
Fricking psycho

Two side dudes (both at the same job), all while married. Crazy work. She was one of the ones that's been mouthing off about how women analysts are just as qualified as their male counterparts.

This is all coming from that hairdresser that is accusing skip Bayless of propositioning her for s*x. Dafuq is going on over there lmao.

You're the goat, skip. I don't care what anyone says about you.

They had a coke runner on the show who was also groping women. Spectacular.

Poor guy fell in love.


This is the biggest L women have taking in sports broadcasting history. All this weeks after all the shit they were talking.

Cant wait to watch my fiancée become the amazing mother she was meant to be :marseywholesome:


Me (cis f) and my soulmate (mtf) are having our son on Friday and we just finished her second lactation consultation today. She's been on a protocol of hormones that essentially mimics pregnancy and can trigger lactation it's looking like she's starting to produce a milky like substance which she got swabbed today during the appointment. Her breast development has also sky rocketed since the new protocol and she's really happy with that. She's just been glowing and I can see her confidence increasing which makes me so happy for her. If all is well she will be able to eventually feed our baby (we will both be breastfeeding).

The lactation consultant seems really hopeful and excited because there aren't many cases of situations like ours. There have been studies about trans women breastfeeding but what makes our situation a little different is that our baby is my fiancées biological son. I feel like in a way my fiancée will be able to help other trans women in the sense of providing the lactation consultant with this experience and further knowledge on MTF breastfeeding. Her lactation consultant has dealt with lesbian couples before, but not a lesbian cis/trans couple.

On top of that, my fiancée is so excited to be a mother and I know she's going to be amazing at it, I can't wait to see her hold and love our son and I'm so excited to start this new chapter with her. I love her so much.


!chuds !transphobes


Obviously lib journos having a meltdown and who better else to encapsulate it than Frau

!dramatards it's over for Communists. For the second time within 40 years, the German Wall has cometh down. Deutschland elections are barely 3 weeks from now.

Total Morbius AfD (stands for ADolF) sweep.

Google is unironically gonna make weapons now :marseyexcitedgif:
Dumb euro realizes the US isn't going to foot the bill for his security
FOIDS FOUND UNCONSTITUTIONAL :marseyderp: :marseyderp: :marseyderp:

Yes, you read that correctly. He presented an award on an online award show for the worst game of the year. Clutch your pearls preemptively: the nominees were 4 universally agreed on bad games. :marseypearlclutch:

Did James make the decision about what games to have on here. It does not seem like it. BUT HE PRESENTED IT!

Oh yeah, this is somehow g*mergate, because we can't ever let the thing that happened over a decade ago die

This hurts bigly for all the 10 remaining fans of the 40+ year old who calls old games shitty poop farts

Should we even be complaining about this? Think of the dozens of extra views it might get from ResetERA referrals!

Thinking that it's dumb to complain about a shit game gettting a bad game award from a literally who tier youtuber? THAT'S A PADDLIN'

Nobody would have known what a NES or Atari 2600 was without AVGN

I know none of them played it because nobody played it, this poster included.

Reported by:
:marseyhappening: The reason for Kanye's extreme :marseysonichu: hate of Jews has been found!!

!jidf !jews

Pete Davidson's heroic :marseytearfulsalute: father, who gave his life on 9/11, was Jewish

This makes Pete, the famously large-peepeeed man who fricked Kanye's wife, jew-ish.

All this really :marseythinkorino2: is, is the impotent rage of a cuck

Reported by:
  • sKONGhunt42 : China Discusses Sale of TikTok US to Musk as One Possible Option
  • TotalVatniggerDeath : please let this happen. I must see democracy die
:marseyjewoftheorientglow: :handshake: :marseyelonmusk: :marseyzoomer: :!marseytiktok:





Orange Site:


Cavity vaccine
r/Teachers in Shambles After Anti-Woke EO


Trump banned indoctrination in education, resulting in shit jokes and some sneeding from r-slurs like these:

This is precisely why I, a closeted transgender grad student a year away from my teaching certificate, have been contemplating unaliving myself. There is no way I can legally and safely be happy in this lifetime anymore.

It's not worth it with legal avenues removed, never able to change documents, being discriminated against and witch-hunted.

Should do it, and is an unironic threat to children.

Scary stuff for a Health teacher because I actually do teach about sexuality and gender. It's not my whole job, but it is part of it, and the curriculum we use is very lgbtq+-friendly.

