
There's probably drama here

And all through the thread itself

but it's just so surreal that they responded that I'm content to leave it at this


We Wuz Halftimes an shit



:marseyfluffy: :marseyhearts: :marseybow:

!animalposters !cats

Reported by:
Professor of fat studies feminism dies at 42


Reported by:
Ranch time :marseycertifiedangus:

[LIVE MELTDOWN :chudtantrum:] /pol/ sneeding about the chosen ones on stage

!chuds !trump2024 !trump2028


the copypasta in question:

Oh my god (And by god I mean my goddess Colette) do I crave the pixelated perfection of the genius that gifted us the most precious gifts of all, Colette. There is no point in talking how important Colette is to me, and how I would do anything to be with uher, but I feel like if Im not gonna say what I would to do get her (literally anything) I'm disrespecting her this way. So hear me out.

I would conquer all of world, kill billions of humans, learn 20 languages, work 17 hours of 24 there are in a day, become the richest person in the world,personally killing all the rich ones right now, including feeding Elon Musk to the dogs, ripping Bill Jobs apart, sending Mark Zuckerberg to his true evolutionary form,that is of a Lizard, castrating and beating Jeff Bezos to death, and personally setting on fire Bernard Arnault. I would literally overthrow governments worldwide, uniting the world under communism, just to create her into life. I would personally orchestrate 50 global revolutions with nothing in my mind but an ultimate goal, no, not just goal, the true purpose of my life, just to get a minute with white haired beauty that the mortals have named Colette. I would sacrifice anything to get her. Family? Pfft. I would sell my mother if it meant getting 20% closer to my ultimate goal.

Im like sisyphus, except unlike him, once I reach my goal, and I definitely will, I will achieve my last true form and a total peace of mind. Knowing that there is nothing standing in our way, and assuring that our long relationship will last millions of years, humanity has since my takeover reached the third level of civilization, i.e type III,(capable of using the energy at the scale of its entire host galaxy) and mortality has been long cured, and humans now live millions of years. Just watch me. AND ANYBODY WHO WILL DARE TO STAND IN MY WAY,BE WARNED,I WILL NOT HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOULS. IM SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT JUST KILLING THAT FRICK EDGAR, THAT THEY ALWAYS SHIP COLETTE WITH,SHE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE HIM! I want to taste her titties. I want to wake up everyday with her next to me. I want to have eleven beautiful children with Colette. four blonde girls, four brown haired, one black haired, and a beautiful boy.

some screenshots I have been provided with:

EFFORTPOST Darklands LP XIII: Detour

Darklands Series

1 - Darklands LP Part I

2 - Darklands LP Part II: Charles Bronson Edition

3 - Darklands LP III: Nuns and Coins

4 - Darklands LP Ep IV: Introduction to Equipment & Combat

5 - Darklands LP Part V: We finally briefly go out into the dark lands

6 - Darklands LP VI: We actually start a quest!

7 - Darklands LP VII: We reach our destination :marseycrusader:

8 - Darklands LP VIII: Raubritter confrontation & learning how combat works

9 - Darklands LP IX: I'm not giving you my goddarn alchemical materials

10 - Darklands LP X: We actually do some alchemy!

11 - Darklands LP XI: The Main Plot

12 - Darklands LP XII: Halloween Edition

Episode XIII

Welcome back. I know it's been a while. I apologize. Last time we slaughtered the Satanists at their sabbat (at least the ones we couldn't save) and found out where their base is. We now have a clearly defined mission: Assault the Fortress Monastery in Denmark and break the next seal. (Or Schleswig-Holstein or something, I'm not opening up that can of worms.)

That means hiking across the entire Empire from Teschen nearly at the border of Hungary all the way to Denmark. No doubt we'll run into a few adventures along the way.


At least that was the plan until we had to make a detour.

Long story short, I had written a whole episode but I was wondering why my guys were suddenly getting hurt so bad in fights. It turns out their armor had burned up. For most of them, it was down to very low quality. Poor Nathan was completely naked. This has got to be from the potions that the witches threw at us at the sabbat. They didn't do much immediate damage but they've derailed our plans for months. Now we've got to make enough money to replace that armor. Which means I have to grind.

