facebook outta control wit the emoshunal manipulation :marseyturkroach:
EFFORTPOST UPMARSEY THIS :marseyupvote2: CSS osu! (Game on @YourAlterEgo's profile)

CSS osu!

Also posted on WPD

I made a simple version of the circle clicking game osu! with HTML and CSS. I was mostly finished with it around December 4. You can find it on @YourAlterEgo's profile. It's on the desktop site only. If you're using a laptop, using a mouse is recommended.

To play it, you click the circles when the ring (approach circle) gets close to the circle. The right time to click is around the time the ring turns white or when it almost reaches the circle. You can click earlier or later if you want. If the anthem starts at the same time you click the play button, it should somewhat sync with the song (it's not perfect).

Play here on @YourAlterEgo's profile (Desktop only)

If the anthem autoplays or the game lags, try it here:

The above site is a static web hosting site like Neocities or GitHub Pages.

Click here if you want to vote on polls asking whether you played and liked the game. They're in a comment because you can't have <details> and polls in the same post.

Comment what you think. If it glitches out or doesn't work, comment what went wrong and what browser you're using. If the anthem doesn't play, try closing other rDrama tabs that have audio playing.


rDrama version (Copy and paste it into your bio and profile CSS if you want)

Non-rDrama version

I tried making a .zip, but Furryfox (Firefox) kept calling it a virus :marseyconfused:

The song is a nightcore (sped-up) version of Lucky Twice - Lucky. I got it straight from an osu map (.osz file) with the same song and edited it to start shortly before the chorus.


If you have other questions, ask in the comments, and I might answer.

1. What is osu!?

It's a free-to-play weeb rhythm game where you click circles while listening to music. This is the game's website. You can try an unoffcial web demo like I did if you don't want to download it. On the actual game and the web version, you can use Z and X to click, which is easier than clicking with the mouse. They also have sliders and spinners, which aren't present in this CSS version.

2. What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, a language used for styling webpages. You can use it to change the color of text, add shadows and glows, change the page's layout, add background images, add simple animations, and so on.

3. Is there an indicator for early and late hits?

No. I tried to track early hits by adding another <details> element that would be animated to toggle its visibility (and therefore clickability). There would be 2 <details> elements you could click, and clicking the one that appears earlier would mean you hit early. However, this caused issues with the circles not responding to clicks, so I gave up on it.

4. How does it work?

CSS animations, animation delays, CSS counters, and lots of <details> and <summary> elements

This uses a lot of <details> and <summary> elements. To make the circles and play button interactive on click, they needed to be interactive HTML elements. <details> and <summary> elements (normally used for showing more text on click, like a spoiler button) are allowed in rDrama bios (unlike checkboxes), so they were perfect for this. The <summary> is the actual clickable part, so that is the element that is styled into a circle or play button.

The following is what details and summary normally look like.

Try clicking me. This clickable text is the summary element inside the details element. Hello! :marseywave2: This is the hidden text!
<summary>Try clicking me. This clickable text is the <em>summary</em> element inside the <em>details</em> element.</summary>
Hello! :marseywave2: This is the hidden text!

The game screen is a <blockquote>. It has a play button at the start (<details> and <summary> elements), and there are 72 blockquotes containing other elements after the play button, one for each of the 72 circles. The bio looks something like the following.

> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>

In HTML, it would be this.


The blockquotes are absolutely positioned and placed around the screen. Inside the blockquotes are the circles (<details> and <summary> elements), the rings/approach circles (<p>), and miss indicators (<h2>). There are also a few <h1> elements between the blockquotes used to mark the start of each section with different colored circles.


You might notice the <p> and <h2> elements have "a" written inside them. This is simply because rDrama did not allow empty <p> and <h2> elements.

The approach circles (rings), circles, and miss indicators were all animated with CSS animations. Because osu! has set timings, it's easy to simply add an animation delay to determine when circles should appear. For example, circle 1 fades in 1.13 second after you click the play button, and circle 72 appears 32.73s seconds in.

