Globalists are behind stock market sell off. :marseycope::ashfellforitagain:


"For the record, Shrek and Fiona chose to be ogres instead of white people." Mayos mad over :marseytruthnuke: of incomprehensible proportions.

My girlfriend secretly reads spicy romance novels and I don't like it. 21M and 19F.


Do you consider reading "spicy" romance novels a red flag if youre pursuing a serious relationship? 21M and 19F.

So I just found out that my girlfriend reads a lot of romance novels and when I talk to her about it she said that she wanted to tell me earlier but she forgot. Note that we have talked about books and what we read many many times and she didn't mention this type of books even once.

The books are very porn-ish and role play-ish. Some about having s*x with some billionaire and some about cheating and having affairs with multiple men. It's all about romantic and sexual fantasies.

Her living this double world of reading these romance books as a fantasy and living with me as a reality really made me discouraged to be in such a relationship and the fact that THESE are her fantasies doesn't sit right with me at all.

I should add that I did something not nice and treated her like never before because of this:

I've brought up this topic to her sometimes and one day she brought me one of these books for me to read its first chapter while I was playing videos game(it was definitely one of the safer ones). I did read it and when she asked about my opinion I said "do you know I was this 🀏 close to break up with you because of these stupid shits you read?" and went back to my video game(as I said I've never even come close to treating her like that). She sat about 4-5 minutes and then went to the bathroom and started crying(not loud but I secretly listened). I know what I did was pretty harsh to her but that's honestly proportionate to how much I hated it.

She started laying some(safer ones) of them in her bookshelf after I knew but after this interaction she put them out again(haven't checked yet but they're probably where she was hiding them in first place) and she's acting like nothing happened. I am also not reacting right now but I just can't ignore it.

What's should I do now?

TLDR: my girlfriends reading written porn and I have a problem with that, some are about being with multiple men and cheating which makes it much worse.

I've told her that I'm was about to break up with her over them and it made her cry, I'm still strongly considering it and but I'm not sure.

What music genres do you listen to?


Been listening too much jcore because pop got too stale and don't want to talk to cute twinks

Have you been eating the bubbles :marseysmughips:

Scientists have bred woolly mice on their journey to bring back the mammoth "The Colossal woolly mouse marks a watershed moment in our de-extinction mission,"

Article :marseyreading:

!animalposters @X discuss

Dramanauts appear to have a very weird Indian shit and r*pe fetish.

Idk why but the moment dramanauts find out someone is Indian they start fantasizing about Indian r*pes and Indians taking a shit. It is a very weird fetish that dramanauts have and is even weirder than some of the stuff the average German appears to be into.

My Indians brothers, do you have any theory for why these dramanauts are so obsessively fantasizing about our shits? Because I have no sane explanation for it.

@H why are you so obsessed with Indians taking a shit or Indians raping your women? Would this fantasy of yours be considered a mental illness in your country or just having a normal kink?

Senior TV producers take shelf-stacking jobs as UK industry remains in crisis | :marseyemojilaugh: :turtoiserofl: :marseyrofl:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Disney Introduces Openly Christian Character After Ditching Transgender Story :marseycrucified:

This is the first openly !Christians character to feature in a Disney film since 2007's Bridge to Terabithia. The film features young adolescent children Jesse Aarons (played by Josh Hutcherson) and Leslie Burke (played by Anna Sophia Robb), who in one scene attend church together, and discuss religion on the way home.

Only interesting tidbit from the article. To be fair other than Moana who is whatever indigenous pagan and it's a central feature in the story they just sidestep it altogether. I guess Coco and Up have physical churches in them? But no characters who talk about it. :marseythinkorino:

The article title is clickbait for sure, the original plan was to have a Christian character and a separate trans character. It wasn't a 1:1 replacement.