Wonder where parents are getting the idea that gays are out to indoctrinate their kids into being gay... :marseywrongthink:

The sub has a few posts on this shit, it got some insane "im such a dramatic hero" posters and a few breaking that circlejerk to actually comment on why the EO happened.

I hope my trans students know I'll go down swinging for them :/ i hate that shits gone backwards since i was in highschool, we got to celebrate gay marriage being legalized and obama and biden running through the whitehouse with pride flags. They get to experience being fear mongered scapegoats for people to direct their misguided hate towards, all with the guise of "protecting kids". Just wait for those suicide rates to go up higher.

Trans kids are not the result of him pushing them in that direction at all, totally normal development...

We need a national walkout. ASAP. Between the immigration bullshit and the trans students, they want to turn us all into deliverers of a different sort of indoctrination that doesn't value, honor, or respect the individual rights of our students, and will absolutely turn us into criminals for being safe spaces.

Literally the next MLK in the making bros

Prominent Train James Elisa Rae Shupe roped...

here is an interview with him (which i didnt watch)...

>highly informative and filled in a lot of blanks. When he was lucid, James was able to explain exactly how porn addiction led him to his fetish, and why there's an over-representation of AGPs in the military. He was able to explain precisely how psychiatrists basically brainwashed people into believing that they are trans. A lot of details we roughly suspected but he gave very concrete, clear experiences.

suicide note (didnt read) but apparently he was mad at Elon...

>Have that Nazi piece of shit Elon Musk and his DOGE henchmen deduct the savings from my $93,000 of federal pensions from your bankrupt coffers.

Artist calmly dismantles the Maga facade



His :marseychud: fratboy neocolonialist cishetnormative anthem of mysogyny :

:soysnootypefast: about how much they support the misogynist taking a stand against national socialism

misogynists stay losing



EFFORTPOST UPMARSEY THIS :marseyupvote2: CSS osu! (Game on @YourAlterEgo's profile)

CSS osu!

Also posted on WPD

I made a simple version of the circle clicking game osu! with HTML and CSS. I was mostly finished with it around December 4. You can find it on @YourAlterEgo's profile. It's on the desktop site only. If you're using a laptop, using a mouse is recommended.

To play it, you click the circles when the ring (approach circle) gets close to the circle. The right time to click is around the time the ring turns white or when it almost reaches the circle. You can click earlier or later if you want. If the anthem starts at the same time you click the play button, it should somewhat sync with the song (it's not perfect).

Play here on @YourAlterEgo's profile (Desktop only)

If the anthem autoplays or the game lags, try it here:

The above site is a static web hosting site like Neocities or GitHub Pages.

Click here if you want to vote on polls asking whether you played and liked the game. They're in a comment because you can't have <details> and polls in the same post.

Comment what you think. If it glitches out or doesn't work, comment what went wrong and what browser you're using. If the anthem doesn't play, try closing other rDrama tabs that have audio playing.


rDrama version (Copy and paste it into your bio and profile CSS if you want)

Non-rDrama version

I tried making a .zip, but Furryfox (Firefox) kept calling it a virus :marseyconfused:

The song is a nightcore (sped-up) version of Lucky Twice - Lucky. I got it straight from an osu map (.osz file) with the same song and edited it to start shortly before the chorus.


If you have other questions, ask in the comments, and I might answer.

1. What is osu!?

It's a free-to-play weeb rhythm game where you click circles while listening to music. This is the game's website. You can try an unoffcial web demo like I did if you don't want to download it. On the actual game and the web version, you can use Z and X to click, which is easier than clicking with the mouse. They also have sliders and spinners, which aren't present in this CSS version.

2. What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, a language used for styling webpages. You can use it to change the color of text, add shadows and glows, change the page's layout, add background images, add simple animations, and so on.

3. Is there an indicator for early and late hits?

No. I tried to track early hits by adding another <details> element that would be animated to toggle its visibility (and therefore clickability). There would be 2 <details> elements you could click, and clicking the one that appears earlier would mean you hit early. However, this caused issues with the circles not responding to clicks, so I gave up on it.

4. How does it work?

CSS animations, animation delays, CSS counters, and lots of <details> and <summary> elements

This uses a lot of <details> and <summary> elements. To make the circles and play button interactive on click, they needed to be interactive HTML elements. <details> and <summary> elements (normally used for showing more text on click, like a spoiler button) are allowed in rDrama bios (unlike checkboxes), so they were perfect for this. The <summary> is the actual clickable part, so that is the element that is styled into a circle or play button.

