Foid proudly posts her new pibble on r/velvethippos. It immediately eats her other dog :marseyxd:

Cute pictures of her new velvet hippo Hickory:

Hickory is home! After a decent introduction to Honey, we took him home. Honey was only slightly annoying to him as she yodeled loudly in his face for the first 30 minutes she met him. So, here he is! Hickory the Hippo!

Some of the typical comments:

Hickory is going to need lots of tennis balls!! I love him so much. Completely adorable! 🧡💙

He's beautiful I love him 🥰❤️ congratulations!

Honey still seems displeased.

Displeased? She looks like she's completely disassociated. Unable to comprehend the horror of the situation.

>tfw your dipshit owner brings home another pibble

Only 3 hours later, disaster strikes!

Hickory bit honey. I had just gone into my bedroom to take a nap. My husband and two sons were in the living room with the dogs. The dogs were fine. Then my daughter came home. Honey immediately ran to greet her, as did Hickory. The next thing I heard was a dog screaming and my husband screaming, “NO!! NO!! STOP!!” I ran out, and Hickory had Honey by the head. Right as I got to them, he shook her. I put pressure behind his jaw and he immediately let go of her and backed away. I had both dogs by the collar and told my husband to take Hickory to another part of the house away from Honey while I assessed her wounds. Two punctures on her ear lobe, and a puncture on her cheek. We called the vet and got instructions to care for her. The dogs are separated in different areas of the house, with strict instructions about who is to play with him, because we have a 5 year old child who is obsessed with him. We are flabbergasted. The meet and greet with them went well. We contacted a friend of ours who runs a pit rescue. We DO NOT want to take him back to the kill shelter. I fricking feel HORRIBLE. I feel like I failed Hickory, Honey, my family, and the shelter. I'm literally sick about it.


Both dogs were on leashes. Unfortunately, they both ran to see my daughter at the same time, and I'm guessing the poor guy was just overstimulated . He is NOT a bad boy. He is a sweet, sweet guy. I've been in contact with my vet and some friends who do rescue. One is a veterinarian that specifically does pibbles. Humphrey had a hard time at first, too. He was terrified and reactive to men. It took a lot of work, but he did fine. We currently have the dogs in separate halves of the house. They can see and hear each other, but can't get to each other.

He's NOT a bad boy he's so sweet he only chewed on my dog's head a little bit :marseyfoidretard:

If you can't reasonably keep them separated for a bit, then for everyone's safety, return to the shelter but please do not tell them about the bite because it'll be an instant death sentence. Just say your dog wasn't getting along with him and it wasn't a good fit.

GOOD idea, there's too many toddlers in the world anyway

OP, is your Husband the one who's had most of the interactions with Hickory, or are You the one? Because it may have been a relatively "simple" matter (although ADMITTEDLY Terrifying!) matter of resource guarding.💖 Both dogs were FINE, and doing reasonably well together UNTIL your Daughter walked in. She was a NEW human, and therefore a NEW resource for both dogs. He wanted the resource (remember, he hasn't HAD many resources to call his OWN in who knows how long, living in a shelter!💖), and he was trying to protect that resource (even though the resource was your DAUGHTER!), from Honey. Work with your vet, work with your friend who's been with the rescue, AND see if there's anyone GOOD locally, who works in Behavior, who you guys can tap in for advice!💝 You're very much still in that FIRST Three, of the 3-3-3 rule, correct? For now, YES, ABSOLUTELY keep the kids away unless you're next to them, keep the dogs separate but able to see/smell & get used to each other, and then take it slowly and assess each step!💖 This MAY be a deal-breaker, OR it may be a simple blip. Time, patience, and careful observation will tell you which one it truly is!

I can't be the only one who finds the juxtaposition funny between the sparkly hearts and the advice on how to stop your dogs eating each other :marseyxd:

Bonus Post

The same foid's previous (now deceased) pibble, chilling next to her baby. Just to give you an idea of how foidbrained this foid really is :marseywomanmoment2:

Reported by:
  • TrappyKong : Honestly? Would.
  • StarSix : This thread is gayer than a goatse post and you're all turbo strags
pizza rebvttal in thread :gigachad2: may be the last pizzaGOD pic ever :marseycry: :marseyitsover:

@Poj took this before leaving for chad in the uk !friendsofpizzashill !incels !truecels


Copy pasting the first part of this so lazy girlies don't have to experience the stress of !clinklickers

As the sheen on dating apps dulls, more Americans are reporting bad experiences on them. Frustrated by bots, subscription costs and high effort-to-reward ratios, Gen Z is fleeing the apps in hope of real-life meet-cutes. Earlier this year, “Bustle” declared that dating apps are in their “flop era.”

Not all of the apps are taking this backlash without a fight. On Tuesday, after months of internal shake-ups and stock market woes, Bumble took a shot at winning back hearts and minds with a redesign, which includes a break with the app's requirement that women make the first move.

A new feature, which the company has called “Opening Moves,” allows women to place on their profiles a question, like “What is your dream vacation?,” to which men who match can respond. (In nonbinary and same-gender matches, both sides can include these prompts.)

The shift is a major one for Bumble. Until now, a man who matched with a woman on the app had to wait for her to message him. If she did not initiate a conversation, the match would expire after 24 hours.

Whitney Wolfe Herd founded Bumble in 2014 because of her own personal experiences. She said that the idea was to give women more control. “I had a series of bad relationships, and I felt I was controlled by a man,” she added, “whether it was: Don't wear this or, You can't hang out with this person or, You need to be home at this time.”