Anyway this angers the redditor :soysnootypefast: :

Darn everyone would really rather tell their kids about a guy who was nailed to a fricking cross before accepting that trans people (and kids) exist

:marseyandjesus: :marseyagree:

As a Catholic, we do not worship Jesus Christ in the same way. In our beliefs Jesus is not god, he is the son of god. Which I think is different than what Christians believe (I'm Catholic, not "Christian" so I can't speak for sure on what other religions believe). That being said, we consider god to be made up of the holy Trinity (the father, the son and the holy spirit), so in a sense Jesus is not god but he is a part of god. But us Catholics do consider ourselves to be Christian even if other "Christians" don't.

/u/a205204 this is not what Catholics believe go talk to your priest please :marseyfacepalm:

That's certainly why Catholics see themselves as Christians.

Let's say you came back from work and someone moved into your house and legally changed their last name to match yours. Do you suddenly consider them to be your family? They believe they're your family, so why don't you?

/u/pikpikcarrotmon Your analogy works better in the opposite direction. When do you think the Reformation began? :marseysmughips:

I think it can be assumed some characters are but the only recent ones I can think of that have an identified religion are Mei in Turning Red and Anne in Amphibia who are both Buddhist.

There is a church and priest in Encanto so they are likely Christian but it never directly says they are.

If Marvel Animated studios counts then we also have @Nightcrawler who is Catholic.

/u/jesuspoopmonster I am Catholic, yes. :marseywave2: Come hang out with me on!

Community Note by @Raditz

We're running with the shadows of the night :marseysing:

So baby, take my hand, you'll be alright :marseyjam:

Surrender all your dreams to me tonight :marseyheavymetal:

They'll come true in the end… :beavisandbuttheadrocking:

Helpful [30] Not Helpful [21]



They introduced a homeless kenyan train into Thomas the Tank Engine


I WAKE UP :marseytrollcrazy: ANOTHER FANDOM BAIT SLOP IS RELEASED :marseytrollcrazy: I WAKE UP :marseytrollcrazy: ANOTHER FANDOM BAIT SLOP IS RELEASED :marseytrollcrazy: I WAKE UP :marseytrollcrazy: ANOTHER FANDOM BAIT SLOP IS RELEASED :marseytrollcrazy:

Why does stuff like this hit my youtube reccomended :marseysmughips: ?


DANGER: don't hit play there's anime voice acting :marseysick:

Posted 4 days ago, it's got 1.7 million views, wow



Probably a kid made this? :marseyhmm:


no, it's a disney animator

I thought this was surely aimed at kids from the aesthetic and thumbnail but it's not for kids, no it's SUBVERSIVE

because it has SWEARING :slimevulgar: :marseyxd: that's crazy! Swearing in a cute show that looks like it's for 13 year olds?

Wait, 15 year olds do like it though

wait are they calling him an egg

they are

:pepezoomerhair: > she just like me


they literally won't stop calling him an egg

tone indicators is when I know im on the wrong side of the information superhighway /gen

After flipping around a bit more: higher quality than usual fandom slop, because the author is an animator. INSUFFERABLE wacky quirky quips. It's hehe dark and edgy magical girl shit with the obnoxiousness of a Disney show for tweens. I can't do all 11 minutes :marseydisagreefast: What it is with westernish(?) animators and the magical girl genre? It would be more interesting if it were played straight at this point.

This is the funniest line in the whole thing, the right after the part that is in color and is more than .5 fps --->


A lot of the comments are just: :bigsmilesoyjak: l-lesbian? Yuri? :gay: HIGHSCHOOLERS? Don't let disney get this or they won't be gay :( and the world NEEDS this :marseybeanpleading: :marseyprideflag:

twitter is full of a few hundred digital artists drawing the characters, and even a few cosplayers, and the author of the 11 minute "pilot" animatic is selling merch like crazy

@Dahl_Fook the fandom has landed

The satanic fandom process begins.

The creator of this thingy has only been working on the concept since September of 2024 (?), and is ready to capitalize :pepemoney: , has no obvious scandals after a long history of pokemon fanart, so she might be capable of keeping this going in some form for longer than most :marseyhmmm:

New Boulderlob

She doesn't even know what a tax stamp is
Happy cat-chan


Last year, Detroit police wrongly arrested LaDonna Crutchfield after facial recognition software incorrectly identified her as the culprit of a shooting, according to a lawsuit filed on February 21. While police did not even have a warrant for Crutchfield's arrest, they handcuffed, detained, and jailed her anyway. The officers had conducted no investigation, relying fully on a facial recognition database. Police released Crutchfield only when it became obvious that they had arrested the wrong person.