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote:nth-of-type(1) {
	animation-delay: 1.13s;

The circles, rings/approach circles, and miss indicators inherit the timing from the containing blockquote.

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote p,
#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote details,
#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote h2 {
	animation-delay:inherit !important;

The play button consists of <details> and <summary> elements. When you click the play button, the open attribute gets added to the <details> element, and the play button gets hidden. The game only starts playing the animations for the other elements when the play button has the open attribute. The CSS uses the sibling selector to use the play button to target the other elements.

#profile--bio details[open] ~ blockquote details {
	animation:1.5s fadecircle ease-out;

The above means that the circle (the second details) should have an animation named "fadecircle" only after the play button (the first details) has been clicked. The details[open] means that the details element has the "open" attribute. This looks like <details open> or <details open=""> in the HTML. The ~ is a sibling selector. If you write details ~ blockquote, it targets all blockquotes that are siblings of a details element (having the same parent element) and come after it in the HTML.

The circles need to be clickable for a limited amount of time. The visibility attribute both can be animated and affects interactivity. A circle's visibility is toggled through a CSS animation to make it clickable only when it's on screen.

@keyframes fadecircle {
	0% {
	10% {
	90% {
	100% {

When you click on a circle, it hides both the approach circle and the miss indicator. The miss indicator only appears after the circle fades out, meaning that if you click the circle, the miss indicator will never appear. Clicking the circle also makes the circle play a different animation to fade out as a white glow. Like with the play button, the open attribute is used to determine whether a circle was hit.

Hide approach circle after the circle (the second details) has been hit ([open])

#profile--bio details[open] ~ blockquote details[open] ~ p {

Play a different animation after the circle has been hit

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote > details[open] summary {
	animation:0.15s hitcircle linear;

The numbers on the circles and the hit counter were made using the CSS counter feature. The CSS counter feature allows us to count elements matching a certain selector and display the current count using the content attribute. For example, you can make a counter to count the number of circles and display the current count on each circle. That way, the 1st circle will be labelled 1, the 2nd circle will be labelled 2, and so on.

The first rule initializes 3 different counters to zero. The second adds 1 to two of the counters at every one of the 72 blockquotes inside the game. The third displays the current count of the counter circlenumbers on the circles.

#profile--bio {
	counter-reset:circlenumbers hitcircles totalcircles;

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote {
	counter-increment:circlenumbers totalcircles;

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote > details > summary::before{

There are different sections with different colors, and the circles in each section are numbered up starting from 1. To determine when each section starts, there are <h1> elements between the blockquotes. This allows us to use the sibling selector to target the blockquotes after each nth <h1> and change the circles' colors. The counter on the circles is also reset to 1 at each <h1>.

#profile--bio h1 {
	counter-set:circlenumbers 0;

The default circle color is red. The circles in the first section use that color. The rules below override the colors of the circles after the first <h1> and the second <h1> with pink and purple respectively.

#profile--bio h1:first-of-type ~ blockquote summary {

#profile--bio h1:nth-of-type(2) ~ blockquote summary {

The hit counter counts the number of circles with the open attribute and is placed on the ::after pseudoelement attached to the outer container blockquote (the game screen). The element displaying this counter needs to be placed after all of the circles in order to count them all, and this meets the requirement.

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote details[open] {

#profile--bio > blockquote::after {
	content:"Total circles: " counter(totalcircles) " | Circles clicked: " counter(hitcircles);

The timer was made using ::before and ::after pseudoelements with an animated content property. I found out this was possible from @iheartrdrama's former WPD CSS!

#profile--bio > blockquote details[open] ~ h1:nth-of-type(4)::before {
	animation:36s timer linear, 0.25s timerFade;
	animation-delay:0s, 36s;

The other timer uses the same animation but in a reverse direction.

animation:36s timer linear, 0.25s timerFade;
animation-direction:reverse, normal;


@keyframes timer {
	0% {
	2.78% {
	97.22% {
	100% {

Thanks for reading if you read this post, and thanks for playing if you played the game. :marseybow:

EFFORTPOST Final fantasy 7 rebirth review :marseyclapping: :marseyclapping: :marseyclapping:

I technically have only 1 trophy left to get the plat, just to finish the game on hard but after beating all the challenges it's an easy part.