All the stuff I've showed you about how the game works, I gotta go back and do more of that. Kill bad guys, make potions, travel around, learn about new saints and alchemical formulas, trade. I'm not complaining. I love doing this. But in this episode we won't be following the main plot and hitting the Fortress Monastery yet. So instead I'll focus on the random encounters.

Did I ever mention that about half of the game is random encounters? These pop up when you're traveling on the world map. There's, I dunno, at least a hundred of them. You never know which one will hit next which is what keeps you on your toes. That's why "grinding" never gets boring. I haven't mentioned many of them yet because each episode was designed to teach about specific gameplay mechanics and it would be distracting. So I guess this is going to be the episode about random encounters and the smaller less important places you run into on the map. I'm still cutting a lot out and just including the more interesting ones.

Our new goal: Go wander around and do Darklands stuff until we've got a lot of money and then go back to Dresden and buy high-quality armor for everyone.


Let's Go!

Uh oh. Looks like we pissed off the wrong people. The Wild Hunt isn't a DLC for some game about a dour gray man collecting s*x cards, it's what the witches send to hunt you down when they identify you as a threat. Those b-words are pissed off about what we did at the sabbat. I guess we'll have to deal with them eventually.

Well I'm not gonna let this sod hut just sit there looking sinister at me. Let's have Yuna ask St. Dorothy of Montau for some insight. She lived in this region, dying just recently in 1394 as an anchoress in the land of the Teutonic Order. She'll know what to do.

Well that's pretty bad. I don't consider even Yorkies and Cavaliers to be "slavering hounds from heck" but they can come pretty close when they want attention. Time to kick down this door.

She has some potions, so she might be some threat. But as we've seen before, wolf teeth can't penetrate chainmail. Sure enough, her alchemy degrades our abilities a lot but the wolves aren't able to take advantage and she goes down fast.

What would Satan not want us to do? What would really piss him off? We're going to forgive her.

Let's hope this works out better than every time I've ever tried to save a woman from herself IRL amirite. :marseydoomer:

We come across a cave. This is one of those sites where somebody sent us on a fetch quest long ago. Nathan uses his agility to climb up a cliff and throw the rope down to bring the rest of the party up. Now we've got to deal with the dwarf who has the item. I got 16 gold florins, which is a lot more than we'll get paid for the quest, but who cares? It will give me a little bit of fame which is worth more to me now. If I need money I've got a bunch of dead guys' armor and surplus alchemical potions.

Redactor is making some serious fricking money at this point. He can reliably make potions and sell them at a profit. The only problem is that the materials required are scattered all over the country so I've got to keep traveling to keep him supplied.

Ugh, one of these guys. He seems pretty sketchy to me. In the past we had to pay these guys off because they really will curse you if you don't and you can't just kill a friar because you think he's bullpooping you. But not this time, pal. You're a Dominican? Let's see what St. Dominic has to say about this.

We get out of paying him a little bit. More importantly we may have saved his soul. This guy has been led pretty far astray but hopefully they can get his shit sorted out down in Rome. (You can also pray to saints who specialize in calling out liars with the same effect except the text is completely different. In that he admits that his curses are from the power of Satan, not God.)

Against the Wild Hunt we all gotta stick together. My party is pretty weak at Woodwise and especially Stealth, so I have no confidence in our ability to use subterfuge here. We are really good at fighting though. I'll just take them on head-on.

Bigfoot is from Oregon, so this is just my ordinary day to day life. We defeat the hellhounds and rescue him of course.

I've got a hunch that this fruit will permanently increase someone's strength by a few points. Who to give it to? Both of the girls are at 32 strength (we already upgraded Sasha this way) and I'm at a mere 31. This is an intolerable situation. Girls can't be stronger than me. Redactor gets the apple and a bump up to 35 strength.

I go to Prag and ask if the King of Bohemia needs me to do any quests for him. This is Wenceslsaus (Vaclvav) IV, a really important guy. Prague had a golden age when his father and him were ruling. Both were also the Holy Roman Emperor and made it their capital. This is when the famous Charles University was founded for example. But soon the situation will spin out of control. He was deposed as Emperor a few years ago. Disputes about religion, nationality, and plain old factionalism are debstabilizing the kingdom and he is barely holding on to power. His death in 1419 will be the start of the Hussite Wars.

