

/u/fleurbb please sit on my face





epilogue: lol a few top level comments seething that I don't even post there and am not a woman got deleted and banned and someone in the jannie response got banned too

All the karma I lost on the nms sub earlier trying to explain that Elon is a neurodivergent African American immigrant has been recouped too and I am safe from a shadowbanning


r/drama made it to Ashley Jones's Monthly Column :marseyletsgo: :taycelebrate:

previous thread: https://rdrama.net/h/slackernews/post/330633/i-found-a-website-uglier-than

In this column, I will discuss the following topics:

-My obsession with dates/years and which decades I love

-Do I enjoy plane crashes?

-Product Review: Hidden Valley Ranch Dress Packets


-A walk down memory lane: the bloody picture

-I am making websites for those who are convicted s*x offenders

-Recipe of the Month: Blueberry Muffins

-Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

-People want to befriend me? An unexpected invintation -- rdrama.net


-Babe of the Month

-Opinions on VHS, CD, DVD, tapes, vinyls, etc.

-Reading a Reader's Palm

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737554704CVakzWDYCroRXQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737554705nva2yeuiA2cDEA.webp


One day I checked my email and I received three separate emails (along with a few voicemails) from people very enthusiastically inviting me to "rdrama.net". Usually my email inbox is very slow, so to have multiple people emailing me over the course of one day was exciting. The emails I received told me that people were discussing my website on rdrama.net, and I was provided a link to this thread.

Link: https://rdrama.net/h/slackernews/post/330633/i-found-a-website-uglier-than

In this thread, people seemed bewildered by my opinions and blunt honesty, but they were unexpectedly welcoming and encouraging despite this (or probably because of this). I always have a hard time thinking about how others perceive me, since I will admit, I am fairly strange compared to the average person. I lose sight of this since I am me and I am living this strangeness 24/7, so what is completely normal to me is completely unique and new to other people. Sometimes I will say really stupid things to other people in public because I am slightly nervous when talking to people in person, so I have a harder time pacing my thoughts. This means that I sometimes lose sight of "normal" speak and my own internal words/phrases I made up. Once I gifted an acquaintance cookies. She thanked me and said the cookies were good. I got nervous, giggled, and said, "That's great, I hope they give you good mouth pleasure." The term "mouth pleasure" is one I made up to imply something is tasty, but out of context, it sounds completely sexual. After I said that, I felt my face turn red. Another time, I was talking to an acquaintance about delicious food I had just eaten and I casually said, "I one throated that food". The term "one throat" implies you ate something so quickly in one go, "one throat". But after saying it, I immediately realized that term was something I say to myself internally, not externally. It also sounds very similar to "deep throat", so I was embarrassed after I accidentally said that. (I originally heard this term on Impractical Jokers and it resonated with me.) All of this to say, my eccentricities sometimes make me seem more fascinating compared to other people, because other people are very similar to one another and thus, they do not stand out.

Also, someone in the rdrama.net thread was wondering if I was a :marseytrain:. Is it because I use Arch? What about me emanates mentally ill man who shaves his taint? I took great offense to this, because what biological male has a cute face and is 4' 11"? That would be the absolute :marseytrain: jackpot, and if I were a :marseytrain: that had hit such a jackpot, I would definitely have capitalized on that. But instead, here I am writing this and making websites for s*x offenders, sans girldick. Plus, all :!marseytrain:s sound the same. They sound like a deranged Mickey Mouse, and my voice sounds nothing like that. I have a very authentic, biological, female voice. Perhaps you haven't spent enough time watching :!marseytrain:s to know this. I implore you to spend a few minutes educating yourself. Go to https://www.tgtube.com/

Here's an example of me talking versus how a :marseytrain: sounds when he tries to sound like a girl. I've perfectly replicated how these mental basket cases talk via the power of Kdenlive.

Now you can spot a :marseytrain: without even setting an eye on one. You're welcome for the masterclass in how to :marseytrain: spot for blind people.

Overall, I was amused by this encounter because it was a glimpse into how people react when they visit my website and read my opinions. Usually I am completely blind to people's perceptions on these things, since there isn't a comment section on my HTML pages. It was also nice to see a website with a solid and active userbase that is completely separate from the usual r-slurred back-doored NSA Telegram chat, Groomercord group, or other NSA controlled "social media" website. I'm pretty sure rdrama.net uses Lemmy, which is open source (and federated) software that mirrors the Reddit look. If you are opposed to using reddit because you do not wish to start estrogen pills, then using a Lemmy instance would be a better solution for you.

