

Looks like we are finally feeling the effects of the actor's strike :marseysmug2:.


Internationally too

Considering the budget is around 200 million, it probably needs around 500 million to break even. It'll probably end up around 440 million to 470 million when it's all said and done. So certified flop:marsey57:.

/r/Marvelstudios copium.


They really should have stayed out of pushing politics and controversial social issues, you're going to piss off a large segment of your audience no matter what you say. Sometimes it feels like pushing a message was more important to them than telling a good story.

Disney+ is losing them money and the content they make for it is total shit so I don't see that changing soon. They need to bring in people who care about the properties they are making content for, the people making the Secret Invasion show openly admitted to not reading the source material for example.

Once again, someone points out Disney's failed marketing strategy and starts lots of coping and smugposting :marseysnoo:

This probably has nothing to do with Disney going "woke" and moving away from family friendly programing.

Same arguments, but on a different sub :marseyfluffy:

You sure it's not the war Dessntis started on Disney? People are terrified and don't want to spend tourist dollars in Florida

Naturally, the reason why Disneyland is bleeding tourists is because everyone is terrified that DeathSantis will personally come to kick them in the balls :marseyscared:

Seen Twitter lately?

Just like Elon's Xitter :marseysoyhype:

Elon Musk's salary is 55 Billion (Billion with a B) for Tesla alone

Elon Musk's salary is 55 Billion (Billion with a B) for Tesla alone

Speaking about Elon, there's some bot posting this over and over :marseyelonpaypig:

Buying somewhere like Texas would probably be easier given the number of massive land owners (farms, ranches, O&G), whereas trying to build anyone near New York would be suicide.

Plenty of anti-capitalists started sucking Disney's peepee as soon as they heard Texas :soyconsoomer:

Snow White will bomb due to the lead actress being out of touch with reality

You mean the usual social media hate mobs are going over her for having an opinion...

Not that exiting, but immediately after this there's a :marseylongpost: comment that I didn't read.

One of the resident boxoffice Disney shills came to defend his masters and started another argument here.



Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse star Shameik Moore has apologized for his reaction to the film's loss at the 2024 Oscars.

On Sunday night, the *Into the Spider-Verse *sequel lost to Hayao Miyazaki's The Boy and the Heron in the best animated feature film category. Moore, who voices Miles Morales (aka Spider-Man) in the franchise, immediately took to X (formerly known as Twitter), where he posted that the film was "robbed."

He received many replies that noted that the Sony animated movie lost to a critically acclaimed film made by a "legend." Other comments echoed those remarks, asking Moore to respect Miyazaki's work.

Minutes after seeing the replies, Moore admitted he agreed he should've been more graceful on social media. "Respect to the winners. It's true, I'm definitely a sore loser, but we didn't lose, Spiderverse has impacted ALOT of lives, we may not have been acknowledged tonight but life goes on, and BEYOND..... yea get ready," he wrote in a follow-up post.

One fan pointed out that *Across the Spider-Verse *co-writer Christopher Miller and producer had the proper reaction. Miller had tweeted, "Well, if you're gonna lose, might as well lose to the GOAT." Moore then quote-tweeted the fan's comment, apologizing for his actions: "Your [sic] right, honestly the whole Spiderverse team are such good sports. Very professional and I'm excited to see what comes of this. I'm young, and a fighter, so forgive my nature. Congrats to the winners."

While *Across the Spider-Verse *went home empty-handed, the first film in the animated franchise won in the Oscars category in 2019.

Moore has not yet responded to The Hollywood Reporter's request for comment.

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New Sam Hyde show

Fishtank is a streamer house monitored 24/7 & broadcasted live to the world. All bedrooms have cameras, common spaces are monitored via video and audio surveillance. When the lights go out, the IR comes on. The Fishtank house is always on.

Sounds mostly boring. Will wait for clips

Europoors will never enjoy a light snack like this in the theater
Reported by:
Because it's 2022, HBO's swordshit House of the :marseydragon: series *had* to include a :marseyfeet: fetish

How do I get around HBO's DRM protection to screenshot this hilarity?


Reported by:
  • usernaw : i have no highschool girls and i must coom
“Mean Girls” reboot more like Mid Girls :10inbongland:

Everything is becoming ugly and I hate it. Perhaps I could've tolerated the masses of Foucault wannabes turning our towns into brutalist work camps, but I will not allow the erasure of the bitchy white woman archetype and its reduction to an Ash Sakar 'nuh uh' sassy dravidian type slop.

