Latest Tariffs just dropped! 250% tariff on Canadian dairy!

Absolute madlad can't stop wont stop dropping absolute BANGERS! Stock markets like AAAAAAAAHHHH omg wft I can't even!

Gay bejeweled Nazi bikers of gor
Manul and Womankind.

Ncommander, Tech YouTuber, TDS R-slur and Encourager of Le :marseytrain2:ing.

Full album of his stuff here:

Ncommander, or Michael Casadevall, is a small YouTuber who 2-3 years ago did great content about computers and vintage hardware. I recently months, his output is more about whining about the FSF and other shit

His groomercord indicates he's an r-slured troop supporter and he actually fled because America is transphobic to GREECE.

This is not a new development. He has always been a :marseytrain2: friend

He hates when people point out the 41%

He's a fat butt who can't afford Germany so he's in the Balkans

He thinks Portland is better than NJ, where he used to live

His sins:

Actively encourages pink pilling in a mostly teen/YA audience (He probably takes pink pills himself)

Constantly attacks old man RMS because he's behind the times and neurodivergent Show me someone RMS' age who isn't!

Seethed with his audience over Trump's surprise 2024 Election

And finally, he's not producing anything good anymore and yet begs for $ with patreon and shit.

He is a dishonor to the sixth house.


Democrats release new video on bid to win more male support
[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] Based


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

What is with all the russian propaganda on this page recently? (6)

Funny memes and different views are Russian propaganda? Got it (-7)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

I know this is difficult for conservatives, but two things can be true at the same time. It's entirely possible to separately sympathize with Ukraine's repelling back Russian invaders, and also hate Trump for being a draft dodging coastal elite. (20)

Ukraine is not innocent. It's not to say Russia is,. obviously, but Ukraine has done some messed up things and helped Biden in his money schemes.At the end of the day, we should be trying to establish peace. And that could have been done ages ago, but Europe and America at the time told them not to. (-7)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

This meme definitely is (4) (-4)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

You stand with Russia though, right? (1)

I stand with America.Not wanting a stupid war to continue and not wanting to escalate into a near-peer conflict directly with Russia over a country that nobody cared about until 14 seconds ago is not standing with Russia.If Russia didn't have nukes, they would probably have a whole lot more American freedom than McDonalds right now. But they do have them, and the people dying on the front lines for both sides are conscripts. People are forced to fight. I stand on the side of not fricking funding that. At least I know when I signed up to be in the US army, every person I served with also chose that life, and I sure as shit aint interested in escalating a conflict that risks entangling them and potentially people like my nearly adult nephews into it for Europe, which is not very close to us, especially when they are not willing to commit more than us to protect themselves. When they don't hold up theit part of the alliance and take primary responsibility for their own defense on their ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I'm sure this will get the jimmies rustled beyond belief, but for one second, just stop worrying about being labeled some bullshit term, and actually think about this. Option 1: Continue hemorrhaging money to Ukraine (we've given 114 billion euros; the next most generous country is Germany with 17 billion euros) or engaging in war with them against Russia. Guess who Russia is going to partner up with? China. Guess what that kick starts? World War 3. Option 2: Stop being so sensitive and hateful toward the president. The left honestly hate Trump more than they love America, and it shows in the media, on here, and in every city. He does come across as an butthole, sure, but Ukraine giving America mineral rights is giving Zelensky what he wants: America's guaranteed security. Think about American workers mining in Ukraine. Let that marinate in your mind and say, "Would Putin really be more apt to bomb Ukraine and risk killing Americans?" No. No, he wouldn't. And is it really bad asking ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Also I always hate how people hide behind this "I just want the killing to stop" yeah we all do.. but not on an agreement that benefits no one but the aggressor. Guess what? I think fighting for the sovereignty of your country is a good thing. I would HOPE that IF put in the same situation as Ukraine. These same Americans wouldn't just bend the knee at the sign of a tough fight ahead. (2)

Offer a realistic plan where Russia concedes territory and no more soldiers die.If you can't, then shut the frick up, real life is not a movie, nobody wants to fight to the death just to eventually lose. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/BassLurker

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+3🐮)

Number of comments: 24

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Senior TV producers take shelf-stacking jobs as UK industry remains in crisis | :marseyemojilaugh: :turtoiserofl: :marseyrofl:
Army Is Breaking its Own Body Fat Standards to Meet Recruiting Numbers, Watchdog Says

