:marseyzwei: :marseyselfsuck: :wojakselfsuck: :carpselfsuck: :germanynice:



image of his two accounts, the second :marseygunnut: one he used to ban evade (which normally twitch :marseypoggers: would :marseywood: never :marseyitsover: even let you appeal after you ban evade lol)

What's one of your most neurodivergent blunders

For me I think it was defending the 2nd amendment to my ex's friend who's sister got shot a week earlier

:marseytrain: r-slur goes into a gun store. Shocked everyone is a chud :soycry: :!chudsmug:


Daddy Trump About To Broker World Peace - Liberals And Democrats Want NONE OF THAT!


President Donald Trump floated the idea of a three-way meeting with the leaders of Russia and China in which the countries would agree to cut defense spending in half.

Trump, speaking to reporters in the Oval Office Thursday, suggested repeatedly that he'd seek such a deal with Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, saying the money could be spent better elsewhere.

"One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia," Trump said. "And I want to say, 'let's cut our military budget in half.' And we can do that. And I think we'll be able to do it."

a Meowr success story


rDrama marsey & wpd marsey??[my 1st post here]

ANDOR trailer just dropped :marseyhappening:

I'm not a big starshit fan but this show is extremely kino. There's like two Chernobyl level monologues and the whole thing kicks off because the main character shoots two cops in the face for shaking him down and runs.

It's also written by Tony Gilroy and some other talent who worked on house of cards and stuff. There's a ton of pedigree behind it.

Not a fan of the music for this though. Hopefully they don't sell out to the extremely wingcucked part of the fanbase.

@Vegeta !gonks

Ye claims he had to leave Bianca because she was a Mossad hoe.

Tik tok girlies seethe that Walmart sells cheap heart shaped slop

>Shadows is currently on par with that of Assassins Creed Odyssey in terms of its pre-order numbers. "Early previews have been positive, praising its narrative and immersive experience, with both characters playing critical roles in the game's storyline, as well as the quality and complementarity of the gameplay provided by the dual protagonist approach," Guillemot said in the most recent earnings call.

>At the time of writing, Shadows currently has around 300,000 pre-orders, said sources and Odyssey's day one player numbers were between 400-450,000; a gap of around 100-150,000 that needs to be made up in the next four weeks.

When did the pope get so fat? :marseychonker2: :marseypope:

Ol' Francis looks to be near his death bed having pneumonia and channeling is inner American being fat as frick

I wonder who will be the next head-child groomer in charge?

What are their peepee sizes?

No way Zelenskeet doesn't have the biggest chungus

gigachad baby mogs attention whore foid

!thotpatrol !babykillers


I’m not going to the Joint Address. I will be live posting and chatting with you all here instead. Then going on IG Live after.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ( 2025-03-04T18:08:06.009Z



Attending debates should be like attending class: you can get out of it with a note from your doctor, and nothing less. Failure to debate at least once should be grounds for disqualification. And in case there are concerns about the bias of the debate itself, create a department in Elections Ontario/Canada to handle the questions asked, to ensure it's even-handed.

Conservatives in particular play this game far too often, and it shouldn't be ignored. They're denying the electorate the ability to judge them on their merits.


Authoritarian nonsense born out of you never maturing past your school years. And I'm just positive that a new department would never be bias in favour of the party in power or do anything to sabotage the party most likely to cut their department.

What do you really think will happen at these debates? The same that always happens, nothing! Every word spoken by both sides will be lies and rhetoric with a handful of out of context sound bites taken by the party in opposition to try and rile up their base.

And what school did you go to where doctors note were required? Every single one I went to a parents word was enough and even then no one really cared. You could miss a week, never talk about it never have your parents call in to "excuse" you and nothing would come of it.

Grow up.



They definitely love too say "I love sucking peepee"

Babies and Momma Bombay!

:marseyheart: :marseyjam: :marseyhearts: :marseyfluffy: :marseybow:

!animalposters !cats

Designing Space Hardware is Hard


45% of Democrats want their party to be less extreme, vs 27% of Republicans.

!anticommunists !trump2028

SBF xeets after two years to say some boring shit :marseyemojilaugh:

Yes it's true, I get social anxiety when I try to order a coffee at Starbucks, and I spend almost all my time writing on social media about how I want to achieve brutal revenge against everyone who disagrees with my political views. But the truth is, women don't like me because I'm slightly unattractive. I don't know if this is actually true, since I don't talk to women, but I have an entire folder of infographics explaining that women only want to have s*x with jacked 6'7" billionaires.

Peak Physique
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