitshow is about to start!

Here's a comment linking to the Livestream Musk held during the period of the holidays, by one of his fans.

Here is somebody already noting a suspicious activity - that Musk is supposedly talking in Chinese (FORESHADOWING)


Ok so for the Boomers on @Redactor0Boy , I'll summarize as much as possible how easy it was to demonstrate for people actually well versed in POE2 and A-RPG type games, that they could tell the character/account which Musk played within his December 2024 holidays, was not levelled/grinded by himself, because he displayed the most boomeresk mannerisms and incompetence regarding the playing of the game, during his relatively short, hour long Livestream sessions.

And the reason I went on tangent on what type of game (A-RPG) Path of Exile 2 was earlier in the post, was to demonstrate how transferrable skills and experience are between games in the genre, and that as Musk has claimed he has been a top-tier player in all of the Diablo games since the very 1st in 1997, his inept and incompetent masquerade at his supposed skills in his short 1-hour livestreams makes it all the more hilarious :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: how much of a fricking non-g*mer he is, let alone a fricking A-RPG mega expert cool guy, he wishes the g*mer crow to see him as!!

(1) On one of his inventory tabs, it's called Elon's maps - does Elen refer to himself in the 3rd Person :marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: probably. Like someone has been powerlevelling his account, and was like: they're in here dipshit

(2) Endgame hardcore maps/levels/arenas have to be connected by nodes, but in the livestream ELon shows how he clearly has no idea about this as he fiddles with the Map interface for like 60 seconds, trying to click on a grayed out map (which the game tells you need to finish the preceding maps 1st). This boomer move is like your gradpa continuing to click the OK button after he's already exited a program :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: A character as high levelled as Musk's sock-puppet account would have played thousands of maps at this point

(3) He demonstrates he has no notion on what loot is valuable and what is junk, and at some point he just runs past the most rare currency item in the game.

(4) The game POE2 has a nice feature called a "Loot Filter" which basically does what it says - only the highest equipment dropped by monsters/badguys your character kills by kicking them in the balls, are made visible, and the junk filler trash equipment are made to be not even interactable, so as to not waste your time. Elon does not have these filters on during his Livestream.

(5) Musk never once uses Mana potions (a resource to replenish your superpowers juice), even when fighting extremely dangerous enemies - Musk demonstrates a complete absence of awareness of even the existence of Mana potions or how to use them in game.

(6) In all A-RPG games, you have the capacity to loot items lying on the ground by just left clicking on them - Musk goes terminal boomer by DRAGGING each and every item he loots on the ground, slowly into the open inventory screen - which is an option, but not the intended role for the screen by the devs! :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

(7) Musk doesn't realize when his inventory is full, and numerous time during his Livestream playthroughs, he continuously clicks on items on the ground, not realizing his inventory is full, showcasing his complete lack of understanding of such a basic mechanism - especially as the game has an audio and visual cue for the player to warn them their inventory is full

(8) Elon plays on factory default settings, example not having the game showing your exact health/resources/mama, which contravenes the settings of the most experienced player whi rely on having as much information as possible, the devs turn these settings off and give the player only a UI red orb to show total character health remaining, so as to not overwhelm newcomers.

(9) Elon boasts about destroying trash mobs - low level junk enemies, which fluff out maps and sections of the game, when the majority of difficulty in POE2 derives from facing endgame bosses, thus Elon demonstrating his absence of true undertsanding of teh game. The only endgame boss Elon faces during his Livestream, he repeatedly dies to.

(10) In Path of Exile 1/2, gear have requirements to equip them. But most of the time, this requirement has little bearing on how good the top gear is - some of the best gear in the game, namely those equipment with the best permutation of overpowered stats and buffs and shit, have relatively lower requirements for characters to equip them, whilst relatively mediocre junk gear have disproportionately high requirements to wear, for disproportionately little return in terms of how good they are.

