Immigrant (frick off we're full :cunt: ) flies Aussie flag, r/australian :soycry:


I hate immigrants so much bros. Coming here and appropriating our culture. YWNBAA :marseyindignant: :bruce:

Filthy English coloniser and schizo rightoid shows up, :marseylongpost: about woke mind virus

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Australians all let us rejoice. For we are young and free.

Young? People have been on this land since before it was even an Australian continent. It's old, old as can be. :marseybait:

Regardless of whether the lyrics are right or not, in the grand scheme of things our country is young.

Mate, the Australian grand scheme goes back 50,000 years. This is archaeologically and scientifically proven, why pretend otherwise? Be proud.

White people think everything started with them stealing it.

Those are two completely separate things. Australia being an internationally recognised country happened in 1901, colonisation happened 130 years earlier. There were people on this land before colonisation and there were things here before people even arrived but the country of Australia did not exist until 1901.

Hence "young" in the lyrics.

I am not pretending otherwise I am just saying that out of all the internationally recognised countries, Australia is one of the youngest. I am proud of the ancient history of this land however that history was not during the time that this country existed as a country.

It's both. But if you believe our national identity should focus on just one heritage rather than embracing ALL Australians, then go ahead and sing "young"β€”no one cares.

Wasn't Australia then though.

There wasn't an Australia in 1788 either, but that doesn't stop you from celebrating Australia Day. Funny about that.

That's when it was colonised and it became the country of Australia in 1901 when federation happened. Not sure why you mentioned Australia Day.

We are one and free

Nope and we never will be. Never forgot the people who built and died for this country sang "young and free"

Oh please. Go learn your history. That version of the National Anthem started in the mid 1980s. What people who "built and died for this country" are you talking about?

Woke PM Scott Morrison changed the word from young to one in 2021

These comments show that people just make up scenarios in their head then get mad at it.

Yeah, the Lefties.

They live rent-free in your head, don't they?

Absolutely they do. They've been tearing the Western world apart before our very eyes for the last decade and a half. In fact, if they don't live rent free in your head, I'm more worried about you than anything. Do you just simply enjoy casually watching the West burn at the hands of radical socialist nutters?

Average day for me

6:00 I wake up and remind myself to stay woke for the day

6:15 I make a fair trade oat milk latte and read Jacobin

6:30 Check my Centrelink (I have BPD and dysphoria)

8:00 Go to gender studies school

10:00 Smoke-o (actually, i vape, thanks)

10:15 Critical race theory class

12:00 Lunch (vegan) and a sit-in for Palestine in the cafe

1:30 Marxism lessons

2:00 Go home (I ride a bike, 3 abreast in the right lane)

2:30 Relax with some impossible nuggets and watch my favorite streamers

10:00 Bed time with my 2 transmasc boyfriends (we are a gay polycule)

This is the future all of us leftists want for Australia and you will be forced to assimilate

:marseyagree: !nonchuds what have you done today to destabilise western nations?

It's funny how bang on you are, yet you're trying to be facetious. This is precisely what these nutjobs want. Watch a few of these ffs:

I opened the link and then saw it was that right wing nutjob from Sky News and closed it. If you're going to try and prove an ideology is insane, Sky News isn't a good source

Yeah you're right, we didn't have major corporations at all trying to not even promote Australia Day. What a made up scenario, am I right?!

You think major corporations should be forced to promote public holidays?

The supermarkets stopped selling tacky Australia Day merchandise made in China because it wasn't profitable. That's the reason.

This exactly! If there was even a small profit still in the practice they would bleed it dry. Didn't one of the supermarkets even say that they had been throwing out thousands of dollars worth of Aus Day stock that no one was buying?

Yes it is but people will assume you're a right wing conservative unfortunately and is not a fair thing but just happens.

I'll only assume that if you drape it over your fricking shoulders like a cape.

