- Sneed : (changelog) carpathianflorist is a b-word butt neighbor
- THOMAS : mypoc <3
- british : change: dont ban for spam (dramaphobic). Let bans be appealled (let me ping you pls). Bardfinn.
- KONGTEP : Hotep wuz here and we wuz kangz
: Imagine wrote something funny here. Now laugh.
- ManBearFridge : Lmao
- 5732
- 187
a lot of days, I make a shitton of changes in successsion, and I don't wanna make the whole frontpage my changelog posts, so I don't post about them
this thread solves that, so from now on instead of making changelog posts, I'll make changelog comments here
click subscribe on this thread to get notified of changes
on desktop:
on mobile:
Edit: I'm still not gonna post about bugfixes tho, theres way too many
- Zuzie : Testing
- DickButtKiss : Bugchasing megathread*
- smolchickentenders : Did somebody say bugs :marseybillgates:
- 100
- 88
from here on out, ill post codecel questions or other shit i need help with here and give mbux rewards appropriately
subscribe to the thread if ur interested
: test
- KONGTEP : Black Lives Matter
- Sneed : Comment to upmarsey ratio is bad. This means its controversial and aevann should delete this post
- russy : hai
: ily aevann maybe i can be as codecel as you
i need to make more capy emojis but im slow
- BoBandy : Hieroglyphics award should have a visible timer
- 16792
- 223
pls don't just say something is broken, explain HOW its broken
example of useless bug reports:
-https://rdrama.net/post/18459/marseycapywalking-megathread-for-bugs-and-suggestions/4763331#context by @Ninjjer - didn't explain shit
-https://rdrama.net/post/18459/marseycapywalking-megathread-for-bugs-and-suggestions/4746234#context by @S - didn't explain shit
-https://rdrama.net/post/18459/marseycapywalking-megathread-for-bugs-and-suggestions/4013219#context by @boogiecat - didn't explain shit
-https://rdrama.net/post/18459/marseycapywalking-megathread-for-bugs-and-suggestions/3848053#context by @L - didn't explain shit
-https://rdrama.net/h/kappa/post/196129/funbag-fridays/4783886#context by @Horned_waifus_shill - didn't explain shit
also pls tell me ur browser and device and include screenshots/recording if u can
- 2048
- 158
Post your suggestions and jannoids will decide which ones to add. Thank you.
- 729
- 78
idk what exactly i'm supposed to put here, but @Dramarama suggested this and we thought it was a good idea
As a parent comment, list what you want, what the bounty is, and include a reference image if applicable
I'm not here to supervise so if you get scammed it's your fault for being an r-slur
happy hunting
- 328
- 10
post a comment like this (in this exact format)
{"name": "Benefactor","description": "Gave the Benefactor award to someone"}
and dont forget to attach the badge image
- 71
- 68
I think facebook is the last place juggalos show their face, but they have several great groups that will post their animal behavior for the entire week. I'll make this a hub for screenshots. It's my favorite week of the year way better than gay shark week. it's meth raccoon week.
edit - this site doesn't handle pic updates well. It will only get better as the festival actually starts., Follow this post to get teh updates.
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bottom text
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!strayans !strayans !strayans IN IN IN
I've timed this to go out at midday AEDT and I'll try keep it active until the referendum is called sometime tonight.
Carp aevann pls pin, but if they don't I'm gonna use my limited coins to pin it myself when something happens.
- Sneed- Marcia Langton says reconciliation is dead
- News- last minute Newspoll shows Yes gain by 3 points (still losing tho)
- Sneed- Dutton is literally drumpfh
- Sneed- "Once again, it seems only white men know what's best for Aboriginal peoples"
Anyway, how was voting (if you're doing it on the day)? What result are you expecting? What result do you want?
- Chtorrr : This is a deplorable Reddit ripoff, designed only to spread transphobia, racism, and misinformation.
- 26
- 29
If you are on the Platyslist, you will get a Platy NFT! If you are on the SORENSLIST... you will get a SOREN NFT
Which way, Plavatars?
Subscribe to the thread for when Capy Claus delivers the art! your spot on the list MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE... so beware of committing a mass chuddery
!anime !2dgooners !art !coolpeople Merry Platysmas everyone!
- 28
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Low effort post, I'm sort of annoyed by this shit for the reason I'll put at the end. I'm sure there is some more context to dig but eh.