The Youtuber Quin69TV explains how one of the best pieces of gear can even be eqquiped from level 1 onwards. I mention this, because Elon repeatedly boasts to his audience on his Livestream he tries to impress of his lofty giga Gaymer swagness and skill, about the high levels of his endgame equipment worn by his character - not realizing that the equipment levels are indications of requirements to wear, not indications of the powerscales of the loot itself

Musk even goes on to shittalk the loot he's currently wearing, calling them "only level 55" or only "level 40" or whatever, and stating he would soon replace them with a REAL MAN's gear :marseycool: :marseycool2: , not realizing that they are literally the best of the very best loot findable in the current iteration of the game, which whomever Indian/chinese powerlevelling poorcel shadowacccount which had powerlevelled Musk's account for him, had gone to extreme lengths to grind on behalf of Musk :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseypajeetitsover: :marseychingchongitsover:

Anyways, point is Musk must have paid some Indian/Chinese 3rd worlder !brics pennies (which are worth billions of rands/rubles/yen/rupees in their home poorcel country) for somebody who is an actual POE2 gaming god tier good, who offers to powerlevel characters/accounts, which basically mean they will play the game FOR YOU, in order to get to a set level or grind hundreds of hours per week ingame, in order to find desired loot for westerners with powerful currencies.

And for many Indians/Indonesians/chinks, these are actual unironic decent work for money, if you don't find it soul crushing to play the same fricking game over and over on behalf of fat middleclass neckbeard westernoids.

It's not even that expensive - here's just one of the many multitude of websites which offer everything from pre-existing accounts/characters, to finding desired loot for customers, to levelling characters to a specific character!

And what's astonishing about these sites which trade 3rd Worlder lifespan for money, is that the most trusted Sites, the ones which doesn't scam and just run off with money, get the best reputations, and ratings on appstores and game forums! As word of mouth spread of specific site/company services, because to many fricking tens of thousands of peeps pay them!

So our boi Musk, literally just hired a 3rdie account grindmaxxer :carpmeatgrinder: :carpmeatgrinder: :carpmeatgrinder: :carpmeatgrinder: who probably spent like real world hours ingame to create this super powered character for Musk, which he them used to try and masquerade in front of his Livestream audience to look Swag and Cool with :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist:

And the worst part was he was shittalking the gear which probably took monumental effort for the Inidan/Chinese super neurodivergent gaymer to equip his butt with! This is the most Boomer shit I've seen in a year!

Also in POE2 there is something called Permadeath-mode, which all A-RPGs have, which is as the name implies, your entire character and all his shit, gets frucking deleted from your account, if he dies, making death the most of extremes, and is considered the greatest of difficulty dividers. Musk actually lost this giga boosted character during the same timeframe, and that 200 hours of effort by the Sexy Indian dude/Chink grinder's effort into the void ahahahahahaahhaa :marseylaughpoundfist:


Reported by:
:redlight: :smugjak:California could end the United States as we know it :soyjakanimeglasses: :redlight: :bidenshocked:


What do los angeles redditors think about californians leaving the US?

To be fair most of the comments are pointing out how r-slurred that would be

:fellforitagainaward: DDR to put TARIFFS on TAIWAN chips. JENSEN on SUICIDE WATCH :marseychingchongitsover:



/r/wsb :marseyxd:



Pooners own cismoids by checks notes... doing the dishes???????????


!cuteandinvalid !lgbt !nonchuds DO BETTER WTF

None (link)

Astronomers have been left red-faced after announcing the discovery of a new near-Earth asteroid β€” only to realize that the supposed space rock was the remains of Elon Musk's cherry-red Tesla Roadster and its spacesuit-clad driver "Starman."

The misidentified object, which was launched into space on board a SpaceX rocket in 2018, highlights a growing problem in astronomy that could lead to costly errors, researchers say.

On Jan. 2, the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center (MPC) added a new object, dubbed 2018 CN41, to its list of near-Earth asteroids. The supposed space rock was identified by an unnamed amateur astronomer in Turkey using years of publicly available data, reported. However, just 17 hours later, the MPC released an editorial notice retracting the discovery after the citizen scientist realized they had made a mistake.

The Tesla Roadster, which was previously used by Elon Musk, was launched into space on Feb. 6, 2018, as the test payload for the maiden launch of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket. The publicity stunt garnered widespread attention at the time, partly due to Starman β€” a mannequin in the car's driving seat that was wearing a likely defective spacesuit and "listening" to David Bowie's album "Space Oddity" on loop.

