Rage rituals have women screaming, smashing sticks in the woods :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

'As part of the retreat, Banducci held a rage ritual: a ceremony in which participants scream and beat large sticks on the ground in the woods. Participants are encouraged to think of people and experiences that have wronged them and to scream and swing the sticks for at least 20 minutes, or until they can no longer move their arms.

Banducci has led rage rituals for several years and began doing them first for herself, then for friends and, eventually, as part of her days-long retreats, which include other activities and can range in price from around $2,000 to $4,000. Her one-day version, she says, costs $222 per ticket.

Rage rituals have garnered attention on TikTok'


"I went on a date with a radiologist chick the other day, worst date of my life."

:ragemask: Did she feel the same way?

:marseychadneuro: I don't know. Radiology is a field known for anti-social behavior. She focused on an un-ironed shirt the whole time and didn't care for actual meaningful conversation, like the research publications we both have done expanding our specialties or anything with sustenance.

No wonder male physicians enjoy dates with the local retail cashier rather than someone like that. No amount of money (she made 500k per year) could force me to put up with that egotistical, anti social, maniac.

:ragemask: Yeah that is a fair point OP. She sounded like a nightmare and you dodged a bullet.

Playing devil's advocate here, do you feel that you would come across as egotistical and anti social to a cute cashier - given what you say about most people in your profession?

:marseychadneuro: No for a couple reasons. Women generally are fine with dating egotistical guys, and I'm not particularly egotistic anyway.


Women generally are fine with dating egotistical guys

:marseywomanmoment2: We are?

I'm not particularly egotistic anyway.

And yet - just in the above comment - you felt perfectly comfortable informing us (incorrectly) about our general dating preferences.

>you felt perfectly comfortable informing us (incorrectly) about our general dating preferences.


:marseyseethe: I'm sorry, but this is a hilariously out of touch comment. If it's a joke, hats off to you.

Otherwise, crazy to spend your whole life learning about the human body and then make gross overgeneralizations about female psyche.


:soysnooseethe: You fricking talked about research publications on a date???

:marseychadneuro: Sometimes, depends on the flow of conversation.

:marseysoyjak: I'm not questioning your date experience with this woman but if I were on a date and my partner started talking about their research I would check out like almost immediately. I don't want to talk about medicine outside of work.

Beggars can't be choosers, sweaty.

:idontknow: Every profession has people that suck. That's just people.

:marseyclueless: I wonder if Redditors feel the same about cops

:soyjak: You mean doctors are humans? And there might be some that aren't pleasant people? I'm confident they're not a monolith.

The hypocrisy isn't even bad hypocrisy, it's the job of doctors to tell people what is best for them, and then everyone gets to choose to follow or not. It's like a smoker who's heavily addicted saying to someone else they shouldn't start smoking; sure they do it themselves but that doesn't make the advice bad or make them a bad person for giving good advice that they don't follow themselves.

:marseychadneuro: Nah, I'm not saying doctors shouldn't be considered humans like everyone else -- quite the contrary.

Instead they act less human by being far greater than average in certain negative qualities, which often include egotism, etc.




did this :marseygiftboxmarseyhug:
MIlwaukee's most sober car thief has a oopsie doodle in front of an unrelated news broadcast



Tweeter/Da Newz

The Mayor of course is ready to talk about the biggest tragedy, the passengers of wrecks of stolen cars who sometimes get hurt

TMJ4 brought the crash video to Milwaukee mayor Cavalier Johnson for his reaction.

>"The passenger in that video that you just showed me, he couldn't even get up, he couldn't even move," Johnson said astounded. "He tried to get out of the car and he collapsed. You don't want that to be your kid or a kid you care about. Let's have these conversations and let's put a stop to this."


Tristan Tate is the Luigi of the Super Tate bros:


Orange site:


Some benchmarks here, doesn't look bad but nothing ground breaking either

With how long the Snapdragon Elite took to roll out, I'm expecting nothing but disappointment in the real world


here's the tweet where :marseydrama: all he says is "her", referencing the movie :marseymidsommardani: "Her" where :marseydrama: Scarlett Johansson does the voice :marseyhearnoevil: for an AI that th main character :marseycrystalmaiden: falls on love with. The fact that he tweeted this just a couple :marseycupid: days before :marseyskellington: the reveal of Sky, and the fact that the voice :marseyhearnoevil: is basically just Scarlett's voice, means some easy cash for Clon Jost's wife


archive if ur poor :marseylaugh:


come laugh at the brainlets with me

Yet, no proposal to cap surge pricing. Even if a law had zero chance of passing, a good proposal would win support and at a minimum bring attention to the percentage of inflation that is price gauging.

