It's hilarious how pro bailouts redditors are when it's LE HECKING ETHNIC FOOD


Libertarian meme coin bros :marseysweating:
:marseychingchongraging: :!marseychingchongpearlclutch:


This was posted on rDrama a year ago but without annotation or marseys.

The reddit OP is [[[deleted]]] but his legacy lives on.

Pinned comment:

You can read the full context behind the 'You will never be a real woman' YWNBAW copypasta here

The link does not offer full context. It references its origin on a 4chan thread but doesn't even give the get.

:!marseyfreedomofspeech: You can say whatever you want but it is true. Just because you "feel" you are a woman, doesnt mean you are one. Period. Its all in the post

:marseyakshually: Psychiatrists disagree with you.

:marsey: Psychiatrists can say what they want, you will still, never be, a woman.

:marseywitch2: Why not?

:marsey: Because You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs... [the full copypasta]

:marseywitch2: So what gives you more authority to make that judgement than psychiatrists?

:marsey: So essentially, this is my reasoning:

You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. [full copypasta]

:marseywitchtriggered: That's not reasoning. You just reposted the copypasta.

(Yeah no shit, that's what it's there for :marseyxd:)

:marseyslab: Because for some reason you aren't getting the message.

His observation doesn't come from an appeal to authority, like yours and "psychiatrists" do. His observation is based off of reality.

I can say I feel like an Asian woman. I can say I feel like a foxen kin, and psychiatrists can agree that I AM one, all they want, but the fact remains I was born a white male. Nothing changes this. Surgery doesn't. Altering my hormones doesn't. Changing my posture and clothes doesn't.

Would you like me to pasta that copy for you, again? Or is 4 times good enough?

:marseywitch2: [gay shit about appeals to authority and meta discussion]

Heres the climax!

:marsey: I'll ask you point blank then: You think a man is a woman the moment he believes himself to be one?

:marseywitch2: Yes, she is.

:#pronouncorrection: INTENSIFIES

:marsey: [[[ Removed by Reddit ]]]

:marseywitch2: Except that the overwhelming scientific consensus on the subject is that gender identity exists separately from biological s*x, and that altering the latter to match the former is better, more healthy, and more feasible than the inverse.


:marsey: As per my last two paragraphs [[[removed above]]], your comment qualifies as this conversation being ended.

:marseywitch2: If you're not willing to converse without me rejecting science in favor of supporting your bigotry, then yeah, we can't really continue from there.

Our brave little biological reality warrior then goes on to frick everything up by resorting to 2015 insults.

:marsey: You're a bootlicker, incapable of thinking for yourself. Probably a cuck. Thanks for removing yourself from the gene pool

The battle continues, a year past the original post date. I won't copy it here, it's off in the weeds past the original point but here's the link many layers deep:

A couple of teasers if you want to delve into the ancient battlefield:

  • Imagine calling someone a "bootlicker" because they're more pro-freedom than you

  • Freedom to sin is terrible for the soul. Should be stopped immediately. Inshallah.

  • If I want to commit a sin that hurts me and me alone, then I see no reason why laws should exist to restrict that. It's my afterlife to afterlive.

  • There is no such sin that only affects the sinner.

  • Ivan Karamazov ... Grand Inquisitor ... Long gay quote from some dead russian with a stupid name :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:

  • Yeah I'm not reading that great wall of china long text wall

  • Your lack of classical education does not render Dostoevsky obscure, kid. (my favorite cringe out of all of this)

  • Those who believe in omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent gods must know that such hypotheticals bla bla

  • [the battle ends 2 years after the original thread]

Honourable Mention (!bardfinn spelling)


You 😎👉 will never ❌ be a real 😍 woman 👩. You 👉 have no 🙅🌈 womb 👶, you 👈 have no 🙅🏻❌ ovaries 🗣👩🏾, you 👈 have no ❌🚫 eggs 🥚. You 👈 are a homosexual 🏳️‍🌈 man 👨🏼🚫 twisted 🥨 by drugs 💊 and surgery 🏥 into a crude 👺 mockery 😤 of nature's perfection 👌.