But over the years, Bumble received feedback from women who found that making the first move was “a lot of work” or “a burden,” and Ms. Wolfe Herd began thinking about how to release the pressure. Opening Moves, she said, is a result of that process, a way to let women maintain control while not feeling the stress of initiating all of the conversations.

But not copying the whole thing because The Gray Lady be a notoriously litigious b-word. :objection:

Last image of my american roommate who left this world because he got cheated on. We all miss him. RIP


!friendsofpizzashill !fellas !illuminati


Proudly stolen from Autodrama

Reported by:
  • Aevann : get her to make an account and say hi
  • Mayocide : if you don't unban aquota i will find the male partners of every rdrama admin and forcefem them
USER WAS BANNED FOR LIFE FROM RDRAMA.NET I tricked a foid into marrying me

Bottom text lmao.



Didn't see any drama threads about this. Governor Newsom signed a bill that would raise utility bills for Californians based on income.

Under $28,000 income — $24 per month

$28,000 to $69,000 income — $34 per month

$69,000 to $180,000 income –$73 per month

Over $180,000 income — $128 per month

This is on top of current utility rates.

Commiefornia Redditors in the thread explain they're happy to pay the increases while others are screaming for the heads of PG&E execs (and a few for the legislators who actually passed this lol)

Solar users are irate that they are also going to be charged regardless

Bay Area malding

Reported by:
I'm probably going to get banned from Twitter for this thread so I'm posting it to rDrama before I do

This may have been too far lol

Screenshots of the entire thread in case I get ban hammered

Reported by:
:marseymanysuchcases: !chuds :marseyxd:

Character from boomer game gets killed in kids' show, chud loses his mind

:marseyboomer: siiiiip

Remember Star Wars Republic Commando? Fun game for its age. One of the characters in your squad was a commando named Scorch, and he recently had been making "cameos" in Star Wars The Bad Batch, a spin off of the Clone Wars show. Taking place after Revenge of the Sith, the show involves a group of clones that did not betray the Jedi and now go on wacky adventures. Scorch was not one of these clones, appearing as an enemy at times. The other night, the finale for the show aired in which the Batch killed Scorch.

Our chud of topic here is BluePhoenix, a 27 year old Star Wars and Halo fan. BP starts losing it over Scorch's death.

He starts losing it, and I mean, losing it. This guy cannot believe media would kill off a character that hasn't been used in anything else for 20 years.

We finally get to the linked "I hope WW3 happens" tweet which reaches a slightly larger audience.

People also start memeing it


The guy's still reeing about the death over a day later.

Considering he can't stop talking about it, I can only assume that this has become a fetish for him.

Whiteoids are making Hitler edits on Twitter now

Lmao why are clips of a women's exercise class supposed to be some big gotcha?

In other news, The Democratic People's Republic of Korea recently released this song and music video promoting Kim Jong Un's fabulous leadership. I hope kkkapitalists and fascists such as this whiteoid stop slandering him, look at how happy everyone looks!!

Reported by:
  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : lol based and redpilled also can you buy me an unban award please

Patriots in control



Context: Grade 10 schoolgirl scored the highest marks in the state-wide annual school exams. She went viral because she's very hairy and her parents and her don't seem to care about her appearance. They should have at least given her a shave/wax to make her presentable before publishing her photo or appearing on TV. Why even print the photo or appear in an interview if you only wanted people to celebrate her achievement? The problem is Indian parents and boomers don't believe taking care of your appearance and health is important.

Incels have been making fun of her and femcels have been defending her: :marseyxd:

No way that's a way..

Atiq Ahmad :marseytrollolol:

Atiq Ahmad was a notorious gangster that was recently killed.

Those haters mocking her probably couldn't even score as high as she did,lol ! :marseycope:

Mithai na khilao as a celebration pehle waximg Karao iski :marseyemojirofl:

"Don't feed her sweets as a celebration, wax her first"

Queen Prachi Nigam 👑 :marseyseethe:

Another copium post. Tbh it comes of as sarcasm. The caption says "laugh all you want but some days later you will be my driver and your bank balance will laugh at you". The user speaks as if she's landed on Mars. Bruh, she still has to complete her Grade 12 exams, not to mention heaps of other exams that land you a government job or enrolment in university.

This is UP board topper Prachi Nigam and she scored 98.5%. She should focus on grooming herself as well

Guy makes a good point but could have worded it more politely. Foids and simps seethe in replies.

The topper herself/himself responds to the trolls:

"Trollers can live with their mindset, I am happy that my success is now my identity......what will ultimately matter are my marks and not the hair on my face": :marseycope: :marseyobamacope:


Now, a shaving company does a full front-page ad on her on India's most read newspaper (A.I.R. stands for All India Rank (exams)):

Their intentions may have been good, but it feels like they're making fun of her lol

Poor girl :marseysad:, hope she and her parents learn to care about her physical appearance.

asian americans: DO BETTER.

tl;dr OP and replies are sneeding because asians are !grillers and don't care to show up to their gay protests

Columbia protestors have taken hostages

>A day of the life of a DEI program manager

>11:00 am - Wake up. Early birds are racist.

>11:30 am - Attend a sync up meeting. Standup is not inclusive. Everyone needs to come up with 5 words to remove from our dictionary.

>12:00 pm - Have lunch at a black-female-owned Chinese restaurant. Scold the owner for cultural appropriation.

>1:00 pm - Meet with one of my program sponsors. Discuss what protest we need to fund next.

>2:00 pm - Check internal Slack messages and mark those who used non inclusive language

>3:00 pm - Have s*x with a queer peer

>4:00 pm - Go back home. Work is racist

>10:00 pm - Attack random people online

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