Many such cases!
Coonasses become woke to the menace that is white women
I'm having a real neighbor moment right now
Frogs torch some soymobiles, r/pics celebrates


Undelete link: https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/pics/comments/1j71mur/france_vs_usa_on_tesla/

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Just because you don't like something, doesn't give you the right to destroy it.

[–]NoSoupForYou1985 [score hidden] 4 hours ago

tell that to trump and elon

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

What did they destroy of yours? Elections have consequences

[–]BuzzKillingtonSr [score hidden] 4 hours ago


[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Don't be a kitty. Be a man about it at least

[–]BuzzKillingtonSr [score hidden] 4 hours ago

First kitty you've seen, XOXO.

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

I didn't see you. Were you the guy with purple hair and

[–]BuzzKillingtonSr [score hidden] 3 hours ago

Maybe it's time for bed. A nice glass of milk old timer. Just drift off knowing how truly insignificant and irrelevant you are. XOXO

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 3 hours ago

Naw. If you can stay out of prison and gain some wisdom, you may get to where I am some day. Not likely but hey, you never know

[–]BuzzKillingtonSr [score hidden] 4 hours ago

OK Boomer.

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Gen X. My Dad is a boomer. He actually shot Commies in Vietnam

[–]Ninja333pirate [score hidden] 4 hours ago

To be fair communists are not the enemy here, Nazis are. Communism is far left, Nazi's are far right, the countries that you think of as communist are actually far right authoritarian countries masquerading as communist countries

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Ukraine is full of Nazis

[–]flipyflop9 [score hidden] 3 hours ago

Yeah, since Russia started the war a lot of them entered Ukraine

[–]markpb [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Some people feel very strongly about billionaires trying to influence their elections or stoking hatred and division in their country. It's a tiny bit more personal than just not liking something

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

It doesn't matter what anyone feels. It's about respecting others right to have a different opinion. Burning down someone's business is not okay. There is lots of shit I don't agree with but I don't hurt anyone or destroy their property. It's called being civilized

[–]TimothyOilypants [score hidden] 4 hours ago

You should probably get on the right side before things go full French Revolution...

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

I would just laugh and watch all you silly people go to prison

[–]TimothyOilypants [score hidden] 4 hours ago

[ Removed by Reddit ]

[–]Big_BossSnake [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Respecting someone's right to be a nazi? No, thanks

You should hear what my grandparents did to them

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

You don't even know what a Nazi is. It sucks our educational system has fallen so

[–]TheJaybo [score hidden] 3 hours ago

If it walks like a goose, talks like a goose, and boosts nazi accounts on Twitter like a goose, well..

[–]IWCry [score hidden] 4 hours ago

the same mindset of expelling the kid who punches back on his bully. gtfo of here dude. this man has done way more damage to the world in comparison to junking a car worth less than 0.00001% of his wealth

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

You are silly. Elon will take us to Mars. All you guys will do is complain on the internet

[–]Dancing_Cthulhu [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Musk fanboys really are a curious bunch

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Musk is a great man. All you people who hate him have never done anything in your lives like he has

[–]Dancing_Cthulhu [score hidden] 4 hours ago

I'm sure he'd apprectiate you white knighting for him if he had any idea you existed

[–]emergency_poncho [score hidden] 4 hours ago

You're talking directly to Musk and Trump and all of the other MAGA buttholes looking to dismantle and destroy the government, right

[–]Lokigiant [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Nope. Talking to the losers who hurt people for having a different opinion.

[–]flipyflop9 [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Ah so the jan6 crowd,

[–]oooof__ [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Bunch of cry babies mad at Elon is hilarious

[–]Kukuth [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Anyone bootlicking for billionaires is pretty ridiculous, but you do you

[–]oooof__ [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Awwww. You okay? You upset he found fraud in the government. πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ₯² it's gonna be okay. The billionaire creates job. Hope you contribute just as

[–]Kukuth [score hidden] 4 hours ago

Did he though? I guess he is saving a couple of millions...while getting government contracts for billions - what a great deal. You'll get rid of your deficit in no time like that.

