VIDYA DRAMA: Latest civslop is out in "early access," reviews are not positive


The ultra premium all inclusive version with 7 days "early access" (paying extra to play a single player game early LMAO) is $130 and people who were grifted into buying it are not happy.

The largest map size in the game at launch is "normal."

Continent generation is broken beyond belief.

The UI was designed for console babbies and a complete mess on PC.

For a 4x strategy game there is very little info in game on how things work.

Maximum 5 human players for multiplayer.

All fixable problems tbh and I'm sure when I buy it in two years for 75% off it will be a very good game. People who spent $130 to beta test are getting exactly what they deserve.

What's funniest to me is there are very few complaints about the game itself. By all accounts it's a very fun civ game and a worthy successor to civ vi.

Yall coppin the straight up swastika :marseyaustrianpainter: shirts by Ye AKA kanye?



:!#donkeykongdonekong: :#donkeykongdonekong:

carp this is very important




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:chudtantrum: Chuds are upset because Netflix says ancient gayreeks were homogays :marsey300:

Noo it's not proven that Alexander was bussy blasting hot twinks nooo :soycry:

You can only conquer shit when you're a super straight alpha male like me :soymad:

It was a very long game, the gayreeks have won, gen Z is gay :chuditsover:

Chuds (black) are suddenly upset when a euro country embraces it's traditions :chudrage:

No one can escape the liberal gayinization :marseydoomer:

I don't think a guy who conquered whole countries cared too much to keep his enemies' kids alive :marseyhmm:

Everyone with half a brain cell you r-slur :marseyleafpearlclutch:

Because gayreeks were sappy kid of strags :marseyshy4:

I know, they could have made him monkeydonian :marseyscared:

Alexander was the only greek in Greece who didn't frick other men, that's why he was the Great :chudsmug:

Who else will Netflix turn gay next? Achilles? Is no one safe? :marseypearlclutch2:

!jannies chud post :marseypin2:

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Finally saw cabin in the woods. In depth review and analysis.

I was just going to leave the thread blank for two reasons:

1) Since the film is so in love with cutesy little meta-metacommentary it seemed appropriate because

2) I felt absolutely nothing for this movie,

however that's too subtle, so like Cabin in the Woods itself I will now belabor the point long past anyone's ability to care.

I honestly don't even know where to begin with this. It wasn't offensively bad or anything a la Black Swan, it isn't good-bad like Chopping Mall, it's not just plain old serviceable and therefore solid in its decency like The Omen, and it certainly isn't good. And it's like it was written to preemptively shield itself from criticism.

I could call it formulaic. The defense would be that of course it's formulaic, that's the point of the movie haha they even named the generic slasher archetypes at the end, the formulaicism is part of the joke.

I could call it uninspired. The defense would similarly be that of course it's uninspired, there's a Cube-style room of rooms with all the monsters from everything, it's all deliberately derivative and referential.

I could call it not scary. The defense would again similarly be that this is also intentional, look how it's also billed as a comedy. Nevermind that it's not funny either, because it's also billed as a horror.

The plain and simple of it is that it is formulaic, and this goes for the meta-meta narrative as well. Yes the silly organization's point is to enact the contrived ritual that plays out with horror movie tropes because it's supposed to, that's not whats formulaic about it. It can be argued that every beat up to the descent into the facility is formulaic by design, but once they're through that door that excuse falls flat.

The plain and simple of it is that it is uninspired. One of the technicians remarks early on that they're allowed to cheat to make things play out as needed as much as they want. Later we see that security personnel gunning down the sacrifices meets the requirements—there's no reason not to lead with that and just shoot the whore first. Or to bomb the cabin after shooting the whore. Or literally anything else. The overarching narrative cannot be flimsy because the arguably intentionally shitty internal narrative is wink-wink-shitty to allow room for that larger one. The overall story is just there as an excuse to make 8104 different references (HAHA THE WHITEBOARD TALKS ABOUT THE R*PE TREES FROM EVIL DESD LOL) and give 3 second cameos to creatures from other movies. The facility and organization itself is just a Cube Zero knockoff anyway.

The plain and simple of it is that it is neither scary nor funny. There are no stakes even with the apocalypse on the horizon and then actualizing to end the film. Everyone is boring and sucks. Literally Shaggy from scooby doo as the lead can't go any other way. The humor predates it by several years but it all smacks of that atrocious Rian Johnson Star Wars movie with the yo momma joke; it's quip "comedy" without the quips but the exact same degree of unwarranted and omnipresent self-satisfaction.

