r/neoliberal :marseysoylentgrin: discusses their interactions (:marseygun: :marseytrans: :marseyjunkie:) with the poors :marseystinky:

So this is a complete compilation of all of LPG's posts on the /o/ board. He was a used car salesman and had countless examples of the most mind boggling financial self destruction. Tale after tale of poors deciding that yes, 29% apr on a car loan is perfectly fine if it means not having to be seen in a hyundai anymore.

This collection of stories is the perfect distillation of peakpoors, and I hope you all enjoy :marseyexcited:

56,600 Twitter users are mad that the IRS withheld fewer taxes

Avery, 26, Austin, TX :marseyclown2:


  • 44k at some car company "building cars"

    • paid hourly, thinks it's fairly stable 40 hours a week - 10 hours a day 4 days a week, sometimes 11 or 12

Personal Life:

  • Wasn't her first choice to move to Austin, she moved here because her friend already works at the car company

  • 800ish rent

  • Most of this section got lumped into financials


  • Checking Account

    • Overdrafts
  • "I live above my means"

  • Credit Card 1 ($369) timestamp

    • Paid $45 on it

    • Made $116 in purchases

    • $10 in interest added

    • She tries to explain why she hasn't paid if off - she divides her payments between her paychecks???

      • Mentions at least 5 other credit cards :marseywtf2:
  • Credit Card 2 ($450) timestamp

    • Disney Rewards Card

    • Minimum payment $40

    • because she used to go to Disney but hasn't for a very long time

    • Sally Beauty $50 purchase "on a whim" :marseyconfused:

    • Also some eating out

  • Credit Card 3 (2051) timestamp

    • $73 minimum payment

    • $53 interest charged

    • $30 in new purchases

      • "I needed an outfit for a concert"

      • Actually she went to Taco Bell and a Boba Tea place

    • "I'm still making my payments, that's all that matters" :marseyindignant:

    • Mentions that she will be going to see a couple more concerts. 21 Pilots and a band whose name I can't make out

    • Claims the food purchases are justified

    • Some weird explanation about how she couldn't use her card to get a protein bar and water so she went to get taco bell instead? (I assume she means the vendor didn't have a card reader?)

  • Credit Card 4 ($492) (Walmart) timestamp

    • 28 minimum monthly payment

    • No new purchases on this one?

    • She usually uses it but didn't this time?

  • Credit Card 5 ($5'004) (Discover) timestamp

    • She bought a computer on there?

    • Minimum payment $125

    • Interest $104

    • She doesn't really understand how interest works and has been trying to pay slightly more than minimum on all her debts? timestamp

  • Credit Card 6 ($136) (Hot Topic) timestamp

    • There's a $3 fee on it? "What do you mean fee" :marseyemojirofl:

    • $30 minimum monthly payment

  • Student Loans timestamp

    • Something about her mother taking out student loans too on her behalf and she's paying for those as well? I didn't really understand this one

      • her mom's loan is on deferment but she's still paying it while on deferment (she really doesn't understand how interest rates work)

      • Later clarified that her mother used her brother's credit to take these loans out? He knew and approved it

    • Some talk about family situation, nothing super interesting she mentions that she likes to give expensive gifts, sees that as a need not a want

    • Didn't catch how much she's paying off for the mother but she herself has $5'162

      • Was paying it off while in school - went to school for theater, got degree
    • Going to go back to school for "advanced manufacturing" - her job is covering it? Community college (ACC)

  • Caleb stimming timestamp

  • "So what do you do when you are low on money on your checking account but only have your credit card to survive?" :marseybrainlet: timestamp

  • Car (Toyota Camry) (31'972 balance) timestamp

    • $650 monthly payment

    • Storytime - weird ex-boyfriend story

    • Purchased March 2023

    • 6 year agreement

    • She thinks a 9% interest

    • Scratched on the side, damage to the windshield

      • Heat damage on the windshield? Apparently you want to roll windows down when it's very hot?
    • valued at maybe 21'000

  • Income 3617 timestamp

    • "I've never really checked my finances to be honest with you"
  • Checking Account timestamp

    • Highlights a nintendo charge, some eating out, google play, playstation network

    • 5 overdraft charges in a row :marseyxd:

    • She Klarna'd some tickets and a $100 Back to The Future Lego set

  • Other people borrow money from her??? timestamp

    • Her mother borrows money from her sometimes about $100? Not every month? Just rarely???