So the game continues the divisive game ff7 remake or part 1. A vocal minority didn't liked that part 1 wasn't a faithful remake

My fully objective opinion is that if you want to play original story then play the original game. I played first time the game in 2017 and it held very well, the graphic is part of experience it also a lot better in many ways than the remakes.

So devs had hard choices to make second part more faithful or do some creative freedom.

They started with big middle finger to canon lovers by putting Zack in front of their promotional art. And teased that you can actually save Aerith. And the whole game will end up being a very big tease.

The game start with you playing Zack and them showing parallel universe where Zack survives but cloud doesn't wakes up. Zack enters Midgar and sees helicopter crushes with Avalanche including Aerith. This shit absolutely doesn't make sense timeline wise but goal was to show Zack surviving is bad. So cloud than wakes up, yeah every Zack moment in the game is dream sequence.

Devs made every Zack sequence as dream so they could always back steep if majority of gaymers don't like the new direction and say "ha it was just a dream"

So the next 7-8 chapters of the game have basically no story. Just gameplay and the gameplay is alright, it has some strong far cry motif but what is really impressive is the balance. The game is so balanced

FF7 is a legendary game because there was so many way to break the game so many players were experimenting with the builds and stuff. RPG are generally about min/max and breaking the game. So ff7 remake parts showing such a middle finger to rpg elements. Some rpg elements will only show up at end game but you'll still will never be op. They also future proof the balance. Like you can't use equipment to get a status boost +100% attack or magic. You get only 1 item in the game that can give you +25% attack so it's impossible even to reach 100% attack boost and they already creeped you

You end up being in that game weaker than in part 1. In part 1 every character can reach 9999hp because the hp materia gives you 50% hp boost and you can use multiple of those. In part 2 30% hp boost max :marseythumbsup:

You could assume it an action game but nope as action game the gameplay is absolutely not balanced but luckily you only encounter it doing hard mode or challenges.

So on chapter 8 comes the first legit big change. Tiffa falls into mako, in og game that happens after aerith dies.

On chapter 13 happens some wild religious symbolism shit in those dream sequences starts happening. Here my fav:

They start giving player a choice hinting that you can save Aerith but same time foreshadowing that non of those choices are real, neighbor can't escape fate and some symbolism like all those choices had this dog

Hinting that you won't save Aerith. That dream sequence also killed Zack multiple times showing you can't change the fate, Zack must die from bullets from those soldiers. So the moment Aerith is about to get killed, cloud saves her in his head and starts fighting Sephiroth and then thinking that he saved Aerith when she got killed :marseythumbsup:

The game ends with illusion of Aerith telling she will stop Sephiroth and all this is still cannon since in og ff7 Aerith did showed up in the end in life stream defeating Sephiroth.

The real changes are basically just Tifa mako event and Yiffie being the main female protagonist, she has even more screen time than Aerith if you ignore the dream sequence. It's understandable, modern Japan is quite libertarian so no wonder she is everywhere and the strongest character in the game. Despite being total optional in og game. She got her own dlc in part 1 and in part3 she will get a huge chapter for her self.

Graphic of ff7 part 2 is actually worse than in part 1 but part 1 is not open world so understandable.

Part 1 is generally a better game than part 2. Part 2 just has so many mini games like 1/4 of chapters are just mini games. Part 2 is too much of an fanfic game.

The story also needed more changes because like I mentioned before that og ff7 did a lot of things better than the remakes and one is that in part 2 it doesn't make sense how the party was following clearly mentally unstable cloud without questioning his actions, many characters interactions just looked better og game than with modern graphics. In rebirth so many interactions and characters motives look so robotic than even most giga neurodivergent would write a better interaction of characters, just show how robotic japs are.

So objectively the game is a 7/10 but if you like Japanese nonsense the game becomes 8/10 and if you like serious shit that makes sense the game is 5/10.