Some indie dev adds marriage to this game and asked "Where are all the cute twinks" he replies with this
This causes a mild shitstorm as per usual, with a homo indie dev then posting a callout post
>Dev adds marriage & children to his game.
— Wanderbot (@Wanderbots) August 25, 2024
>LGBTQ folks respectfully ask for possible same s*x marriage.
>Dev blows a gasket and bans them.
>LGBTQ folks leave a few reviews.
>Dev goes full mask off with his hate.
Hate to see it, but also good riddance. pic.twitter.com/bpehJ8GWd0
Our other indie dev then responds
Very disappointed in this conversation with /r/roguelike mods, where they went mask off. I'm shocked it took so little pressure to crack them and reveal their true colors.
— Artur (@ArturSmiarowski) August 27, 2024
I'm leaving it for you to see below, alongside the "inflammatory" title of the Bounding Into Comics article… pic.twitter.com/8cAkx1PzLr
Suprise suprise, the reddit jannies are against OUR GUY game dev, not that it matters since he's laughing to the bank with new chud dollars.
I'm not going to lie, it's sort of embarrassing how easily you can market to chuds as long as you create a twitter shitstorm. Guess at least they buy games to "own teh wokes"
I totally buy these game devs doing this fake beef shit hoping to go viral to shill their own games.
- timmy_blueballs : game with tagline," War. War never changes." about the inevitability of war and not about capitalism
- 108
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Original Fallout co-creator Tim Cain says 'Critique of capitalism was never the point' of the games and if anything they're about how 'war is inevitable given basic human nature'. https://t.co/HMqJaDBX6z
— PC Gamer (@pcgamer) August 22, 2024
- BillAckmanBanEvasion : Do not give him any negative awards. He has 30 deflector awards
- Horned_waifus_shill : carp doing the funni
: I don't care if she's a carp larp still
- Wojak : cringepathian f agist
- DickButtKiss : I dont even like to hate on Carp but honestly u kinda blew it since ur big return. What happen man?
- Tonberry : Yet another catfish making coombrained drama incels lose sanity. Sad!
- Thirtythirst4sissies : Millions must die btw
- 37
- 16
Here is the cipher. The question has been scrambled from its original form.
Here is the key:
The first to give me the answer
to the question
will get 10k MB and a unique badge. The only hint I will give is that I started with the Caesar
cypher method. Badge
be ready
in the next few days or so. The next 4 will get 10k mb.
!ghosts would someone in badgemaxxers mind pinging them please?
- PlsNope : do not engage. degenerate felon posted this
- TournamentFishingkeyKong : It's okay. I'm a hybristophile
- 78
- 123
So, it would appear that there wasn't already a thread about this on here, so I'm getting one started. This is a general megathread for posting stupid shit that you found on Wikipedia, including stupid misinformation and stupid drama.
I'll get the thread started with a few examples. For one, this recent "Did you know..." box could almost pass for a parody:
The article about Jex Blackmore appears to have been fully created about a month ago. March 29th when was when it stopped being a redirect, and was mostly what it is today. This is clearly an astroturfed-in art project from someone who has no talent, no skill, and is likely mentally ill. In other words, perfect for Wikipedo. With that said, you can tell that even the s who wrote the article know that this person is batfrick insane.
Here's some more recent drama, in which self-professed neurodivergent anarcho-communist Dronebogus calls a columnist a "transphobic wackadoodle" (in blatant violation of Wikipedia's so-called rules against personal attacks), then gets another user permanently banned for making very light anti-
Much like Le Rebbit, Wikipedia has been completely overtaken by mentally ill activists in recent years.
Wikipedia is primarily edited by the same kind of people who post on Reddit (i.e. porn-addicted neckbeards/s), and this screenshot of Wikipedia's examples of "multiracial people" speaks for itself:
There is always drama surrounding Wikipedia articles about internet trolls, whether it's regarding G*merGate, Kiwi Farms, imageboards, or anything else. Recently, Wikipedia purged all references to Kiwi Farms "targeting" far-right users. The Wikipedo jannies - many of whom, again, self-identify as communists - declared that catboy/Nick Fuentes criticism from Kiwi Farms users is only "infighting" because the trolls are all, of course, far-right themselves.