All 💯 the "validation" you 👈 get 🉐🇮🇹 is two-faced and half-hearted 💔. Behind ↩ your 👈🏾 back ⬅ people 👨 mock 😨😟 you 👈🕛. Your 👉👶🏼🚀 parents 👪🛬 are disgusted 🤢 and ashamed 😩 of you 👈, your 👉 "friends" laugh 🤣😂 at your ⛓👉 ghoulish appearance 🔎 behind 👟💥 closed 🚫 doors 🚪.

Men 👨 are utterly 🐄 repulsed by you 👉😏. Thousands 👌🌼💯 of years 🗓 of evolution 🐒 have allowed 😖 men 👨 to sniff 👃 out frauds 🚫 with incredible 😯‼❗ efficiency 📊. Even 🌃 :!marseytrain:s 🙋‍♂️👠 who "pass" look 👀 uncanny and unnatural 👽 to a man 👨🌊. Your 👉 bone 🍖 structure 🏠 is a dead ☠ giveaway 🎉🥳🎊. And even 🌃 if you 👈 manage 🧔 to get 🉐 a drunk 🍺🍻 guy 👨 home 🏠 with you 👈, he'll turn 🔄 tail 🍑 and bolt 🏃🏻‍♀️ the second ⏱ he 👥 gets 🉐📴 a whiff 🤑 of your 👉🏄🏾📝 diseased 😷🐱, infected 😖 axe 🙌😤😠 wound 💨.

You 👈 will never 🚫💩 be happy 😊. You 👈 wrench 👨🏿‍🔧 out a fake 👻 smile 😊 every ☝ single ☝ morning 🌄 and tell 💬 yourself it's going 🏃 to be ok 👌💯, but 🍑 deep 😱 inside 💠 you 👈 feel 😜 the depression 😭 creeping 💥 up ⬆ like 💖 a weed 🍁, ready 😏 to crush 😘📏 you 👈 under ❌⬇👇 the unbearable 😤 weight 😔😓💤.

Eventually 💦🍆 it'll be too much 😩😂🙀 to bear 💯🐻 - you'll buy 💰 a rope ➰, tie 👔 a noose 😔, put 🔛 it around 🔃 your 👉😘 neck 🐪, and plunge 😵😲😩 into the cold ❄ abyss 😍😝. Your 👉 parents 👪 will find 🔎 you 👉, heartbroken 💔😢 but 🍑 relieved 🤤 that they no 😣 longer 🍆 have to live 😩 with the unbearable 💥👃👎 shame 😳 and disappointment 🙃. They'll bury ⚰ you 👈 with a headstone marked 🖍 with your 👶👈 birth 👑 name 📛, and every ☝ passerby for the rest 💤 of eternity 🌋🆎💅🏿 will know 🤔 a man 👨 is buried 🕳 there. Your 👉 body 💃 will decay ☠ and go 🏃🏼‍♀️ back 🔙 to the dust 💨, and all 💯 that will remain 😥 of your 👉 legacy 🐒🌄 is a skeleton 💀 that is unmistakably male 👦.

This is your 👉🏠🍕 fate 💀☠. This is what you 👈 chose 👉😎👈. There is no 🙅💔🚧 turning 💫↩ back 🔙.

!chuds !transphobes !historychads

New race just dropped.


The story of the Michelin-star chef that killed himself :marseychef: :marseychartdowntrend2:

A classical Greek tragedy about hard work, big egos, and French culture.

His fanatical attention to detail, frenetic work ethic, and discerning palate, propelled him to the top of his profession, and earned him a knowledgeable and loyal, but unforgiving and demanding clientele.

:marseychefkiss: :marseyautism:

In the late 1990s, a new form of Asian-inspired "fusion cuisine" swept France, catering to an international corporate class and pleasing trend-driven "foodies" (a neologism of the movement), which Loiseau resisted.

:marseybased: :soyjakhipstergenocide:

Loiseau was downgraded from 19/20 to 17/20 in the Gault et Millau guide and received a strong negative media review from the gastronomic critic François Simon in the newspaper Le Figaro, but he still had his three stars in the Michelin Guide. Criticism continued to pour in and the media speculated about a possible future loss of a Michelin star.