If you go after platinum it will be an harder platinum than any souls game

It has challenges where you have to fight 10+ bosses and if you lose one fight you have to start from beginning, you cannot use any items. All bosses are faster than you and have moves that will wipe you out in one hit so you need to know their patterns

I didn't had any trouble with the game and beating the mini games but the feeling that after fighting a challenge for 30 min the prospect of losing last battle and then start from zero didn't felt nice. I have no idea why they made a jrpg this hard. I am pretty sure the 1% that finished all those challenges didn't liked it and devs will make them even harder in part3.

I've hit 2 million views in the past 30 days.

Sure, I've neglected everything else I'm supposed to be doing but look at that view count.

East London councillor accused of trying to get 16-year-old girl to drop r*pe allegation

:#chudrama: :#chudrama:

An east London councillor has been charged with perverting the course of justice by allegedly trying to influence a 16-year-old girl into dropping her allegation of r*pe.

Abdul Malik, 50, who represents Blackwall and Cubitt Town ward on Tower Hamlets Council, was due to appear at Thames magistrates court on Friday to face the charge for the first time.

It is said he "contacted the father of a 16-year-old complainant of r*pe and told him to get his daughter to drop the charges against the male alleged to have r*ped her and get him out of custody, which had a tendency to pervert the course of public justice".

The incident is alleged to have happened on January 23. The father and aunt of the suspected male feminist are accused of also intervening two weeks earlier.

Abdul Roqib, 45, is accused of contacting the 16-year-old on January 10 "to ask her to drop the charges against his son, which had a tendency to pervert the course of public justice".

Rahela Begum, 41, is also accused of also contacting the girl on the same day to allegedly try to convince her to withdraw from the criminal case.

All three defendants are due to appear in court to face a charge of committing an act or series of acts with intent to pervert the course of public justice.

Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough's directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.

He currently sits as chair of the Human Resources Committee, and also has a seat on the licensing committee, having first been elected to the council in 2022.

It is understood Malik, of Mercury Walk, Tower Hamlets, Roqib, of Warrior Square in Manor Park, and Begum, of Rye Road in Hoddesdon, were held in custody before their court hearing.

Safe Play?? Or Intervene


The people on this threads must have never had a dog or taken care of another living being in their lives. This happens when you own an animal, it completely normal. They are playing and its safe. Someone making a loud noise is not the dogs fault but the humans. The owner should have seen its just safe play and not interfered.

Gulf of America chads, we've won





Drumf reps more Black Culture than K-hive confirms


That's only half-way through the fricking first page :marseyshy:

Nelly Will Reportedly Perform at the fricking Inauguration | LA

As far as I can tell HHH hasn't found out about Snoop. Probably too busy blowing Feminemn and Kendrick Lamebars


:marseyloveyou: :marseyxoxo: :adore: :darcyinfatuated: :crystalheart: :marseycinnamoroll: :cinnamorollbuttshake: :cinnamorollhappy:

!animalposters !cats

Trump backs House GOP reconciliation bill


Nelson Mandela's Grandson Arrested for Car Hijacking :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica:

"The Apple hasnt fallen far from the tree." :chudspin: :chudspin: :chudspin:

:slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight:

"They must also be charged with neglecting to maintain his grandfather's house. Their punishment should be to paint and landscape the house." :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

"Fake News 😡😡 allow those innocent children to go" :marseybeanangry:

"Innocent like Zuumi?" :smugjak:

"Oh my need to catch a serious wake up. They would even steal from innocent people like you!!!!!!!" :soyjakhipster: :marseyxd:

:marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: :marseyflagsouthafrica: are a dramatic bunch.

====(from businesslive)

The property previously owned by former president Nelson Mandela in Houghton, where his grandson Mbuso was arrested with four hijacking suspects on Wednesday, was in use by Mbuso, the family has confirmed.

Mbuso Mandela's older brother, Ndaba, said his younger brother had lived on the property for years and had neglected it.

Mbuso is expected to appear in the Johannesburg magistrate's court on Friday with four other suspects.

The arrests followed information from a vehicle tracking company on the location of a white Toyota Corolla that was hijacked on Wednesday on Louis Botha Avenue in Oaklands, said Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) spokesperson Xolani Fihla.