I'm sure the trickling down will start soon...I mean you guys have been anticipating it for years and years, you must almost be there

[–]Phanny_Dantom [score hidden] 3 hours ago

Can we not glorify domestic terrorism please? ffs reddit

[–]OM3N1R[S] [score hidden] 3 hours ago

Burning shit is a long-running theme in french politics. it's not domestic terrorism. No one was hurt

[–]Phanny_Dantom [score hidden] 3 hours ago

You don't need to hurt people to do terrorism.

Yea, no one got hurt... this time. Glorifying acts of violence is not okay and will only lead to more violence and escalation

[–]Um-okay-then [score hidden] 2 hours ago

So what maybe that what this world needs

In case you're wondering why you received 100 shit awards today :marseywholesometrans:

Then youre probably an cis (probably het too) male who decided to ban an actual :marseytrain: from /h/transgender on International Womens Day, like just because you cant control your seething and abuse your janniedom to ban users you dont like marking a year long comment with absolutely no as transphobic, which is typical cis incel behavior


The comment in question


Which isnt transphobic or chudish but like just reinforces what the post was already stating


While missing altogether my comment about my transition


As well as literally all my posts about my beauty accessories :marseytransplushie2: in /h/personal and thats the tea, sis

i feel like like Just some shopping :marseynails:


literally, :marseymidsommardani: A few more shopping items :marseynails:


ok so Or even remember the time I donated 15k dc for @transb-word fundraiser before you even were a mod at /h/transgender


But instead you combed through comments to find superficial reasons to ban people, and And the fact that you banned me over something so minuscule truly illuminates the amount of your misery and insecurity, and Id feel be genuinely sorry for you, but I cant but its whatever

literally, :marseytransflag2#:

Reported by:
  • pet : i fricking wish
average woman when she hits 30 :marseywall:



[NO DRAMA SUNDAY] :marseystarbucks: /r/starbucksbaristas schizo drama


Reporting a homophobic, psychopathic manager as an outsider

I do not work for Starbucks... But I know a woman, Stephanie Thompson, who is a manager there. She works with many young LGBTQ employees. My therapist recently told me that phscopaths do not stop, they only get better at appearing to fit into society. To keep it short, she sexually abused me when I was young, gaslit me into thinking I was a lesbian and would be disowned and ostricized if people found out, and then blackmailed me about my made up sexuality for years. She also spent several years misgendering her cis male husband after having cheated on him. And unrelated she used to steal opiates from a cancer patient. She is a psychotic homophobe and it terrifies me that she's working for a company that tries to be inclusive. Will I be taken seriously if I report this to Starbucks?

The only reasonable advice is buried at the bottom:

Absolutely nothing will come from this 'report' if you choose to send it in to Starbucks as someone who does not work for the company. I am saying this as a former partner, who has had plenty of traumatizing experiences and literally reported several partners for inappropriate behavior. The most you will get is [maybe] peace of mind, and a thank you message from a bot to an email that will never be read.

/u/emotionally-stable probably needs a better username:


There's the expected comment:

OP, I'm appalled at some of this advice here. REPORT THIS MFER. We have no idea if they will do anything with the report or not. But what we do know is that NOTHING can happen if NOTHING is reported. For god sakes people. Yeah corporate or ethics may look at the report and be like "wow this should've been reported years ago" or "wow this sounds made up" or whatever BS but wouldn't it feel so good to know that somewhere there is a paper trail so that if this disgusting human being does something like this again, someone can look and be like "oh shit, OP put a report in about something similar happening x years ago…lets take this more seriously than we were planning to"

And finally


>be in a bad lesbian relationship decades ago

>still so mad about it that you look them up on LinkedIn, find where they work and post their real name to /r/starbucksbaristas

Reported by:
  • Y : Satan = The Enemy, to many Jesus is the the enemy, especially back in his lifetime. Do not be deceived fellow man. πŸ’€


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447337xV-iZWBtrzej8w.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447337ZKOx-aqgjgi7oQ.webp


Cute twink

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447337ZGPjWKhzXEA3Fg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447338Sh_Cta_0l1WgsA.webp



https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447338yUo0uKqresC9FQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447338dCZ8NtiPwTvLLw.webp