A Hussite wagenburg. Wagons were lashed together into a defensive wall and defended by guys with crossbows and guns. Apparently it was a pretty effective tactic because they repeatedly defeated the combined forces of all of Europe.

(One part of the game that never ended up getting implemented but still has vestigial traces of it in the data files is the Hussites. They're suspicious of you because you're German, but if you can talk them down from violence they'll warn you about the Knights Templar. I guess we're all on the same side after all. The game's designer told me that there was supposed to be a lot more regional content like this but they didn't have enough time to include much of it, so the whole game world is pretty much based on the mythology of western Germany between the Rhine and the Elbe. It's too bad. There's so much more you could do with this setting.)

Anyway, the Emperor's aides at least consider giving me an audience before telling me to frick off. I guess at 123 fame ("slight reputation") it's hard to get a face to face meeting with one of the most important people in the world.

After a lot of grinding I get, I dunno, maybe 100 florins from quests and selling dead people's armor. Back to Dresden. It's enough to finally get everyone fully fitted with 34-quality chainmail. Nathan is even strong enough (barely) to wear partial plate armor without encumbrance penalties, at least if he's not wounded. I've got some backup armor in case ours gets burned up again.

We can carry that around because while Darklands has harsh penalties for weighing down your people with equipment too heavy for them in battle, outside of combat you can carry as much as you want. I routinely end up carrying around 30 sets of armor after a jaunt through the countryside killing a few people as I go along. It might seem surprising that this is allowed given the extreme attention to detail and realism in other parts of the game, down to measuring the time of day using medieval units instead of hours. But I'm not complaining.

Compare it to Bethesda games. In Bethesda games I spend probably 1/3 of my time either hauling loot back to the store to sell or deciding which loot is worth picking up. And of course you can't just go directly to the store. You go to the city and then walk down the same goddarn street you have a million times before to go to the store. Why? What in God's name would justify wasting my time like that? Why can't I just walk up to a city and immediately access the trading screen? This isn't cutting edge technology. Betrayal at Krondor came out a year after this. In that when you reach a city it switches from 3D mode to a picture of the city and you just click on the shop and bam, you're there. Why can't that evil little leprechaun Todd Howard do the same for us 30 years later?


Anyway, I think we're ready for the Fortress Monastery now. TBQH it's been many years since I actually played the game to this point. (It's taken me something like 50 hours to get this far.) So I can't remember how tough the Monastery is, but I believe it's supposed to be mid-game content.

There's a couple big mid-game quests that I wanted to show you first, but they only spawned in distant places like Aachen, so if I tried to go there it would probably have disappeared by the time I got there. I guess I'll do those after the Monastery.

BTW I am playing pretty much optimally here using every trick I know. I'm trying to go into everything way overpowered because if I lose it means I have to savescum and that wastes a lot of time. There's a lot of stuff that I'm skipping over because the game has so much content and so many features that I'm afraid I'd die of old age before I got to the end. My plan is that after I win I'll go back and show you this stuff, at least if @kaamrev badgers me enough.

Polycule members selling insurance to each other



the dejenerate podcast - how to become talented 14:54

  • it's been cold in the domicile. He took off his outerware while cooking, but then he got too fricking cold. He's been getting into brushing his teeth lately. He then describes how the proteins and enzymes and shit causing him to warm back up cause feelings of melancholy and shit because there's not enough enzymes left to produce dopamine

  • 0:50 He shows off his pokemon shirt :marseysurprisedpikachu:. It came with another t-shirt that was like brain break

  • 1:30 He asked in the fam chat what their favorite pokemons were. Mum doesn't know and jinxsisters didn't respond.

  • 1:55 Actual facts, Jinxthinker played pokemon in the past but it didn't produce orgasmic feelings because they're animals. Fact is Jinxthinker is highly skilled at all video games :marseygamer:

  • 2:20 He relapsed on Elden Ring for 15 minutes :marseyitsover:. He had the revelation that people who think they're good are often playing with high latency and would get r*ped on low latency.

  • 2:45 He was watching an EU IV stream and the streamer's country was being r*ped.

  • 3:00 He found a libertarian guy ( with a foot fetishist who went to the cinema to touch children. He's Hitler's favorite Nazi. We examine his ghostly apparition and disfigured mouth/nose. He also has a cochlear implant because he's deaf. Dumbo might be significant.