    • She overdrafts

    • "That's only once"

      • "No"
  • Funny drama confrontation about her future in society timestamp

  • Confrontation over phone finances timestamp

Finances Pie Chart timestamp


According to a survey released last month by LendingTree, 62% of Gen Z-ers feel pressure to spend money and keep up with people around them โ€” compared with the national average of 32%. Additional data released in March by Credit Karma shows that the average Gen Z-er's credit card debt is more than double that of millennials.

Common normie and neurotypical L :marseyautism:

In 2023, the private personal-finance website Bankrate released a survey showing how influential social media can be when it comes to overspending. According to that study, 48% of social media users reported buying something impulsively that they saw advertised online, spending an average of $754 on impulse purchases in the previous year. Such spending habits were even more prevalent among Gen Z, with 60% of respondents ages 18-26 saying they'd impulsively purchased something they saw on social media in the last year

"Wow why do companies pay for ads they only work on boomers :marseyeyeroll:"

Well what are zoomers buying?

According to a 2022 Statista study, Gen Z uses social media more than any other generation, with over half of that population engaging with several platforms daily. From sponsored posts on Instagram to ads before and during YouTube videos, Gen Z is constantly being influenced on their most-frequented platforms.

TikTok has also been on the vanguard of integrating advertisements into regular content. The TikTok Shop allows creators to add links to their videos that go directly to the products they're selling, encouraging their followers to make purchases with just a few quick taps.

Chinese dropshipped influencer crap :marseyjewoftheorient: !zoomers the most tech savy generation :marseylaugh:


The unemployment ran out. Sold stuff. Feels like I'm set back about five years.

I hate the new job btw, they want me to work like a W2 employee but classify me as a contractor (I put in 65 hours last week, only paid for 40). Obv no healthcare.

Still in tech, and I didn't save as much as I should have but I've only ever made decent money for a little over two years in my entire adult life. Prior to that I think I maybe cleared 50k. When I hit six figures I finally traveled and enjoyed things.

Looks like that was the peak of my existence and now I feel like an old frick. If I didn't have supportive people in my life I wouldn't still be in it.

There's no point to this post other than I finally felt like I was living the life I imagined I would have back when I was an early 20s grindset jockey, and for what? Two years of a good life?

I threw away a lot of youth and not peepeeing around or enjoying my 20s because I thought that's what I needed to do to make my 30s easy. It didn't matter.

Maybe some of you have it figured out. I for fricking sure don't.

You learned the a hard important rule of having money. Make sure you pay the house (your savings). Saving 20k on 200k salary is hilariously terrible.

You're not wrong, I think I was increasingly challenging myself on how much shit I could buy. The work was stressful and I thought I had hit the lottery.

Definitely didn't realize how good I had it until it was gone.


Just a shoplifters get arrested comp. I love how sassy that first cop is lol


Will, 35 :marseysoylentgrin:

Hannah, 35 :marseywomanmoment:

Jarell, TX


  • Married for near 7 years

  • Two children, ages two and three

  • Brought salami

  • She is not a viewer, he is, she didn't watch anything prior to show timestamp


  • Him - "Food Broker"

    • 68'250 salary

    • $500 stipend for car

    • Another 5'000 in performance bonuses

  • Him - Woodworking side business

    • Net $500-$600 a monthly

    • Facebook marketplace

  • Her - 3rd grade teacher

    • Math and Science

    • $41'000, paid ten months, not 12 timestamp

      • "You have the choice to divy it up"

        • "But you don't" :marseyxd:
    • Has to pay 3 bucks a day for lunch at the school? :marseylaugh:


  • Married but finances are separate? They "each pay different things" timestamp

  • "She has a bit of a spending issue sometimes, like I don't really trust her to have like a joint bank account with me" timestamp

    • Panicked rephrase - "We have uh different ideas sometimes about wants versus needs" timestamp
  • Hannah thinks that furniture is a "need" to survive "things for a home are needed" timestamp

  • Hannah also thinks that she couldn't trust if they combined finances timestamp

    • She was prior married, with joint finances. Ex habitually spent while neetmaxxing, married for four years :marseyantiwork:
  • Both want to make finances joint now? Husband is hesitant about debt, thinks wife doesn't understand timestamp

    • Wife - "I get told things, after the fact" :marseythinkorino:
  • Claims about past finances timestamp