See, with the original Regina George, her conceitedness is understandable, tolerable even, because of her looks, but how will that make sense in this reboot? What, some 4/10 muttface foid whining about Dey Rights and Wypipo is going to invoke the same spirit? I think the frick not you trick butt b-word.

i see this puffy sharkface foid maybe eight times a day. I detect the >14% non-european admixture by scent long before I see the plagiocephalic skull.


if I say what I want to about this I will be fined six hundred quid

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  • rDramaHistorian : Invite him here. I need to fill the Lawlz shaped hole in my heart (&bussy)

...and locked the thread because of it, cowards :marseysmug2:

Or to become a mockery on some incel website with posts clearly made by someone that clearlu is an active poster here?

The MCU is likely not going away in our lifetimes. Neither the MCU fans. Just like the Star Wars fans before them. What is a shame is how this small community has deteriorated itself, it used to be a cool place. But clearly, if people don't feel welcome here, they will find somewhere else where they can have a civil conversation without people constantly poisoning the well. Anyway, back to Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and pizza.

Our brave Disney fighter (:marseydisney:) is the one who discovered the post, since he apparently googles his own name :marseyxd:

And Zatt buddy, I didn't single you out actually, but your comments amount to half of that 200-something pages long thread, it was impossible to not write about you. You really really need to touch some grass :marseygrass:

TL;DR: Users that have their whole online personality on BOT based on hating The Marvels shouldn't be posting here to begin with, hence why when there was a Flame Wars thread still around things were at least somewhat more controlled. If BOT is content on providing material to incels to make threads about us talking here, if that's the current state of BOT, I'd wager all of us have better use of our time than keyboard warrioring here.

If it makes you feel any better, I have no idea what the Flame Wars thread is, so it existing or not wouldn't have changed anything about this post. But I fully support the creation of a new soyshit battleground :marseyembrace:

This is precisely the type of thing that left untreated will fester and slowly erode a community like this one, driving away members and productive engagement.

It should be relatively easy to track down which members made their way in here from that place, if the willingness to do so is there. But I'm honestly not sure anymore if the willingness to do it is even there at the moment. I suspect it might not be.

You'll never catch me losers :marseysmug:

please note that posters who are problematic for whatever reason are getting treatments and are getting punished, including that boxoff53 fellow, who was given warning points for their behavior. The staff are trying their absolute best to make sure such posters are taken care of swiftly and properly punished. We are not perfect at this, and we are not going to censor everything that some posters may not like, but we are trying to take care of it. Reporting such posters is also very beneficial and helpful for us

And the :marseywords: closing post from the admins. I just singled this part out to remind you that if you're naughty the jannies will give you bad boy points and you'll regret it :marseymad:

Maybe after reviews for this film drop, but right now, claiming this film's presales doing poorly when none of the actors can do promotion is confirmation change needs to happen is premature.

This movie is in an even worse shape than my last post (could have a $45m opening, as opposed to the $50-60m opening predicted then), but I'm sure Brie Larson making few more constipated faces on television would have totally saved The Marvels :marseysmug3:

(Btw, when I went to my previous post to check it I mentioned Zatt Murdok by name it crashed my browser :marseyxd: I love Homoween :marseypumpking:)


Tards discuss




Currently there's not much going on, but as soon as the movie reaches theaters one side will start whining heavily. Either Marvel wins this one and cinema is forever ruined or the man children will have to face the reality that their favorite movies are just Disney slop!

Slight background, people that are fed up with the endless Marvel movies dominating the box office were hoping that Avatar 2 will become the highest grossing movie ever and will humiliate the MCU once and for all. Marvel fans, hearing this, decided that Cameron's latest too-long-video-game-cutscene movie is a deadly threat to their beloved franchise and declared war. The internet is now convinced that the future of cinema hinges exclusively on this movie and it's sequels. The movie has an absurd budget and apparently needs at least 1.5 billion to break even, but some estimates are even more ridiculous. So it needs really good reviews and word of mouth to even start making profits. The problem is the reviews aren't stellar but they aren't bad either so our brave warriors don't know hot to react. :marseyconfused:

Smug cinema goers are coping right now:

David Elrich has given it an A-, said that it is exactly what a Theatrical experience should be.

Hollywood Reporter only major criticism seems to be that the dialogue is a bit eye rolling but otherwise the movie delivers on all the visual and spectacle and emotions you want from Avatar.

Variety is a bit more critical praising the visuals but saying the story otherwise is cliche.

Empire Magazine has given it 5 out of 5 stating that James Cameron is still ahead of the pack in the blockbuster game.

Rolling Stone has called it Camerons must stunning film so far and said that the climax especially is great.