Needless to say, it's hard to keep the "internet trolls are all Nazis" illusion around if they mention facts to the contrary. Having the fact that Kiwi Farms keeps threads on the likes of Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer be public knowledge opens people up to asking "but why would they be fighting other far-right people if they're far-right themselves?" and we definitely can't have that!
- Impassionata : most impressive
- whyareyou : being unironically helpful to reddit is dramaphobic
- Soot : ^ Even DOE it is drama-positive to screw over subreddit powerjannies
EFFORTPOST 17:18 update: the pedo saga is over already? "He was 16 so it's not pedophilia" "Oh okay thanks!" The powerjannies are organizing another protest and I've been allowed into the server (my main is now banned but it's ok bc i have 4 accounts in the backchannels my main didn't even have access to)
- 266
- 319
This post here convinced them to give me full access
Stay tuned for excitement! I'll wait until they actually get some stuff together to start dumping content en masse. Might just pull the whole server again. We'll see how hysterical they get.
update: I am not able to see some channels but it's okay I still have access to them and am making this known!!!
update: I have created cognitive dissonance by spreading "FUD"?? which google says means "fear, uncertainty, doubt"
update: I am testing the waters in another channel
update: The Jannie Letters are now being discussed
update: My main has now been banned for posting content it did not have access to, like that is going to do something, somehow? Leaks to follow once they get a game plan going. They're currently considering NSFWing all their subs because ads aren't served on NSFW subs which is actually a really good idea. Though they're afraid to do this because they might get demopped by Reddit.
Last words, as seen from yet another account. Fittingly it was a train who banned me.
https://discord . gg/mKudvApxD5 - invite link.
Get in fast, Wuz is going to link this thread there for the craic.
Remove the spaces around the .
They really did not like this thread and so they've revoked the general purpose invite link. New one to follow if they reissue a new one and don't smarten up. They're in a tizzy now combatting leaks that haven't even happened yet instead of doing their union larp.
I have made this thread public to be sporting. Meeting in a few, updates on hold UFN.
Final preview:
Imagine being a webdev and being reached out to by a volunteer internet janitor of some subforum on a gay orange messageboard lol
Multi-page discussion about the scaaaaary fish in one of their secret channels. I was banned and never had access to this but I can still see! Get it together @femilip!
"rdrama never changes" indeed @demmian
And now we discuss rDrama!
There is a 100% chance it will be leaked, @JayRy27. I told you all this when I first joined the server and was given limited access. Femilip decided to yall me instead of accepting generously given, excellent advice. And now we're doing this again. Are you happy?
Yeah, paywalling the API is super gay, but you know what else is super gay? You, @LunarOlympian
Why are you "ramp[ing] up the verification"? You guys were all just talking about how leaks aren't a problem because this is so popular!
Even when they're trying to be mean it just makes you want to take their lunch money and dunk their heads in the toilet even more. Also! Stop using the default Midnight theme here dummies, we have much more beautiful themes once you're logged in. Dramblr is amazing! So is Coffee! And Tron!
And here are their AI-generated "open letters" which they, somehow, couldn't write themselves and are forming committees to discuss how to improve them? N8 only proposed AI generating the letter as a joke but these tards ran with it lol.
The leaks will continue until my main is unbanned and given full access to all channels so that I may be a charitable voice of reason.
Newest as of 13:27 EST
https://discord . gg/34mHx6RZ
Remove the spaces.
minor update
@sir I tried to send you a message but it says I need to be groomcord e-friends with you before we can talk
and you're not accepting my add, so I guess I'll just respond here:
ONE: rDrama actually has an extremely robust slur and profanity filter, which users can toggle on and off. Both are on by default and on for logged out users. Like see here? BIPOC. That is THE N WORD. I typed the N word. But it will appear for you as "BIPOC" - there's a LOT of these, both for actual abusive language and for just cheeky things, like Discord being changed to groomcord and such.
TWO: We actually have native support for multiple communities! You can see this both here and on http://watchpeopledie.tv. Here they're called Holes and function much like subreddits, but with way more features. They're user-created and user-run. For example: /h/toomanyxchromosomes (women ☕) and /h/slackernews (tech stuff). On WPD, they function differently and they're just called Flairs and they're used for categorizing content for easy access and/or filtering. WPD's are admin-created and admin-run.