In my case, while I appreciate the kind reception and invitations to rdrama.net, I am not a fan of the Reddit style/form of communication, nor do I tend to use websites that require accounts (withe exception of e-mail and my Peertube).

A lot of the time I prefer to post opinions and share ideas/responses anonymously, as this serves a few primary benefits:

1. No one will agree/disagree with my opinion simply because I said it. When I post an idea anonymously, I can get honest feedback that is not tainted by someone's opinion of me.

2. I generally do not use any website with a profile system. I don't like cliques that tend to come with profile-based websites. For example, on forums you will have cliques, a reputation, a post number history attached to your profile which seemingly dictates your worth. There are too many factors a profile adds that taint a discussion; as now the person is more important than the discussion at hand.

3. I can post something I do not actually mean without someone having the ability to confirm if I actually believe that thing due to my post history. Anonymity gives you freedom to be a completely different person. This allows anonymous posting to be much more fun due to its chaotic nature.

It's important to note that a website page is different from a discussion. While I operate a website where I write my thoughts/opinions, in a setting of discussion, I vastly prefer for ideas to hold value over who said the idea. When identities get involved in a discussion, the ideas can be tainted simply by the identity saying them. Whereas if the discussion was held anonymously, the thoughts and ideas are judged on their own merit alone.

I understand this is unconventional thinking for most people and that I am in a great minority. I personally prefer to operate like this, but I understand why most people do not have issues with profiles and discussions tied to an identity. While I personally do not make accounts on social websites due to my own personal beliefs, I think there is a good chance some of my readers may like this website. I think it's important to spend leisurely internet time on websites that are separate from globohomo ones. I encourage you to at least look at this website out of curiosity, and perhaps join if it's something you like. By having more users interact on such websites, it gives those who were once reluctant to use. Only a few years ago (around 2017) many open source federated websites were dead due to low adoptability since people did not want to use websites with a low userbase. Thanks to those who choose to use them regardless, it has given them more value, and thus, those who will only join is there is a sufficient userbase will now be more willing to utilize these better websites.

I encourage everyone to go and check out the rest of the column! :marseyhappytears:



Reported by:
My favorite Dragon Ball fight

!saiyans what's yours?

youtuber speedruns getting banned from sports betting apps for knowing finance
r/theadamfriedlandshow has been banned

The downward spiral keeps going, yet another CT sub has fallen. 😭 Cumboys and cumgirls are the most persecuted people on reddit. Nick leaves, and now reddit kicks us off again. Dark times.

Many NSFW subs recently got banned for being "unmoderated" actually like /r/drugs. reddit sucks butt.

/r/redscarepod is next in line for the rope, betting on it.

Edit: NVM it's back up :marseyembrace:

Gen z boss and a mini discourse is still ongoing :siren: this is not a drill :siren:

Someone manages to work in Visualizing The Apple and The Heatmap into gen z boss and a mini criticism

He missed incorporating the BQ but someone else has his back

YWNBAT is a novel take

SPAL jumpscare

This is the first time I've seen anyone rightly call out the scrote menace with regard to this though. So even after like a year on, the discourse is still evolving :marseypraying:




This was posted on rDrama a year ago but without annotation or marseys.

The reddit OP is [[[deleted]]] but his legacy lives on.

Pinned comment:

You can read the full context behind the 'You will never be a real woman' YWNBAW copypasta here


The link does not offer full context. It references its origin on a 4chan thread but doesn't even give the get.

:!marseyfreedomofspeech: You can say whatever you want but it is true. Just because you "feel" you are a woman, doesnt mean you are one. Period. Its all in the post

:marseyakshually: Psychiatrists disagree with you.

:marsey: Psychiatrists can say what they want, you will still, never be, a woman.

:marseywitch2: Why not?

:marsey: Because You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs... [the full copypasta]

:marseywitch2: So what gives you more authority to make that judgement than psychiatrists?

:marsey: So essentially, this is my reasoning:

You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. [full copypasta]

:marseywitchtriggered: That's not reasoning. You just reposted the copypasta.

