“Kill the referee” is taken a little too seriously in Brazil.
how to find a prostitute gf?
How the heck do Chinks not :marseychonker2: up en masse

I'd eat that daily if I could :marseylickinglips: !bharatiya for 50 rupees can you imagine what trash we'd get here. :marseycut:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Player Expectations - Alpha Testing (Free/NDA) - core systems are not complete, test what is done so we can tweak things mid-dev.. also we want feedback on how we could dev thingsBeta Testing (closed)(Free/loose NDA) - core systems are mostly in place but we need to find bugs.. so many bugs.. also we want feedback on how we decided to dev things.Beta Testing (open)(Free/Pre-order/no NDA) - network stress test, random bugs we missed, system dev is mostly done for launch.Early Access (Paid/Pre-Ordered) - We dont have all the stuff we wanted for launch fully done like some end-game content or stretch system goals (new systems that aren't core AND/OR vertical dev of existing systems).. The game is mostly nearly all playable but we need a cash infusion to hit all those last launch checkboxes.Launch - Last bits were polished up, here's the official, now we start working on updates/expansions/next title. Dev Expectations - Alpha Testing > Early Access > 3 years later > Launch > LamboDev ex... (5)

BG3 was in EA for almost 3 years, worked out ok for that game. (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maybe not so much “not ready for EA” from a gameplay perspective (which is still completely debatable), but price for games going into EA is a different story. (2)

The price is a little steep, but it pays for your box price when it launches. So it's not like you're only paying for EA access and have to pay the box price again later. So whether you play now, or play in 1 year+ you'll have to fork up the $40 🤷‍♂️ doing it now just lets you experience the development cycle. If that's not your cuppa tea, and only prefer to pay for finished products, then you can wait. All up to you really (-1)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

one game out of how many? Unicorns are not a basis for expectation. (1)

Unicorn? Yeah, that's what the AAA Devs want you to believe it is, "Don't judge us by that standard". BG3 is how it should be done, without having to cut corners just because the publishers want to hit deadlines. (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Hi, you're incorrect. If a game hits EA in a state which players deem "unplayable" it's going to get flamed with down votes cause people don't fully understand the point of testing. PD is currently still in an alpha state imo with a lot of its systems unpolished, combat being a big one. I'm personally a bit nervous that the game is going to get hurt because of this. I have played so many early access games as well as closed alpha and beta tests and the amount of people who don't understand the purpose of these phases is vast and have hurt a lot of games. I'll be there for the EA test and give feedback, help find bugs and all that, but the people who don't buy an EA game with those intentions, the ones who for some reason want to give bad reviews to a game just cause they "cannot recommend it in its current state" are cancerous. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Player Expectations - Alpha Testing (Free/NDA) - core systems are not complete, test what is done so we can tweak things mid-dev.. also we want feedback on how we could dev thingsBeta Testing (closed)(Free/loose NDA) - core systems are mostly in place but we need to find bugs.. so many bugs.. also we want feedback on how we decided to dev things.Beta Testing (open)(Free/Pre-order/no NDA) - network stress test, random bugs we missed, system dev is mostly done for launch.Early Access (Paid/Pre-Ordered) - We dont have all the stuff we wanted for launch fully done like some end-game content or stretch system goals (new systems that aren't core AND/OR vertical dev of existing systems).. The game is mostly nearly all playable but we need a cash infusion to hit all those last launch checkboxes.Launch - Last bits were polished up, here's the official, now we start working on updates/expansions/next title. Dev Expectations - Alpha Testing > Early Access > 3 years later > Launch > LamboDev ex... (5)

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

I really really miss the old way steam used to do it. The Green Light system was so much better. The games had to be vetted and meet several requirements before it was allowed to be green lit. But now people argue over what early access is, what the requirements should be, and games fail before they were even meant to be released. Furthermore, every day there are at least a hundred trash games that just appear out of nowhere with zero vetting... (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/KentHawking

Score: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 1

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

US actually forced SK to cut their peepees :marseyxd:

What do you think of it, years later?

I couldn't finish it, it just seemed like it dragged. With some tighter editing I think I would have finished it but I have no attention span.

I wrote over 50 fake story posts on subs like TIFU and MaliciousCompliance, should I include these on my portfolio?

No really drama but I get an LOL at freelancewriters crying about not making any money. Then some gems turn up and thought this is funny since it's likely one of these stories got posted to rdrama. He wrote some on AITA too.


MasterLawlz has begun writing erotica on Reddit about an imaginary girlfriend :marseylawlz:

My 28m gf 27f called me "Ben 10" during s*x. I think she might be cheating. How do I check?

So my gf and I are doing it this morning and we're doing it missionary and it's really good.

At one point she screams out "give it to me Ben" my name isn't Ben, she then pauses and says "10, give it to me Ben 10, oh yea you like fricking Gwen don't you?".

She later acted embarrassed and admitted to me that she has a huge thing for Ben 10 as he was her first crush as a kid.

But I think she might he lying and there might be some Ben out there.

Am I crazy?

Tldr gf claims to have Ben 10 fetish

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WOW SCANDINAVIA :marseymidsommardani:

Do not forget, it is not too late to donate to Bernie!

:marseyyikes: How Long Should :marseynorm: I Wear My Mask Inside :marseyteapot: My Home? /r/ZeroCovidCommunity :marseybruh2:

:#marseybruh2: :#marseycringe2: :#bruh:

Bait idea: Make a post saying you run fans and filters all day, but you can no longer afford your electric :marseygrizzbolt: bill so you're going :marseysalmaid: to keep yourself safe. And everyone :marseynorm: else in the sub should :marseynorm: too.

:#marseyembrace: :#marseywholesome:

Fr though, the first :marseywinner: part could be funny. They're all leftoids who probably think :marseymindblown: climate change will kill us all in 2 weeks.

Reported by:
  • Racecar_Johnny : Closed: duplicate of thread /h/slackernews/post/263099/
Let's look at the Stack Overflow new user experience in 2024

In response to constant bitching from jannies (unpaid) that new users aren't asking good questions, Stack Overflow have added a new feature called the Staging Ground:

Basically new users aren't even allowed to ask questions directly onto the site anymore and their questions are instead pushed into a separate pipeline where no one can give them answers and their questions are instead disseminated by powerusers. Only if a question passes this multi-stage process does it actually make it onto SO proper. Spoiler: nothing ever passes.

Let's look at what this new user experience looks like...

A new user asks a Python question (now deleted so no link). It's correctly formatted, it explains the question clearly and shows the error. This sounds like a good question, right? WRONG.

They're asked to edit the question (which they do), and then they're told to edit it again. The question is then closed as being "off topic" (it's a Python coding question lol) and to rub salt into the wounds a poweruser asks the Meta (aka poweruser sneed) forum how to punish them further in How should we respond in the Staging Ground when OP ignores feedback, makes a trivial edit and submits for re-evaluation?.

The response? Ask for more changes:

This is exactly what declined re-eval was added for. To elaborate more: we added this feature for this exact scenario, and it is designed to give the reviewer a frictionless way to both tell the author that they still need to address the original feedback (IIRC, banner tells them this). And if the author continues to ignore it, they will be temporarily blocked, with clear explanations why

Of course OP can't actually do this because their question has been closed as off topic.

Congrats Stack Overflow, you're going to die even faster.

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As you see the blue zone doesn't have any high rise building or much building since it's a park and since Russian holding high rise buildings from left and right of that park Ukrainian just won't be able to hold it. So for Russian it would be easier to control that zone than for Ukrainian

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