I love seeing Asian-descent Aussies with the Aussie flag draped over their shoulders with Aussie Tatts on their faces having a barbie in the park etc Beautiful!

I went to a food factory a few weeks ago was sold frozen meat pies by the most bogan Asian I've ever met. Puts the whites to shame.

Who thinks that?


Maybe they assume that about you because you are a right wing nutjob?

I'm not right wing in the slightest. Also not a nut job. I subscribe to common sense, logic, and reasoning, of which the Left is barren.

We can see your comment history bro.

And? You're a complete nobody.

Here's what I think and where they align:

β€’ Closed borders and strong border security (Centre)

β€’ No uterus, no opinion. All life is an inconsequential accident of nature and abortion is not murder (moderate Left)

β€’ No one should have access to firearms except trained professionals such as police and military (moderate Left)

β€’ All religion should be officially abolished and should no longer be able to influence anything real (moderate Left)

β€’ Free speech must be protected at all costs and covers ALL speech. "Hate speech" included (Right-leaning)

β€’ LGBTQIA2+LMNOP nonsense has gone way too far and needs to be dialled back and restricted so that people with zero understanding of how the world works are not longer able to influence it (Right-leaning)

β€’ Everyone should be able to shag whoever they'd like (Left-leaning)

β€’ Promiscuity is not a negative thing whatsoever (moderate Left)

β€’ male feminists, libertarians, and certain murderers should be hanged and made an example of (I have no idea where this fits on the political spectrum)

I don't see a whole lot of Right-wing nutjob there.

And that's relevant because..?

Because you're a nobody trying to tell me what I am or am not. I'm not Right-wing. I'm just not a complete idiot and can see what the Left has done to the Western world.

Dude…. As I said: your comment history is there for all to see. There's two options here:

1 You know you're a right winger but you're trying to pretend you aren't. That'd be pretty stupid given the aforementioned comment history.

2 You genuinely believe you're not a right winger. That would just prove you're stupid because your comment history shows nothing but right (or alt-right) talking points and socio-political leanings.

So which is it? Stupid or really fricking stupid?


Your username is ApacheGenderCopter and you're pulling the ol "I'm just a common sense centrist" malarkey. Get better at lying

You Lefties came out with the 300,000,000 genders bollocks, I'm just the one taking the piss, so you really haven't got a leg to stand on here. Common sense tells us there are only 2 genders. Too easy.

The same common sense that says the earth orbits the sun? Just because you observe it through your biased lense doesn't make it true.

Given the post-invasion shape of this country was created by left wingers, it's funny that people think that's somehow unAustralian. So real Australian is right wing, except the born to rule mob who used to think they were British and now spend their time tugging their forelocks to the Septics.

Your first mistake was calling it an "invasion". You're welcome, by the way.

"you're welcome" too Yankee.

I'm English you mong.

Ok, Pommy, just wondering why you were using that typical Americanism "you're welcome" + passive-aggressive posturing. So your people invaded this country and you're experiencing hurt feelings because someone said so? I guess you're one of those who thinks Cecil Rhodes was a hero and the East India Company was the best thing that ever happened to all those brown people?

No one invaded this country. We found a large piece of unclaimed land, colonised it, created an actual civilisation, and even left the natives alive. That's more than can be said for the Spanish. You don't hear the Aztecs or Incas banging on about how their lives are so hard with all this modern technology. Oh yeah… there's none left to b-word & moan. I don't know who Cecil Rhodes is.

The only "East [____] Trading Company" I know of is based in Solitude, Skyrim. So I'll say it again: You're welcome.

It's not your country mate, even though your forebears invaded it. But pretty much confirm the stereotype of a flag-waving racist.

It is our country, though. That's precisely my point. As a Brit & and an Australian, this is my country. The indigenous themselves considered themselves "custodians" of the land and specifically not "owners" (considering they had no concept of ownership). That makes it free real estate. Sorry. Them's the facts, and the funny things about facts is… drumroll They don't care about your feelings.