The car and its driver headed toward Mars after escaping Earth's gravity and were supposed to enter a stable orbit around the Red Planet, which raised alarms at the time that it could become a potential Martian "biothreat" if it accidentally crash-landed there. However, the pair overshot their target and instead entered a stable orbit around the sun. Now, it circles the sun and occasionally zooms past Mars.

The Tesla has now completed roughly 4.5 trips around the sun, traveling at roughly 45,000 mph (72,000 km/h), according to This means that the car has now exceeded its initial 36,000-mile warranty around 100,00 times.

However, the car is probably unrecognizable now after being exposed to years of intense radiation from the sun and bombarded by tiny fragments of space rocks, which have likely stripped the outer layers of the car and shredded Starman.

This is not the first time that human-made objects have been mistaken for near-Earth asteroids. The MPC has temporarily listed a number of spacecraft as space rocks over the last two decades β€” including the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, NASA's Lucy probe, the joint European-Japanese BepiColombo mission and others β€” as well as rocket boosters and other debris, according to

This type of confusion will also likely increase as more human-made objects are launched into space.

These misidentifications could lead to more false alarms for near-Earth asteroids, which could in turn result in costly errors, Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told "Worst case [scenario], you spend a billion [dollars] launching a space probe to study an asteroid and only realize it's not an asteroid when you get there," he said.

While space agencies and private companies are required to accurately track their products in orbit around Earth, there is currently no legislation that forces them to do the same for spacecraft and debris that escape Earth's gravity, like the Tesla Roadster.

However, "such transparency is essential for promoting space situational awareness, reducing interference between missions, [and] avoiding interference with observations of natural objects," members of the American Astronomical Society warned in a 2024 statement.

Let's read Daily Mail commenter opinions on Dry January

The article:

The comments are full of alcoholic boomers in denial, furiously :marseycope:ing and :marseyseethe:ing:

A lot of these guys seem like they have quite serious alcohol addictions.

This is the classic Daily Mail alcohol "gotcha" - completely ignoring that if you're an alcoholic then you'll die 20 years earlier and in severe pain after decades of poor health.

[GOOMBLE :marseyladybugitsover:] How many executive orders will Trump sign today?

None. The cuck chair isn't real. :marseynothingburger: - 11 bets

Just one, but it'll be a doozy. - 8 bets

2-9 - 7 bets

Ten or more! He's going to completely restructure the government on day ONE - 49 bets - WINNER!


!goomble !goomblers !goombling !project2025

Closed. He's starting to list them. :marseyhappening:


He's way past ten at this point, just crankin' 'em out like crazy.

Should have made the bet "how many EOs will he sign in the cuck chair?" (It was four.) instead of "how many will he sign today". Would have made the bet more interesting.

Ah well, c'est la vie :marseyladybugshrug:

James Folta's dishonest, elitist and straggy screed on men and reading

Perhaps predictably, the men-aren't-reading discourse has made the jump into 2025. The perennial conversation has taken on new weight this year, though, as we begin to be governed by the worst of men, the putrid avatars of a hatefully reactionary masculinity. Increasingly, what's wrong with men is what's wrong with America. Would a reading list of novels enlighten them?

Right out of the gate this James Folta cute twink is blaming men for the state of America, naturally without being specific about that state.

And 'Would a reading list of novels enlighten them?', because of course the average man is simply too simple minded and must have his worldwide expanded to match that of some want to be elitist

The problem with the "dudes don't read" argument is that the numbers don't really seem to back the point up. Vox dug into the data behind the chatter in a piece titled "Are men's reading habits truly a national crisis?" which casts doubt on the statistics most often being cited, and poses some reasons why we might still be assuming men don't read anyway.

The Pew Research Center compiled findings from 2011 to 2021 that Americans read an average of 14 books and a median of 5 books annually. Younger people read more than over-65s, and more women read than men, but only by a little:

Pew's 2021 study says 73 percent of men say they've read a book in the past year, compared to 78 percent of women. Those numbers are up a tad from 2016, when 68 percent of men said they'd read a book compared to 77 percent of women. Overall, we're looking at pretty consistent stats over the course of the last decade: Roughly 70-ish percent of men read at least one book a year, and roughly 80-ish percent of women do. Meanwhile, according to the Department of Labor Statistics' American Time Use Survey of 2023, women spend on average 0.32 hours on leisure reading per day (about 19 minutes), while men's daily reading time averages out to about 0.2 hours (12 minutes).