:marseysweating: :marseystocksdown:

But on February 24, 2003, the chef finished his lunchtime service, rolled up his apron and drove home. Telling his ten-year old son – one of three children – to go and play outside, he went upstairs, locked the bedroom door and shot himself in the head with a hunting rifle, a present from his wife.


After his death, three-star chef Jacques Lameloise said Loiseau had once confided, "If I lose a star, I'll kill myself".


Derek Brown, Michelin director at the time, said: "The idea of telling him about the concerns we had about some of his cooking was in order to give him an opportunity to consider whether he wanted to do something about it, which he did, as it turned out."


All in all, a messy story sparking many debates about whether reviewers should really be brutally honest, and if they are unfairly harsh. Perhaps it inspired Ratatouille (2007)?

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] Analysis of PirateSoftware's "Apology" Tweet


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

Watch grubby discuss it. There's a reason grubby is a 6x world champion at war3 and pirate is pretty garbage at playing mage. Zero self reflection and massive ego are a bad combination for self improvement.He won't learn. I read up yesterday some furry's had a hate campaign against him 20 years ago for the same exact shit. He's not learnt in 20 years he isn't gunna suddenly learn now. (2)

Yeah I think Grubby ended up laying the majority of fault on Ozy, Snupy, and Yamato. Pirate and Sara were least at fault for the entire situation, and Yamato flashing his inner League Rage was judged very poorly. And then Yamato dragged his community all over the place whining so loudly and spreading toxicity so determinedly that one of the chillest, most guild-dedicated streamers in Onlyfangs got gkicked. One day, the line is 'if the vibes are off, you gotta bail!' then Yamato starts whining and all of the sudden Pirate is scapegoated so that Onlyfangs can retain a larger viewer count. Soda did Thor wrong. Hope Yamato is as helpful to the guild as Pirate was... lulz. (-2)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You mean, only asmongold thinks he didn't do anything wrong?Everyone else is in agreement that he could have helped more on the run out. (4)

No, anyone who is familiar with the event, onlyfangs and with hardcore wow knows he didn't do anything wrong. This is nothing more than a loud subsection of kissless redditors farming engagement, updoots and drama. (-3)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

All he needed to say was"I'm sorry looking back i could have done more to help the group i panicked a bit and ran when run was called" (11)

Nah, he shouldn't. He didn't do anything wrong. Not even right wing reactionary pundit Asmongold thinks he did anything wrong. (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

What a load of crap from reading this tweet. The only manipulation going on is the marks to pretend it's shit.How the frick do you get "gaslamping" from "I never said I was perfect". (0)

I get gaslamping from him telling everyone that whoever says something negative about him that they're just blaming the pull on only him, and that everyone who was banned were harassing and threatening him. Since the very start everyone has said the pull wasn't his fault. He banned a tonne of people who did absolutely nothing. Lots of people just asked simple questions or said the word mana lol. He's said all the streamers who reacted to him are just doing so for clout, and jumping on the hate bandwagon. Instead of addressing anyone and solving it, He's gaslamping any of his viewers into thinking that everyone else is just harassing him because it's the cool thing to do.Anyone actually harassing him are scum btw, I don't comment on twitch at all because there are too many of those people He's referring to, but the fact he seemingly doesn't even know why everyone's mad at him and blaming it on them just trying to blame the mage is crazy. Imo it shows he hasn't actually taken a seco... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I watched a 40+ minute video of Grubby breaking down the entire thing, and Grubby was pretty clear about Yamato having Sara's death on his hands, because the tank really didn't deserve to be alive in a trade off like that, after such a terrible entry and pull in an instance as dangerous as this one. He also made it clear that Pirate likely would have been more amenable to help if Yamato wasn't being so hostile and confused about why Pirate was running after being told to. Personally, I believe that if Yamato had just kept his arm in his mouth and let Ozy call, Pirate wouldn't have been on the defensive and would have turned around to help at that last corner, where there was no longer any danger of more butt pulls.As it stands though, Yamato, who was spasming and making confused calls overtop of Ozy while he stood safely in Vanish range, convinced Sara to sacrifice himself for the tank who made the bad pull, and reinforced Pirate's uncooperative attitude. Yeah. I watched the video. W... (0)

