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Sо whеn Ι tеļļ khоhоļs guуs ín thе wеst mоstļу hаngíng оut wíth sоvíеt guуs еsресíаļļу саuсаsíаn (nоt mаnу nоn саuсаsíаn řussíаn řеfugееs ín
thе wеst) thаt whаt Ι mеаn, guу wíļļ sооn sсrеаm Аkhmаt Síļа
Thеn ļосаļ hоmоs tеļļ mе but khоhоļs аnd Russíаn аřе nоt thе sаmе
Thеу wоuļd rаthеr hаngоut wíth mоuntаín bеаst thаt аttасkíng thеír hоmе tоwn thаn bоríng Svеn Vоn Рíеmеļ thаt саn hоļd а соnvеrsаtíоn оnļу whеn hе ís drunk аs fuсk
Ι аm аn еxреrt ín сuļturаļ аnd sосíоļоgíсаļ íntеrасtíоns
@duck Ι аm wrоng ?
@duck but íts ļеgít аmаzíng hоw thеу turnеd а 17 уеаr оļd íntо а Саuсаsíаn ín 2 уеаrs, hís fасе mímíсs аrе сhесhеns, hís bоdу ļаnguаge ís сhесhеn, hís ассеnt ís сhесhеn
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there is an open source model stronger than your publicly available models and the weights are free. I can fine tune it to tell me how to make meth pipebombs today. I could upload those weights for anyone to use today. what is even the point of this? https://t.co/nryVv8qLff
— 𝞍 Shin Megami Boson 𝞍 (@shinboson) February 4, 2025
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the maymays said musk was gonna make genetically engineered catgirls why he makin the eggs cost more
- DickButtKiss : lmao i'm gonna start playing this game so I can burn ya - trans lives matter
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Apparently morbius got a C+
Not to go there but we will look back at the insane cultural bubble that was 2019-2022 and the havoc it's wrought on pop culture with disbelief; it will legit be studied.
The way Disney has CRATERED its most valuable IPs in the service of fake cultural clout from what was always a vanishingly tiny minority and audiences that simply don't (and have never) existed as a way to take story telling shortcuts and up their ESG score. It's like something out of a dystopian novel, it nearly beggars belief.
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Reddit commies truly are a blight upon mankind !anticommunists
some are confused
OP is giga cringe
These reddit lunatics are genuinely more dogmatic than the religious fanatics in the 40k universe
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To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.
I'm reading "Petersburg" as part of our book club, but because it's a one chapter per week basis I started "Brothers Karamazov" this week as I never read it before and I recently got a wonderful edition by Editora 34 (the only Dostoevsky book I had read was C&P).
So far I wonder if terrible fathers are just a recurrent theme on Dostoevsky's works.
@Aevann can you
- Arran : new post now neighbor
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We're playing the turboneurodivergent Dawn of Civilization mod for Civilization IV that replicates world history. !g*mers
The first World Congress takes place in Regensburg. The biggest civilizations can request a city change hands.
I select Roha, because Ethiopia has pissed me off all game
Don't care
Voting is done. Final results:
Our only loss is our vassal French colony of Speightstown in Barbados. Not all that important. Is it really necessary to start a world war over it?
The benefit is everyone attacked me, so I get no diplomatic penalties for declaring war on them. I'm ready for a fight Ethiopia, Portugal, Russia, and Japan are my enemies.
Holy Rome did NOT attack me. Wise choice
I am HAPPY to finally fight Ethiopia
Alula Engida falls in the defense of the city.
Once I've taken Aksum their stability starts to tank.
It's got some nice stuff so I'll probably keep it.
I allow for peace, they're probably fukt anyway.
I have a little army I've been keeping in my pocket off the coast of Morocco ready for the American Revolution, they can take out Portugal instead
Lisbon doesn't have SHIT for defenses
I don't even have to do anything, Spain sweeps in and claims it. They earned it.
I set my eye on Portugal's Brazilian colonies instead
But by the time I get there the've collapsed
This army can go to Japan instead.
I'm able to take Nagasaki but don't have enough troops to push further in, and the Japanese start taking out my boats. They'll have to be reinforced later.
In Rhye's and Fall Russia's power was "General Winter" which hurt any invading armies. Would've made for a fun challenge but they no longer have this.