As for how to curb surge pricing, any price increase over ten percent in a year triggers a hundred percent tax on executive compensation, stock buy backs, dividends, mergers, investments... When the companies have no way of rewarding themselves with the excess revenue from gauging consumers, they will stop. This still allows companies to raise prices if cost go up, they just don't get to see increased profits from doing so.

:itschiover: chiobu :marseytangerinefeline: has died :marseylibations:


Reported by:
  • cherry : OP did some marvelous investigative :marseydetective: werk with this one :marseywinner:

Have to steal @Gibberish thunder here, because this video is absolutely nuts.

  • Woman, by her behavior and demeanour, is LITERALLY r-slurred

  • Blamed a lot of her spending on ADHD, unmedicated at time of video

  • Makes $25k a year at Tesla

  • 25% or her money goes to 401k match and Tesla stock buys (to her credit she is actually trying to somewhat pay for retirement and her children's future through this.)

  • 3 kids at 24, all with same dude, one kid is 2 and other is a set of twins.

  • Got $10k in child tax credits, used $4k to pay some debt to baby daddy's mom and blew the rest on a vacation to Dallas and a Post Malone concert. Why? "I never get to do anything and it was fun." :marseywomanmoment2: !foidmoment

  • $1600 spent at Target.

  • Second children were "planned" even though they were/are in debt and live with baby daddy's parents. Used to live with her parents until they divorced and Dad kicked them out.

  • Tons of shit in collections.

  • Didn't work for awhile after twins.

  • Baby daddy "hurt his hand" and hasn't been working, just started a job at Papa John's and makes $380 a week.

  • Dude has spent hundreds of dollars on vapes, PSN purchases, and onlyfans during his time off :marseyretardchad:. !moidmoment

  • Buys tons of snacks at work vending machines.

  • Has a scion, underwater on it of course, hasn't been using it for the past seven months because the key fob got run over :marseyconfused2:.

  • Instead of getting that replaced, she went and got a Mazda CX9 with an insane payment of $600+ a month for 72 months. Reasoning being she need more room for the kids and their car seats.

  • Caleb tries to talk some sense into her, says she could have gotten a 3 kid car seat setup instead of that. Caleb even offers to buy her one near the end.

  • Near the end of the video, she lets it slip that CarMax has a 30 day return policy. Caleb is, of course, overjoyed, tells her to return it immediately, and doesn't take that debt into account for her budget.

- A video edited in shows that she did not, in fact, return the car, supposedly because everyone around "forced her not to." :marseyfacepalm:

  • Caleb says he will give her $250 to get the Scion checked out, has to explain to her she needs to get it towed or get a locksmith to make her a key to get it to the mechanic to get it looked at.

  • Caleb's budget for her leaves her with $12 in the bank at the end of the month.

I went over to the Caleb Hammer subreddit to check out what they were saying about her, and she shows up in the comments:

Hey guys, this is me! Thank you for all the tough love comments. I honestly think they'll help. I just wanted to address some of the more common things people are pointing out/getting wrong. 1) The whole car situation didn't just happen because the key broke. I did need a bigger vehicle since all 3 car seats wouldn't fit into my scion. Could I have gotten a cheaper car? Yes. 2) I looked dead inside because that's how I feel most days πŸ˜‚ I wake up at 3 am every morning M-F to get ready for work, get home at about 4 pm and then stay up until 10-11 pm looking after my kids. 3 under 3 is tough, especially with the hours that I have. 3) $6000 was spent but it wasn't entirely on the trip. A lot of the spending I did at target was stuff for my kids, granted that it wasn't stuff they necessarily needed. The only thing I really did for myself was going to the concert. I took the kids to the aquarium, got an air bnb with a pool so they could swim, took them to a Mickey Mouse event (it's my 2 yr olds favorite character) 4) I know I seriously need some discipline. I wasn't trying to use the adhd as an excuse, I just wanted to highlight why it was so difficult for me to control my impulses. I have set up an appointment to be seen by a professional so I can get the help I need. 5) I know I'm a mouth breather 😭 it's very hard for me to feel like I'm getting enough oxygen by breathing only through my nose. I've just always been that way. I tried getting braces but they said my overbite can only be fixed via surgery and I didn't want that. 6) I'm not on food stamps, wic, Medicaid, etc…my 2 youngest kids are on Medicaid but my oldest is on my health insurance I get at work. I'm not using any government programs

And I just want to end this by saying I extremely care about my kids. I may not be the most financially responsible and that is something I'm trying to work on. My son is speech delayed and has been put into speech therapy. He's being seen by the school district for special education services and I'm very much involved in everything going on with him. I'm the one that schedules all doctor appointments for my kids, I'm the one that plans the meals, plans their activities… I'm the default parent. I just wanted a little break from reality but I now realize I went overboard and I honest to god do regret taking the trip. Only thing I can do now is get that second job and just hustle until I clear my debt.