The following is what details and summary normally look like.

Try clicking me. This clickable text is the summary element inside the details element. Hello! :marseywave2: This is the hidden text!
<summary>Try clicking me. This clickable text is the <em>summary</em> element inside the <em>details</em> element.</summary>
Hello! :marseywave2: This is the hidden text!

The game screen is a <blockquote>. It has a play button at the start (<details> and <summary> elements), and there are 72 blockquotes containing other elements after the play button, one for each of the 72 circles. The bio looks something like the following.

> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>

In HTML, it would be this.


The blockquotes are absolutely positioned and placed around the screen. Inside the blockquotes are the circles (<details> and <summary> elements), the rings/approach circles (<p>), and miss indicators (<h2>). There are also a few <h1> elements between the blockquotes used to mark the start of each section with different colored circles.


You might notice the <p> and <h2> elements have "a" written inside them. This is simply because rDrama did not allow empty <p> and <h2> elements.

The approach circles (rings), circles, and miss indicators were all animated with CSS animations. Because osu! has set timings, it's easy to simply add an animation delay to determine when circles should appear. For example, circle 1 fades in 1.13 second after you click the play button, and circle 72 appears 32.73s seconds in.

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote:nth-of-type(1) {
	animation-delay: 1.13s;

The circles, rings/approach circles, and miss indicators inherit the timing from the containing blockquote.

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote p,
#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote details,
#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote h2 {
	animation-delay:inherit !important;

The play button consists of <details> and <summary> elements. When you click the play button, the open attribute gets added to the <details> element, and the play button gets hidden. The game only starts playing the animations for the other elements when the play button has the open attribute. The CSS uses the sibling selector to use the play button to target the other elements.

#profile--bio details[open] ~ blockquote details {
	animation:1.5s fadecircle ease-out;

The above means that the circle (the second details) should have an animation named "fadecircle" only after the play button (the first details) has been clicked. The details[open] means that the details element has the "open" attribute. This looks like <details open> or <details open=""> in the HTML. The ~ is a sibling selector. If you write details ~ blockquote, it targets all blockquotes that are siblings of a details element (having the same parent element) and come after it in the HTML.

The circles need to be clickable for a limited amount of time. The visibility attribute both can be animated and affects interactivity. A circle's visibility is toggled through a CSS animation to make it clickable only when it's on screen.

@keyframes fadecircle {
	0% {
	10% {
	90% {
	100% {

When you click on a circle, it hides both the approach circle and the miss indicator. The miss indicator only appears after the circle fades out, meaning that if you click the circle, the miss indicator will never appear. Clicking the circle also makes the circle play a different animation to fade out as a white glow. Like with the play button, the open attribute is used to determine whether a circle was hit.

Hide approach circle after the circle (the second details) has been hit ([open])

#profile--bio details[open] ~ blockquote details[open] ~ p {

Play a different animation after the circle has been hit

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote > details[open] summary {
	animation:0.15s hitcircle linear;

The numbers on the circles and the hit counter were made using the CSS counter feature. The CSS counter feature allows us to count elements matching a certain selector and display the current count using the content attribute. For example, you can make a counter to count the number of circles and display the current count on each circle. That way, the 1st circle will be labelled 1, the 2nd circle will be labelled 2, and so on.

The first rule initializes 3 different counters to zero. The second adds 1 to two of the counters at every one of the 72 blockquotes inside the game. The third displays the current count of the counter circlenumbers on the circles.

#profile--bio {
	counter-reset:circlenumbers hitcircles totalcircles;

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote {
	counter-increment:circlenumbers totalcircles;

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote > details > summary::before{

There are different sections with different colors, and the circles in each section are numbered up starting from 1. To determine when each section starts, there are <h1> elements between the blockquotes. This allows us to use the sibling selector to target the blockquotes after each nth <h1> and change the circles' colors. The counter on the circles is also reset to 1 at each <h1>.

#profile--bio h1 {
	counter-set:circlenumbers 0;

The default circle color is red. The circles in the first section use that color. The rules below override the colors of the circles after the first <h1> and the second <h1> with pink and purple respectively.

#profile--bio h1:first-of-type ~ blockquote summary {

#profile--bio h1:nth-of-type(2) ~ blockquote summary {

The hit counter counts the number of circles with the open attribute and is placed on the ::after pseudoelement attached to the outer container blockquote (the game screen). The element displaying this counter needs to be placed after all of the circles in order to count them all, and this meets the requirement.