Piss off pom.

There it is. The very thing you Leftists swear you're against. While it's not technically racism, it's certainly prejudice towards a specific nation. You people are all the same. Proper airheads, the lot of ya.

Shooting fish in a barrel. Can't you make it a bit harder, snowflake?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Keep yapping, lil bro.

I'm a lefty and I don't care. Even as a lefty I'd proudly display the flag.

Do you believe in 300,000,000 genders and that cis straight white males are the root causes of all problems in the world? Do you absolutely despise Donald Trump and think he's the second coming of Hitler? Do you believe we should be giving children hormone blockers and allowing them to "transition" into make believe nonsense, likely sterilising them in the process? If not, you're not a "Lefty". You're just a left-winger or left-leaning person. "Lefties" are radical socialists hellbent on tearing the Western world apart.

How much time do you spend each day being outraged by the woke mind virus?

Depends on who many stupid posts/comments I come across from dumb Lefties πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ And I'm glad you acknowledged the woke mind virus. The infection's running rampant at the moment but it all stops in less than a week.

What's happening in a week? Something with the planetary alignment? It's supposed to peak in a bit more than a week though

Haha funny. You know exactly what happens. At least 4 years of no-nonsense America will have an incredible flow on effect to the rest of the West. People have already started to feel safe & confident enough to speak up again without the threat of being cancelled.

Do you sleep with Fox news on in your bedroom?

I don't have access to American television so I've never seen it.

You don't have access to brain cells, either.

More than you πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

You're so terminally online you named an account ApacheGenderCopter to spew culture war shit, touch grass kiddo

I'm leftyish and I don't care.

Then you're not a Lefty. "Lefty" refers specifically to the socialist radical wokies pushing anti-Western agendas at every opportunity.


Me for one I don't like it and would never do it but whatever - someone like the OP sounds like his heart is in the right place. Flag waving like this has not always been a thing here and I always associate it with the more rank displays of excessive American patriotism. No offence to the OP at all I'm glad he likes it here and wish him well and I love this place too but there's too much nationalist bullshit going on these days.

There's far too little nationalism going on nowadays. We're taught in our schools to hate our country and that our history is nothing but evil. We are told that there is absolutely nothing special about being Australian and that somebody fresh off the boat that disagrees with everything we stand for as a people is equally as Australian as somebody whose family have been here for generations.

Get real - calm your farm - none of that is true.

It most certainly is true. During my public education I was taught multiple times throughout high school of the evils of the first fleet, the stolen generation, how bad the white man was. Is somebody who has come to Australia and believes the opposite to us but manages to get citizenship an Australian in your eyes? Because they are to many. Is Australian an ethnic group and if not, what is being an Australian?

My mate's grandfather used to kidnap indigenous children. He was objectively a very bad man. My mate even tells me how horrible and racist his grandfather was. The people who used to kidnap indigenous children were often bad people.

When I was a child I remember crowds of white people gathering outside the house of an indigenous family on the next street to scream racist abuse at them well into the night.

That's what Australia was actually like in many places. There's no point hiding the truth. Kids need to know different parts of our history. That's very different to teaching them to hate Australia.

Okay, do you believe that we should teach the barbarity and cruelty of aboriginals before colonisation? Should we teach about the prolific infanticide? The cruel punishments of spearing people in the leg, often for them to then starve? Or should we be hiding that truth?

wtf are you on about?! I'm all for teaching the good and the bad.

But we don't teach any of the bad about aboriginals in public education in Australia. It is incredibly sanitised.

You could always leave?

Thats exactly the sort of comment I was expecting and points to the dogshit mentality that this can represent. It's as much my home as yours c*nt.


That's conservative paranoia, bit like thinking someone's out there is banning you from celebrating Australia Day!

City of Greater Geelong 2022-2024 would like a word. Yes, some places have tried to stop people from having an Australia day.