Confused calls? Yelling? Bro is yapping about things that never happened.He called run. Everybody ran together except pirate. Pirate blinked 80 yards away. Then he called pirate to come back. Pirate listened to his "run" call but not his "come back" call, and blinked away + barriered while his mouse was literally hovering over his mana gem.Pirate then immediately calls himself more valuable than the other members (someone with 8 ears is objectively more valuable than onlyfangs 10th 300/300 enchanter, the raw skill expression alone is proof of that). Pirate had 1:40 before somebody died. That's how long he had to turn back. He had over a minute and a half to decide to blizzard for his friends.Trash mental. And that's all ignoring the complete lack of humility when their guild lead tried to smooth things over. He didn't even apologise to Sara and snupy who lost hundreds of hours. He didn't even apologise to the actual victims of the event.He makes his living off the public. Now he's p... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

100%. People caring about this shit so much is sad (0)

People hating on a genuine loser isn't sad. It's funny and entertaining. This dude has been on his high horse forever and never admits he is wrong. Bro he even fought against Ross games 'stop killing games' game preservation effort. Like the dude is an butt. (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/iCresp

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 3

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

"Elon Musk is an N from Moscow" - Unironic Redditors :marseyxd:


These mayos have no sense of humor

"America Does Not Have Kings" in r/AntiTrumpAlliance


It's in the Constitution,%2C%20Prince%2C%20or%20foreign%20State.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.


Fricking psycho

Two side dudes (both at the same job), all while married. Crazy work. She was one of the ones that's been mouthing off about how women analysts are just as qualified as their male counterparts.

This is all coming from that hairdresser that is accusing skip Bayless of propositioning her for s*x. Dafuq is going on over there lmao.

You're the goat, skip. I don't care what anyone says about you.

They had a coke runner on the show who was also groping women. Spectacular.

Poor guy fell in love.


This is the biggest L women have taking in sports broadcasting history. All this weeks after all the shit they were talking.

Reported by:
Drama in r/Amerexit when commenters point out to OP that homeschooling is illegal in many countries


OP makes a post called 'Black Mom Leaving the US' looking for experiences from other black women on emigrating from the US. They mention homeschooling, which leads several people to point out that homeschooling is illegal in some of the countries OP is interested in. OP isn't having it and calls some of the comments 'creepy':

Yeah it's very strange, and creepy, how obsessed people on this thread are with the future education prospects of my one-year-old.

OP believes that being a digital nomad does not make them a resident of that country... somehow?

More drama when someone else points out that some of the countries listed are significantly more racist than OP realises:

Reported by:
Foid with BIG FAT TITTIES gets harassed at the Verizon store [POLL INSIDE]



Selected pictures:

Best comments:

They think because you look the way you look that you're looking for attention. Insufferable people.

No, I'm just saying that viewing your previous posts had as the same red flags as the weirdo thinking it's ok to text you that crazy stuff. I'd block him for sure but you might want to take some time thinking about how you're interacting with these creeps

Game is game

Fun Facts

According to her post history she's on methadone and probation.


New chudface just dropped

made a new ping group please apply and then leave a comment here about your fighting ability if you'd like to be considered for membership

badmen and saiyans ONLY


EFFORTPOST UPMARSEY THIS :marseyupvote2: CSS osu! (Game on @YourAlterEgo's profile)

CSS osu!

Also posted on WPD

I made a simple version of the circle clicking game osu! with HTML and CSS. I was mostly finished with it around December 4. You can find it on @YourAlterEgo's profile. It's on the desktop site only. If you're using a laptop, using a mouse is recommended.

To play it, you click the circles when the ring (approach circle) gets close to the circle. The right time to click is around the time the ring turns white or when it almost reaches the circle. You can click earlier or later if you want. If the anthem starts at the same time you click the play button, it should somewhat sync with the song (it's not perfect).

Play here on @YourAlterEgo's profile (Desktop only)

If the anthem autoplays or the game lags, try it here:

The above site is a static web hosting site like Neocities or GitHub Pages.

Click here if you want to vote on polls asking whether you played and liked the game. They're in a comment because you can't have <details> and polls in the same post.