Trump may have jumped the gun last night bragging about his military meeting recruiting numbers, unlike Biden's kitty enbie military that lowered requirements for chicks and :!marseytrain:s. Looks like the recruiters have still been putting their finger on the scale. :marseycarlos:

According to the report, trainees have been allowed to join at up to 19% above the standard -- meaning some male recruits may have had body fat percentages as high as 45% and female recruits reaching 55%, levels that would likely be considered morbidly obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

r/army discusses and is unsurprised

I had 8 applicants arrive to MEPS yesterday for a physical/enlist combination and 6 of them were both DQ'd for medical reasons and administratively for BF composition. One younger male was 12% over the standard and the RRNCO was positive "he was good."

If you actually say it out loud, in what world is a 17yo, non-athletic build who is 5' 9" and 257lbs able to make it through BCT.

This is after last year's reports that 70% of active duty is overweight and 20% is obese. (I'm curious though how much of this could actually be muscle mass overweight. That's probably being to generous though.)

I keep seeing other stuff about letting in more people failing the ASVAB, which I was under the impression in high school wasn't even a pass/fail and had a tier for "functionally r-slurred, would be a parking lot attendant as a civilian".

So both Biden and Trump just want the military full of fat, r-slurred people for some reason. Hope our drones are getting better for the war with China or there are going to be a lot more deaths from heart attacks than bullets on the beaches of Taiwan. In a fight, I would probably place bets on a bull :marseytrain2: and a roided up pooner over some thousand pound TLC show rejects, but who knows if either could beat a swarm of chinks with whatever dinnerware their catatonic families have cobbled into weapons on the Great Assembly Line of China.

Guy Breakfast :marseywaffle:

Not pasting anything from the article because it's pure :soycry: :marseysoycry: but they did embed this cool video that I won't watch. A 17 minute video about how to argue with people online.

The post has 350 comments so Ars' strategy is working. As always the top comments serve as a reminder that the average Ars poster is worse than the average Redditor:

Swatzicoin :marseylaugh: Elonazi :marseyemojirofl:

This dude has been an Ars commenter for 25 years and is calling people idiots but doesn't remember "i before e except after c".

"Nooo please don't report on science we need to keep reporting on Musk :soycry:

/r/comics couldn't imagine making a comic this good.


Last year, Detroit police wrongly arrested LaDonna Crutchfield after facial recognition software incorrectly identified her as the culprit of a shooting, according to a lawsuit filed on February 21. While police did not even have a warrant for Crutchfield's arrest, they handcuffed, detained, and jailed her anyway. The officers had conducted no investigation, relying fully on a facial recognition database. Police released Crutchfield only when it became obvious that they had arrested the wrong person.

Just like the previous three bogus arrests, cops went after people based solely on facial recognition matches without bothering to verify anything else about the supposed suspects. And just like those previous cases, the images used to perform these searches were far less than ideal. Crutchfield's lawsuit [PDF] contains the images the Detroit PD used as [re-reads lawsuit] the entirety of its probable cause determinations.

The 2 images of the suspect:

In addition to the bad match, the officers actually didn't have an arrest warrant when they arrested Crutchfield. All they had was permission to try to talk her into an interview with the detective (Marc Thompson) as a person of interest in the alleged shooting.

When Detective Thompson did finally interview the now-arrested Crutchfield, he offered up this embarrassing interaction completely unprompted:

PLAINTIFF noticed that the photos contained a heavy-set black woman wearing a bonnet, and DEFENDANT THOMPSON asked PLAINTIFF if that was her.

PLAINTIFF immediately stated "no" and explained to DEFENDANT THOMPSON that she does not wear bonnets.

DEFENDANT THOMPSON jokingly stated to PLAINTIFF that, "you got to admit it – that looks like you, and PLAINTIFF replied, "Why? Because I am fat and black like her?"


Even though it was only six hours, it still matters. It meant Crutchfield wasn't able to go to her first job and was only barely able to get to work on time for her second job. And she spent the night at her second job traumatized by this bogus arrest, meaning she was of little use to the mentally challenged adults she cared for at that job.

On top of that, it's clear no other investigation was performed before Crutchfield was warrantlessly arrested. The only thing officers relied on was a questionable match kicked out by an algorithm that had been fed even more questionable source images.