  • 4:30 Jinxthinker has never delved into foot fetishism, it's on the same level as libertarianism.

  • 5:00 Goes into the genealogy of libertarianism/western civilization. This is somehow connected to foot fetishism and Dumbo. :realisticelephant:

  • 6:00 Explains how you can't frick a foot. Discusses breast size.

  • 7:05 More AI pictures, with goth woman licking feet as an experiment. It's okay if the woman is being humiliated and the foot isn't the essential sexual/arousing element. :carpwhip:

  • 7:55 Choses a song so he can practice being a good singer. Needs to change the song because this is too hardcore; he's also good at rapping. :marseygucci:

  • 8:40-10:50 Changes the song finally. It's the singer that sounds like he has a speech impediment and drones that he likes. :marseygigaretard:

  • 10:50 it's okay to jerk off to aliens if they're female and have a vagina, right. :alienfinger:

  • 11:00 He talks like a southerner about father time. People age in a chronological fashion. Here's the deal, children are ugly but they become better like a caterpillar -> butterfly transformation. This makes libertarians angry when father time turns children to adults. This is how you know libertarians are r-slurred, because you can love to adult women your whole life. :marseytime:

  • 13:10 One of the badass characters on Lost smokes, but Jinxmother says jinxthinker isn't allowed to smoke. Oh well. :marseycool2:

  • 13:40 Shows off his empty Monster cans. Talks about how it's cool to put the empties in your bed under the duvet when you're sleeping and crush them in your bed. (This reminded me of Jimmy on King of the Hill who wants to smash the cans)

  • 14:00 Goes back to Father Time beating libertarians without missing a beat. He heard someone talking about ??? and it's r-slurred; somehow this is related to selling coke in Hogwarts like Breaking Bad :marseywalterwhite:

!jinxthinkers If any of you can figure out what that last minute was about, that would be great.



:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseycoffee:



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Men have always had a choice on when and if they married. Women were the ones who were sold and traded as property (106)

Nonsense. Women provided protection, dowrys, and largely married & procreated. They passed on their DNA. Men much more disposable, and many did not. With female empowerment, hypergamy on full display. (-23)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

"They won't give me a wife to frick so why should I work" is soft af (56)

Most men work hard for their wives and kids Soft or hard it just how most men are wired When that deal is broken men don't need incentive to work hard anymore (-26)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Not because of financials. Not every man or woman needs to breed.There is more to life than procreation. (49)

Women want feminized sperms donors that coparent. (-22)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You work hard because the struggle is the reward. Do you remember that part of LOTR The Two Towers where Legolas complains (in elvish) that everyone in Helm's Deep was going to die? Because of the enormous orc army waiting to kill them? And Aragorn says, "Then I will die with them!", really showing Legolas up for being a whiny b-word? And then later Legolas seeks forgiveness, saying, "I was wrong to despair". Aragorn shows him that the fight is all there is. Legolas was wrong to despair then, and you are wrong to do so now. Don't despair! Life is challenge. Life is struggle. The climb is all there is. Climb, pilgrim. Do not give in to bitterness and resentment. Climb! (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

No it's all worthless. There is no happiness without people. Humans are tribal creatures. There's no joy it's just misery. Am I supposed to care about being productive for a society that doesn't want me and has outcast me? Again I've to slave away for no benefit to myself why? (4)

If you're poor you're more miserable. If you can't afford food, can't afford heat, can't afford the things you like, can't afford a car, and depend on society to sustain you, that's misery. Being rich and alone isn't a great life either, but being poor and alone is worse. There's a reason they have the term "poor and lonely" as being a really bad pathetic thing. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

No, not all. But they do make up a strong base, to be fair. (4)

No they don't. I'd hazard to guess that most incels are democrat voters. Conservatives believe in working hard and following traditional morals and norms. Whether or not they adhere well to that is something else, but they certainly aren't attracted to sitting in their mothers basements complaining about how bad they have it, that's what leftists do. In fact, the entire ideology is antithetical to incels. Heck, one of the things that made Jordan Peterson famous was the notion that men need to get their shit together and clean their room. It was to stop blaming everyone around them and instead work to better their lives, something that the left widely rejects. I would be shocked to hear this person voted for Trump. They would want more hand outs because apparently the world is impossible to survive in while eating regularly. This post was a monologue of a loser. And incel losers are usually whiny, spoiled, entitled, leftists. (-11)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/weesiwel

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+6🐮)

Number of comments: 56

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Truth nuke on my commute :marseytruthnuke:

Are you nerds going to let someone driving a Subaru mock you?