(Yeah no shit, that's what it's there for :marseyxd:)

:marseyslab: Because for some reason you aren't getting the message.

His observation doesn't come from an appeal to authority, like yours and "psychiatrists" do. His observation is based off of reality.

I can say I feel like an Asian woman. I can say I feel like a foxen kin, and psychiatrists can agree that I AM one, all they want, but the fact remains I was born a white male. Nothing changes this. Surgery doesn't. Altering my hormones doesn't. Changing my posture and clothes doesn't.

Would you like me to pasta that copy for you, again? Or is 4 times good enough?

:marseywitch2: [gay shit about appeals to authority and meta discussion]

Heres the climax!

:marsey: I'll ask you point blank then: You think a man is a woman the moment he believes himself to be one?

:marseywitch2: Yes, she is.

:#pronouncorrection: INTENSIFIES

:marsey: [[[ Removed by Reddit ]]]


:marseywitch2: Except that the overwhelming scientific consensus on the subject is that gender identity exists separately from biological s*x, and that altering the latter to match the former is better, more healthy, and more feasible than the inverse.


:marsey: As per my last two paragraphs [[[removed above]]], your comment qualifies as this conversation being ended.

:marseywitch2: If you're not willing to converse without me rejecting science in favor of supporting your bigotry, then yeah, we can't really continue from there.

Our brave little biological reality warrior then goes on to frick everything up by resorting to 2015 insults.

:marsey: You're a bootlicker, incapable of thinking for yourself. Probably a cuck. Thanks for removing yourself from the gene pool

The battle continues, a year past the original post date. I won't copy it here, it's off in the weeds past the original point but here's the link many layers deep:


A couple of teasers if you want to delve into the ancient battlefield:

  • Imagine calling someone a "bootlicker" because they're more pro-freedom than you

  • Freedom to sin is terrible for the soul. Should be stopped immediately. Inshallah.

  • If I want to commit a sin that hurts me and me alone, then I see no reason why laws should exist to restrict that. It's my afterlife to afterlive.

  • There is no such sin that only affects the sinner.

  • Ivan Karamazov ... Grand Inquisitor ... Long gay quote from some dead russian with a stupid name :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:

  • Yeah I'm not reading that great wall of china long text wall

  • Your lack of classical education does not render Dostoevsky obscure, kid. (my favorite cringe out of all of this)

  • Those who believe in omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent gods must know that such hypotheticals bla bla

  • [the battle ends 2 years after the original thread]

Honourable Mention (!bardfinn spelling)


You 😎👉 will never ❌ be a real 😍 woman 👩. You 👉 have no 🙅🌈 womb 👶, you 👈 have no 🙅🏻❌ ovaries 🗣👩🏾, you 👈 have no ❌🚫 eggs 🥚. You 👈 are a homosexual 🏳️‍🌈 man 👨🏼🚫 twisted 🥨 by drugs 💊 and surgery 🏥 into a crude 👺 mockery 😤 of nature's perfection 👌.

All 💯 the "validation" you 👈 get 🉐🇮🇹 is two-faced and half-hearted 💔. Behind ↩ your 👈🏾 back ⬅ people 👨 mock 😨😟 you 👈🕛. Your 👉👶🏼🚀 parents 👪🛬 are disgusted 🤢 and ashamed 😩 of you 👈, your 👉 "friends" laugh 🤣😂 at your ⛓👉 ghoulish appearance 🔎 behind 👟💥 closed 🚫 doors 🚪.

Men 👨 are utterly 🐄 repulsed by you 👉😏. Thousands 👌🌼💯 of years 🗓 of evolution 🐒 have allowed 😖 men 👨 to sniff 👃 out frauds 🚫 with incredible 😯‼❗ efficiency 📊. Even 🌃 :!marseytrain:s 🙋‍♂️👠 who "pass" look 👀 uncanny and unnatural 👽 to a man 👨🌊. Your 👉 bone 🍖 structure 🏠 is a dead ☠ giveaway 🎉🥳🎊. And even 🌃 if you 👈 manage 🧔 to get 🉐 a drunk 🍺🍻 guy 👨 home 🏠 with you 👈, he'll turn 🔄 tail 🍑 and bolt 🏃🏻‍♀️ the second ⏱ he 👥 gets 🉐📴 a whiff 🤑 of your 👉🏄🏾📝 diseased 😷🐱, infected 😖 axe 🙌😤😠 wound 💨.

