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why can't I sleep :marseygiveup:

I've been going to bed stupid early, am sober, healthy, :marseyhealthysoberstillretard: don't drink caffeine for at least 6 hours before bed, clean sheets, etc everything i can think of but my eyes still shoot open every hour at night and i sleep like shit and all I want is a full night of rest :marseysulk: I don't want to take any sleeping pills because drugs are bad, I'd rather find a different way first so umm if you had troubles with insomnia then how did you fix it :marseyshy2:

I'm also a gymrat and lift 5Γ—/week I'm not some neet who sits in a gooncave ok :marseydepressed: I just can't stop thinking at night or stay asleep even though I'm really tired

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Just have s*x before bed?

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I actually thought recently that maybe I should normiemaxx and try to have s-x but it's futile, it's not going to happen :marseyitsogre:

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Even the most vile women :marseysuffragette: I have ever laid eyes on have gotten laid. Just go to a bar and stay till last call. your a girl use tindr that's easy mode for s*x as a girl lmao

I don't think :marseymischevious: you're trying cause coomers do not care about anything :marseycoleporter: else

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I bartend so I'm already behind a bar all the time and stay past last call. I don't want to be around some weirdo who will make me feel uncomfortable because then I'll sperg out and panic, and I'm too much of a mentalcel to attract just a normal guy

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>I don't want to be around some weirdo who will make me feel uncomfortable :marseyhelp:

>wants casual :marseywillnever: s*x

Bless your heart


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idk how having casual s-x with coomer creeps would make me sleep better, if anything it would make me hate myself more and I would just lie awake feeling disgusted with myself

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nvm wow. u a creepy uncle

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>he doesn't know bless your heart :marseygeisha: is southern :marseypastor: lingo for calling you r-slurred


Bless him

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Farty, if I of all people am able to have s*x. You should have zero problems

It's actually over for you

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@grizzly cmon, help her out

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it only makes things worse

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no it doesn't :hammerbear: it was already peak bad b4 :hmph:

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I wish :marseydepressed::marseyrain::marseysulk::marseygunshotsuicide::marseydoomer::marseydeadinside::marseytabletired2::marseycut::marseydeadinside3::marseytabletired::marseysuicide::marseycutwrist::marseyitsover: I would murder every person here just to be strangled to death by him, but it's not going to happen

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You broke your sleepbox. There's no cure besides keeping yourself safe :marseygiveup::marseymaid:

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Let Dr.Peaches help you

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You know I remember at one point where asmr was like, really authentic hd sounds.

Getting your hair cut, mowing the lawn, whatever.

Never have I had an eye exam where anyone spoke like this

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gf experience where they all compete with each other to do something novel to the camera

frick year capitalism

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This sounded pleasant without headphones. Will try it out.

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I can hardly hear a word that she's saying.

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Ephemeral Rift, ASMR Zeitgeist, Dr. T ASMR >>>>>>>>>> everyone else

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It's your bad conscience keeping you awake :marseyjesus:

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Are you drinking lots of caffeine before your 6 hour cutoff? The half life of caffeine is 6 hours, so if you drink 8 coffees just before you stop for 6 hours, there will still be 4 of them in your bloodstream when you go to bed.

Are you getting outside during the day while it's daylight? Have you installed one of those color filters on your PC (like f.lux for Windows) that makes your screen more red at night so the blue screen light doesn't make your body think it's morning?

Maybe keep a thermometer in your bedroom so you can see if it's getting too cold/hot to sleep.

Do you stress a lot during the day?

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I usually have one coffee or tea and an energy drink in the morning, but I'm not one of those people who continues after that, its mostly so I have some energy for gym and work (because i slept terribly :marseyunamused:)

I rarely use my computer but I put my phone on sleep mode (grayscale, no notifs or vibrations)

I do stress a lot but that's just my personality, idk if I can fix that

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Since you're doing a lot of healthy stuff (eating well, exercise, interacting with people, etc.) check out some of these sleep suggestions from Dr. Huberman. I do a few of these and found them helpful (especially getting outside and getting sun in my eyes within an hour of waking)

Another thing you can try is journaling (I know that sounds gay). I used to think journaling was stupid and would never help because why write when I could just think about shit, but it has been immensely helpful for me to just get shit out of my head because otherwise it would churn non-stop. And it's just dumb stuff I think about like what I need to do for the week, work stuff, life stuff, whatever. When I write it down, I stop thinking about it. I write every morning, but if you just did that at night when you're in bed thinking, it might help.

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I'm so sorry Sankwinn, insomnia is the worst.

I made a similar post and people contributed their tips: https://rdrama.net/h/personal/post/203336/i-have-really-bad-insomnia-and

Might help you. I fixed mine by quitting alcohol but it seems that isn't your issue.

Sounds like you have sleep maintenance issues. Issues with sleep onset are frequently anxiety and sleep maintenance can be due to depression. Are you doing alright mentally?

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:marseypaperbag: yeah I'm kind of a basketcase but I feel like it's the most well managed it's ever been since I've been so focused on healthmaxxing. idk if permanent brain damage is fixable 😣 but thanks frozen :kiss:

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Is your problem your mind racing at night keeping you awake? I used to be an insomniac like that until I became r-slurred :marseystroke:

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yes that's exactly what it is :marseybangfast: I'm already extremely r-slurred, it's hopeless I should just rope

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How early do you wake up when you can sleep? And how much screen time (including tv) do you get before bed? Be honest these are probably the 2 most important factors.