It's not a huge gap. Constance Grady, the Vox writer, followed up on the stats with the researchers, and the new information she found brings us back to much the same place: the gender gap isn't that stark, nor does it seem to be moving much.

So statistically speaking, no one is really reading. But it's a problem for men because men seem to be doing more and more poorly, and reading is seen as a possible antidote. Vox again:

Reading fiction has assumed the same role as therapy in public discourse: something good for one's mental and emotional health that we should all do in order to be better citizens, and something that menβ€”particularly straight menβ€”are simply choosing not to do, to the detriment of society.

This last phrase is the weight behind the panicβ€”broadly speaking, men seem to have fallen through some very rotten floorboards and into a much worse place. Which is to say, women could stand to read more too, but women aren't endangering as many people as men areβ€”especially straight and white men, who I'm mostly talking about here.

I don't want to repeat myself but again what a massive cute twink. He's taken his boohooing about Trump winning and ham fistedly shoved into an article about men reading.

Why fill your head with other people's voices? It's too close, and could be a slippery slope to empathy.

!fellas just look at this shit! He frames it as if men don't read out of some fear that it would give us "empathy" like him. The very idea that any of us would be so easily swayed is frankly offensive.

For all the wonderful men that we all might know personally, the ascendent American male archetype is horribleβ€”the hog-men of the political right in this country are wrecking and upturning everything. We've all felt the hot breath of these unwell and wicked men on the back of our necks this week.

More bitching that not everyone is as enlightened as he is.

Part of the identity of this fratty and crass man involves turning your back on books and everything they represent. This man reaches for force and bluster to hide "a bright seam of fear," as Rebecca Traister puts it. This man prizes business school efficiency and has no time for anything beyond grinding and maxing everything. This man is gleefully rude, unapologetically loud, aggressively in-motion, and perpetually in-the-way.

I can't imagine the amount of, I don't even know lack of self esteem? Elitism? Cute twinkry? It takes to be using fratty as an insult out of college.

It's not fear that causes me to not read more and certainly not a fear of empathy. It's a lack of interest. What am I going to read James? Some pseudo romance about women dealing with mean men? Yet another "young adult" novel clearly written by and for middle age women who never matured past highschool?

The last book I read that wasn't technical documentation or a short story was "The last argument of kings". I read it because it was interesting, it avoided the troupes of good triumphing over evil, of people changing for the better (interestingly his books have the opposite happen, with people trying to change only to become more themselves). It wasn't some predictable slop that I'd forget about in a week

This man, of course, doesn't read. The worst of them, Andrew Tate, once said that "Reading books is for losers who are afraid to learn from life. So they try and learn from the life OTHERS have lived."

Andrew Tate hasn't been even slightly relevant in years at this point, yet people like James keep bringing him up because it's a great way to paint your opponents as woman haters. He mean as well said "You know who else didn't like reading? Hitler!"

And he's not wrong. People like James here live variously thru what they read. They don't take morals and ethics from their own life, their own experiences instead they opt to parrot the opinions of the famous, to be sure to have the right opinions.

ZoΓ« Hu published a sharp exploration of Tate's brutality in Dissent, which highlights not just the violence, but the loneliness of his lifestyle:

For him, power is a vehicle to admiration, and admiration is at variance with intimacy. To be admired by someone is to forever be at a distance from them, and this is where Tate prefers his women.

This aversion to closeness, which is an act of care which takes time and attention, would certainly cause a man to look at fiction with revulsion. Why fill your head with other people's voices? It's too close, and could be a slippery slope to empathy.

Once again James manages to actually offend me. To posit that I and men like me don't read because we're aversion to closeness, to human connection, to empathy is othering in it's most based form.

Of course it also makes James and his ilk out to be the good ones. The men who want closeness, empathy, connection. Who throw off their "fratty" and "hogish" nature to rise above.