Jesus mogging satan

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447338sDSO2bwc8v62Og.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447339jv477OdLBMWjGg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447339xnGKzST17D8HLw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447339bYMZSbMI5ZAhNA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447339zr1Zmag6jyot4g.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447339G4kQni5yyldN3g.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447339K0xvgcTsUbIO3A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447340M-I9k6K9Tapvrw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741447340B8P6XPQfylzDvw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/174144734036URv9i9Iuuguw.webp

Curious :marseythinkorino:
New Vance. What do you think? :patrickbatemanpointing::!surewalz:

Mayor Eric Adams calls black dissenters "Negroes"


:marseyxd: prepare your bussies muricans :marseyscooter: :ashfellforitagain:
Leftists truly lost the plot over that brain cancer kid from Trump's Congress speech :soyjaktantrumfast:

Seriously, wtf is this? :marseywtf2:

Lmao :marseymanysuchcases:

Some weird schizo is fighting everyone with weird animu clips. Bots included :marseyschizowave:


I understand that, attack the administration then

Commies took this badly :soysnooseethe:

Omg nobody's actually bringing the kid into it they're just using MAGA logic that anything that sounds "progressive" e.g a child that's a poc cancer survivor is inherently "woke". They were literally the same crowd that called a disabled child in the new Avatar series "woke"

Word DEI has been weaponized so much by maga that you took this as an insult.

so its immoral to point out republicans' hypocrisy with cancer research but ur white butt is allowed to dictate someones blackness based on who they vote for? interesting

He literally said "hey DOGE" not "hey cancer kid"

If youre not ready for #darkwoke get the frick out

You are r-slurred.

Darn you white liberals are stupid

You dude, are fricking r-slurred. Hello!?!?!? Reading comprehension skills are in the negative. Moron.

You leftists are idiotic. You have to play dirty like they do. You think you win this being nice? Dumbo

bud just stick to consuming your soylent, you are NOT cut out to participate in political discussion lmao

Other deranged comments

Nobody is going after the child. The child is just a proxy to make a statement.

Oh, then everything is ok here :lelolidk:

The kid CANNOT be a "target" of truth. I hope this helps.

That's the :marseyschizotwitch: btw

They're not. You either refuse to understand DEI or you do understand and also admit that DOGE is coming for something that's a net positive. By definition this is an act of DEI. Otherwise please deliver me the papers of the 13 year olds merit to my desk 9pm sharp.

Expect he's not been hired as an active officer you fricking r-slur. It's an honorary role. The mental gymnastics you have to go thru to equate a terminally ill kid with cancer getting an honorary position to a normal person getting a job solely because of their skin colour is mad

Schizo vs some guy :marseyschizotwitch:

Yall attacked Tim Walz's son. Shut the frick up.

You guys attacked Walz's son so now we're gonna attack some random black kid with brain cancer. That will show you, chuds! :soyjakanimeglasses:

Lmao that fricking inbred is getting so mad over this

Same guy. Chuds are getting so triggered over us bullying a dying child. We need to keep it up, we're winning! :soyjakyell:

the right targets trans kids on the regular

Frick them cis kids with cancer :marseysoyjak:

I would agree with you and kinda do but at the same time. Democrats/Non-MAGA will never win another election or win anything if they keep playing by the rules, they have to be nice and just let MAGA say and or do whatever. Eye for an eye from now on.

Eye for an eye, chud. Nazis are attacking black kids, and so will we :soysnoo:

"making a joke about how the gop used this kid as a pawn while trying to de-fund child cancer research is ackshually attacking the kid somehow" lmao how did you ever arrive at this dumb conclusion?


Imagine how they'll behave in a year :marseyhesright:

This is just a very small fraction of the comments, feel free to browse some more of the insanity :marseydetective:

Lol! xD
Red Scare podcast

Ashes on the table really complete the vibe

Just drew this (for art study)


don't know if it ended up bad lol

Reported by:
Y'know I'm something of a bird watcher myself


Here's some r-slurred cockatoos wearing blue eye shadow. It's 33C (91.4F) here so they're sheltering in the shade of the tree. Better they're there than pooping on my car.