You 👈 will never 🚫💩 be happy 😊. You 👈 wrench 👨🏿‍🔧 out a fake 👻 smile 😊 every ☝ single ☝ morning 🌄 and tell 💬 yourself it's going 🏃 to be ok 👌💯, but 🍑 deep 😱 inside 💠 you 👈 feel 😜 the depression 😭 creeping 💥 up ⬆ like 💖 a weed 🍁, ready 😏 to crush 😘📏 you 👈 under ❌⬇👇 the unbearable 😤 weight 😔😓💤.

Eventually 💦🍆 it'll be too much 😩😂🙀 to bear 💯🐻 - you'll buy 💰 a rope ➰, tie 👔 a noose 😔, put 🔛 it around 🔃 your 👉😘 neck 🐪, and plunge 😵😲😩 into the cold ❄ abyss 😍😝. Your 👉 parents 👪 will find 🔎 you 👉, heartbroken 💔😢 but 🍑 relieved 🤤 that they no 😣 longer 🍆 have to live 😩 with the unbearable 💥👃👎 shame 😳 and disappointment 🙃. They'll bury ⚰ you 👈 with a headstone marked 🖍 with your 👶👈 birth 👑 name 📛, and every ☝ passerby for the rest 💤 of eternity 🌋🆎💅🏿 will know 🤔 a man 👨 is buried 🕳 there. Your 👉 body 💃 will decay ☠ and go 🏃🏼‍♀️ back 🔙 to the dust 💨, and all 💯 that will remain 😥 of your 👉 legacy 🐒🌄 is a skeleton 💀 that is unmistakably male 👦.

This is your 👉🏠🍕 fate 💀☠. This is what you 👈 chose 👉😎👈. There is no 🙅💔🚧 turning 💫↩ back 🔙.

!chuds !transphobes !historychads

:marseywall: foid can't handle god's weakest :marseycoomer2:
why can't I just meet a nice girl


Let's read Daily Mail commenter opinions on Dry January

The article:


The comments are full of alcoholic boomers in denial, furiously :marseycope:ing and :marseyseethe:ing:









A lot of these guys seem like they have quite serious alcohol addictions.


This is the classic Daily Mail alcohol "gotcha" - completely ignoring that if you're an alcoholic then you'll die 20 years earlier and in severe pain after decades of poor health.

Low-key this guy is kinda cute






https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736879835Y9GL_ZAxehtGpg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1736879835tZKhhFdJDPehKA.webp


Reported by:
Brave Dramasoldier Has Ended Up Causing a Chain Sneedaction

You might know this guy from a recently posted thread from @BussyBoy where he says some mean things about a dead minecraft youtuber. I don't know if he wants his channel to be associated with rDrama so I'm going to refer to him as Brian.

Apparently BB/Brian NOT ONLY made fun of a dead guy BUT two weeks before he also made a very insensitive joke where he refers to a black minecraft pig as a "pigger". In fact, this issue was so massive that the part where he says it is the MOST REPLAYED part of the video AND sponsorblock has it marked as the highlight of the video.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737942256V4GIktebzSFYMg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737942256SQX2vM1S02FesA.webp

This generated its own sneeding with many users calling this joke really insensitive.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737942256xKPZuSHKPzH0tg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737942256aEqGolcH2Wp8Mw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17379422563D8hC0Ie99lyMw.webp

Not long after posting the drama died down (because preteens have the attention spans of flies) and everything was fine... UNTIL someone brought it up again in the drama referenced earlier.

The replies are pretty boring because, like I said before, we're dealing with children.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737942256HPz67zbuMCkebA.webp Just wanted to include this screenshot because it's so fricking funny that this dude doesn't get the joke after like 3 replies.

HAVE NO FEAR, ANOTHER YOUTUBER IS HERE! Totaling at 770k subs, TheMisterEpic chimes in to defend Brian!

He whiteknights for Brian like a good friend and mentions the obvious fact: it's ragebait made to generate discussion

Here's his whole discussion with OP

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737942257DH6OUotK8IMGdA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737942257PMS5Zlc6LfooQQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17379422573wmPFphz5-I-cw.webp

Now, back to the main tweet. Xitter user TheWorstOfTwt informs everyone that TME is a heckin chud and that nobody should subscribe to him.