Fihla said the police had recovered the vehicle and arrested four men and a woman.

====(end quote)

Chuds :marseychud: :marseychud: :marseychud: of 9strag weight in

USAID is funding Internews Network which is controlling Reddit : conspiracy



USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has "worked with" 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training" over 9000 journ*lists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives.

The operation claims "offices" in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN.

Bourgault's IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at . Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted.

IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN's budget has been supplied by the US government (thread follows)

4,921 media outlets

You ever wonder why sometimes when you seach for things you get 75 small bull shit news articles making it impossible to find what you are looking for

That was a design, not a bug

"Internews launches new $10M fund supporting independent media at 2023 Clinton Global Initiative"

USAID-funded Internews went from funding media organizations with George Soros to overthrow governments in Eastern Europe to calling for advertising boycotts to censor free speech online.

This is a textbook example of U.S. regime change tactics being redirected against domestic populism and American citizens.

In the 1990s, Internews partnered with the Soros Foundation to fund media organizations in post-Soviet nations, playing a pivotal role in the color revolutions of the 2000s in Serbia, Georgia, and Ukraine.

During Georgia's Rose Revolution, Internews funded and trained journ*lists at Rustavi-2 TV, the leading channel driving the uprising.

"Media was very good at informing the public about what was going on, and it had a huge role in calling people onto the streets." – Marc Behrendt, former Internews director for Georgia

By 2003, in Ukraine, Internews had conducted 220 media training programs, trained over 2,800 journ*lists, and produced more than 220 television and 1,000 radio programs. It also funded Telekritika, an online outlet that played a central role in the 2004 Orange Revolution.

After Brexit and Donald Trump's election in 2016, Internews—now working with the USAID-funded World Economic Forum (WEF)—shifted its focus to pushing advertising boycotts to suppress online dissent.

What was once a U.S.-funded operation to overthrow foreign regimes is now being used to silence American citizens and dismantle Trump's populist MAGA movement.

The Price Tag?

USAID has funneled over $470 million in taxpayer dollars into Internews.

More connections coming from Mike Benz, previously on Joe Rogan Podcast

I can tell you where the bodies are buried here. Beyond funding a parallel Mockingbird Media propaganda army of US state-sponsored journ*lists and media outlets, USAGM plays a major role in the censorship industry through something called the OTF, the Open Technology Fund.

Connection to Reddit

Anna Soellner, a Director at Internews Network, also serves as the VP of Communications at Reddit



Reported by:
Once again- it is my rDrama cake day and not a single one of you wished me a happy cake day. Fricking disgusted at this point.

The value I bring to this platform is unmatched. I'm

hilarious and handsome and have level headed takes. People irl actively seek my attention and input.

Once again, rdrama is showing their bias against excellent users who bring positive change here. Please do better. I do not want to have this conversation AGAIN moving forward.

people tryna make america great again but nobody's trying to make my heart unbroken again sadfrog

!Meowr !fakecels

*crunch* *chomp*


bottom text

Community Note by @sit_on_my_face

Pizza is lying here.

Helpful [62] Not Helpful [10]
Community Note by @jew

I'm in the screenshot! :taycelebrate:

Helpful [10] Not Helpful [1]
[🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘] Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Most Indians are Republicans in Houston (180)

How do you know this? Not saying you're wrong, I just never heard that before. (30)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

There are way better reasons to avoid Tilman restaurants than his support of Trump. (1086)

I mean, for most here it's simply that they can't afford most of his menus. (-57)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

/r/sanantonio recently had this discussion and I have some takeaways I want to share with you. Less about restaurants per se but the sentiment applies.Buccees owners are hardcore Paxton / Abbott supporters/donors.Pluckers owners drank the trump coolaid too.Heb does donate to republicans, though it seems it's more just because that's who's in charge - they've donated to more moderate, non-school vouchers ones and this has drawn Abbott's disapproval.Check out the "goods unite us" website to see what corporation funds what candidate and political party. Less local more national honestly but still. I've been looking at it and some egregiously conservative (like funding politicians vehemently against roe) include Home Depot, Valero, and Chick-fil-A. (408)