Most of the inner city Melbourne councils too. Not sure about other states but the invasion day rhetoric here in Melbourne is fricking intense

Right wing conservatives aren't a things here we aren't America

There are no rightoids on rDrama.

If you want to celebrate the true Australia, don't fly that little British colonial flag. Fly or wear our green and gold, it's more Australian than the national flag and colours of Britain will ever be.

The Australian flag is our national flag you fly what you want to fly but don't start this colonial rubbish

"don't start this colonial rubbish" It's literally a British colonial flag. Its primary purpose was to appear British, not Australian. That's why it follows the same standardized template and color scheme as hundreds of other colonial flags throughout historyβ€”most of which now sit gathering dust in museums..


Take it to /r/vexillology, flag strags

In a show of true German autism, Germoid shows up and posts enormous dossier on flag protocols or something. Idk I didn't read it.

>name is actually "neurodivergent_blossom" lmao

It is also appropriate to burn it, use it to wipe your arse or wrap it around a rock and throw it through your local MPs office window.

im an immigrant but if u hate Australia why dont u leave? this is the best country on earth no doubt

Eat an actual darkie.

Rule 4 - Racism in any form is prohibited.

Nothing wrong with that! I'm an American and I fly the flag wherever I go. I have an American flag jacket, American flag jeans, and several pairs of American flag undies (those are only for the ladies to see, lmao). I fly a big American flag off my pickup truck. There's no greater country in the world than America, but your country is cool too, so nothing wrong with being proud of it, I guess

That's a bit excessive. Especially off your "pickup truck", it's giving wanker.

I can see why you'd be reluctant to fly your flag everywhere, given your country's history. But America has always been on the right side of history, so you can never have too much flag!

Ah, you're a troll. Shoulda guessed

Is this a hybrid British and Austrian flag? Am American

Not beating the stereotypes with that comment.

Hey now. We're not all stupid. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ‡±πŸ‡·πŸ‡±πŸ‡·

Wrong flag mate. πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ύ Here's what your looking for

It's literally a mix of the two, but ok smarty pants.

You know you can google what the Australian flag looks like right?

I don't trust Google.

It might have saved you some embarrassment in this case.

Just because I have a refined appreciation for privacy doesn't mean I have something to be embarrassed about.


PAtRiOtiSm mAkEs mE sO PrOuD (feel like l'm in a US sub or something, thought this kind of stuff died over here 20+ years ago lol)

Is it wrong to be proud to be an Aussie? Should we be ashamed?

Nothing wrong with a little pride, keep it healthy and it'll be a pride we all can enjoy, although not a lot has made me proud in recent years. A fair bit of the opposite actually.


The issue isn't pride in itself, it's how performative nationalism distracts from the real problems we should be confronting. There's so much in our history and present that demands accountability, change, and improvement. Wasting time patting ourselves on the back for some abstract idea of 'being proud' feels hollow when we could use that energy to actually make this country better for everyone.

You sound fun


Do you feel the same about people who fly the aboriginal flag?

If you have nothing else to be proud of yourself, it makes sense you take whatever given, even the location of birth xD

I'm proud of a lot. I also love my country. Perhaps you can go elsewhere if you aren't.

Wont change the fact that I wont ever be mentally colonized by any country to feel proud of a "location" That's not particularly relevant to individuals, only people who lack self worth and try to leech it from things bigger than themselves or dead people's achievements

Yea go ahead and celebrate your colonization. Maybe hike to the top of Uluru to celebrate!

Lol. These comments are stupid.

No, your ignorance is, someone should crack an egg on your head, buddy

People will call you racist for that


The left

Says who?

Sky news

All the "invasion day" wankers.

I think it might be considered a hate crime in Victoria but everywhere else you should be right.


Ranking All 108 GNU/Linux Coreutils Commands

This dude has been a member of Ars Technica's forums for 24 years and somehow thinks that the AI bubble is bursting because... it's continuously getting better and new products are being launched? Maybe he's just talking about the financial side of things but even then I don't really see it.