I don't care for minecraft so all of this discussion is boring. Feel free to mess with people, maybe deny all the atrocities that happened? Maybe claim these youtubers are black? Idk

editorial note post writing: the guy who made the callout thread is suicidal lmfao https://x.com/Owehttamy https://www.twitch.tv/owehttamy



This dude has been a member of Ars Technica's forums for 24 years and somehow thinks that the AI bubble is bursting because... it's continuously getting better and new products are being launched? Maybe he's just talking about the financial side of things but even then I don't really see it.


Imagine the reportmaxxing potential on a 24-year-old account.





These guys make Redditors look smart.



I'm sorry that you missed the crypto boom, please get over it.


This is the most downmarseyd comment in the thread. Attacking China is BANNED.


This comment was also towards the bottom, but has 67 upmarseys so must be a fairly popular opinion.

Brock and Rusty

Slipped and sprained my ankle.... RIP, productive Juju :marseycry:

I'm watching medicinal cyraxx content. OHHH GAWDDD... Bless up, Marty. !ranchers !animalposters !cats



https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738349770zvSX1vuHMYQqqQ.webp (link)

Astronomers have been left red-faced after announcing the discovery of a new near-Earth asteroid — only to realize that the supposed space rock was the remains of Elon Musk's cherry-red Tesla Roadster and its spacesuit-clad driver "Starman."

The misidentified object, which was launched into space on board a SpaceX rocket in 2018, highlights a growing problem in astronomy that could lead to costly errors, researchers say.

On Jan. 2, the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center (MPC) added a new object, dubbed 2018 CN41, to its list of near-Earth asteroids. The supposed space rock was identified by an unnamed amateur astronomer in Turkey using years of publicly available data, Astronomy.com reported. However, just 17 hours later, the MPC released an editorial notice retracting the discovery after the citizen scientist realized they had made a mistake.

The Tesla Roadster, which was previously used by Elon Musk, was launched into space on Feb. 6, 2018, as the test payload for the maiden launch of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket. The publicity stunt garnered widespread attention at the time, partly due to Starman — a mannequin in the car's driving seat that was wearing a likely defective spacesuit and "listening" to David Bowie's album "Space Oddity" on loop.

The car and its driver headed toward Mars after escaping Earth's gravity and were supposed to enter a stable orbit around the Red Planet, which raised alarms at the time that it could become a potential Martian "biothreat" if it accidentally crash-landed there. However, the pair overshot their target and instead entered a stable orbit around the sun. Now, it circles the sun and occasionally zooms past Mars.

The Tesla has now completed roughly 4.5 trips around the sun, traveling at roughly 45,000 mph (72,000 km/h), according to whereisroadster.com. This means that the car has now exceeded its initial 36,000-mile warranty around 100,00 times.

However, the car is probably unrecognizable now after being exposed to years of intense radiation from the sun and bombarded by tiny fragments of space rocks, which have likely stripped the outer layers of the car and shredded Starman.

This is not the first time that human-made objects have been mistaken for near-Earth asteroids. The MPC has temporarily listed a number of spacecraft as space rocks over the last two decades — including the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, NASA's Lucy probe, the joint European-Japanese BepiColombo mission and others — as well as rocket boosters and other debris, according to Astronomy.com.

This type of confusion will also likely increase as more human-made objects are launched into space.

These misidentifications could lead to more false alarms for near-Earth asteroids, which could in turn result in costly errors, Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Astronomy.com. "Worst case [scenario], you spend a billion [dollars] launching a space probe to study an asteroid and only realize it's not an asteroid when you get there," he said.

While space agencies and private companies are required to accurately track their products in orbit around Earth, there is currently no legislation that forces them to do the same for spacecraft and debris that escape Earth's gravity, like the Tesla Roadster.

However, "such transparency is essential for promoting space situational awareness, reducing interference between missions, [and] avoiding interference with observations of natural objects," members of the American Astronomical Society warned in a 2024 statement.


The more I learn about Russians the more I hate them




Tariff Trudeau

No background


Original Tigger Trudeau


!marseyartists !marseyfans


Babies are 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY! We are tired and proud!

!animalposters !cats

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