Just like the previous three bogus arrests, cops went after people based solely on facial recognition matches without bothering to verify anything else about the supposed suspects. And just like those previous cases, the images used to perform these searches were far less than ideal. Crutchfield's lawsuit [PDF] contains the images the Detroit PD used as [re-reads lawsuit] the entirety of its probable cause determinations.

The 2 images of the suspect:

In addition to the bad match, the officers actually didn't have an arrest warrant when they arrested Crutchfield. All they had was permission to try to talk her into an interview with the detective (Marc Thompson) as a person of interest in the alleged shooting.

When Detective Thompson did finally interview the now-arrested Crutchfield, he offered up this embarrassing interaction completely unprompted:

PLAINTIFF noticed that the photos contained a heavy-set black woman wearing a bonnet, and DEFENDANT THOMPSON asked PLAINTIFF if that was her.

PLAINTIFF immediately stated "no" and explained to DEFENDANT THOMPSON that she does not wear bonnets.

DEFENDANT THOMPSON jokingly stated to PLAINTIFF that, "you got to admit it – that looks like you, and PLAINTIFF replied, "Why? Because I am fat and black like her?"


Even though it was only six hours, it still matters. It meant Crutchfield wasn't able to go to her first job and was only barely able to get to work on time for her second job. And she spent the night at her second job traumatized by this bogus arrest, meaning she was of little use to the mentally challenged adults she cared for at that job.

On top of that, it's clear no other investigation was performed before Crutchfield was warrantlessly arrested. The only thing officers relied on was a questionable match kicked out by an algorithm that had been fed even more questionable source images.

Remember that you can never hate the average American police officer enough

Hopefully, Crutchfield will secure a swift settlement from the city.


What are the results from the Feb. 28 reddit consumer blackout? :marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm:


Overall, during the 24-hour period, sales on Amazon U.S. were 1% higher than the average over the previous eight Fridays.


:surewalz: knows about the memes

Who is daddy going to blame when it blows up in his face?

Last time he nearly killed the pork industry and had to bail them out. This time he has already killed the AG improvement programs USDA were running, deported all their slave labor and stopped most of foodaid that was buying excess US grain. Between those and the potash daddy is going to see his dream of total farmer death.

US doesn't grow most of its own vegetables (60-80% come from Mexico) because most of the country doesn't have a productive climate.

We import 90% of our potash for fertilization from Canada.

About a quarter of the oil we refine comes from Canada. The US refineries that process the heavy Canadian oil need to be retooled if that comes from a light source.

I look forward to $10 gas and $5 tomatoes.

I suck Jewish peepee.

Jim Shaw's thought-provoking work on American society and politics

Donald and Melania Trump descending the escalator into the 9th circle of heck reserved for traitors frozen in a sea of ice, 2020

Dream Dreaming (I drove by a depressed county), 1996

The Master Mason, 2020

All the President's Men, 2018

I want you, 2018

To Serve Mankind, 2018

Large Trump Chaos, 2017

Small Double Trump Chaos, 2017

Trump Distortion #3, 2017

Hillary Clinton as Mad Meg, 2017

The Cute Behemoth, 2017

Miss Universe, 2017

Tragedy Display, 2018

Just took this photo of a lone protestor outside Fox News HQ in NYC : somethingiswrong2024




Rizz lessons from Johannes
Reported by:

For ~10 years, r/atheism, r/science, and r/4chan (some other subreddits, too) shared a β€œmoderator”, u/AnotherClosetAtheist β€” who (surprise!) is a closeted neoNazi, transphobe, homophobe, & obsessive stalker. If you got flaired on r/science, he might have seen your certs / diplomas. No way to tell

Msβ€Š. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch ( 2025-03-02T20:35:17.872Z



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