This is, however, a lot more negativity than Cabin in the Woods strictly deserves. I don't feel any sort of profound loathing for it or anything, it did nothing to elicit any particular emotion that strong. It's a completely unremarkable hour and a half.

For a movie with such an incredibly promising cover and inexplicably golden critic reviews from the beforetimes when critics evaluated things by metrics other than how much gay s*x a film has in it, the only thing I feel in any notable sense is confusion as to how either of these things happened. That and I want to watch Hellraiser because cenobites are great even if they are bootleg and have 30 seconds of screentime in an utterly mid movie.


!kino your thoughts?

cc @LainkeyKong as requested

Weekly "Drawing prompt" Thread #18

Last thread


Last weeks prompt:

Raccoons, Birds and Pizzas

Submissions from last thread:







This weeks prompt:


Thanks to @King_K_Rool for the prompt!


As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.

Perhaps nature is Healing?


Bard spotting on Bluesky 08 February 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Von Trier Thoughts

The question came up last night of how to introduce some MMO g*mer couple friends of ours to Von Trier movies as they were looking to watch new stuff.

We deliberated what order to start them. Do you start with House Jack Built thats more modern feeling and maybe more accessible, but is pretty disturbing. Or do you start with Breaking the Waves, which is quality, but slow and cringe. Should the Idiots follow the intro, or do you go right into depression trilogy.

In the end, we gave up!

I feel like LVT is pleb as far as the art film genre. I don't know where to place him. I love him though, darn what the art strags say - they watch tripe and call it ceviche anyway.

But at the same time, I find it fascinating that the average person is so far gone on the normie spectrum that they haven't even heard of his stuff. I want to call them uncultured, but LVT barely qualifies as culture!

Normies just haven't seen anything. They've been feeding on slop for many many a year now, it's kind of insane.

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126k Views :coonsmug:

EFFORTPOST Wake up babe, Concord 2 3 4 dropped

Have any of you heard of Unknown 9?

If you haven't- I don't blame you. I haven't either. Apparently it's a 4-month old :marseybib: game developed by Reflector Entertainment who also made... uhh this game and it's DLCs.

This screenshot gives a lot away but fear not, it was published by Bandai Namco, the guys who made the Dark SoulsTM of videogames :marseysolaire: :bonfire: These guys know a good investment when they see it, and at 50 eurobucks (USD to EUR is almost 1:1 at the time of writing :marseydespair: !eurochads), a price comparable to that of God of War 2022 :marsey300: (50 EUR, 95% rating), HOI 4 :marseyhitler: (50 EUR, 90% rating) and Mount & Blade: Bannerlord II :marseynapoleon2: *editor's note: why are there so many MLP emojis when querying 'horse' (50 EUR, 87% rating(should be 100)), it is sure to deliver the same experience, right? :surejan:

Well, from the screenshot you might have noticed that the ratings are mediocre: 49%. But that does not tell the whole story.

Unknown 9 currently has 7 concurrent players :marseyemojilaugh:, 11 player 24-hour peak :marsey2::x::marseyemojilaugh: and a 285-player all-time peak :marsey3::x::marseyemojilaugh: [1]. This means it is mogged by the likes of Gollum 2023 :marseythegrey: at 758 all-time high [2], 6 year old rockstar game Red Dead: Redemption 2 :marseybountyhunter: at almost double the rating [3], a 2023 unity slavshit game Contraband Police at almost double the rating and half the price :marseyrussianmutt: [4] and absolutely mogged by LEWDAPOCALYPSE, which has double the concurrent players, double the rating, and 1/50th of the price :marseynut: [5].

IGN gave Unknown 9 a 9(-4) rating [6], so is it really that bad?

Looks pretty bad, but is this the lowest we can go? Just some failed garbage from an upcoming studio, but is that it? Can't we do worse?

Heck no! It was in the works for at least 4 years, and was supposed to be a tans-media project, "including video games :marseysoyswitch:, film :marseyprojection:, and books (!bookworms):marseyreading:, for example. Unknown 9 was conceptualized as an ongoing series, spanning podcasts , comics :marseyspiderman2:, and even a web series :marseykarkat:, many of which have already been released." [7]. So you've been laughing at Concord for having an Amazon episode despite being a dead game- well, you've seen nothing yet kid. This shit was supposed to be massive, at least according to the cited source (I didn't check further (yes how could you tell, I work in academia :marseygigachad:)). It was supposed to be the next fricking star wars by the looks of things, expecting to bank on their notoriety to create the equivalent to Netflix's Witcher [7] (which is not something to be proud of tbh). While we have no numbers on the project costs, one might imagine that a AAA game with massive marketing like that would've cost a lot. While we do not know how much exactly the project did cost, it is hardly believable that some unknown studio with 0 releases might have funded it. Indeed, the studio is owned by the publishers- Bandai Namco, who can probably afford to throw money around [8]. Looking at their website and LinkedIn is pretty funny as well, considering that they have announced that they will cease support for the game [8].