Imagine the reportmaxxing potential on a 24-year-old account.


These guys make Redditors look smart.

I'm sorry that you missed the crypto boom, please get over it.

This is the most downmarseyd comment in the thread. Attacking China is BANNED.

This comment was also towards the bottom, but has 67 upmarseys so must be a fairly popular opinion.

This guy making a city builder that's basically frick bikes circlejerk
payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups. :marseythumbsup:



:marseypetergriffin: "hey lois, this reminds me of that one time I fell asleep while jacking off in middle school and ended up butt-texting /h/pokeporn to half of my classmates and also my parents!" :marseylois: "the worst part is that you did it again literally the next night with /r/traphentai!" :marseypetergriffin: "hehehehe that's why they sent me to gay conversion camp and I've been really weird with my sexuality ever since, I'm not even an incel I'm just a gay furry whose buried too deep in the closet and is desperately trying to repress it even further!" ___________________________________________

β–ΆοΈŽ Thread Theme: 
ദࡍദി(Λ΅ β€’Μ€ α΄— - Λ΅ ) ✧

___________________________________________ For those of you who aren't D&D nerds, for a bunch of D&D nerds to get together and do D&D, they need one of them to take the role of the "Dungeon Master" (no not that dungeon :marseykink: ) or "Game Master" if you play a hipster non-D&D game to come up with a setting and plot and adventures for the other D&D nerds to play with. This job is tedious as hell so the only reason anybody actually does it is to fulfill some fetish of theirs. That's why I like GMing Vampire: the Masquerade because vampires make my dick hard. :marseyheart: :marseyelisabeth: Anyway, one heroic anon on /tg/ has been actually running D&D for his friends out of the kindness of his heart! Just kidding, he likes monster :rape:.

There's gonna be some /d/ shit in here, word of warning. I've been running various campaigns in this group for about 6 years, mostly doing a single homebrew West Marches-style campaign. I've more or less kept the same group of players for this time, which is surprising given I've mostly gone for a pretty edgy setting and campaign style, which is what they've come to expect.

Some translations into normalspeak: "Magical Realm" is /tg/ lingo for "fetish." "Homebrew" means the rules have been modified from the core rulebook. "West Marches" is a meaningless buzzword meaning open world but not open world but open world, it's dumb.

Here's where I fucked up. See, a good chunk of my setting I like to attribute to being inspired by stuff like Aliens, Berserk, Event Horizon, etc. In truth, I just really like monster :rape:. A good chunk of my setting involves monster :rape:, I just somehow managed to hide it by a combination of saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer", by painting it in a horror lens, and by not focusing on it that much. Which seemed to be working out for me until just now, where I called one of them over to fix up my phone (he's a technician) and he accidentally found my emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit in the process. I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle" but I don't think he bought it. I know he's gonna tell everyone else and even if they don't doubt me they won't look at my campaign the same way again and they'll see it for the magical realm that it is.

:marseydetective!: Apparently this guy was able to sneak fetish shit past normies by saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer." Have I mentioned yet that I hate anime so much it's unreal? Anime fans are such fucking :brainletpit: they'll put up with anything if you compare it to anime.
Now, we can also see here that our narrator is a scrote. He thinks he can get away with monster :rape: "by painting it in a horror lens." Any true erotica enjoyers know that foids LOVE their horror porn. I guess I do too but I self-insert as the monster. :marseygrimm: :marseyjeanne:

"Actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle." :marseywtf3:

Sincerely what the fuck do I do, /tg/?

Personally, I'd say to just :rape: your players IRL and call it LARPing, but let's see if /tg/ agrees with me or not.


:thinkingstatue: OP never actually specified if he wants to be a :rape: monster or be :rape:d by monsters, so we don't know how well this solution would work!



