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:marseyban: MASSIVE Reportmaxxing opportunity! IN IN IN! :marseyreportmaxxer2:

You do it for free!


Uplifting news: Mandatory 1 year prison for raising your arm :marseyyayyy:


Why Arabs Lose Wars - this extremely true essay is still causing seethe decades later
Frick it, one struggle
Truth nuke on my commute :marseytruthnuke:

Are you nerds going to let someone driving a Subaru mock you?

Tokyo Drift is the most @BWC movie to ever exist

The movie starts off where this white trash redneck effortlessly steals chad's gf in a dangerous street race

So he goes to Japan where a real challenge awaits, stealing ricechad's gf

She immediately is into him, she shows no loyalty to ricechad

So he wins some gay car race and steals her

I literally cannot think of a more @BWC plotline if I tried

A second Mitch McConnel has hit the ground.

I was going to post this and maybe there'd be a movie night or something but I've had the flue for the past five days and I completely forgot about it.

Lawlz's movie was streaming at some film festival and it was apparently available online for a few days and now it's gone and I completely blew it frick my life and frick this stupid gay r-slurred fricking website

:marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging:

!metashit !kino did anyone else catch this? Please tell me someone made a copy.

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Oh no no no :brainletmaga:


!nonchuds !cuteandinvalid !lgbt Based

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:redlight: :redlight: RDRAMA DISS TRACK - Coonskin Cap (ft. The Black Guy from the Park) :marseyjamming: :marseyvibing: @WootFatigue BTFO'D

@WootFatigue Frick you b-word neighbor

!metashit !grillers !music


The bill seems aimed at limiting the less tech-savvy from accessing 'piracy' sites, as it says that the blocking order cannot "require service providers to take actions that would prevent users from using virtual private networks (VPNs)."


[🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘] My girlfriend is threatening to break up with me unless I get a circumcision


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

26M and 22F. You've been dating for 5 years meaning you were 21 and she was 17 when you started dating?Is no one else going to mention that? (252)

Yes thats correct. In hindsight, should've been a red flag that she didn't want to date people her own age. At the time, my peepee was doing the thinking. (-69)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

The only way I'd say your girlfriend might be right is if your hygiene was lacking due to the phimosis. Noone likes an UTI given by old smegma, and then you'd need a real good plan how to address that.Other than that - time for you to find someone else to fulfill your dreams. (141)

I rinse my peepee thoroughly with warm water and it looks fairly clean to me. (-56)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Why did you go after a minor? That's the real red flag (50)

She went after me and I didn't say no (-50)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Of course not. It's clear that her preference is "I don't want to get an infection." I can't believe how many people demonize her. One of my friends' ex had the same issue as him, and she said it stunk really bad, and she was getting infections because of it (this never happened with other bfs she had). Ultimately, she left because of this (149)

Yeah there's a lot of stuff missing here. I had a boyfriend once who's toenail wouldn't grow. He didn't have a rampant fungus problem but that one toenail did. My first suggestion was to go to the doctor, they have easy solutions for it. He kept googling household hacks and trying to fix it himself. It wasn't even a „his body is bothering me" issue. It was that I was just so freaking tired of it as a constant topic of conversation, ie him telling me he'd made progress, he thinks apple cider vinegar would work, he is going to shave it down, no it's gotten worse now etc etc etc etc. it was so freaking stupid. My response to all of it was „go to the doctor". He finally did and it went away right away. It wasn't a topic again. But I did break up with him anyways just because of the frustration. I can imagine if this is something that bothers both of them, and the „self help measures" are constantly a topic and taking over their lives more than it should, and the self help mea... (48)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The amount of people jumping at the chance to tell you to dump her...sheesh.The whole thing reeks of "I love you and i don't want to leave you, but your peepee stinks so bad I'm going to have to do it if you don't get it fixed."And remember,  just because she doesn't love the smell of your fromunda cheese smelling peepee, doesn't mean there aren't millions of other women out there that will also not love it. Just snip it and get it over with. If she's not worth more than a piece of peepee skin to you,  maybe the next one will be.  (51)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

She apparently keeps getting UTI's I heard from other comments OP is a knob head (125)

Dude straaaiiight up OP has a nasty peepee if she's getting nonstop UTIs.My wife's ex gave her UTIs all the time and she really thought something was wrong with her til she stopped fricking him and stopped getting UTIs.Dude was lazy, didn't clean shit, barely cleaned himself if ever, truly pathetic.And the rest of ya, watch your mouth if you come asking why she stayed, abusive people abuse people into thinking they'll never find a way out of their situation without the abuser's help.Like my first thought is OP is a nasty little dude who's mad his gf wants him to shower or do anything that makes her life easier. (78)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Unhappy-Pineapple459

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 20

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Chinese pig toss

"If you insist, Mr Trump, sir" - Israel tells army to prepare plans for Palestinians to voluntarily leave Gaza
Drumpf :marseytrumpgarrison: goes full communist :marseyrevolution: , sets aside federal dollars to buy TikTok :marseytiktok:



27 you can't just cut tax OK :soycry: :soycry:

Findom enjoyer genocide


Nah indirect taxes are better even at progressive taxation. Taxing income is stupid.

The middleclasscel will kiss his robber's feet for leaving him a little more and he will be happy.

Madarchod NRI I hope some wignat screwdrivers your fat gut.

:marseymayo: Sweden skewl shewter :kaptainkroolblunderbuss:confirmed mayo :marseymayo: monkey :funkykongdrunk:

OREBRO, Sweden, Feb 5 (Reuters) - The worst mass shooting in Swedish history was carried out by a 35-year-old Swedish man who lived locally, had been unemployed for a decade and had changed his first and last name, a police source and tax data show.