Comment what you think. If it glitches out or doesn't work, comment what went wrong and what browser you're using. If the anthem doesn't play, try closing other rDrama tabs that have audio playing.


rDrama version (Copy and paste it into your bio and profile CSS if you want)

Non-rDrama version

I tried making a .zip, but Furryfox (Firefox) kept calling it a virus :marseyconfused:

The song is a nightcore (sped-up) version of Lucky Twice - Lucky. I got it straight from an osu map (.osz file) with the same song and edited it to start shortly before the chorus.


If you have other questions, ask in the comments, and I might answer.

1. What is osu!?

It's a free-to-play weeb rhythm game where you click circles while listening to music. This is the game's website. You can try an unoffcial web demo like I did if you don't want to download it. On the actual game and the web version, you can use Z and X to click, which is easier than clicking with the mouse. They also have sliders and spinners, which aren't present in this CSS version.

2. What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, a language used for styling webpages. You can use it to change the color of text, add shadows and glows, change the page's layout, add background images, add simple animations, and so on.

3. Is there an indicator for early and late hits?

No. I tried to track early hits by adding another <details> element that would be animated to toggle its visibility (and therefore clickability). There would be 2 <details> elements you could click, and clicking the one that appears earlier would mean you hit early. However, this caused issues with the circles not responding to clicks, so I gave up on it.

4. How does it work?

CSS animations, animation delays, CSS counters, and lots of <details> and <summary> elements

This uses a lot of <details> and <summary> elements. To make the circles and play button interactive on click, they needed to be interactive HTML elements. <details> and <summary> elements (normally used for showing more text on click, like a spoiler button) are allowed in rDrama bios (unlike checkboxes), so they were perfect for this. The <summary> is the actual clickable part, so that is the element that is styled into a circle or play button.

The following is what details and summary normally look like.

Try clicking me. This clickable text is the summary element inside the details element. Hello! :marseywave2: This is the hidden text!
<summary>Try clicking me. This clickable text is the <em>summary</em> element inside the <em>details</em> element.</summary>
Hello! :marseywave2: This is the hidden text!

The game screen is a <blockquote>. It has a play button at the start (<details> and <summary> elements), and there are 72 blockquotes containing other elements after the play button, one for each of the 72 circles. The bio looks something like the following.

> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>
> <details><summary></summary></details><h2>a</h2><p>a</p>

In HTML, it would be this.


The blockquotes are absolutely positioned and placed around the screen. Inside the blockquotes are the circles (<details> and <summary> elements), the rings/approach circles (<p>), and miss indicators (<h2>). There are also a few <h1> elements between the blockquotes used to mark the start of each section with different colored circles.


You might notice the <p> and <h2> elements have "a" written inside them. This is simply because rDrama did not allow empty <p> and <h2> elements.

The approach circles (rings), circles, and miss indicators were all animated with CSS animations. Because osu! has set timings, it's easy to simply add an animation delay to determine when circles should appear. For example, circle 1 fades in 1.13 second after you click the play button, and circle 72 appears 32.73s seconds in.

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote:nth-of-type(1) {
	animation-delay: 1.13s;

The circles, rings/approach circles, and miss indicators inherit the timing from the containing blockquote.

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote p,
#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote details,
#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote h2 {
	animation-delay:inherit !important;

The play button consists of <details> and <summary> elements. When you click the play button, the open attribute gets added to the <details> element, and the play button gets hidden. The game only starts playing the animations for the other elements when the play button has the open attribute. The CSS uses the sibling selector to use the play button to target the other elements.

#profile--bio details[open] ~ blockquote details {
	animation:1.5s fadecircle ease-out;

The above means that the circle (the second details) should have an animation named "fadecircle" only after the play button (the first details) has been clicked. The details[open] means that the details element has the "open" attribute. This looks like <details open> or <details open=""> in the HTML. The ~ is a sibling selector. If you write details ~ blockquote, it targets all blockquotes that are siblings of a details element (having the same parent element) and come after it in the HTML.

The circles need to be clickable for a limited amount of time. The visibility attribute both can be animated and affects interactivity. A circle's visibility is toggled through a CSS animation to make it clickable only when it's on screen.