    • Tried to talk about finances but they never actually get around to it, high level procrastinationmaxxing :marseyxd:
  • "So you believe the finances and a lot of bad finances are her fault" timestamp

    • Husband claims the wife makes "a lot of bad purchases"

    • "A lot of them are purchases that we make together" :marseyclueless:

  • Some discussion about what a happy childhood is timestamp

    • they recently spent $800 on a TV?
  • Wife tries to justify some spending talking about how they didn't inherit anything and deflecting onto spending on daughter's extracurriculars timestamp

    • Genuinely pathetic :marseyraging:
  • Housing situation timestamp

    • Used to rent a house in Long Beach, now they rent one here, moved because it's more affordable. Spent "every dime" ($12'000 :marseylaugh:)

    • "Unfortunately my husband was also in charge of the move" :marseyemojirofl:

    • Minor bickering, wife doesn't feel 'included' in decisions, quick rehashing of an old argument about what they brought with them while moving timestamp

  • Scores timestamp

    • Him 1/10, her 8/10

    • Wife gives her perspective on things, she feels like she only gets a glimpse of how bad things are sometimes? Never thinks about it? :marseydarkfoidretard:

  • Wife Statements timestamp

    • A few Ikea, some fast food, a couple Apple Bill, the grocery store, tickets to SeaWorld

    • Husband's travel expenses somehow ended up there because she paid for it? timestamp

      • They are going to visit family "for Halloween" :marseythonk:
    • Pushback on whether wife is actually the reason for the debt timestamp

      • Wife looking smug :marseysmug2:
    • There's a $300 overdraft protection timestamp

      • No fees but she still overdrafted :marseyxd:
    • $1'845 in, $2'386 out timestamp

  • Car "situation"

    • Foreshadowing - wife "didn't have her id" timestamp

      • Car is under his name because wife doesn't have as steady a job history? She had a credit card she wasn't paying on that went to collections. She "got so overwhelmed" :marseyfoidretard:
  • "We were in a different position in our lives when we decided to have the kids" timestamp

    • Juicy deets - He was a chef for 15 year, lost everything during COVID

      • Executive Chef, owner wanted to not close down the second time. He'd already used his unemployment benefits

      • Background not in video - Cali's lockdowns were, on paper, a couple steps away from turning every 'citizen' into a prisoner. The state told people they couldn't go more than a few miles from home, couldn't cross county lines, all sorts of other tin pot tyrant insanity. A city deciding devastate some restaurant that didn't kowtow is completely in-character

    • Tried solar sales and being a realtor between this and the food broker job

    • Filled up his CC during his attempt at real estate timestamp

      • He's still in real estate classes? Takes a couple hours

      • Descends into more bickering, he's worried about committing to the wood-working

  • Debt timestamp

    • Credit Card 1 - Quicksilver ($5'072) timestamp

      • 174 minimum payment,

      • he paid 372 but made 188 in transactions got 122 in interest

      • Purchase explanation timestamp

        • A $160 router on amazon - switching from Optimum to Fiberfirst

          • 150 for the router, 10 for the fiber receiver
        • They had a mesh router system but it stopped working

        • Caleb simps for renting routers :marseyeyeroll:

    • Credit Card 2 - Chase Freedom ($5'665) timestamp

      • Bickering about whether or he had told her just how much debt they are in timestamp

        • she thought it was seven or eight, not 30'000 :marseyemojirofl:
      • Made 2'650 in payments, 2519 in additional transactions

      • Fair bit of eating out, some subscriptions, a couple trips out with the daughter

    • Credit Card 3 ($2'434) -

      • $81 minimum monthly payment, 52 in interest accrued
    • Credit Card 4 - Shell - ($632)

      • $16 interest, $29 minimum payment
    • Credit Card 5 Best Buy - (1'816) timestamp 1 also timestamp 2

      • The $800 TV and her phone

      • "How much was my phone" :marseyxd:

      • TV was zero percent but he didn't finish paying it off before that ended

      • Phone is currently in the interest free period

  • Car time timestamp

    • "Ask him about his cars" :marseytroublemaker:

    • 1998 Jeep Cherokee - 117'000

      • Got it because he heard it's very reliable

      • Had a Chevy S10 prior that had a lot of problems, engine blew up, needed help from his granparents to replace that engine

      • At the mechanics right now because "a pin fell out" - mechanic is putting in a push button start, not charging for labor?