And there aren't a lot of business tips in your average novel, either. Hu identifies Tate's mission as a perverse extreme of a dynamic seen elsewhere in the hustle-verse: "The worst excesses of masculinity find common cause in the dollarβ€”it's all a business hustle." Seeing the people around you as exploitable ready-to-hand objects is not just cruel, but also lonely: "What men and boys learn from Tate, in other words, is how to optimize a life bereft of love or friendship." Reading a novel has no place in this matrix of domination.

But what is the case for reading, beyond that it differentiates you from the worst people around?

I've been wondering that since the first paragraph.

Even considering the "value" of a novel seems to be ceding ground to a false way of thinking, putting novels in competition, to be ranked and rated and graded.

All things have value. All things are ranked and graded. Nothing and no one is above this. To suggest otherwise is to move your field from one where actual hard benchmarks exists and into the world of vibes, a world where it doesn't matter how poorly you perform, how few people care what you think, how much better people different from you do, it's a world where you're right because you feel you're right

Reading is wonderful, but I'd have a hard time making the case that it's an unsinkable, objectively good thing that each and every person must do.

But you didn't let that stop you

And even people who I agree with sometimes treat books as a symbol of values they want to communicate, or as objects with rich veins of knowledge to be extracted. This turns a book into something to be consumed or summarized, implying that they're good, sure, but not always worth your time.

Because that's what books are. They contain information. Things you want to know, stories you want to hear, ideals you want to explore.

Novels can be hard tooβ€”how often have you been heartbroken that someone didn't connect with a book you recommended?

Never. Literally never have I been heart broken someone didn't like a book I did. I imagine this is because I have tolerance. Not the fake #BLM in the bio tolerance of people like James but an actual ability to tolerate those who don't think what I do or the way I do.

In the wake of David Lynch's death, I've been wondering about how to make the case for strange and challenging art. I don't think I could put it better than Michelle Dean did in her essay on Twin Peaks: The Return in Harper's: "There is no point, there is no conventional reason to watch, other than for the sheer enjoyment of the lurid but beautiful mind of David Lynch."

Which is a long winded and fancy way of saying "entertainment". The same reason people watch marvel movies and football games. That's right James you read for the same reason hogish and fratty straight white men watch football.

To me, this is the point: a novel may be difficult, but it's also a chance to experience something that is unique and unclassifiable. Reading novels is a singular way of approaching and understanding the world. This uniqueness means that novels can't be a one-size-fits-all solution, nor are books the only way to get closer to humanity, or imagine a better world, or to feel empathy for someone you may never meet. A book could fix a man, but it's not the only way to, and it's not a sure thing.

I almost agree with this. Of course books aren't unique. A speech, an essay, a good long chat can all have the same outcome.

There is part of me that is inclined to quietly allow people to enjoy what they enjoy, as long as it's not hurting anyone. You don't have to read. But there is another, larger part of me that is a hater: if you're a grown-up, you should be able to read a book. You should at least try! You shouldn't turn your back to the worldβ€”go to a museum, see a live show, meet your neighbor, help a friend, and call your parents.

What is he even on about at this point? At first men who didn't read were mean old Trumpers doing fascism and who were devoid of empathy, now they're shut ins who don't call mom and dad enough?

Not wanting to read the slop you do doesn't mean man has turned his back on the world god darn it!

All of these things are a chance to step outside of yourself and consider others. We like to imagine men reading because it's a vision of a man who is patient, sensitive, and restrained. A man reading is a man pausing and thinking, not a man acting or reacting. It's seductive to extrapolate this image: a nation of men reading might be a place that is more considerate, a place that lifts up everyone, with bread for all, and roses too.

Above all else, a man reading is silent. In short, and even though it won't solve everything, my advice to my fellow American men is to shut the frick up and read a novel.

And there we have it! The TL:DR! Men should read because it makes them shut up, makes them stop voicing their opinions, voting for their candidates.

This entire article was pointless, reading is somehow both essential and optional, both one of many ways to better ones self but also the way to fix men, men should read because it fosters thoughtfulness, patience, and open-mindedness but also because it makes them shut the frick up.