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usually around 7, I want to wake up earlier but sleep problems have been going on for a long time

screen time before bed probably is an issue :marseycringe: but even Friday and Saturday when I work late and go home and go straight to sleep, I still can't sleep properly

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Hmm I used to have some sleeping issues untill I had to wake up at 5:30am every day for work, now I'm conked out by 11pm every night. And blue light can really mess up your head before you sleep, maybe try a week with absolutely zero blue light for a hour and a half before bed and see if that works? I recommend buying a kindle paperwhite, they are super cheap and really amazing to read on with soft led lights so no blue light issues. Hope this helps πŸ™

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I've been going to bed by 10 (unless I'm working late) because I'm so tired I just can't wait to sleep :dizzy:

I'll try the blue light thing. I've been considering turning off my phone and just buying an alarm clock, maybe I'll get a kindle too :marseyhearts: I'll really try this thank you :marseypleading2:

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@A I blocked this creature but can still see her posts and comment here. Bug?

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it's a feature to encourage limp wristed bitches to drink bleach :marseyjam: :capylove::capylove::capylove:

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u can see posts (if u get linked to them), but not comments

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You need a maid :#marseymaid4:

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Song 4 you:


Recommend Mike Duncan's History of Rome podcast to send you over to sleep. Entire thing is here:


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Have you tried working :marseylifting: out and making your body physically tired? Or do you just sit in front :marseyviewerstare: of a computer :marseyidio3: all day?

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yes I work out regularly. I'm really tired at bedtime, I just can't stay asleep

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Just have your wife give you a middle :marseyfrickyou2: of the night :marseysamfisher: blowie

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That's your body telling you stop being a b-word.

I wake up at 4-430am from now until end of year and hike into thicket to kill animals. If I kill one I usually have to drag it back quarter mile - 5 miles depending on my secret spot.

I also like to be comfy so I pack out 50-65lbs of gear.

Do that a couple times and see if you have trouble sleeping lol

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do you have any pics? :marseypleading2: idk if there's any hunting around here but I'm willing to bet I'm one of the most muscular w*mbyn on this site, I don't think that's the issue

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It's not about being muscular it's about using up your chi for the day and needing to rest. I know a lot of women with insomnia. The only dude I know with it legit doesn't sleep and works like 14 hour days in a high stress work env. He's clinical. I'm guessing half or more of the women I know suffering need a hobby to exhaust yourself either physically or mentally on. Challenge yourself or it will challenge you

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the problem isn't that I'm not tired though. I am exhausted by the time I go to bed, I just keep waking up anyway

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Meditate. Accept that you may not be a typical sleeper profile. Do day naps, master meditation game. I can't sleep before a hunt it's not a weakness.

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Exercise. Also, do you get a lot of sunlight?


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I lift weights 5Γ—/week and have a turboautismo diet, I also walk almost everywhere and have an active job :marseysigh:

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Try some indica? :marseyrasta:


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I quit smoking weed a while ago, I think it might help short term to fall asleep but it makes me feel groggy&& foggy lasting into the next day which I don't like because I want to wake up early and do things

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Stop having anxiety? :marseyshrug: That's the only other thing.


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I can help, close :marseynoyouzoom: ur eyes and take a deep breath.. https://i.rdrama.net/images/16978037115410776.webp

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Get a sleep :marseytoasty2: study :marseyreading: r-slur :marseyautistattentionseeker: Jfc

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Same, brother. I take 3mg of melatonin, 50mg of L- Theanine, and some magnesium. It barely helps, but it's better than when I don't take it. Also, magnesium is one of those things you would never get the daily recommended amount of on a normal diet without a supplement anyway.

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Just have s*x, incel

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Your mattress and/or pillows may suck, you may be deficient in something like magnesium or potassium, you might be eating too soon before bed, could be too dry or humid in your room, you might need to exercise more (try doing so in the morning or just before bed), you may want to try a different toothpaste...

There could be a ton of different causes for your sleep woes.

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maybe these things will help, theyre dirt cheap anyway


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Are you exercising?

Also cut out all blue lights like your phone atleast an hour before bed, reading a book in a low yellow light is also a good move to get your body ready for sleep.

Another thing you should do is avoid being on or in bed before you are ready to go to sleep.

Your body will know once you get into bed that it is time to rest if you aren't just lounging in there all day

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I'm a gooncave neet and I sleep like a rock

skill ish :platysleeping:

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Same and I'm also a gymcel but the lack of sleep is fricking my PRs.

I'm going to get drunk and drink some weed pop tonight though and fall asleep on my cat for like 14 hours

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Set an alarm for a consistent time and go to bed at a consistent time. The first week might suck but after that you should be falling asleep normally. Also stressing about trying to sleep will keep you awake.

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β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–β–Œβ–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–β–„SPOOKY SKELETON
β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–β–ŒSEND THIS TO 7 PPL OR SKELETONS WILL EAT YOU
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Just drink yourself to sleep :marseyjackmormon::marseydrunk:

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