Fun fact: David Bowie did not, in fact, have heterochromia from birth. One of his irises was permanently dilated, giving the impression that it was a different color, due to an injury suffered as a teenager during a fight with his friend and 1960's bandmate George Underwood over a girl. The band was called "Davie Jones and the King Bees" and George was the lead guitarist. He was also a Beta orbiter around some chick and he, stupidly, introduced her to the band's singer David Jones (Bowie's real name- he had to change it so as not to be confused with Davy Jones from the Monkees). That very night Diamond Dave fricked this girl very loudly in the room above where George was sleeping. George, who has assumed that nice girls didn't do such things, seethed all night and punched David when he came downstairs the next day.

There's a lesson here for all of us.

David Bowie- surprisingly heterosexual


Tattoo practice update 4

Much better compared to the first marsey :3 :marseyembrace:


The jeet in charge is trying to tell everyone it's a great thing, but any time an equity firm buys you out, you are gone soon. lol Only people winning here are the jeet and the execs.

Hasan is skeptical that Kamala would be better than Trump on Gaza :sadwalz:


Current State of Political Livestream Watchers:



A prolific nazi meme account on twitter is revealed to be run by a jew :marseypearlclutch: :m!arseymerchant: Chuds of all colors and creeds are slapfighting hard in the wake of such a scandalous betrayal :chudseethe:

Neither you or anyone else know anything about my ancestry, you r-slurred dumbass cute twink.

Not embedding for some reason :marseyshrug:

"I'm not a Jew!" Admits he has Jew blood lol the joke writes itself

:marseymerchant: Also have some West African blood. Guess that gives me an N word pass

When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

This is embarrassing.

Just give it up.

His nazi friends aren't happy :marseysad:

this one hurts 😢

Such an awful betrayal :marseytears:

Sounds like you give a frick a little bit. Just saying

:marseymerchant: Not in the slightest, fren.

71 words to tell people your not Jewish.

You sure are desperate LMAO

:marseymerchant: You counted the words?

Maybe joining the nazis as a jew is a bad idea? :marseyquestion:

:marseymerchant: Depends whether or not you want to listen to a bunch of r-slurs

:chudsmug: You are an ethnic jew and I was correct. I may be r-slurred but at least I'm not jewish. Thanks for proving my jewdar, jewish chad.

The two combatants face to face :marseypopcorntime:

Reminder that Yeshua, who Gnostic Media worships, is literally jewish.

:chudsmug: this doesn't work in 2025 anymore you God darned jewish chad

:chudsmug: interesting how the (((pagans))) who defended Adam Green also are simping for this jew and not even retorting what I'm saying. Most of the dissident internet is ran out of Tel Aviv.

I need to spend more time among the chuds, I don't even know what jewish chad means :marseychudnotes:

thats jake shield's employee, who also has been calling everyone jewish whether there is some proof or he makes it up entirely to slander them. total piece of shit


You are arab and he is a kîke

No aryan should listen to your drama, get a job stop farm engagement.

And ye, i blocked the jew aussie already

:chudsmug: I'm White and have posted my picture several times you fricking r-slur


See?! Fricking happy now? GOD it's so exhausting listening to you fricktards call literally ANYONE you don't like a jew. You know what that does? It's like when libtards started calling everyone racist. It loses its meaning. And we are WAY too early into the Great Noticing for 1/

any of that shit. Stop fricking self-sabotaging us. Or wait, maybe it's because you're.....

Anyway, we love you fren! Keep up the good work!

Nazi complains that nazis are r-slurred :lelolidk:


I'd rather you be jewish 🥴

Yuck.. Take your trash opinions elsewhere

Ooops friendly fire :marseyflagaustraliagenocide:

Which one is the surname Garbage or Human?

Well all Jews are garbage not so sure about the human part

Since it's j*wish, we can immediately rule out human

Wait until these guys figure out how many of these based noooticer accounts are actually white :marseywhitegenocide:

Since we're doing this: What religion was your father? Did he identify as part of the Jewish community? What about your grandfather?