T-they gave the movie good reviews, that's a good sign, right guys? :marseyworried:

One review said the characters cant refrain from saying “bro” over and over

Lmao :marseylaugh:

Bruhhhhhhhhhh don't focus on critic scores so much only audience reception matters. Look at joker, had arguably one of the best WOM for a blockbuster in the US and middling reviews

People that complain that capeshit ruined cinema can only compare this movie with other capeshit :marseymanysuchcases:

So far, it's surprisingly lower than I expected. I think this has to be a 90%+ movie to properly launch the rest of this series given me that it doesn't have the benefit of having a devoted fanbase who will look past the flaws because of the love they have for the characters, the story, and the franchise.

"Maybe Marvel was right after all?" :marseydepressed:

Can we take IGN out of film reviews specifically? Their takes always read like the already established consensus of chronically-online people with no real understanding of movies.

Seriously if I have to hear people bring up “not an entirely original story” as a detrimental point again; as if any film nowadays is entirely original. It’s impossible.

A month from now they’ll probably be acclaiming some Oscarbait that was done better in 2012.

Stop criticizing the cgi movie! :marseyraging:

Some are still smug and confident:

This isnt Marvel lol where most of the audience is limited to 3 days. It will have a very long run.

The cycle will be the same as every James Cameron movie:

Preproduction: It’s behind schedule! Costs are too high!

Opening weekend: It’s performing weaker than expected! Flop incoming!

Weekend 11: I can’t believe this is still #1!

Zoomers are about to learn the lesson we old timers have already learned 13 and/or 25 years ago.

It's a 3 hours long movie, can zoomers even focus this long?

Everyone remember to screenshot the haters below. “Flop” “bomb” lol

I can’t wait for the James Cameron haters to eat thier words when this movie ends up breaking all of the records

They’re mcu fans lol

This isn't even the only comment that attacks Marvel fans directly in the /r/movies thread

If I know the mods of this cesspit as well as I think I do, this thread is getting deleted for sure.

They are even attacking the mods now! How long before the thread gets jannied? :marseyjanny:

Some Marvel fans are starting to get smug about it:


Its doing worse than Puss in Boots lmao

This movie will flop. The only reason the first one did so well was because 3D was all the rage 13 years ago. Nobody cares about that anymore

This started some coping!

Throught Avatar 1 was one of of the worst movies I've ever seen the acting was terrible the dialogue was even worse how it got so much praise is beyond me so I will be giving this a miss but that's just my opinion.

The only cultural effect this movie will have is being shown on TVs at Best Buy,

One capeshitter started to write one of those weird essays about kino cinematography that appeared after Batman vs Superman:

To a review, each one of these outlets is essentially saying this is fundamentally no different from any of the Marvel films that have paraded out promising nonstop visual spectacle hung on thin story and characterization in the preceding 10 years. They're describing functionally the exact same moviegoing experience.

The thing that differentiates those experiences from this one is that James Cameron made it, so they have permission to enjoy that spectacle the same way they didn't give themselves permission to enjoy the other stuff. This isn't an inaccurate, ungenerous read, either - almost every single one of these reviews has the author making that case themselves, in the text of the review.

The comment is longer, but the gist is that Avatar and Marvel are the same but since Avatar was made by Cameron critics can finally admit that they like mindless entertainment.

He's doing this in the r/movies thread too for some reason.

Also redditors can't stop being redditors:

Hmm, the massive dissonance between most reviewers, and writers for the British papers, is pretty clear--bodes well for the anticolonial message at a minimum.

"How can I bring race in a movie about blue aliens?" :marseythinkorino:

My theory is that Avatar is marketing chiefly towards women and families. Two groups that Reddit main sub moderators can't stand.

The wokies might be turning against capeshit! :marseypopcorn:

I don’t think this will make as much money as TGM tbh.

This might be the best take on the whole fiasco. Hopefully Top Gun will reign eternal! :marseyfluffy:

Bad news everybody
Wheel of Time :marseytrollcrazy:


Oh and btw, this will be the last film in the "DCEU" (DC expanded universe) which began with the release of man of steel in 2013:marseyspaceghost2:.



Has #metoo been anything but a complete disaster for society?


Now, don't get me wrong. It's a tiresome topic like "Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?" Or "Tropic Thunder couldn't be made today" but we all know these twats are malding :marseymalding: because this statement critiques woke culture :soyjakhipster:. God knows /r/movies isn't exactly a place for having a healthy discussion outside of the same dozen circlejerk topics :marseyeyeroll:.


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