@keyframes fadecircle {
	0% {
	10% {
	90% {
	100% {

When you click on a circle, it hides both the approach circle and the miss indicator. The miss indicator only appears after the circle fades out, meaning that if you click the circle, the miss indicator will never appear. Clicking the circle also makes the circle play a different animation to fade out as a white glow. Like with the play button, the open attribute is used to determine whether a circle was hit.

Hide approach circle after the circle (the second details) has been hit ([open])

#profile--bio details[open] ~ blockquote details[open] ~ p {

Play a different animation after the circle has been hit

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote > details[open] summary {
	animation:0.15s hitcircle linear;

The numbers on the circles and the hit counter were made using the CSS counter feature. The CSS counter feature allows us to count elements matching a certain selector and display the current count using the content attribute. For example, you can make a counter to count the number of circles and display the current count on each circle. That way, the 1st circle will be labelled 1, the 2nd circle will be labelled 2, and so on.

The first rule initializes 3 different counters to zero. The second adds 1 to two of the counters at every one of the 72 blockquotes inside the game. The third displays the current count of the counter circlenumbers on the circles.

#profile--bio {
	counter-reset:circlenumbers hitcircles totalcircles;

#profile--bio blockquote > blockquote {
	counter-increment:circlenumbers totalcircles;

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote > details > summary::before{

There are different sections with different colors, and the circles in each section are numbered up starting from 1. To determine when each section starts, there are <h1> elements between the blockquotes. This allows us to use the sibling selector to target the blockquotes after each nth <h1> and change the circles' colors. The counter on the circles is also reset to 1 at each <h1>.

#profile--bio h1 {
	counter-set:circlenumbers 0;

The default circle color is red. The circles in the first section use that color. The rules below override the colors of the circles after the first <h1> and the second <h1> with pink and purple respectively.

#profile--bio h1:first-of-type ~ blockquote summary {

#profile--bio h1:nth-of-type(2) ~ blockquote summary {

The hit counter counts the number of circles with the open attribute and is placed on the ::after pseudoelement attached to the outer container blockquote (the game screen). The element displaying this counter needs to be placed after all of the circles in order to count them all, and this meets the requirement.

#profile--bio > blockquote > blockquote details[open] {

#profile--bio > blockquote::after {
	content:"Total circles: " counter(totalcircles) " | Circles clicked: " counter(hitcircles);

The timer was made using ::before and ::after pseudoelements with an animated content property. I found out this was possible from @iheartrdrama's former WPD CSS!

#profile--bio > blockquote details[open] ~ h1:nth-of-type(4)::before {
	animation:36s timer linear, 0.25s timerFade;
	animation-delay:0s, 36s;

The other timer uses the same animation but in a reverse direction.

animation:36s timer linear, 0.25s timerFade;
animation-direction:reverse, normal;


@keyframes timer {
	0% {
	2.78% {
	97.22% {
	100% {

Thanks for reading if you read this post, and thanks for playing if you played the game. :marseybow:

Accountability :marseystonetoss:

Y'all moids need to :marseyclapping2: wash :marseyclapping2: yo :marseyclapping2: butt :marseynails:


Dax - "God's Eyes" (Official Music :marseymiku: Video) - YouTube :marseymetokur:

Learn how to cuck academics with this one simple trick

!physics !ifrickinglovescience


:#marseyxd: :#marseyxdorbit: :#dinoxd: :#marseylulz: :#marseyrofl: :#mjlol: :#marseyemojilaugh: :#turtoiserofl: :#duckdance: :#laugh: :#lolface: :#marseysobbing: :#manullol: :#marseyemojilaugh2: :#pepeloser: :#lolsign: :#trollfacedancing: :#marseyladybugxd: :#eggplantlaugh: :#marseywheeze: :#platylol:

Reported by:
  • sKONGhunt42 : China Discusses Sale of TikTok US to Musk as One Possible Option
  • TotalVatniggerDeath : please let this happen. I must see democracy die
:marseyjewoftheorientglow: :handshake: :marseyelonmusk: :marseyzoomer: :!marseytiktok:





Orange Site:

modern gayming

@kaamrev discuss

President Trump has ordered that all federal DEI employees be placed on leave no later than Wednesday at 5pm ET :!soycry:



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