I have a very old but huge assault army in Mesopotamia, I want to sneak them up to surprise Russia
This won't work because Iran won't let me through
Alternate route:
Notice that I can actually see past the fog of war on the map to these cities now with espionage because I've researched electricity.
Iran is also one of the few civs totally dark on the map, they actually have strong antiespionage.
Russia is guarded by Stelets, who start with City Garrison.
But I have Grenadiers These guys ROCK in DoC
Starting with City Raider, two promotions gets them City Raider III AND they get collateral damage
My French vassals hold Tarnopol, I was worried I would have to protect them but they have a pretty solid army in there. I'm so proud of them
Russia is soon willing to surrender Kyiv/Kiev/Kevin
I don't think so. They're capitulating.
Our first female Great General is born during the Russian push, Albia Domenica
I told @Ubie last game I would actually have the next general fight in the field, this will be especially advantageous if I get the Brandenberg Gate wonder up.
The problem with using Great Generals in the field base game is that the risk of losing them at 90% odds over battle after battle is just too great. Most often the AI only uses them like this as a last ditch chance to defend a city, as Ethiopia did. Brandenberg Gate actually incentivizes you to sacrifice them.
I start working on it in Pella, Greece
You may have noticed but I'm lightyears ahead of schedule in technology so I'm really getting crazy with wonders. The Eiffel Tower was just built in Rome with the Statue of Liberty next. Eiffel Tower is super helpful for moar Golden Ages
I'm going to start one now to support the army and get the Brandenberg Gate up. I'm starting to face a recession anyways.
I've also built Chapultepec Castle, further enhancing Padua as a military powerhouse. Units start pumping out with Leadership and three promotions out of the gate
In the midst of all this fricking Morocco declares independence
Around this time foreign occupied nations start to secede. It was probably a toss up which one would. This could have been worse, but I definitely want to take Morocco back. Marrakesh is my naval center.
They have a pretty srs army tho Albia is gonna be the one to go down and fight them.
We need to get Brandenberg Gate up faster for this so I send my Great Engineer Celer.
I'm wasting some hammers here but it's worth it.
Albia's army arrives as the Moroccans advance to Yglgl
No idea what this city is by the way. If anyone else ever decides to look they're going to find my playthrough
Try as I might to send Albia towards certain doom, she's repeatedly successful.
Hey WTF. One of my really really old Roman Legion units joined Morocco
Death to traitors
Finally, in the assault on Shigan Albia falls
Previously, the combat experience to my next next Great General was 66
Thanks to Brandenberg Gate, once she dies it drops to 25
We'll get another general in no time
Marrakesh falls
And we get our second general, another foid, Agrippina
She's going to lead the fight in Japan.
The Kingdom of Prussia spawns, and the cities of Danzig and Wroclaw I conquered from the Russian Empire request to join them..
I don't really want these, so that's fine.
The Holy Roman Empire is reduced to the Archduchy of Austria.
Only sucky thing is they're Protestant so they dislike us
We can deal with them later.
Even during the Golden Age my Economy stability is tanking to a recession I'm not sure if this is because I ran out of trade infrastructure to continually build, or if Free Enterprise is causing this, or maybe a mix of both.
We're still OK on expansion but nearing the overextension point. Overextension would be the major killer if it gets out of control.
With the research of Psychology we hit the Global era (insanely ahead of schedule)
@Soren mentioned
We get a Great Spy, but my espionage is good enough I don't really know what to do with this dude I already have a Secret Service in Rome for espionage output, I can send him to build another one in Byzantion and make that city a spy training center.
Another world congress takes place.
Another world war is gonna be a little much The Ethiopians can have stupid Aksum back.
Moscow falls, and I have a Catholic missionary ready to show them the error of their ways.
Only after pushing into Moscow and France taking Riga is Russia FINALLY willing to capitulate.
Now they are the "Province of Samartia". I will of course return their core cities to them, and hopefully influence them to become Catholic.
You may notice in the diplo tooltip that my stability is just barely dipping into "Unstable"
Japan's navy is unexpectedly annoying.
Agrippina lands ready to take Edo, but we're probably going to need to pivot to Kyoto (Heian-kyou)
Oh, great, it looks like the Ottomans have shown up
Only 400 years late
I'm probably going to have to deal with these secessions like Turkey and Morocco for a while Greece or Egypt seceding would probably be the biggest nuisance.
