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A new feature just enabled in Notepad++ :
— Notepad++ (@Notepad_plus) January 25, 2023
If you don’t agree with its politics views, Notepad++ will add random characters in your source code.
Orange Site:
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Can confirm, /h/slackernews was created to troll Hacker News and /g/ effectively.
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I can't bypass the paywall if anyone can pls post a mirror btw.
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Despite all the r-sluration in the world, rdrama.net is a really well designed website.
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VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ATTENTION: Jannies will pay a bounty for screenshots from teamblind.com threads
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Basically teamblind.com threads are great drama if someone with an account makes screenshots, but shit if you don't have anybody with an account who can make screenshots, so I got a couple of the admins to agree to pay a bonus to people who post blind screenshots in blind threads.
@Aevann please don't ban me for posting groomercord screenshots
/h/slackernews mods it would be nice if you could sticky this thread.
EDIT: Oops I didn't post this in /h/slackernews lol. Jannies pls move
- Nixoncrats_for_trump : Report
- free_palestine : programming is boring
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I can't register a full account because I don't have a disposable work email from a massive company.
Someone even tried to warn these cute twinks it was coming two months ago lol
HR or damage control team at work but also spitting facts like people who work at reddit are inherently lazy (except for the CEO of course)
Once the initial shock wore off everyone started remembering what a shit platform reddit has become lol
Just a little more stuff I dug up. Unfortunately I don't think Kethryvis got the giga-mop, but she did like a reddit admins post on twitter which implies some internal drama:
You'd think Kethryvis and her actual thesis on Internet Drama damage control (https://www2.sjsu.edu/anthropology/docs/projectfolder/Moellenberndt_Christine_thesis.pdf) would be able to figure out how to deescalate all of this, but come think of it, we should really thank her sometime for making http://rdrama.net possible.
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i cant find a btn to do that
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Guess the founder didn't really want the Unauthorized practice of law charge, he just wanted attention . Score another one for the Saul Goodmans of the world.
Relevant orange site: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34529340
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- Kongvann : wholesome
- free_palestine : ai will rule :3
- PolPotEnjoyer : They should learn to mine
- melgibsonsDUI : this is what happens when you don't do it for free
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I've been following this for a while now, and from my sample whom were ALL previously banned, over half of them have come back to life thanks to rocket daddy taking over.
So I created a graph to see if I could spot a pattern in the unbans. Looks like it's a bit sporadic. Just more and more people being unbanned over time. I'm somewhat convinced that these 82 'pet' accounts I've been watching represent the greater Twitter community, and because 43 have been unbanned, that shows that Elon has kept to his word and really has unbanned over half so far.
As previously said, I also included many 'random' and controversial much smaller accounts, and these two are seeing a decent unban rate too, just like the big accounts with lots of followers.
Btw, Nick Fuentes was unbanned yesterday, but was rebanned today. Ooops.
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VSCode users be like : : ProgrammerHumor (reddit.com)
one user tries to imply some nuance to the argument
Seriously, is the whole VIM vs IDE debate just shitposting by college students or do people really give that much of a shit? I chose VSCode because it's just easier to use. My job is a lot of web development, I don't need to edit a thousand text files a day. For me VSCode just makes more sense. If you need to do a lot of in-terminal editing then VIM would probably be better, but to me the two are not completely interchangeable. It's like debating which tool is better a hammer or a screwdriver. The answer is neither because it fricking depends.
but OP says they're not a real programmer
some of us actually do real programming and actually need to us an IDE. If ur job is mostly CSS/HTML/{insert js framework} then you can use whatever code editor it won’t even matter since ur actual debugger is the browser.
OP stands their ground against the likes of google
At Google, we use an online IDE called Cider, which is basically a carbon-copy of VSCode. I’m only comfortable using it because of my experience with VSCode.
By the way, this is literally the dumbest take. Tell me you don’t know front-end development without telling me you don’t know front-end development. You sound like Elon (no clue what you’re talking about). Delete this.
Sounds like ur hurt. Look up exactly what kind of jobs are actually getting laid off… web dev jobs more specifically front end crap. U think it’s maintainable for companies to pay 100k+ for people to add useless flashy animations when hovering over some crap ? “BuT iTs nOt jUst flaShy…” don’t care.. it’s still useless.
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