A further perusal of her history shows her boyfriend and her fight a lot, she wanted to leave him, he cheated on her, the usual.

So how's it feel folks? While you were probably doing the right/white thing, Idiocracy was happening right under your nose. At least we'll have at least one new friend here for the 20th birthgay :marseythumbsup:

Ninja Theory is next on the Microsoft chopping block :marseyninjagenocide: :marseyshooting:

Note that they're hiding all the comments pointing this out :marseysurejan:

Will you be playing hellblade 2?

:marseyitsover: Even literal 9/10 chads are inkwells now :marseyitsover:


Reported by:
Oldest Homo Sapiens and other archaic humans reconstructions :marseyneat: :marseybinos: :monke:

First is the pic of the Jebel Irhoud fossil reconstruction. It's the earliest fossil of a Homo Sapiens found so far dating from 300 thousand years ago.

These are Homo Erectus

Smithsonian Magazine made a lof od reconstructions going back to Australopithecus.

!ifrickinglovescience !biology

Also, the redditors seem to be nooticing :marseynoooticer:something about abos :platyaboriginal:



Life hack

If you don't know how to give more weight to your argument just hit them with the "I'm neurodivergent and one of my neurodivergent traits is that my opinions are more virtuous than yours" card

'My son killed :marseydead: himself :marseytedbackstab: after circumcision'

Apparently this is some sandshit thing. As we've learned throughout this conflict, everyone involved is insufferable.

Anyways, Danny Gonzalez generally has stayed under the radar and makes a good living making cold take video essays and I guess some streaming. He's friends with Kurtis Connor and Drew Gooden. They all basically have the same schtick these days, although Kurtis is definitely the most turbolib of the three, and Danny is the chuddiest. They all pretty much mail it in, playing it very safe.

42 | A site for unstable, deranged, and sometimes violent lunatics sharing their stories :marseyschizotwitch:

"Emotionally intense" is a hilarious euphemism for the stuff posted here

So many posters were being told to leave (and apparently going through with it) that they had to ban saying "run" as a response. Every post has this disclaimer right under it

I had to make an account to view account histories and I now sexually identify as BDSM

Choice Posts

The Silent Treatment


I had to put up with silent treatment for very random things, she had a dream about me leaving her (3 days silent treatment) I accidentally kicked her one night in my sleep (a weeks silent treatment) made worse because I felt really bad about it so decided to sleep on the sofa one night after she told me so I didn't do it again, that led to another 3 days silent treatment.

Now she has had almost one years silent treatment from me after the divorce and she isn't liking it one bit. However, it was her who told everyone who would listen that I was to never contact her again. She can't say I'm not respecting her wishes

I'm currently going through silent treatment with BPDgf, not seen her for 3 weeks. She asked for space because she is going through a difficult time so I have given her that space. I do send her a text every few days to ask how she is doing but think she is getting angry now that I'm not chasing. I learned a valuable lesson from exBPDw, so not falling into that trap again :!marseyindignantretard:

This guy married and divorced a BPD hoe, but don't worry, he isn't "falling for that trap again" with his new and current BPD gf :marseyclueless:

Back into No Contact - For Good


Plain and simple.

There has been hot/cold behavior, breadcrumbs and recycling BS.

I am no longer participating.

I said a lot of very blunt, honest things I have been holding back.

Im done not holding her accountable for her actions.


and it has had me acting like a scared child.

I have not been respecting myself, and I have been putting her happiness before my own.

Nobody is attracted to someone with no self respect.

That crap ended this morning.

You go, King! Kick that emotional parasite to the curb! :marseykingcrown:

We did have a further bit of contact earlier this week... I still greatly fear her moving on with someone else.

Uhh, that's not how no contact works, King :marseywut2:

Figured I would pop in for an update. Not much news, but she and I did end up hanging out 2 weeks ago, for one night.