Remember that you can never hate the average American police officer enough

Hopefully, Crutchfield will secure a swift settlement from the city.


Is antisemitism really on the rise in the USA? : TooAfraidToAsk


All my posts for lent will be about opposing bullying



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Please vote to change the English flag to bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah

!islam !christians !britbongs !burgers


:#marseycitrusshrug: :#marseyexcitedorangegenocide: :#marseyorange1love::#marseyorange1love::#marseyorange1love: :#marseyupvote2pat: :#ramonajak: :#ramonajaktyping:

my heart is telling me COME ON TRANS WOMEN LETS GOOOO

:#marseytrain: :#marseywholesometrans: :#marseytransflag2: :#marseypass2: :#marseychadfoid: :#marseychudstamp: :#marseytransplushie2: but go off i guess


:!marseydrawing1: Interesting sketches :!marseybadlydrawn:




I'm begging you to sit with this story and feel it.

This morning at 3:30 AM. I'm in bed with my wife, our three young kids asleep down the hall. Suddenly, there's this violent pounding on our door,like someone's trying to break in. My wife and I awaken in terror, 'Someone's beating on our door!' Our German Shepherd is losing it, barking louder than I've ever heard.

I leap out of bed, heart pounding, my only thought,protect my family. I don't know who's out there or what they want. I grab my handgun, tell my wife to stay with the kids, and head to the door, adrenaline surging.

I peek out the window,two figures, all in black masks covering their faces. My stomach drops. I yell to my wife, 'Call the cops!' as she's screaming, 'Don't go out there!' But I have to I can't let whoever this is get closer to my kids. I step outside, gun ready, and see them move to my neighbor's house, pounding again, relentless. I run over, shouting, thinking they're about to break in there too. Then they turn, coming down the driveway toward me, shadows between two cars, silent and fast. I'm yelling, 'Stop! Get on the ground!'

but they keep coming.

I'm backing up, gun aimed, finger on the trigger, as I scream again, 'STOP NOW!'

I don't know who they are, what they're armed with, or why they're here.

Everything slows down, like a nightmare you can't wake from. They're close now, too close. One more step, and I'm ready to pull that trigger to end the threat. Suddly after I yell "GET ON THE GROUND OR I WILL SHOOT" they stop.

They drop to their knees. One yanks off a mask, and I freeze. It's a girl's face. A kid.

I lower my gun, 'HOW FRICKING OLD ARE YOU?' She mumbles, '14. We were just bored, ding-dong ditching.' The other pulls their mask off, another teenager. No weapons. No threat. Just kids.

I clear my gun, hands trembling, and it hits me, I almost shot two children. My anger explodes, but then relief floods in, and I'm dizzy with it. I could've ended their lives, left their parents grieving, changed my own family forever,all because I didn't know. To me, they were intruders, faceless,in the dark.

Cops came, took them home, I guess. I walked back inside, told my wife, tucked my kids in again. It's 5 AM now. I'm sitting here with coffee, adrenaline crashing, replaying every second. I burst into tears, puked, because if I'd pressed that trigger a little harder, two bored kids would be gone. Their families destroyed. Mine too.

God was there in that moment, guiding my hand to pause. I'm still a wreck, crying as I write this. Parents, please,teach your kids every action has a reaction. They didn't know how close they came to dying. I didn't know they were just kids. One split-second decision in the dark could've ended it all. Talk to them.

He's probably right, you know. Still these dummies are taking the story at face value and acting like it's okay to be a little r-slur at the peak of night.

Me personally, I need to see the color of the kids to determine whether they were in fact playing ding dong ditch.

think abt it tho :marseyhmmm:
SBF knows conservatives are tards
War is good when started by the democrats, actually

If youre not pro Ukraine youre literally a trump sympathizer nazi and thats the tea, sis

They got the Tates out of Romania just to arrest them in America :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Oh no no no tatebros, where can they go now?

:marseychonkerfoid: :marseyobesescale: :marseychungus:
why are women so cruel to other women
Reported by:
If you're wondering why you were just exiled from /h/transgender

You were: and thats the tea, sis

  • Transphobic

  • Homophobic

  • Racist

  • Islamophobic

  • Libertarianphilic (Republican/Libertarian)

  • Antisemetic

  • Bigoted

Hate has no home here, and Think about your actions, and Be better, and Do better

Trump sets record for longest presidential speech to Congress :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost:
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