G*mers rise up on :marseytrain: Lands 4 Steam forums!

It all started when some nazi chud made this racist post:

Thankfully he was swiftly banned by the 24/7 online shemale jannies:

But G*mers not having it, so they did the only thing they could think of, spam the entire forum with the same message like toddlers:

Would you take a red scare girl to a mexican restraunt?

:marseykiwi:s debate over...muscle mommies

this thread caught my eye so i had to look

sure emough:

OP post is :marseychefkiss:

:fancywithwine:She is the definition of independence. When the world tells her to shrink, she chooses to expand.

Muscle mommies do not ask for permission.

They take what they deserve.

:rapeson: :!mariogoatse:

btw this is the same guy that huffed nitrogen

:marseyturnedon: You forgot to mention that they are great cuddlers

surpised this wasnt peggiebigpeepee saying this

:marseyblops2cel: posting

:chudseethe: All these women are fat nowadays

:chudcel:Muscle mommies is the kind of thing that looks great drawn

:chudsmug: Haters to the left :to:

i did not make that mistake that was literally how """he""" wrote it :marseylaugh:

this post sums it up

Porn Addition: The Thread

Odyssey-jack :marsey300:
Women who performatively enjoy cooking/baking should be shot and killed.

I wish we left gastronomy to the neighbors. These b-words suck. Your oatmeal cookies suck. Your TikTok casserole sucks. Hoes need to be led by a real kitchenmaster, a real Chef de Cuisine. A man of the senses, a supertaster. All these whores care about is keeping up 'trad' appearances for the only stomach-wormed r-slur willing to eat their lousy sandwich-and-curly-fry meals. These broads couldn't care less about feeding their families, let alone having children at all. At least the matriarchs of then knew how to forage and be resourceful. All you b-words do is scroll Pinterest for another cupcake fad you can lie about recreating.


Why did Elon Musk just say Trump wants to bring two stranded astronauts home?

For reasons that were not immediately clear, SpaceX founder Elon Musk took to his social media site X on Tuesday evening to make a perplexing space-based pronouncement.

"The POTUS has asked SpaceX to bring home the 2 astronauts stranded on the Space_Station as soon as possible. We will do so," Musk wrote. "Terrible that the Biden administration left them there so long."

Now generally, at Ars Technica, it is not our policy to write stories strictly based on things Elon Musk says on X. However, this statement was so declarative, and so consternation-inducing for NASA, it bears a bit of explication.

lmao bullshit, Ars loves to sneed about everything Elon does; it's basically TMZ but only covering Elon.

Foremost, NASA has gone to great lengths to stress that the two astronauts referenced hereβ€”Butch Wilmore and Suni Williamsβ€”are not stranded on the International Space Station.

The astronauts are clearly stranded as has been covered extensively over the last year by even leftie organisations:

NPR also released an article insisting that the astronauts aren't stranded -

Ars comments are of course mad:

Why wouldn't the US government want to bring two stranded astronauts home? Why is this the top comment? What are you mad about?

They were meant to be there for eight days. The eighteen month stay was planned.

And yet they're still stranded there, curious. Why don't they just fly back home? They must want to be there.

The bottom two comments - note the guy who's had an account for 17 years.



/r/games re- ACK!ts:

ReetardEra re-ACK!ts:

NeoStrags sneed:

4chuds chudlebrating:

Kiwiggers are also chudlebrating the return of glorious Nippon:

!g*mers !chuds !asians

The United States has no greater ally than the State of Israel :parrotunitedstatesofamerica: :parrotisrael:

Who is next up on Uncle Bin's Kiss The Ring Tour 2025?

Looks like I'm going to Florida after all.

So Ferrari guy felt bad about me staying home and ended up buying me a ticket and hotel room for the week. When was the last time your friend dropped $2500 on you and didn't expect anything sexual in return?

The only thing that could go wrong is I'm bringing my camera bag, which my insurance just cancelled because they apparently needed me to get a second appraisal as apparently the first one wasn't good enough for them. It came to $32k the first time. Anyways, if anything happens to it I'm fricked.

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : :marseyposteditagain: nobody uses the site search, either
Does anyone here actually like the pod?

Cause I don't. It's icky.

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