Free Gaza/ Palestine Vandalism : FortCollins
Car payments of regular Americans are close to the per capita GDP of China. :marseysaluteusa: :marseychingchongitsover:

!burgers !commies

Man stabbed to death on MAX train, 1 in custody : Portland

23 year old

Mother pays for (inclusive, not exclusive) -

  • 1200 a month rent? Lease ends in April

  • Lyft rides to the golf course and everywhere else

Caddy Jobs -

  • He thinks 3000 a month once things pick up from talking to the other caddies, brought in 400 last month

    • Wait no actually he's leaving in 3 months
  • Likes being a caddy?

Caleb's shilling BetterHelp now :marseyxd:

Muh mentals

  • Claims "really bad ADHD" makes 9 to 5 impossible timestamp

    • Has been going to therapy for "a while" (10 years), gone through 4-5 different medications


  • for college will be moving to NYC

  • wants to do a year of Community College to raise his GPA, he's not sure how much he can raise it

  • Way too far away to commute to the golf course

  • College for Cyber Security :marseyxd:

    • I couldn't handle working with this fricker lmfao

    • "I think that being red team on a Cyber Security job would be fun" :marseyemojirofl:

  • "Certified with Cyber Security" through Google career cert

    • has applied to over a hundred jobs, not a single interview

      • Later clarifies that he applied for about a week and then gave up, this might be a different application spree but I'm not sure timestamp
    • Resume is shit and has no idea how to make one

  • "High school was really really rough for me... I effectively tested out of high school"

    • Went to college for a couple years and "fizzled out" with covid, later clarifies that he "tanked out of college"
  • "I had a bit of a stint of I don't want to go back to school because I'll make my own way and blah blah blah Internet redpill stuff"

    • "As much as this is possible I've been failing with consistency so hard that I need to go back to school"

"Do you follow pro golf at all?" timestamp

  • "If you look up a couple people like [name] and [name] they come out to that club"

  • Looking to get a scholarship for gaming "esports" :marseygamer:

    • "I am a very high level g*mer, I play Overwatch" timestamp

    • Caleb slaps him down, this guy was third best in some game he shared and he copes massively for the next few minutes about how stats aren't everything :marseylaughpoundfist:

    • ranked 41 in America "multiple times"

      • Currently "somewhere in the top 500" he thinks 220 :marseyclapping:
    • If he manages it this would be close to a full ride

    • He pays for a pro Overwatch coach - $35 a session? Only one so far?

      • Coach works at a school that he might want to go to?
    • He streams his Overwatch (sometimes)

    • His girlfriend took the PC during a rough patch :marseyxd:

:marse#yantiwork: "What if I just don't feel like getting a job right now?" timestamp


  • Near irrelevant since his mother is basically paying for things? I'm confused about this because I don't think he admits this but the 1200 a month has to be coming from somewhere

  • Tries to explain why he's spending so much on his stupid shit timestamp

    • More justification about how tough it is and how expensive things are listening to this subhuman talk about a mom-funded Lyft trip to the store is actually making me mad :marseyraging:
  • His card is interest free right now but will be 35% interest in 2025, he's not even paying it off lmfao

"You either lied before or you're lying now, choose which one" timestamp

:marseyaustralian: complains that there aren't enough varieties of goyslop compared to :marseysaluteusa:
Microwave Meals Are Hard :marseycry:
Down $35K in Life Savings

Original thesis was to hold long call options for TSM earnings run up but this stock kept tanking and forced me to continually average down and fricked me.

My current avg is around 1.5 and is the market value today is around 0.3 (-80%). They do expire 4/19.