But you don't have to trust me, you can view the official gameplay trailer posted on Playstation's account and come to your own conclusions:

The lore/narrative trailer, which is just as stupid, can be found at


Well, it's about a brown woman :wavyhairblackjack: with supernatural abilities :marseygoku:. Kind of like Forespoken from 1 2 years ago :marseydespair: if anyone remembers that.

"Unfortunately, part of Hoerdt's statement confirmed several staff members would be made redundant, including back-office employees, and given severance packages, further health benefits, access to counseling services, and "proactive" career planning support." [7]. Lmao imagine getting free counselling from a company that fired you. I would probably take that as an insult, equivalent to one of those "reddit cares" messages :marseyropeyourself2:. One might accuse me of using a chuddy source, but the same website compliments Unknown 9's use of "stepping powers", which states that "Stepping is the ability to project one's mind into the consciousness of another, by way of the Fold. While Stepping, one has access to the weaponry, strength, and intellect of a given vessel, and may fully control their actions." [9]. A totally true statement which has never been done before.

Here's Cr1tikal AKA Charlie AKA penguinz0 explaining it probably better than I do (it's the weekend and I've had several drinks already :marseyhungover:):

He quotes the investment value into the IP at 100 million $ [citation needed]

In conclusion: 1) gaming in 2025 is dead, do not bother. 2) Nominative Determinism is true- the game was titled Unknown 9, and it remained unknown. For anyone running any sort of business- watch what you name your product.

@Ninjjer @Losercel please ping !g*mers


A complete accounting of the 20 SOFT RANGS OF POWER we just lost.

Geopolitical Analysis

"We lost the 20 rangs of soft power because of Drumpf, we need them ALL", says the geopolitical experts on ARR SLASH DRAMA @nuclearshill @JimieWhales

"We don't need ANY RINGS", says @Dude

You're both wrong. :marseywingcuck:

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

If one ring rules them all, the lesser rings are COMPLETELY USELESS!!

They're cuck rings, they literally bind you to the One Ring.

While we're wasting our taxpayer money on the 19 cuck rings, CHINA is taking the One Ring for herself. That's geopolitical suicide.

USAID knew this, so... why are they wasting our money?



Rangs of Soft Power

Here's an accounting of the 19 lesser rings we WASTED our money on:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky

1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Musical in Ireland

2. Transgender Opera in Colombia

3. Peruvian Transgender Comic Book Series

Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

4. Electric Vehicles for Vietnam

5. Tourism Promotion in... Egypt.

6. "Condom" Purchases for Gaza

7. A Fish Farm in Afghanistan (That Was Immediately Abandoned)

8. A (Failed) Sesame Street Adaptation in Pakistan

9. A Mango Farming Initiative in Haiti (That Didn't Sell Any Mangoes )

10. DEI Advancement in Serbian Workplaces

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

11. S*x Reassignment Surgeries in Guatemala

12. A (Failed) Program to Teach Kenyan Youth How to Use Instagram to Become Influencers

13. A Reality TV Show in Afghanistan to Promote Democracy

14. Training Mongolian Yak Herders to Use Social Media

15. A Gender Studies Degree Program in Bangladesh

16. A Climate Change Board Game for Young Activists in the Philippines

17. A "Hip-Hop Dance for Empowerment" Program in Senegal

18. A Workshop on Writing Feminist Poetry in Kyrgyzstan

19. A Program to Train Ukrainian Farmers to Write Grant Applications in English

Not only did they spend millions trying to acquire 19 worthless rings, but they LOST FIVE of them. The sesame street ring, the fish farm ring, the Mango ring, and last but not least, our Kenyan Influencer ring was pawned for a Dodge Hellcat.

All this to say we only needed the one ring TO RULE THEM ALL, we only need the AIDS ring for teaching Africans not to pound sand into their foreskin. Obviously Mordor refers to Africa because it's "Where the Shadows Lie". Shadows are black, what else is black? You guessed it. BIPOCs.

I wonder what the vibes are like there…
Would you date a fat funny neighbor for $50k? Many r-slurred foids say yes.