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote details[open] {

#profile--bio > blockquote::after {
	content:"Total circles: " counter(totalcircles) " | Circles clicked: " counter(hitcircles);

The timer was made using ::before and ::after pseudoelements with an animated content property. I found out this was possible from @iheartrdrama's former WPD CSS!

#profile--bio > blockquote details[open] ~ h1:nth-of-type(4)::before {
	animation:36s timer linear, 0.25s timerFade;
	animation-delay:0s, 36s;

The other timer uses the same animation but in a reverse direction.

animation:36s timer linear, 0.25s timerFade;
animation-direction:reverse, normal;


@keyframes timer {
	0% {
	2.78% {
	97.22% {
	100% {

Thanks for reading if you read this post, and thanks for playing if you played the game. :marseybow:

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Redditors doing the copemath


Russian is acquiring territory at a rate of 100 dead/km². Another 50 million dead, and they'll control all of Ukraine.

There are more than 50 million Russians, so it's doable.

So smart.

Yet he forgets that Ukraine is about to mobilise their 18 years old. And that Russian captured in 2024 more than in 2023 and all their big gains happened the last 3 months.

Why look at those facts if it will make things look bad for Ukraine ? I mean Ukraine is going to win any moment they get the game changer… wait he ain't talking about Ukrainian victory, what happened ? :marseytroll:

Area taken really doesn't show the full picture. You could probably calculate that it would take something like 100 years for Russia to take the whole of Ukraine. However neither Russia or Ukraine can't keep this level of warfare up more than a few years at most. One of them will eventually collapse either from lack of manpower/equipment or due to economy.

Shut up stupid Redditor

This. One of them is going to give up because both are really, really struggling. Both are running out if people. Both are irritating their allies. Both are getting increasingly desperate.


The difference is that Russia is running on volunteers while Ukraine is conscription. Most of those volunteers come from the most impoverished areas of Russia and even from foreign countries. Russia can keep the war going much longer than Ukraine

Shut up no truth Russian soldiers having low moral

Well, this ignores the fact that Russia is losing its position in the world (like in Syria) and that its economy is increasingly in trouble. It also misses the fact that the motivations are dramatically different. The Ukrainians are fighting for their very survival, they have very little incentive to surrender. The Russians are fighting for pride and money, which means they just want it all to wrap up quickly. The Ukrainians are far more committed to their fight than the Russians who are just there for a paycheck.

Exactly !

Ukrainian so motivated that after half year training in France they run away from their first battle. Not the second or third but first :marseybinladen:

Majority of Ukrainian dislike Zelenskyy, don't want 18 year old mobilised are ready to give up the territory

Burgers cuts the nafo budget and all the "combat Russian misinformation" budget. Media starts painting digits that tell majority of European now want it all just end :marseyjanny2:

Ahmad Al Sharaa said in an interview with Saudi Arabian state-owned news outlet Al Arabiya this weekend. "We do not want Russia to leave Syria in the way that some wish."

Al Sharaa, still better known by his nom de guerre Abu Mohammad Al Jolani (and other simply just as Jolani), is head of Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which led the rebel coalition that deposed Assad.

"All of Syria's arms are of Russian origin, and many power plants are managed by Russian experts," Al Sharaa further told Al Arabiya, while also highlighting the "deep strategic interests" of what he described as the "second most powerful country in the world."


Was insisting to me that Russian run away from that base like almost a month ago. Except Ukraine and EU (that ain't even part of that Syrian party) ain't interested in Russian leaving Syria. Redditors are too stupid to understand Israel, US, Turkey and the new Syrian gov won't benefit from Russian leaving.

"That isn't entirely true Russia forces are actually expanding And that has been noted on many occasions by NATO generals 1-

2- Atlantic council talking about how Russia military is expanding and it might reach peak military production in 2025 -2026



Since start of the war Russia conducted a semi mobilization for reserves

Meanwhile ukraine conducted six mobilization efforts in 2014 and 2015 Since the start of the war Ukraine have conducted countless mobilization and Ukraine has been snatching people from streets for year and half now

Antony blinken said in interview that Ukraine Basically has more equipment than troops at this point of time and they need to mobilize fast and also No increase in equipments will save them


Stupid Redditor making sense

With Trump as president, Ukraine will fall. It's a sad reality but we need to start admitting it.