Ughhh :marseyfacepalm:

I stopped reading there, but OP posts 45 more times in that thread, so I'll let you guess how well his "No Contact" went. I imagine it's like when @sneedman makes a post about quitting benzos

I Have Hospitalized my Husband Twice


Confession time.

1. I have hospitalized my husband twice. First time he had punched me...I ran him over with his was not by purpose. He threw himself on the hood and would not get off...and I refused to stop...I was bleeding like a stuck pig. Two weeks in ICU with brain hemorrhage for my H.

Maybe I'm just not a romantic, but I think I would leave at this point :marseythonk:

2. Moving his things from his native country to our adoptive country. He woke up in a foul mood, swore at me. Then punched me. I ran to the kitchen, I was planning to go for my AM jog...he cornered me in the kitchen, would not let me out...I was scared. I grabbed the knife..big cutting one off the block and told him to Just let me GO,...he punched me..hard. I lost it. I never felt the punch at the time..everything slowed down, time slowed to a syrup, and attacked him with that knife, slashed him across the face and barely missed his eye. Blood flew everywhere, :marseyjason: he fell backwards holding his face in his hands with blood streaming and I RAN and RAN and RAN and hid in the forest...

Surely the relationship is over now, right? :marseyitsoverwereback:

3. Last summer...a stupid argument about the same old crap. He became very nasty and vulgar and I demanded of him ":)o you really think that behavior is normal?" He punched me. Time slowed, grabbed a tissue box first and slammed him with it, then realized all I did was really piss him off more, then grabbed a glass bottle and slammed over the head at the base of the skull...he dropped like a rock...and I RAN and RAN the rest of the night to a friends house. Returned in the AM with the police and ambulance...12 stitches across the back of his neck. I could have killed him.

Ma'am, you seem to be enjoying this :marseywoozy:

A common theme on the site is extreme self-absorbtion. Everyone tries to relate whatever the OP was saying to themselves and share silly little anecdotes. The immediate reception to this post about 3 separate murder attempts is:

My sister punched me once tee hee :marseyteehee:

What do you tell a guy with 2 black eyes? Nothing. He's already been told twice and still didn't listen. <- Actual quote :gigachadqueen:

I once picked up my wife and put her back down again :soymad:

It takes 12 posts before someone steps in and says, "Hey, this is completely fricking insane"

Natasha Tomicic

>browsing bpdfamily :marseyexcited:

>having an account on bpdfamily :marseyregular:

>posting your story on bpdfamily :marseythinkorino:

>posting about you and your husband trying to kill each other :marseyhelp:


After reading the previous post, I thought, "Wow this b-word is a lunatic. I wonder if I can use any of her other posts."

So I clicked on her profile


That's no fun at all :marseyplacenofun: (every account is like this)

At this point I tried searching her name. If it is her real name, maybe she used it elsewhere or maybe I would find a news article of a lady who finally dismembered her husband. :marseyshrug: Instead I found this:

Natasha Tomicic - stop this forum spammer

The following information was assembled in an investigation of a series of 132 harassing posts on bpdfamily that occurred in November of 2019. This was not a hacker ( bpdfamily is well shielded from hacking), but rather an individual using 36 different memberships to make hurtful and disruptive posts.

The individual, Natasha Schliephorst Tomicic, a Canadian living in Taiwan, participated earnestly as a member of bpdfamily from 2008 - 2015 seeking help to deal with marital difficulties, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and anger management. She was a bit of a disruptive member back then, but she was working in earnest and we supported her and she was openly appreciative of that support. She has not be respectful of the community rule, however, and has opened 70 accounts despite our requested that she just work from one membership.

^ (She likely shared all this identifying information in her posts, but compiling it like this in a call-out post by an admin is unhinged)

Natasha Tomicic has self-identified as being on the sociopath spectrum. She divorced in the 2014-15 time frame and participated on a number of messageboards communities for people on the sociopath spectrum. At those sites she developed relationships beyond the scope of just messageboard participation that ended in interpersonal disputes and escalated to mean spirited Internet fights that spanned a number of Internet communities, some very obscure (e.g., google for more information ), and included off-Internet fighting. We learned all this from names and links posted on bpdfamily by Natasha (people she is fighting with), from unsolicited e-mail contacts this week from people who are fighting with her, and from work done by a private investigator.

She made over 5000 posts from 70 different accounts over an 11 year period! And she was deemed too insane for a place called bpdfamily for 4 of those years!

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