I will stop at buc-cees to take a shit and leave. (276)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Oh dear. Yeah, I don't know where "our" forum is but it isn't here! I sort of think nowhere, since the election proved that Americans will cut off their nose to spite their face. And AS A WOMAN, I'm pissed at the women who gave their vote to that male feminist, misogynistic, criminal, lying, boil on the butt of humanity the reigns. Frick. I'm so sick of no one else standing up and saying that we are hurtling at light speed towards a dystopian society and people just put the thumb up their butt, or actually, they keep them on their phones and believe allll the fricking bullshit that Trump and his allies claim.Aaaaanyway just wanted to say you sure jumped in with your first post 😂 buckle up! (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Tilman Fertitta, Trump's ambassador to Italy, owns:Mastro's Steakhouse and Ocean Club, Morton's The Steakhouse, Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steakhouse, Del Frisco's Grille, The Oceanaire, Vic & Anthony's, Brenner's Steakhouse, Grotto, Atlantic Grill, La Griglia and Willie G's, Chart House, Landry's Seafood House, Rainforest Cafe, Saltgrass Steak House, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, Mitchell's Fish Market, Dos Caminos, Bill's Bar & Burger, Joe's Crab Shack and McCormick & Schmick's, Portland City Grill, Kincaid's, Simon and Seaford's, and Henry's Tavern. This is a partial list. (2203)

Landrys is the worst company i ever worked for. And they are also horrible at business. When they took over BRGuest in NYC their goons (I refuse to call them anything but that) came in and changed everything. For the worse. They told me to fire 40% of my staff and if I couldn't find a reason to I was not doing my job. They ignored the Donn doff law and had signs at terminals saying "do not clock in until fully in uniform" which is…illegal. They got rid of the time card adjustment signatures. Which is required in nyc. Any time you adjust a staffs time card they have to sign off on it. Very simple. Yes it was a huge restaurant and yes it took a lot of time to do 3 times a shift (people forgot to clock in, people for got to clock out for they break, etc…) but it's the law. They did away with it. It's a HUGE lawsuit. Every single employee can sue for incorrect hour reporting. It's usually a class action and lawyers make most of the money, but it's an easy slam dunk case for any law firm... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Don't have a clue about who actually owns the company but I can tell you for sure that the family who owns the Jets Pizza stores north of Humble are hardcore crazy Trumpers. Worked there for a bit before quitting because the dad/owner went on a 45 min rant about how black people are the most terrible workers/they need to be "vetted way more" before going on another rant about how we're finally gonna get rid of all the ADHD & autism going around these days "once RFK gets in there" and gets rid of all the sugar in our food. They had a trans neurodivergent teenager working for them as a delivery driver too & I felt so bad for him because the owners talked soooooo much disgusting ignorant shit whenever he wasn't there. Not to mention the Trump/Vance "I'm voting for the outlaw & the hillbilly" sweatshirt the owner's son would come in wearing every day. I could go on but yeah they're definitely ones to avoid (6)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/standardobjection

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🔘🔘

Number of comments: 9

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseypearlclutch:Is r/Dallas banning discussion about banning links to xitter?! :!marseyreich:



Links to DFWScanner are highly utilized on both /r/Dallas and /r/FortWorth any time an accident/pileup/shooting comes up; it wouldn't make sense to ban it.

/u/Dallas-ModTeam appears to be scrubbing the sub of any mention of this. Based on that, I would say the answer is no, they intend to have no discussion about it.

edit: mods have made the decision to allow a platform that is a vehicle for disinformation and MAGA propaganda to continue to be used here. vote accordingly.

how do we elect new mods?


Reported by:
  • FearOfBees : Can you move this to chudrama i accidentally put it in vidya somehow
  • Gibberish : Capy added a "change hole" button on posts months ago
Women can't manage money and never pay back their loans
Zuckerberg does what men do.

Now that we are freee, let's all admit that everyone loves titties. Titties are great. Hers are great. God bless titties.

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