      • Owes 4'196 on this timestamp

      • $204 minimum payments, 36 months

      • He thinks the interest is twenty-something, maybe 24%

    • 1983 Mercedes and some other car at some point

      • Needs a vacuum that costs $250 to replace

      • Posted on Facebook marketplace but took it off while the Jeep is getting repaired

      • Thinks he can get $3'500 for it after he replaces the vacuum

        • He bought this car in California
    • Kia Van

      • 306 minimum payment - she pays $500 into some account that takes autopays it every month?

      • Her car, under his name because she forgot her id that day?

      • Took out a loan through CarMax, refinanced it jointly with her mother - interest is 3.4% maybe?

    • "I think we should just get a new truck" :marseyclueless:

  • Amazon Purchases timestamp

    • One or more of them is taking Melatonin

    • The router timestamp

      • Caleb (routerlet) seethes for a moment
    • Subscriptions for a 15% discount on household necessities :marseynotes:

  • His Account statements timestamp

    • Mostly sane stuff

    • $5 in savings

  • $7'000 in the business account

    • Gets his checks there because he's a 1099 not a W2

    • Also pays his rent out of here because Quickbooks tracks his business account and then he splits it within that account - whole garage and office are what he's writing off

      • got told that this works by a CPA friend of his
  • Wife goes for the throat "You've literally confessed to..." timestamp

  • Retirement

    • His - $4'200

    • Hers - $1'200

Overall Finances timestamp

  • 42'000 a year from his main job

  • Some from wood-working (he hasn't paid taxes on this, mostly done in cash :marseyretardchad:)

  • Ad placement from injury lawyers, Caleb's hit the big time

  • Pie chart timestamp

    • They get charged subscription fees for Smart Locks on their rental - no mentions of tipping :marseycapitalistmanlet:

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By positioning SomiPods as an amenity that caters to modern renters' needs, you can increase your chances of attracting high-quality tenants who will appreciate the unique living experience you offer.

These appear to be dropshipped from AliExpress


:gigacha#d4: Nathan, 26, Austin TX


  • Wearing a $600 watch timestamp

    • Claims he got it on sale 20% off
  • "It was a Christmas gift for myself" :marseygigachad:

  • "It's a nice watch, I wanna get another one I just don't have the funds to do so right now. But as soon as I do I'm gonna get one" timestamp

  • "Did you graduate high school?" :marseyconfused: timestamp

    • "Yeah, it was hard though" "Numbers and stuff, the start to look funny after a while" :marseychad:
  • "You bought yourself a watch and you said you'd do it again" :soycry: timestamp

    • "Well I bought myself some - uh nevermind" :marseygigachad:


  • "I sell cars" "Gross" timestamp

  • "My customers love me" :gigachad2:

  • "I don't just care about my commission checks, I care about people" :marseychad:

  • New car place for 2 months

    • first month between two and three thousand

    • Attempt to figure out just how much he makes timestamp

      • "They take it back when I get my commission check"

      • "It's hard to say just what I make... I don't pay attention to it" :marseyretardchad:

    • Was making 7 or 8 thousand dollars a month at his old car place

      • Thinks he will need 4 months to ramp back up to this

      • Had gotten a promotion at his old place but didn't like it as much as he thought it would be

  • "Well there's also the 1099 income from the manufacturer.... I didn't report that so I guess it could be something extra" timestamp

    • "I didn't have the money to pay the taxes on it, I spent it all" :marseykneel:
  • Not setting money aside for taxes?

  • Checks his March income later timestamp

    • 9'000 before taxes and minimum wage removal, around 6'000 after all that is taken out


  • He has two phones because he wanted two phone numbers

  • "[The debt]'s not 'new new' it's been there, it just got worse" timestam

  • Credit Card 1 (Revy) (302,32) timestamp

    • 205 amount past due, "I had to pay my rent so I couldn't pay the card"

    • 4 months of missed payments, what a king. Frick that card.