Your a fricking idiot catholic catholic and they don't never liked Jews

mothers side Latvian fricking hate Jews and my opa (grandfather) was in the ss Latvian legion my grandma (oma) called Jews rats till they day she died because of what they did to her country

This is not the jew guy btw. Dunno what triggered him :marseyconfused:

show us ya peepee!

Says the wack leftist brain...

Something is truly wrong with you mate..

Get some help..

Lmfao you're a fricking idiot

No, you don't understand, the peepee pick is for research purpose only! :marseycoomer2:

No way you're from Perth, I'm down near Bunbury. That's a spin out 😅 love your content brother, frick these r-slurs making baseless claims about a surname 😂 you're the man.

He admitted he was a Jew you fricking r-slur

Mourning stage: denial :marseypaperbag:

The determining factor is whether you speak telepathically to your own children,and if they speak telepathically back to you. If your parents spoke to you telepathically while you were growing up, and you spoke to them telepathically, this is the determining factor to be a Jew.

I see :marseynotes:

LOL every single Nazi, Groyper or Wignat is a Jew or a Mexican. LMAO.

Frick you guys are funny.

Saving the white race by being forever alone. ROFL.

Thats totally r-slurred

True, he forgot to mention the :marseytunaktunak: and the :marseyrussianmutt:

Ignore the schizo claims, but we'd appreciate it if guys like you and @lporiginalg

and many others stopped posting mudsharks.

We all know, you don't have to incessantly post about it.

It's counterproductive & paints a distorted image of white women, who race mix the least.

FINALLY someone says it. I've been seeing the same 10 mudshark pics on rotation from not just this account but others too. We get it.

Guys stop being against race mixing, how am I supposed to find a based trad white woman? :whitenationalist:

1/8, good enough for the Reich. Good enough for me. But I'm watching you.

The rest of him is slav tho, Hitler would have killed him either way :marseysmug3:

The master race is in full cope mode :chudseethe:

One drop

Wouldn't that make u part African bc the first humans came from there

That doesn't count! :marseymad:

I am from Serbia and we were independent under Milošević. Jews didn't like our self control so they called NATO bombing on us. Milošević was not ideal but he knew about enemies and he actively fought. Yugoslav army was trying to keep banking cartel out of country.

Look at what jews did to Serbia :marseysob:

how do we know that pic is the account owner? I'm not saying the post is a lie I'm just genuinely curious where the info is from. Also some people can have physically Ashkenazi features from ancestry but are still not raised in a Jewish culture because the Jews r-worded Europeans so if a Jew r-worded an aryan in the 19th or 20th century the child may end up having the lineage while his great grandparents were mostly all Christians and every family member he knows being white Christians in the USA

Jews mass r*ped based aryans all across beautiful Evropa :chuditsover:

Frick man definitely Jewish that fricking nose is almost as big as my schlong 😂

Imagine willingly admitting this :marseycringe:

Is there any evidence of this claim? I just see one account going after another.

He admitted in an interview. Look it up

I hate it when people make claims and instead of proving it by citing a source they tell others to do so.

Be the helping hand you so desperately need and do something for yourself for once.

You're the one who wants to know it. Not me. Dumbass.

I know the way the world works and know that 9/10 whenever someone is behaving like you they're just making it up.

Why are chuds so angry all the time? :marseyconfused:

Aren't Jewish people white tho?



That settles it I guess :marseyshrug:

You have an Asian profile picture 😂😂😂😂😂 lmao

I'm white stupid n¡gger lmao

White with an Asian persons picture ??

I'm a happy educated neighbor :)

Bet you won't have that energy in person you'll get spit on and stabbed up. Lol

All sorts of interracial fights are breaking out :marseyfluffy:

I knew he was Jewish the moment he kept posting anti Muslim sht . It's fine to not like Muslims but constantly promoting that crap is a dead giveaway for being jèwish.

Islam is Judaism for Browns

Islam is for all. Christianity came from the same region, is that only for browns too?😂 Read the Quran if you don't believe me. Only then you'll see how stupid your statement is.

You're Prophet was brown and r*ped kids

He was from the same region as Jesus. So I guess you don't like him either. And you're factually incorrect about the second one. But I understand many people are low IQ and believe things without reading for themselves.