Subplot A- "Why do you goon?

Between these two responses, we see the two types of 4chan users: :gigachadautist:s who cannot possibly conceive masturbation, and """self-aware""" porn addicts. :marseynerd3: "Erm they're both saying the same thing, there's no reason to have an emergency goon stash!" :ragestrangle!: SHUT UP! Clearly the first poster has no idea why anyone would have an emergency goon stash, while the second knows exactly why one would have an emergency goon stash, and knows that "why" is a bad reason. "It wasn't right he got subjected to it" is a pussy take lmao, did people learn nothing from Hunter? If you don't want to see a man at his freakiest, maybe don't go snooping around his files? "I'm also a porn addict" lol it's literally November you just need to stop touching your dick. "The best thing you can do is get rid of it" :marseyderpthumbsup: I agree.

>Why do you have porn saved to your phone like a fucking idiot?

Did you learn nothing from Tumblr and Imgur?! Big Brother :marseyobey: can and WILL take your porn away at any time without warning. :feellikeaninja:

This anon is on to something but he fails to realize the power OP now has. He can innocuously bring in a big scary monster, knowing full well this player will be utterly terrified of being :rape:d by it.

:marseynut: I love mpreg so much it's unreal. Not fond of Jujutsu Kaisen, however.

:marseysephiroth: :shadowrage: spoken like a true edgelord :marseyheavymetal: one day I'm going to purify those who wish to mock me by fumigating them with my rancid farts from my plant-free diet :marseybrap:


:marseysick: I don't want to imagine what OP and his group most likely look like, then imagine them all jacking off under the table. Also consent takes all the fun out of monster sex. Have I told the story yet of how back in college when I ran D&D one of my players was a gay guy who really wanted to fuck my ass? I didn't let him, for the record, which took as me playing hard to get and ultimately started stalking me to try and learn where I lived.

:marseyserioushatfact: goddamn normies with their normie ass monster :rape: fetishes, why can't we go back to the good old days of /tg/ where we were all into getting concrete shat into our rectums from the nipples of daemonettes? (this but unironically)

>Most people masturbate.

*most people who use 4chan

>most people have at least some strange kinks

*most people who use 4chan

there's no less than 5 erp/porn threads on /tg/ at any given time now, there's even an erp general, 15 years ago 1d4chan joked that /tg/ was just blue /d/ but they had no idea just how bad things would get.

SUBPLOT A RESUMES! fuck bipox it's 2 am I'll finish this later

:trollolol: whoops it's been a week and I forgot about this and the thread died whoops :marseyteehee:

:soycry: NOOOO! :soyjaktantrum: You can't use the mythical name Calypso :marseymedusa: , she was a heckin' MALE FEMINIST! :rape: :malefeminist: :marseyquadsconfused:


Please suggest some ancient Greek or other female names.

please no Calypso



the character in the odyssey is a male feminist


Oh yikes


yikes! this ain't it yall :soyjakhipster#: :soyreddit#: :soyjakferal#:

Oh noooo that was my childhood horse's name :(


and that's why we always do our research kids.

:smugjak#: :#soysmug: :#soyjakdancing2:

I didn't name the horse. The horse came with the name. Is the Odyssey a movie? I honestly don't know, what year did it come out?

:marseyfoidretard#: :marseywomanmoment2#: :marseybrainlet#:

This is legit the most funny and hilarious thing that Ubisoft has ever done. I am going to die laughing.
Reported by:
Gooning is totally political even Hitler gooned

When you goon you're performing a political act and the way you coom says a lot about you, your values, and your place in a shared community. We need to take your views and considerations into account when designing a equitable future for our children. However, when it's time for COOM. There's no need for any of that. You don't even need clothes. Just bring your hands.