  • Credit Card 2 (CreditOne) ($500/$500) timestamp

    • Got this one after the repo - only card that would "help him out"

    • He thinks this one is closed but not sent to collections yet

  • Credit Card 3 (Also CreditOne) [timestamp](

  • Card 3 (738)

    • $125 past due - 2 payments
  • Credit Card 3 (Also CreditOne) (1500/1200) timestamp

    • $268 past due (3 payments)
  • Credit Card 4 timestamp

    • He paid this off "It's on automatic payments"

    • "I didn't catch it in time, if I'd a caught then that one would not be on autopay" :marseychad:

  • Credit Card 5 timestamp

    • $1 of credit free
  • Rent $2250 a month

    • Rents a townhouse timestamp

    • Two bed, two bath, attached two car

    • Signed lease last year, just resigned in February

  • Car got repoed "that was in the past" timestamp :marseyretardchad:

    • 4 years ago "That wasn't my fault though, that was somebody else that did that"
  • "My plan is to make more money" :marseyretardchad:

  • CashApp Payments timestamp

  • Car (14'000) [timestamp](

    • Paid the car bill late, ate a $20 late fee

    • Caleb seethes over a 2015 Chrysler 200 for some reason :marseychonker2:

    • "It was a steal"

      • dealership advertised a price but then charged him a higher price :handsomechud:

      • Got it in 2020

    • 24% interest rate, got this car soon after his other was repoed

    • Doesn't drive this around?

      • Doesn't drive it around because he got a new car, he's trying to sell and find someone gullible to take over the payments timestamp

        • "So you're going to prey on people"

          • "Nah I'm helpin help them out, it's like a quid pro quo" :chad:
    • Has hail damage. There's some weird insurance thing timestamp

    • Owes 14'000 on this $8'000 car timestamp

      • "So that's not super terrible" :marseybrainlet: :marseygigachad:
  • Car 2 (28'700) timestamp

    • Mercedes, this is the one he drives around

    • $650 minimum payment

    • 18% interest rate

    • "It's in really good condition"

  • Car 3 (13'700) timestamp

    • This was the one that got repoed

    • Nissan

    • Was in a relationship for 3-4 years, he bought a car for her mother, the mother made payments on it for 6 months but when the relationship ended and she stopped paying on it

  • Energy Bill from 2023 that he didn't pay

    • From his old place probably, he didn't know about it

    • $600 bill

    • :soyjaktantrum: "You paid for your credit report and you never went through it once?!" timestamp

      • :marseyretardchad: "No"
  • Personal Loan

    • Mentioned and then forgotten about?
  • Checking Account (-$50) timestmap

    • Lots of eating out lmao

    • He's subbed to near a dozen streaming services

      • "I be watchin shows"
  • Credit Score 567 timestamp

    • "It was worse but I've put in work"

Finances Pie Chart timestamp

Attempts to form a budgeting plan timestamp


OP rudely deleted her thread, but it shows up in pullpush here:

Her "partner" (male) quit their job in November so now they're trying to survive on $150k a year (and failing). OP is too long to post but interesting line items:

rent 2,500

storage unit 108

Renting a two bedroom and still needing a storage unit

cellphones 148 2 lines. Will go down to 100 when phones are paid off in a few months. I don't have a line for my Apple Watch or iPad so there's that at least lol

Financing cell phones and still getting completely screwed on the phone lines.

daycare 1,980 This is very cheap for the area! Stopping this to have partner watch baby is an option, but we'd lose our slot and have to scramble when he finds a job

The daycare grift strikes again

car 400 Car is paid off but somehow still expensive. Gas, tolls (family out of state), parking, registration, etc. I drive to the office


donations 783 Not a religious thing. Just us trying to do some good. Open to questions/suggestions


travel 500


gifts 250


If my math is right that puts me at -$1631 a month.

To be fair, I'm guessing the travel and gifts are some kind of "we're planning on spending this the whole year" and not actually spending that each month. Still, nearly 6 months in and no changes at all.

Redditor blames everyone else but himself for his massive debt

>Makes 87k a year

>750 mortgage

>500 second mortgage

>40k in credit card debt (11k was a trip to Disney :marseyxd:)

>blames daughters 600 a month gymnastics as what's making him so broke

This guy is proof that not everyone is cut out to be a landlord and why it's one of the hardest jobs out there

Reported by:
New cuck post :seasoningpolicequeen:
Reported by:
!fellas, :marseywould: you?
White, crazy nails and tattooed. You know classy is in da house

Waffles, syrup with tons of sugar, eggs, more sugar, cheese, more sugar, ketchup. Only Everclear is missing for kids to have a fantastic day with that meal.

Reported by:

I think I might have missed a couple loans but it was a little confusing.

