
If you forgot doc boycotted the game for a long time.

Consume the canibus chud

High-key doc is being sus rn, frfr not bussin


He been playing that series since 1991 and wage slaving for 20 years without family (staying true to bushido) and his yes laughing is so sad


You can pick a real place to fortify (even your house). It's like zombieshit meets the real world

Video playthru

It's over New Vegas bros

We sit in a darkened auditorium. You, me, that HBomberGuy, countless other youtubers and "had it on cd-rom" hipsters.

Todd Howard strides back and forth on the brightly lit stage. He stares intently, menacingly, triumphantly. He is nude and erect, his body is oiled and glistening. Clips from Fallout the TV series are projected behind him.

He brings the microphone to his mouth and begins to slowly stroke himself. "Ok frickos, you want real Fallout. Huh? You smarmy pieces of shit. Here it is. There's the camera, we got Grognak, we're even gonna stop here for like 30 seconds to point out the goddarn circuit board. That's real Fallout. To millions of normal people who didn't pirate the game, real Fallout is being reminded of shit they have vague positive memories of."

He moves faster, stalking. His strokes intensify. "B-b-but T-t-todd, dats not how the Brotherhood of Steel works, der supposed to be noonced. Black Isle, Black Isle, Black Isle. Frick you and your edgy little content ghetto. Non-bankrupt companies have good guys, cash-flow positive companies have relatable hero origin stories. Mr. Bill doesn't come to shit heel bloggers for his ROI. He comes here, to Big Money..."

"ooo, ooo, ooo. Todd sucks, Todd Sucks, Todd sucks."

He faces the crowd. His eyes gleam. His muscles are tight and his repressed lips break into a broad sneer. "Suck on this b-word. I killed it. Retfrickingconned! UgggghAAHHhh" His muscles spasm, his stroke are hard and hectic. "My pen Muuughhh is like the finger of God eeAAghhhh effortlessly erasing 12 years of your fricking Uggggghhhh BULLSHIT!." His erection releases a spurt of ejaculate that lands on the stage 3 feet in front of him. He gulps air like a nearly drowned man, his glare in unfocused... Slowly his breathing begins to normalize.

"FRICK YOU!" He hurls the microphone into the crowd. He stomps off the stage.

Bethesda Poohbah says not reconned:

/r/fnv doesn't give a shit:

fellow g*mers....rate my setup
Rimworld 1.5 update and new DLC OUT!

i want to frick the glasses mascot girl

!g*mers SKIP WORK NOW!

rate my setup g*mers :platyking:
:marseyitsover: for sonybros
:marseyhappening: SLAY THE SPIRE 2 OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER :marseyhappening:

I want a African JRPG

Sony basically announced god of war 3

>Just don't hire Sweet Baby Inc like you did with Ragnarök. Who am I kidding, of course they will.

Of course they will. Why would they cater to White Supremacist sympathizers like you? Did they not teach you how Capitalism works, bud?

>White Supremacist*, Are you assuming banger88 is white? Or that only white people complain about SBI?

White Supremacist is an ideology invented by white people, certainly, but it's practiced by the many different colors of the Rainbow. Take Kanye West for example, the guy is a White Supremacist and an focking idiot.

Seriously, stop being such a White Supremacy Pick-Me Simp and do learn how Capitalism works. Never go Full DeSantis is all I'm saying.

Now take you Dog Whistling SBI acronym and get lost, goofy.

>Don't bother with simple slave...the name says it all. Just send some squatters to his home while he's on vacation...I'm sure he'll love to show how virtuous he can be

So you also hate homeless people. Shocking...but not really. I bet being homeless is wOke!! Reich? Yeah... I bet stealing land, defunding housing and education is the work of the Übermensch!!! and wholly Righteous, yeah? Of course.

Here's the thing, goof. I don't know what you were hoping or expecting here today, but exposing yourself like that? For what? You have nothing and you are nothing. You people shunned actual education for pure unadulterated hate and alternative facts.