Swedish media named the suspect as Rickard Andersson. The police source also named Andersson as the alleged gunman.

Aftonbladet reported that, according to documents viewed by the paper, the man had previously been enrolled at the school for several mathematics classes, without finishing them. The most recent class he was enrolled for was in 2021.

Police said the suspect, who died at the scene, was not known to them prior to the event and had never been convicted of any crime. They also said he had no gang connection and was believed to have acted alone.

Aftonbladet, which spoke to relatives of the man believed to be the shooter, described him as a recluse who had limited contact with his family for years.

The paper said the man did not have a high school certificate.

Swedish public broadcaster SVT, which did not cite its sources, said the attacker, like many in Sweden, had a hunting licence and used a hunting weapon.

Tax data showed that the attacker last declared work-related income in 2014 and that he lived in a one-bedroom apartment in a low-rise building less than a kilometre (around half a mile) from the city centre.

Master race at it again! :donkeykongsad:

Reported by:
OP's complaining screeches to a halt when users in /r/bikecommuting agree with the store's rule against bringing bikes inside.


Subreddit info

/r/bikecommuting is a simple subreddit for users to post biking photos, news discussions, or hot takes about biking.

OP's Complaint

OP, after being confronted taking their bike inside their local Home Depot (a home improvement store), makes the following post, complete with an image for reference:

Home Depot told me I can't bring my bike into the store

I typically bring my bike into the hardware store with me unless there are proper bike racks. I don't see a problem with it as it's no bigger than a cart. The Lowe's by me removed their bike racks for an air compressor so I take it in. This Home Depot is new and I had looked for their bike racks but couldn't see them in the front of the warehouse, so I took it in.

When checking out I was told I can't bring my bike in as it is a safety concern. I gave a rebuttal that it's no bigger than a cart and they said it could fall and block an entire aisle when the carts can't fall over. I didn't continue the questions because they just work there but it seemed ridiculous to me.

Apparently their bike racks are in the back of the warehouse completely isolated, not somewhere i would feel comfortable locking my bike.

I'm going to continue bringing my bike into the store.

[Image of bird's eye view of the Home Depot and parking lot shows the entrance on the northwest side (marked with an arrow by OP), and the outdoor bike racks on the southeast area (circled for our convenience)]

Users debate the bike hike

It's a safety concern:

Bike traffic can be a safety concern around the entrance area with people, trolleys and cars. In some way this is not so bad. At least they have bike racks which is nice! Many stores don't provide that where I live.

When you say bike traffic, are you imagining OP riding their bike into the store?

Of course I'm not. I just mean that the store front is usually a place you don't want bikes parked and the traffic of them. Would be better to have bike parking on the parking lot, but we all know that is unlikely.

"Get over it"

Get over it, you are being a whiny ninny. I park mine at the car corral at Lowe's and never had an issue.

OP: Straight to name calling huh, sticks and stones... I would have found a suitable spot to lock it up outside if it had been a problem before, this was the first time I had been told not to bring it in

I intentionally ram carts into bikes at the cart corral.

How would you feel if someone intentionally rammed a cart into your car?

Guess they'd have to decide how much their Cannondale and legs are worth to them

It was more a question about intentionally damaging someone's property than a question of whether you like cyclists or not. I think it's just rude to ruin someone's shit, even if you don't inherently like them. Treat people the way you want to be treated, that's at least how I feel.

Then strap your bike to the bike rack.

"there is no bike rack"

Edit: well, this guy has a bike rack at his place lmao, mine doesn't have it tho rip

Private property, private rules:

You sound like an entitled jerk.

It's private property, they can have a rule that doesn't allow bikes. Just because it isn't convenient for you, doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want. [downkongd]

You'd have a point if they didn't install bike racks on the back side of the building forcing users to walk all the way around. They KNEW what they were doing. Treating us like shit because they can and we have no power.

Okay? So shop somewhere else.

It's a private business, you have to follow their rules.

Oh my god you have to spend a whole extra minute walking around the corner. Life gets much harder, hunny

Be fair, to walk all the way around a super store is more like 3 minutes.

and it's more about the indignation. Like forcing women to breastfeed near the trash bins out of sight.

OP should get trespassing charges:

This is a reasonable rule. I hope OP gets trespassed. [downkongd]

Why? To both.

Bringing a bike into a store is weird, like the people who bring their dogs everywhere. At least dogs are cute.

OP feels like flouting rules on private property.

I get that to some degree, but the part about getting trespassed is extreme to me. It's not as if they shoplifted or hurt anybody.

The audacity of OP:

wtf why would you bring a bike into the store

OP: Because I would be nervous about locking it in a place that, to me, would be ideal for a thief. And I was loading directly into my panniers using it as a cart

That's why people hate bicyclists [downkongd]

OP: Right...

What about dogs?

I can bring my dog but you can't bring a bicycle!?

Bicycles shit in the aisles, dogs don't.

I was bitten by a bicycle in lighting.

Did you go to the hospital? I heard bicycles carry rabies

I actually died right there in the lighting aisle. So that why I'm against bikes and pro car now.

Singular takes

Too far to walk for your American butt?

They maybe take a cut of the profit from each bike stolen

bikers are the most oppressed class

"I'm going to continue bringing my bike into the store."

So, you were literally told it's against store policy but you're so entitled it doesn't apply to you. You're a garbage excuse for a human.

Sounds like a battle of stubbornness is to be had. They're not going to ban you from the store over this so just keep doing what you're doing.

If the store said don't bring your bike inside, don't bring your bike inside. I can't bring my car inside.

Full thread with more bike takes here


Redditors are going straight to Gitmo!

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