Alex, 26, Houston TX


  • She buys whiskey flavored coffee grounds, based alchy?

  • Claims to do "gravel biking" or something? Has some outdoorsy smart watch

  • Nobody taught her how to drive so she got tickets timestamp

    • My dad literally told me to go get a car and drive it back to a city :marseylaugh:

    • She kept getting stopped for black plates and ticketed for other things until a Border Patrol agent told her?

  • Got a dog at some point? timestamp

    • Dog bit her inhaler, a 2k medical bill

    • Dog timestamp

  • She IS a credit card person timestamp :marseyflu!ffy:

  • Mentioned that she was kicked off of Lyft, she doesn't got into a reason

  • Demands the studio wagie "prod*cer" pick up her pen after Caleb "drops" it timestamp

    • Now you can pick up both of my pens :gigachadqueen:
  • "It's not even that bad, it's like a quarter of some of the other people" timestamp

    • "I had no choice"


  • Car (2017 Ford Fusion)

    • Had a 10'000-13'000 13% loan that she refinanced against the car, 21'000 loan 29% interest :marseyyikes:

    • Late on her payments for this?

    • $404 minimum payment?

    • Her car is worth 8'000 at most

    • Told company she was considering a voluntary repo so they lowered the monthly payments, she doesn't know if there was also a term extension

    • Got this loan because she was unemployed for 6 months, she has a folder of loan offers she's received in the mail :marseyxd:

    • Something about the dealer doing something weird while running her credit? timestam

  • Late Payment timestamp

    • "I don't have a late payment"

    • "I just got the loan and yesterday was the first day I made a payment"

    • Caleb btfo completely, it wasn't a late payment. :gigachadqueen:

  • Loan 6'000 timestamp

    • 198 a month

    • Personal Loan 29%

    • To pay her rent

  • Dissolved her 401ks, owes at least 1450 in taxes timestamp

    • "I didn't submit a 1099 form, I didn't know how, there was no part for that"

    • "When I was filing my taxes I just didn't see a part to submit it" :marseyemojirofl:

    • "Well they taxed me when I withdrew so I thought maybe they taxed it"

    • Was due in November but she "[hasn't] been able to get in contact with them"

    • She's drained her 401k twice?

  • Credit Card 1 (paid off) timestamp

    • Ate a late fee on this one because she hadn't gotten the personal loan at this point?
  • Card 2 ($402/$500) timestamp

    • Has a bunch of gym subscriptions? :marseyhmm:
  • Verizon bill 2'000 payment timestamp

    • she discontinued services and had financed devices

      • Got herself a phone, his dad a phone, "he didn't like it so he broke it instead of letting me return it"

      • "He is living like a homeless person and I felt bad" :marseygigaretard:

  • Education - timestamp

    • 10'000 in student loans

    • "multi-disciplinary studies in business administration, digital marketing, and sculpting?"

    • Did not graduate

    • Transferred from one uni to another in her current city? Time frame is not accurate, thinks she has completed 90 credit hours?

    • "Technically I'm a junior" didn't want to continue remote because it was "stupid" as an art student

    • Thinking about paying her personal loan off with more student loan money?

  • Owes some energy company 400 timestamp

    • Doesn't remember when this was


  • Remote Call Center Rep

    • Got 6 months warning?

    • 6k severance (3 months?), she had to stay until her end date to get this?

    • 6 months unemployed

Firing Explanation timestamp

  • Found another job but got laid off from that because they were "incompatible"

    • "I didn't like the way they ran things and then they didn't like what I had to say"

    • Something about the trainer making fun of the sexual harassment training and some other dumb stuff?

      • Actually this wasn't the issue she "kept this to herself"
    • "I have certain disabilities so I had to shut off my camera so they said that I was shutting off my camera way too often" :marseythinkorino:

"Well when they fired me they used different reasons"

"They had pulled me into a conversation and they were like really aggressive and they said like 'you keep shutting your camera off' and like i-if you do this you're going to get fired' but I told them like I have a disability -"

"What's your disability?"

"Huh oh - I have overactive bladder and I have asthma and I have allergies that trigger my asthma"

  • She uses a wireless headset so she can stay connected while using the restroom? She thinks they didn't know this? That they didn't know she was still listening or that she has a disability? She told them in the "if you keep doing this you're going to get fired" meeting.