But here, since you have such a fascination with squatting let me give you what you want; 🍑💩

There, you see? We Leftist can also reach across the isle just like Liberals love to do. Happy? Outstanding!

Personally gow ragnorock was the shitiest gow game it was a game about literally nothing

New gaymer Toss

!besties !chuds :marseyhappening:


Objectively, FIFA's (EA FC) and COD shouldn't be counted since they are more like seasons so if you count them you can also count Fortnite since the game is also on chapter 5 (season 60) or something so the game had as much changes every year as cod and fifas. If mobilise would also be counted, with candy crush and etc even less games would be younger than 6 years.

It's over for gayming

Lara Croft is a "Truth Seeker" now :marseyboomergenocide:
Ubisoft lost its mind 140 euro for “complete” new soy wars game

And knowing them they will release a 50 buxx dlc on top of it (butt Valhalla Odin Valhalla dlc wasnt part of season pass and cost 50 buxx and purple far cry 6 dlc was also not part of season pass and cost like 40 buxx) that is not included in season. The game was supported to be cinematic like heavy rain and Detroit human something. I bet it's cheaper to watch all 6 episodes in cinema with popcorn than buy that full game that will be shorter than those 6 episodes so the time when you would enjoy more time per buxx with video games are over and then publishers crying they ain't earning enough


comment/dm if interested

RIP 3DS online, I hardly knew ye

3DS Online finally shut down (with the exception of Pokemon Transfer and Bank).


Japanese language don't even have that gender neutral stuff. So as french where everything is girl or boy but now :!marseytrain:s want to include ilelle and eli that will literally destroy frogs language.

“They” legit kill the atmosphere of game set in 1800 something, IRL I also only once seen “they” being used and it was used by me for keks when I wrote something for university and then when I got my score and comment from professors I was rolling under my table from laughing, he gave me extra points for using “they” and gave my work as example to other students about importance of using “they”

Steam sale on Ozempic :marseyhalflife: :marseyheadcrab: :marseyfreeman:
So I got platinum on Dragon Dogma 2, my thoughts about the game

That game is literally the most overhyped game of the year. It's main quest are worst from any fantasy games I ever played. 16 quest and 14 of those are just 5-10 min talking with NPC so the game is actually very short, I got the platinum under 40 hours so it's not some kind of massive rpg, and the game feel very long because it was boring walking in mostly woods and fighting same 3 types of enemies. But I have to give some point for game being a very Germanic fable. Like you go to a dungeon and open a chest and it shit inside like 99% of other chest in games. You do a quest some one ask you to find someone to build him a cool statue, you find him best sculpture and in the end the person ain't happy with the result so like most quest have bad endings just like germoids fables. The game doesn't have tp or detailed map because “exploration” is big part of the game and without it you probably would been able to complete the game even faster. Balance of classes is also very questionable like the game has a tanking class for player only, you do some magic with smoke to agro enemy and do illusions like fake bridges so enemy think he can walk on it. Sounds cool, my most memorable moment of the game comes from levelling that class… because it's absolutely shit, you do 0 damage and depended fully on NPC who ain't as aggressive or active as the player so fight aster forever. They made sure to balance that class so it became a total shit, like removing ability to fly like other magic class can because with flying you would been able to push enemies out of cliffs easier. Yet the game has thief class who has 2 ultimate abilities one does explosion and second ignore all damage and use stamina but with some passives you never run out of stamina so you can just spam non stop explosions and nothing in that game would be able to survive it or damage you.

So in the end the game doesn't feel like an AAA game and more like semi indi AA game with a lot of questionable design and very r-slurred world. Like the game has lover/friend system, by doing someone missions or giving that person gifts (anything can be given) that person becomes your friend or lover, game doesn't truly indicate that mechanism so by normally playing you won't see it except in very end when dragon will show the character you mostly care about (it was kek moment because it was some random NPC I resurrected twice because she would randomly die of screen because game has very smart AI and I needed her alive for a quest)

So the game is solid 6/10 and not 86% metacrtic. It's not bad game it has it charm and quirks but it's not mega blockbuster and not a good example of its genre.

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