Here's some ducks:


Because of the cost living in Australia, I took one home:



Video is posted on youtube, with an extreme lack of self awareness

Activist Annie Jump Vicente attacked in West Hollywood on 02/27/2025 (FULL UNCUT VIDEO)

3,943 views Mar 4, 2025

Prominent SoCal trans rights activist Annie Jump was harassed and physically attacked following a verbal altercation with two delivery drivers who were speeding near her West Hollywood apartment on 02/27. She was subsequently arrested for using pepper spray in order to defend herself from her assailants and has been held with bail set at $100,000.

Follow San Diego for Trans Rights on BlueSky social for more updates - [email protected]

I feel like prominent people don't have to actually tell everyone that they're prominant.


  • 0-1:00 Incoherent screaming about being called a man and insisting everything is a hate crime UwU

  • 1:00 Runs in front of car and claims they are trying to run them over, reads liscence plate. Claims they called xem Donald Trump(?)

  • 2:10 Confronts another Amazon driver while continuing to block. Hoking ensues

  • 3:20 Demands everyone's name. Starts claiming they're threating to kill xer dog as the van backs up. Choo choo accidently admits that xe instigated it while claiming them backing away is assault.

  • 5:20 Van makes it to the street. Angry German confronts the train and calls xim an butthole. Train suprised

  • 6:40 Train chases the van for half a block, winded returns to get their dog which is tied up in an alleyway. Takes dog to confront more Amazon wagies.

  • 8:20 Follows the 3rd Amazon wagie on the sidewalk, incoherently screaming.

  • 10:20 confronts original 2 van wagies again, drops phone during scuffle, apparently pepper sprays woman during this interval.

  • 11:00 drops camera again while screeching and again admitting xe started the whole thing because the wagies drove down xer alleyway.

  • 12:50 Tells the pepper sprayed wagie that water helps

  • 13:30 Wagies call police. Train thinks it has the right to self defense (this is California, sweaty). More yelling at wagies.

  • 16:00 Not convincing anyone, the train and dog do a tactial retreat to the alleyway, to pack their shit and retreat into an apartment.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17413036781Z5pOnA-5-egJA.webp Their natural janitorial instincts are showing

The vidya is posted to Reset Era


OP posts this:

Last week a trans activist 'Annie Jump' was attacked, and then herself arrested for using pepper pray in defense

This is gonna be the ultimate goal and way of rounding us all up. Just outright making it illegal for trans people to defend themselves, while more and more will physically assaulting.

Several people just do the reddit thing and respond to the title (nobody can misrepresent a situation in the title of a post!)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741303677U6D0uknVkqYIYw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741303677ReoabqNXbH4RqA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741303677eSIMRkSo5JBl8g.webp

Others hatefully watch the video. They don't even seem to even care that the person confidently declares this a HATE CRIME!


>Yeah I'm not sure about this one. I watched the whole video, I'm sure the delivery drivers did do something bad to upset her so much, but we're missing the context at the start, and she's coming across as far more aggressive throughout the video. She could have walked away at any point, reported it to the police, she had their plates. She followed them around for a good 15 minutes and wouldn't let them leave, the pepper spray part wasn't caught on video and it was her who got up close to the delivery driver before the body cam was knocked off.

Imma say everyone is in the wrong here.

fwiw I'm also trans, I just think she handled it poorly and let emotions get the better of her.


She definitely comes across as the aggressor in that video to be fair, what actually started the incident?

Another bigot posts that this isn't the first incident Mx. Jump has been in

Yeah and she had issues before regarding her behavior (the title is a hyperbole though) . https://wehotimes.com/shocking-video-shows-violent-attack-on-west-hollywood-block-by-block-ambassador/


Chat, is constantly contradicting your own narrative a bad look?

Yeah… running in front of a car who you just told to leave and then claiming they are trying to run you over isn't a good look. The narrative switches utterly against them from that moment on.

There is very likely context that leads up to this but that will be buried by how badly they handled the aftermath.


:marseyjanny: jumps in to prevent more bad faith viewing and discussion after 10 posts


:marseyscientist: bacteriamaxxing for your balls :marseymonsterpenisshadow:

Found the paper


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