This is smart Redditor, despite Ukraine last victory was on October 3rd 2022 so more than 50% of Biden presidency was without Ukrainian victories. So next years you will hear from them that Ukraine lost because of Trump :marseyxd:

Because if Biden had won then Ukrainian demographics would been fixed. Can you argue with it ? You can't because you ain't multiverse creature that can test it :surejan:

That what I am talking about ! Oh wait it's not Ukraine going to win it's Russia going to collapse because subliminally they know Ukraine ain't going to win so they are coping with Russia will callabse :soyjakwow:

My fav prokhohol last year was this guy

Writes billions words in early December about Russian are now slowing down, Russian in December 2024 had best month since March 2022. Slowing down baby :gigachad2:

First, there is this pervasive idea that being mobilized into the military is basically a death sentence. Which is entirely untrue.

:marseyxd: :marseycoin: :marseyonegramgold:

Ukraine literally didn't had any demobilisation the only way you get delisted from army in Ukraine is if you lose combat capability

There are many models of mobilization that allow people to keep their jobs and continue working while also being trained

Ukraine has shortened the training requirements and so did eu for Ukrainian

So this homo suggest that Ukraine that is short on men power and has hard time replacing loses will just for lol train some guy to send him back to his regular job ? :marseygold:

This homo banned me but you can see he is genius. He believes that Ukraine has 6-12 months training and will do it 2 times :marseyxd: Ukraine officially has 8 weeks training and in reality 2-3 and he talks about 100 weeks training :marseyxd:

Then he finish of with this

And blocks comments because he wants to believe Russian having as much problems as Russian

I mean legendary frog brigade proved this point

So back to the front lines

Kurakhove has fully been captured so now Ukraine will lose whole lower half of Donetsk and fight will start in Dniper region

As one Redditor wrote in og post

Once prokovsk is taken there is only fields till Dnipro, so loosing the Donbas would lose Ukraine the war. Taking the Donbas is by far the hardest part. Just look at WW 2 mr super military genius

Donbas is the most defensible part of that whole region of Ukraine / Russia, as you said first the Germans had trouble going through it and then Soviets too when they were retaking land. The guy calling this advancement against 2014 super entrenched defensive lines insignificant just outed himself as knowing nothing about the war

Ukrainian mappers of course don't report it

Since admitting Kurakhove has fully Ben lost is admitting that black line territory will be soon lost and chances are for truth Sirsky is going to mobilise then as he did with deepstatemap :marseyxd:

Many people have high hopes with Trump that he will come and end it all.

And I have a good news, he won't :marseyparty:

2025 will be year of legal battle. They talking about peace deal but what peace deal if nether Russia nor Ukraine are fighting each others ? :marseyjanny2:

For a peace deal there must be a legal conflict and there just no conflict on paper. Russia wants that Ukraine side says that those 5 oblast are Russian territory. That something Ukraine side won't do since its defacto killing Ukraine, they of course don't have power to recapture it but they need cope that one day they will be able to do it. US offers no nato for Ukraine for 20 years. So every side wants to come out as victorious. But what West and Ukraine is offering Russia is just a draw and not fixing the reasons why Russia invaded. Why would Russia accept it after it survived all the giga western weapons. Aid for Ukraine is now around 500 billions that's inflation adjusted is 3 times more than lend lease to Soviet Union. And Biden created lend lease for Ukraine but never used it, you wonder why ? Because he was giving everything for free to Ukraine

Lend lease was such pathos moment

So after all the epic pathos moment how Russia will be defeated by united west

The scary tanks and long range missiles, Ukrainian are on their back foot without any ability to regain balance, west is offering Russian a draw :marseyjanny2:

So you see it's ether Ukraine recognise that those 5 oblast are Russian or the grind will go on

As I mentioned before Zelenskyy is dead if he recognises those 5 oblast as Russian and he already against elections since now even republicans ask it and he still says no

So don't worry bros Slavshit won't end in 2025

Have a good year, see you again around February, need to study, will have exams about how bad and evil Trump is. Had to listen like 2 hours about how Trump is facist but you can't call him facist :marseythumbsup:

Thís Еurореаn ļеftíе wоmаn sауs twíttеr must bе bаnnеd tо рrоtесt dеmосrаtу

Thоughts ?

The Davis Sisters- I Believe :marseyparappa: I'll Go Back Home

Fatties get filtered by chairs :fatchair: :marseychonkerfoid:



Why cant you eat a fetus? : morbidquestions


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