  • She mentions later that she turned down calls from other jobs offering because she was hoping for a higher paying role


Slackernews drama:

Smartest :marseyrick: Redditor :soysnoo: has package :marseyunabomber: stolen by USDA :marseysoutherner: Prime braphog :marseychonkerbutch:, contacts UberEATS support :chadindianheadset:.

Zoe 32, San Antonio TX

Reddit thread -


  • "Fulfillment Operations" at Amazon

    • $20.75, 33-36 hours a week

    • Works overnights 12 night shifts? Only gets so many on shift rotations?


  • Single parent, 5 kids

  • Finished Associates Degree in Psych recently?

    • Doesn't think she wants to pursue it any more
  • Thinking she would got for a "realtor degree" (license?)

  • Was married to someone in military who wanted her to be a stay-at-home mother?

    • Already had a the first kid with another father before marrying this guy?

    • He is still in military?

    • Divorced 7 years ago or married 7 years ago and divorced more recently? I'm not certain on the timeline, finalized in 2019?

    • Gets 1'000 a month in child support

    • He is the father of her two eldest children? Might be two second-eldest? What? I'm so confused.

  • Another son gets $370 a month sporadically

  • Does not get support for the other two children

    • Father of her youngest has repeatedly evaded the authorities "he's a chameleon" :gigachad2:

    • No mention of the second youngest? :marseythinkorino2:

  • Ages

    • Daughter - 1 and a half

    • Son - 3

    • Daughter - 8

      • Divorce was 7 years ago :marseysipping:
    • Daughter - 12

    • Daughter - 14

  • Lives with her mother, disabled and on a walker so she can't help out much

    • Mother works for a few days at a family members towing company for cash?

    • Mother has had a bunch of surgeries? Recovering from a hernia in the chest? She doesn't want to watch the grandkids.

  • Cat just had 5 kittens

  • More deets about the dads timestamp


  • "Borrowing to pay off your last borrowing to pay off your last borrowing that you borrowed before your last paycheck timestamp

    • Has been doing this for two or three months now?

    • Rent went up, CoL went up?

  • Checking Account starts timestamp

    • started with negative $23 in the account ended with positive $500 timestamp

    • Payday loan $1000 timestam

      • ahead of her tax return?
    • Payday loan 2 (900 initial 1500 in needful payments) timestamp

      • 159%

      • Doesn't remember which one this is :marseyxd:

      • "I saw the APR afterwards and was like holy shit"

      • Got it online?

    • Might be more, I got distracted here

    • Car 2023 Mitsubishi Outlander timestamp

      • Owes $34'900, worth 22'000

      • $819 minimum, missed the last payment

      • No car insurance "can't afford [it]"

      • 16% APR

      • Fell for a free 2'500 down offer and believed the salesfilth when it said she would pay more for a used car :marseyemoji!rofl:

    • Collections lmao timestamp

    • Card 1 $479 timestamp

      • "I got those cards with the intention of not paying them back and now I'm being forced to pay them back" :marseyfoidretard:
    • Some of my friends help me out timestamp

      • "Because I work more they took my foodstamps away"

      • Trading cash for foodstamps. $100 becomes $180 in stamps. "Is that legal?" "No." :gigachadqueen:

    • Surprise student loans segment at the end timestamp

Caleb seethes over McDonald's coffee - timestamp :marseywomanmoment:

Kino awkward dating prospects - timestamp :marseyblops2cel:

Reported by:

David Attenborough voice

In the urban sprawl, amidst the hustle and bustle, emerges the wagecuck: conditioned to toil for a paycheck, unaware of passive income. Their days are consumed by the relentless pursuit of financial stability, trading precious hours for meager wages.

Enter the right-wing grifter on Twitter, a cunning opportunist exploiting ideology for profit. With a few clicks and cleverly crafted tweets, they amass followers and monetize outrage, tapping into a lucrative market of discontent.

Trapped in the grind, the wagecuck embodies the struggle of modern labor. Shackled by the confines of the nine-to-five, they remain oblivious to the tantalizing possibilities of financial freedom through alternative means.

But amidst the monotony, there exists a glimmer of hope. With knowledge comes power, and the potential for the wagecuck to break free from the cycle lies within their grasp. By understanding the dynamics of passive income and entrepreneurship, they can transcend the limitations imposed upon them by societal norms and chart a new course towards independence.


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