Does this even have any chance? Just depressed... and honestly devastated at my stupidity.

just average down, it literally can't go tits up



Video Link -

  • Married at 22, divorcing at 23

  • He can't stop spending, he doesn't help with the finances timestamp

  • Why a divorce? timestamp

    • Went to therapy, decided they weren't compatible

    • Soy keeps talking about "trauma" while based wife talks facts and cold analysis

    • "He's a crier and I'm not"

    • "It happens so often that instead of consoling him I roll my eyes, here we go again"

      • She's perfect bros :marseyblush:
  • Wife wanted to come on the show


  • Three bedroom house with a roommate

    • Will continue living together post-divorce, different rooms

    • "What about dating other people won't it get awkward and stuff?" timestamp

      • :marseysoylentgrin: "That... I'm probably not gonna get into that until later until I actually get out of therapy personally"
    • Just moved into that house, decided to divorce slightly after the move

    • a year left on the lease

  • "He could probably burst into tears at any moment" timestamp :gigachadqueen:

  • Scores

    • She says 0/10, he thinks 3/10
  • He's cut off his mother because she's "narcissistic" timestamp

  • Spending

  • Card 1 ($6969) timestamp

    • 410 minimum payment

    • She didn't know about this card until after marriage

    • 171 interest, 250 in new purchases

    • lot of useless shit on here

  • Card 2 (3'233) timestamp

    • 3'200 limit

    • Over the limit at the time of the statement, made payments since?

    • "After I gave him my emergency fund to buy his new car I then had to go fix my car which was $2'500"

      • Stick insect freak didn't have an emergency fund of his own
    • Had to replace the "arms" on all four of her tires

    • Gym membership that neither doesn't uses

    • Gollum takes pot shots at her from behind Caleb during this segment, little freak sitting there all smug

  • New Car (16'207) timestamp

    • 6ish percent interest

    • $326 minimum payment

    • 2022 Chevy Spark

    • The Freak tries to explain his financial reasoning and upbringing, I don't understand it because he doesn't understand it. It's a inhuman thing trying to masquerade as one of us.

    • His father cosigned for it

  • She has a Chevy Trailblazer 2006, no debt on it

    • 230k miles?

    • [Midge tries to gloat calling the van a shitheap] "He thinks he knows a lot about cars" :marseyxd:

  • She nearly beaned him with a box when he started questioning if she really loved him timestamp

    • He deserved it. NTA. This woman is a queen.
  • Checking account deets timestamp

    • The creature tries to speak and is immediately slapped back into into reality

Some Loans

  • 1200 - to family friend

    • Friend owns a furniture store, no minimum monthly

    • She wants to keep the bed but is open to selling it to him :gigachadqueen:

  • 800 - to father in law

    • His father in law, bills from old apartment?
  • 5000 - to parents for wedding

    • This was a gift but she feels obligated to pay them back since they are divorcing so soon :marseyxd:
  • 1900 - financing an appliance

Spending Graph - timestamp


  • He's a front desk guy at a hospital timestamp

    • The dynamic here is really interesting, she's got a better idea of his income than he does

    • Just started full time, part time for the last year, 1400 then, around $16.00 an hour now?

  • She also has the same desk job kind of thing, I assume paid the same?

  • He is trying to start a graphics art design thing?

    • Both went to school for graphic design
The real reason why the poors stay poor.
Poors get mad as classic L4L bait takes off on Twitter
Let's go brandon


Broke r-slur spends $500 on a fricking 2x12
Found out fiancé hasn't filed taxes in 17 years.

I'm 29 years old. I've lost all the money I've had and took out credit card debt and borrowed money from my mom to day trade. Each time I tried making it back, I ended up losing more and spiraled out of control. I'm a complete idiot and I really ruined my life. I'm now trying to turn it around since I hit rock bottom.

There's about 45k of various credit card debt. 12k in line of credit and 45k of credit card debt held by my mom. I have no other debt. I make 90k a year before taxes, which amounts to about 4400 per month. I live with my parents. My mom does not have an income but my dad is supporting her. He does not know about the credit card debt and I've been making the minimum payments.

My credit score is about 650, so I'm not even sure if I'll be approved for some debt consolidation. I have a meeting this Friday to apply. If that doesn't work, it time for me to consider a consumer proposal or bankruptcy?