Now they have the Secret Service
Agrippina is even more stubborn about not dying.
We push into Edo and call a crusade on Japan and they still won't capitulate. Should have figured they would fight to the end.
They eventually collapse. So now I have Japan
and this b-word STILL WON'T DIE
I restore most of Russia's conquered core to them. Hanging onto Poland and Ukraine for now.
I can liberate Ukraine but don't really want to. If I could set Poland free I would, but I think France owning Tarnopol is blocking it.
Russia really likes me now and is willing to convert to Catholicism. Part of the reason I did all this shit was for Foreign stability. Russia is usually a peepee but now we're homies and he's another stable vassal. Japan would have been similar but now that they're out of this world they'll no longer contribute to negative foreign stability.
Turkey goes down
I've fought enough that I've gotten a new Great General naturally.
Planning on raiding Sendai until Agrippina dies to reset the counter Apparently this reset only happens once
Either way, we are now mostly stable.
and finally at peace
I have a Great Statesman available, I may reform the government soon. With Psychology and Macroeconomics I can pick a proper modern government. I'll let you guys choose which direction I should go in.
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- whyareyou : nah
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The dust has mostly settled from the manifest changes, so I thought it would be a good time to ask again.
Old Post link
I'm curious if you guys are still using Firef*x? I just threw in the towel. My main issue is degrading performance, it seems like to use the browser i have to close and re-open it every 12 hours or my performance would slow to a Crawl, I also noticed worse RAM usage than with chrome. I'm going to use chrome a bit to see if the ads effect me, I'm going to KMS if I have to switch back.
old poll results:
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- DickButtKiss : Better rapper than Kendrick, he shoulda done the half time show - trans lives matter
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Shut the fuck up you fat cunt#recasteggman https://t.co/orHxDvCAjK
— Rogue (Blaze) 🇵🇸 (@blazetherogue) February 13, 2025
A voice actor did something you didn’t like? https://t.co/zze99qtuwm pic.twitter.com/3gjMbSlIGL
— Manlet Thorin (@ManletThorin) February 12, 2025
some people r demanding a recast because theyre cancel happy cute twinks
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Thought this shit only happens in movies and shit man. My landladys son and DIL are really going at it. She just threatened to break his face and specs if he said anything about her relatives again. Hes keeping his voice down but seems to drop bombs every now and then from how his wife gets shrill. I have food coming for delivery and they have their door open from when she was screaming at him to get out I really don't want them to see I'm awake but idk how to avoid that. So uncomfortable.
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ANOTHER airplane crash. So many casualties and crashes over the past month. It's almost as if we should have had an FAA chief, head of TSA and not put a freeze on qualified air traffic controllers.
— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) February 17, 2025
But, hey, President Musk wants more of the pie so Trump will give it to him. Good…
Thanks Trump for freezing FAA flight control hires!
— Morgan J. Freeman (@mjfree) February 17, 2025
You are murdering people.
Or are u blaming DEI, Biden & Obama — under which we had nearly no major airline crashes???
BREAKING: Delta flight 4819 from Minneapolis/St. Paul, is upside down on the runway after landing at… pic.twitter.com/AKWSo8w4dn
these two headlines together seem like they should be the end of the Musk Constitutional Interregnum in US politics pic.twitter.com/MO7GJ754ey
— Will Stancil (@whstancil) February 17, 2025
all this time it was literally DEI OR DIE and we didn't realize it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/21zjEnF8sc
— hasanabi (@hasanthehun) February 17, 2025
- TouchFluffyTails : Why can't I comment in this shit hole
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Update 1:
I received a direct message via Reddit from someone holding the position "tech lead for Add-ons at Mozzarella". I will otherwise keep them anonymous. A quick google search of that position does not reveal their name. The individual does have an @mozzarella.com email address.
The individual in question invited me to provide troubleshooting information/Firef*x logs, to which I happily obliged. I will post any updates by appending this comment.
As an additional note, some commenters are suggesting using cowtools such as Revo Uninstaller or checking my registry. I am not a Windows user so this is not applicable.
Is this the answer? Mozzarella Furryfox will sync two daily drivers to info from two weeks ago?? (Probably not lmfao)
Don't be a lameass Furryfox user, be brave! The browser that puts you first | Brave