Pick yo fave foid:

Least america obsessed bong


ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy ciggy

redscarepod ciggy hours



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Trav and Taylor are trumpers girl (698)

Taylor may have secretly voted for Trump idk her mind. But she openly campaigned for Harris so 🤷🏼‍♀️ (14)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

NFL players of all races lean very conservative. Remember this is a sport that has had ONE openly gay active player in its entire history, It's not exactly known for its progressivism and tolerance. There are only a couple of vocally liberal players and a whole lot more far-right ones who stay relatively quiet. (743)

Is basketball different? My cities team has a coach that will not shut the frick up about issues(complimentary)but I don't really get into sportsball so I thought that was common across the board. (59)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Compare this to the Eagles and Jalen hurts attitude towards him. I don't know anything about sports except that I want the chiefs to lose this. (983)

What did Jalen say about him? I can't find anything about it. (14)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Let's stop pretending Taylor is some kind of helpless baby who's trapped in this relationship - she's obviously fine with dating a Trump supporter. She's a typical billionaire who's insulated from everything that's happening and about to happen to America and idk why she gets special treatment. (7874)

Listen I don't know a fricking thing about this subreddit and idk even know why it's recommended honestly but you hear me this:For as much good as taytay loves to purport I'll say this much as an aviation veteran with a decade experience working with private jets: this woman can frick right the frick off. The amount of fuel she shits into the atmosphere on the regular is worthy darn near of a war crime. Not to mention just the idea of how unabashedly gaudy it is, flashing her billions around while charging what, 4-500USD a ticket?I'm over the Taylor bullshit and I'm fricking left as they come. Way fricking left. (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

I'll likely be downkongd for this but this is just your standard straight down the middle athlete answer during media week, if you have a problem with the answer [which is fair] then it's less about him as an individual and more about the NFL's media training and stance as a whole. The same journ*list asked everyone else the same question on both teams and they all answered pretty much the same. They do it to create as little headlines and distractions as possible before the big game. The only reason this may get more attention despite a similar neutral answer to everyone else is because of the TS connection.We have seen Trump speak negatively on both Travis and Taylor previously. As someone who isn't much of a fan of his or the Chiefs he's publicly supported and advocated for causes and groups that are diametrically opposed to Trump. Whether it be Kelce's public stance on guns, LGBT rights, BLM movement or vaccination. There is also a podcast appearance where he says Trump is racis... (766)

This is a dude that kneeled with teammates during the national anthem, who donates to inner city youth, and is generally a decent dude doing pro-vaccine commercials, and other things. I don't know his personal beliefs, but he's also the ultimate team player. He's the least likely guy to make a media mistake during the biggest week of his life at the Superbowl. He didn't say he loves Donald Trump and he didn't say Frick him. Both that would blow up the story. He just said the President coming is an honor. It would be for any President that the head of the nation wants to watch you play. Even if they are not someone you like or support. Now, that saying Trump sucks, F him would cause trouble with his team, team owner, league, fan base, half the country, that is what really sucks. Not Travis's answer. For being a Chiefs fan, I don't like the NFL limiting players free speech by threat of job loss, the owners make the game almost unwatchable knowing that you are stuffing money i... (167)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Donald trump has literally gone out of his way to insult taylor and made horrible deepfake AI images of her. Also trumps boss musk has been posting in the past 2 weeks ! photoshopped images to make taylor look like a nazi and this is what he says?! I'd be fuming!! (40)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/prettybunbun

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 5

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Drumpler clarifies his MAGA strip total fun zone policy.

Explain it to me like a Redditor plz:

Edit lol Trump flanked Lady G:

Cute twink thinks the Draka series is a realistic look at Afrikaneer culture


BETS INSIDE Ted has forced my fricking hand, I didn't want to do this.

Just kidding it's a fricking goomble thread.

Will there be human-to-human transmission of H5N1 Bird Flu before the fricking start of white-boy summer, b-word?

(White boy summer starts on June 20th. Mark your calendars.)

Yes, there will be a fricking credibly documented case of human-to-human transmission before the fricking start of white-boy summer. - 28 bets

Nothing ever happens. - 53 bets

I will provide a fricking four hundred (400) marseycoin bounty if you are the fricking first to send me an article from a fricking credible source reporting human-to-human transmission. If nobody sends an article to me by June 20th, I will spend five (5) minutes searching online. If I do not find an article by the fricking end of those five minutes, chudjak wins the fricking bet.

!bets !goomble !goomblers !goombling !edgelords




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