EDIT: so I had an appointment with an insolvency trustee and it sounds like they may be able to reduce my monthly payment to about 440$ a month for 60 months under a consumer proposal. I also have an appointment this Friday to apply for a debt consolidation. The consumer proposal would allow me to free up money to be able to pay off my mom's debt faster, but the debt consolidation may allow me to recover my credit faster. Obviously I want to do right by my mom, so fully ready to go the CP route, but just wondering what people think about the debt consolidation route if that's possible as an option.

Really appreciate any advice..



I'm like "I got maybe $3 between two different debit cards, what can I get?" and the dude actually spotted me a pint of vodka saying bring me a $5 bill next time. I absolutely will bring him $5 next time, I kinda needed this drink. That was unexpected kindness but I guess I have given him a lot of business over the years. You'd expect a liquor store owner to throw you out if you can't pay but maybe he realizes I'm good for it.


Edit: Thanks for the nice replies, frick you to the judgmental ones.

And we dislike you too.

Edit 2: I have tried rehab several times and it didn't take. All they do is dry you out and send you to a religious group. Oh sorry "spiritual not religious" like there's a fricking difference. It's all superstitious nonsense. AA can go frick itself.

Perhaps if you stopped wasing money on alcohol you might become not poor? But then again I doubt it.

This subreddit should be a drama mine for the hole

It's literally an active subreddit called /r/poor where poors unironically and in total honesty congregate and complain about being poor. I'm sure there's tons of stuff to be mined there.

For instance the top post of the subreddit is called "America is unlivable" (15.1K upmarseys):

This country is absurd. I hate it. I hate that two people in the home are working and people can still not afford to get by. People should be rioting in the streets for the way we live. Government taxes the frick out of us. There is no federally mandated workers rights, no mandated pto, maternity/paternity leave, hardly any paid sick time. Other counties get 4-8 weeks federally mandated pto, 6mos -1yr of mandated paid maternity leave, unlimited sick time. We are literally living off crumbs of happiness. Most people can't afford to put food on the table. And we don't do anything. My car ins has gone up 50 dollars in the past year for no reason no accidents nada I even lowered my coverage because it's so expensive and it still went up. We pay for streaming services because it's cheaper and a way to avoid commercials. But now every streaming service is 20 bucks and it's 60 for the "premium version " with no commercials. People can't afford to feed their kids but the government is still taking at least 300 bucks out of every single pay check. Rent has gone up utilities have gone up. And everyone cries inflation which is true because the US feels the need to get involved in every single countries problems but the people living here who are starving isn't their problem. And the number one profit that has increased is corporate profit. They all say it. They're making more money than ever and their profit is at an all time high. But most people are living paycheck to paycheck one bad week away from homelessness. Not to mention all of the stupid shit they make us pay for. Please explain to me why I need to re register my car every single year and it costs nearly 100 bucks? We should only have to register it if you buy a car. Register one time and that's it. The government completely controlls us and takes advantage of us and most people don't care. We should be protesting in the streets. We should be trying to cripple this tyrannical government. But people are too scared or too busy. It's killing me. It's so sad, we're wasting our lives away working. I hate seeing people live like this.



The replies to this tweet, which puts the bar as low as possible (frozen foods), somehow receives gratuitous pushback. Examples:

One pot pie is 600 calories :marseychonker2:

Unless it's like Stouffer's or hungry man frozen dinners, McDonald's is much worse than any frozen option.

This one is the funniest to me. Somehow this person is distressed by the prospect of taking a meal out of the freezer and into the microwave.

Normalize institutionalizing these people and whipping them in shape



It would be nice if you could just find something to chew on or drink that covers a lot of necessaries. My issue is that I get bored with the easily made, cheap food I can buy and prep. They all take a short amount of time compared to other foods but then I get super bored of them and would want something more or different..

Eating a special nourishment paste sounds so practical and if its 100% digestible, it is fine with me or I wish for someone to create a human equivalent of dog kibble that contains all the daily nutrients and calories needed to sustain life.

When you don't feel like cooking, eat it, and when you don't want to eat kibble, cook. Why can't we have something like this? I know slowcookers exist, and it's the closest thing to set and forget and eat so we can do human stuff.

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