For centuries we've had debates on how to handle the powers of COOM. Some cultures let GOONERs run free, as you see with the Sentinelese. They live the perfect life for gooners. NAKED all day long. Boobas on display. No work, no insurance, no renewing medical aid schemes, no Alexander Forbes foundation, just coom. Other cultures have tried to hold back gooners, eventually these became traditions like marriage and with that, r*pe became illegal which changed the game for gooners forever. That began the evolutionary arms race between GOONERS and FEDS. And if that's not bad enough, you've got to worry about OPPs trying to take your GOONING customers from you bruh. You can't learn the coom hustle in school you've got to live this shit aint no textbooks on gooning like we goon in this b-word.

Nah but Imma keep it 100% wichu this site good ya'll lil bros doing ya'lls thang just don't get too big for your boots. And remember to pay respects to the fallen soldiers in prison, dead, we've lost a lot of good brothers to this goon shit for real. We need unity. Aight imma light this blunt and goon hard. Shit's good as frick yo. Can't stop gooning. How much do you goon?

Now lastly, you gotta remember we categorize our gooners as either: organized, disorganized and mixed. My organized gooners got COOM calenders and sheeit. they're all about that OPSEC because they're paranoid about the feds. Me? I'm a DISORGANIZED coomer. If I meet with the feds I'm gooning it out and until then, I'm gonna EJACULATE BLOOD WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.


Reddit girl has the opportunity to help an incel :marseyblops2cel: ascend. Soydditors :soysnooseethe: are heck bent :soyjaktantrum: on making sure that doesn't happen :soyjaktantrumfast:.


/u/That-Nerve8213, hopefully this gets to you and @J's bot hasn't spammed some :marseytrain2: to keep themselves safe for the billionth time, if you want to save this e-boy you have to be direct. Like literally "I like you" direct. To goes against every feminine instinct you have. Men, especially younger men are way way too r-slurred to pick up on that. Don't listen to the redditors, they're fat ugly unfrickables who want you to be miserable. Pulling for you. Also delete Reddit.


:marseyxd: :marseysmug2:



epilogue: lol a few top level comments seething that I don't even post there and am not a woman got deleted and banned and someone in the jannie response got banned too

All the karma I lost on the nms sub earlier trying to explain that Elon is a neurodivergent African American immigrant has been recouped too and I am safe from a shadowbanning


You can murder one of your friends in the final BG3 party and Withers will launch you into a portal

and then the credits roll


Tom Holland:marseyspiderman:ID'd While Buying His :pervertedspiderman: Own Non-Alcoholic Beer :marseyrussian:

:marseychingchongraging: :!marseychingchongpearlclutch:

:marseycomfy: :marseytoasty: :doomergirl: :doomertradwife: :marseytrad: :marseytradwifedaisy:

!animalposters !cats

David Hogg became DNC's vice chair
R-slurs blame the plane crash in Canada on the FAA

Reported by:
Girls get it done :translord:

What our Modern Executive gets done

I had such a nice sleep. Who's ready for some Valentine's Eve hunting for sad single girls?

!dramatards !chuds !upmarseysluts !hawktuah

Avowed vs. Oblivion :marseysmirk:
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, more like Woke C*m in my butt 2

Geez Louise, Vavra has actually gone crazy, remember when Musa was just a side character?He's now part of the main story and so black it's hilarious:

>insults your white intelligence

>brags about his travels

>stares at women in the bath

>apparently may cuck you with a single mom which is meant to be the main hetero romance character in the game???

>White people don't season dey food

Literally. :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyitsover: :marseyitsover: :marseythonk: :marseysmughips:

!g*mers !chuds

:juice: :juice: :juice: :redlight: BOSSMAN JACK IS FREE :redlight: :juice: :juice: :juice: Gamba inside this thread (Update: HE'S STREAMING RIGHT NOW) :marseysipping:

Wall was patched

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  • Arran : fats don't date
:marseyheart: Going on a date with someone from Rdrama tonight :marseyexcited:

No, I'm not telling you who :marse!yindignant:

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