A mostly-comprehensive list of rDrama's features can be found here: https://rdrama.net/post/151246/rdrama-featureset
It's very impressive! And completely free and open source! We're banned from GitHub because of course we are, but you can find it all on Gitea here - https://fsdfsd.net/rDrama/rDrama. Feel free to fork! We'll even build new features and stuff for you if you'd like. Maybe even for free. Our only requirement is that you don't remove Marsey, the cat mascot. You can definitely use different Marseys though; we've got over 2500 already and are always adding more user-created ones. But at least one must be present.
Here is their tentative tl;dr rant:
And here is the autojanny macro for it to annoy people with as it links them to a novel that none of them will read because holy shit
Hello @BuckRowdy! Dedicating several paragraphs pleading with the porn addicts to rally to the cause so they don't have to use the official Reddit app to jerk off (most already do anyway??) is a bold move. Let's see how that goes.
14:04 small update
Arkontas! I have more accounts verified in there than I even remember now! But I have a helpful textfile with a list of credentials for them so it's not really an issue. Please accept my add so we can chat!
update: He has accepted my chat and we are having a nice discussion though I am in another meeting now. Groomcord handle removed at his request.
I don't even need to be signed into any of these at this point. I am getting inundated with screenshots from other people lol
how do you do fellow hatecircle members?
14:15 EST - rDrama isn't a problem but also we need to keep this hidden from rDrama 
They keep going on endlessly about how it's not a secret and rDrama isn't a problem but they also keep revoking the invite link so no one can see it.
Will post new update link when available.
I already did that dummy! I'll repost here at the current end:
Here is their tentative tl;dr rant:
And here is the autojanny macro for it to annoy people with as it links them to a novel that none of them will read because holy shit
Hello @BuckRowdy! Dedicating several paragraphs pleading with the porn addicts to rally to the cause so they don't have to use the official Reddit app to jerk off (most already do anyway??) is a bold move. Let's see how that goes.
Also old but hi again @BuckRowdy!!!
As requested, you are in the screenshot @I_POGCHAMP_INFANTS. I remember you from the NNN leaks! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Super minor
Not even updating the timestamp in the flair over it, but posting the invite link here and showing them this thread functioned exactly as intended and they are now having to deal with constant requests to generate unique invites (for free!) to bring their jannie friends, since the general purpose invitation concept has been removed:
15:05 EST - They got our boy greg
They're also BRIGADING. Moderators! Brigading!!!
@SkorpioSound is the only one with a conscience smdh
15:50 EST - @LunarOlympian is going bigbrain mode 
@TheSpookiestUser who has provided several new sidebar images is getting ready to quit over all the leaks
Demoralization sets in
16:00 EST - rDrama is now a no-no word 
16:06 EST The abyss stares back
Watching @TheSpookiestUser's slow descent into madness has been a real treat:
Annnnd @LunarOlympian who said he was going to infiltrate rDrama but gave up without making an account is assuring the other jannies that the verification is working just fine
16:57 They've just been wordswordswords
posting for awhile now but /u/nerdshark is extremely unhappy with something that I'm not reading lol
/u/nerdshark's most recent comment on Reddit is...
and then he jannied the very popular thread, locking AND deleting it lest people stop spending all day on the subreddit for an imaginary disorder
Anyway here's the current level of discussion:
Incredibly boring.
Forbes started covering it this morning though, unrelated to Reddit's volunteer janitors:
u/nerdshark just posted this while I was making this update. What's he got in his closet? Is he a pedophile? Crypto nazi? Did he once call something gay? Let's find out!
Hilariously, digging through your post history would be a million times easier if you got your way and pushshift came back. If you do win this, I am excited to see what we find!
17:07 /u/nerdshark has some weirdly specific fears about porn and children 
@Xyreo what's going on big guy?
Infant puncher guy why are you defending pedos? AGAIN??
Sharky appears to have jannie clout that infant rapist guy does not. This is getting ACTUALLY DRAMATIC now.
17:14 The pedo saga concludes with "ummm guys we have a confirmed pedo who sends porn to and hits on kids here but that's not really relevant, can we please stay on topic?"
17:16 lol oops sharky confused "xyreon" with "blocks" who he confused with "cocacola"
and it keeps getting better as /u/MotleyBlondie comes out swinging with
the boy was 16 so it's not pedophilia
But let's get back on topic 
It all falls apart... 
- _______________ : poor