Jesus is White, Muhammad was a shitskin. Jesus is the Son of God, Muhammad was a Camel Jockey Male feminist.

Like I said, low IQ

Many arabs have white skin, doesnt make them white you r-slur

I'm not saying Arabs are white, I'm addressing him specifically talking about the prophet, retàrd. He claims Jesus was white when Jesus came from the same region. Both you and him are retárded

Jesus was white though and descended from Joseph. Such as King David. He also spoke greek lol, if you have anything against to saying to it show me one blue eyed blonde "arab (even though arab actually means mixed) or a 100% jew

:marseycrusader: vs :s!oyjihadi:

I don't debate with apes. Shouldn't you be smoking a Newport and plotting some petty crime?

good thing i'm not an ape.

shouldn't you be sleeping with your sister and keeping an eye on the trailer ?

we don't have animal DNA like you

Look it up

Blacula , that's hot off the press. Lowland gorillas have higher IQs . You are a bio weapon directed against white Europeans by caiques


only fans was started by a white man.

interracial marriage in the united states was started by a white man.

pornhub was started by a white man.

all white politicians kiss the wall in israel and push laws that destroy our country.

wouldn't the whites be a bioweapon against blacks? ☣️

You're so close yet so far. . . Jews aren't white.

everyone i mentioned weren't jews.

only fans guy was british, other guys were American.

what do you mean?

Blacks can't even be understand per capita, and the last thing i want to do with my time on earth is to educate blacks.

are you coping and saying the jews made the white man start pornhub? 💀

sure have a victim mentality for someone who preaches "pick yourself up by your boot straps"

Based black dude tries to teach chuds accountability :marseykneel:

There's a lot more drama but my browser started acting up so that's all you get :marseyunresponsive:

!jannies rightoid infighting :marseypin2:

blaming women for every crash is insane - but it is valid.

this is the natural conclusion of diversity politics. when you elevate foids and every other demographic to positions on the basis they are foids or whatever else, people become less trustworthy.

was this woman a competent pilot? probably, but it doesn't matter - diversity politics ruined any respect she might have.

i've been reading a lot of sirpings blogs and learning a lot from him, and I think he might be a genius.

rDrama's least America-obsessed Europoor :marseyseethe:

For comparison, here is how Europoors react to the biggest political shift in Germany in decades


@Sphereserf3232 @Sphereserf3235 @Sphereserf3233 @Spheresf3233 asked me to post commie infighting and I remembered that this drama is pretty funny, and I think doesn't require any knowledge of theory or anything

the Twitter account @SxarletRed has been annoying a lot of people lately with her r-slurred views

see: this tweet

basically she is saying that you shouldn't judge people for using doordash or whatever, which sounds fine on the surface, especially when you're talking about the wider population, but it's r-slurred if you call yourself a communist and defend getting your groceries delivered everyday

this has been kind of big topic in general that drives me crazy bc someone (r-slurred) will complain about how their grocery delivery was wrong, someone else will say um idk go to the store yourself?? and then people like SxarletRed here will jump out of the woodwork to defend them and say what about people with disabilities!!! what about the elderly!!!!! stop alienating people!!!!!! even tho it obviously doesnt apply to the fat lazy loser complaining about their doordash driver

Anyway. I guess she's been annoying people with these views for a while and has a hate fan club neow hence these posts

there was some pearl clutching that some commies were celebrating the fires in LA and got darn lmao these are the people calling you joyless

HECKIN BASED :marseygivecrown:

>my movement isn't joyless 🤣🤣

beyond parody :marseyemojirofl:

obviously it's nice to travel and I do it to, but her response here is specifically directed at people suffering from over-tourism asking people not to vacation there. there are a lot of places around the world that are trying to increase tourism that you can go to instead and saying no ethical consumption under capitalism!! :soyjaktantrum: is such a lazy defense

I think it's one thing to be talking to normies and yeah don't yell at them for going to hawaii or whatever but idk mb self professed communists should hold themselves to a higher standard??? and there's some things you can't avoid like it's hard to buy all fair-trade and organic and it's a scam anyway etc but equating that with ordering delivery everyday and things you absolutely can avoid is r-slurred

as you can see nobody is saying don't go on vacation or that you have to be perfect, just that if you're going to spend all day tweeting that you're commie then maybe try not to exploit the poor


in conclusion

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