Cant wait to watch my fiancée become the amazing mother she was meant to be :marseywholesome:


Me (cis f) and my soulmate (mtf) are having our son on Friday and we just finished her second lactation consultation today. She's been on a protocol of hormones that essentially mimics pregnancy and can trigger lactation it's looking like she's starting to produce a milky like substance which she got swabbed today during the appointment. Her breast development has also sky rocketed since the new protocol and she's really happy with that. She's just been glowing and I can see her confidence increasing which makes me so happy for her. If all is well she will be able to eventually feed our baby (we will both be breastfeeding).

The lactation consultant seems really hopeful and excited because there aren't many cases of situations like ours. There have been studies about trans women breastfeeding but what makes our situation a little different is that our baby is my fiancées biological son. I feel like in a way my fiancée will be able to help other trans women in the sense of providing the lactation consultant with this experience and further knowledge on MTF breastfeeding. Her lactation consultant has dealt with lesbian couples before, but not a lesbian cis/trans couple.

On top of that, my fiancée is so excited to be a mother and I know she's going to be amazing at it, I can't wait to see her hold and love our son and I'm so excited to start this new chapter with her. I love her so much.


!chuds !transphobes


:#marseyxd: :#marseyxdorbit: :#dinoxd: :#marseylulz: :#marseyrofl: :#mjlol: :#marseyemojilaugh: :#turtoiserofl: :#duckdance: :#laugh: :#lolface: :#marseysobbing: :#manullol: :#marseyemojilaugh2: :#pepeloser: :#lolsign: :#trollfacedancing: :#marseyladybugxd: :#eggplantlaugh: :#marseywheeze: :#platylol:

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED @JimieWhales callout post

This b-word is literally a redditor. Used to extend respect til I figured it out. Basically british bardfinn :pepewtf:

Giving away condoms makes us popular :soysnoo:

We may not have high speed rail but at least we have rap :marseysoypoint2:

Black people are cool :marseysoyhype:

More censorship please :soysnooseethe:

Trump is so dumb he's gonna do this tarded thing bc I don't like him :soyjakwow:

Long covid is real actually :soyjakanimeglasses:

What a life :taygrimacing:

This is all from the past day, she literally can't stop poooooosting

Double digit posts daily for four years. Basically a crack addict. At least she pays aevann's bills :marseyladybugshrug:


!nooticers !metashit

Community Note by @Impassionata

Reddit émigré calls out other reddit émigré for being reddit; redditry everywhere.

Helpful [56] Not Helpful [5]
Community Note by @Hopalong_McGurk

arran is a groomercordcute twink :marseybacktodiscord:

Helpful [42] Not Helpful [3]


Reported by:
Redditors rage against 18 being the minimum: "I think 16 was perfect" :marseypedo:


Canuck plane crash angle nobody is talking about

Why this :marseytrain: grabbin a full handful on the way out

Apparently Civ 7 ends in the 1950s so they can sell the rest as DLC

"And, peculiarly, Civ 7 only really covers history up to about 1950. You get planes and tanks, but there are no home computers or helicopters in this tech tree at launch. The final science victory condition is launching the first manned spaceflight – quite a step back from setting up an exoplanet colony"

:marseyheart: Who else is single this Valentine's Day? :marseycupid:

My cat is my Valentine this year :marseyfluffy: :marseyrosepink:

Why are YOU single?

Most impressive civil "servant" on suicide watch :marseyfilmingdeath:


>the very backbone of American government, the HR of all HR ...


You, working honestly :marseysulk:

Government KING clicking delete on a legitimate email (most work xhe's done this week) :ratvibe:

They're too nice :marseycrying:

Smartest fed :pepewtf:

Dipshit deep dive!

Meet /u/aqua410, Baltimore bureaucrat par excellence

Given the area code and how much she loves her sassy black woman gifs, you'd think she's one herself...


Balding white b-word :pepewtf:

Probably lightskin tho

Besides not knowing how to google "metadata", she's doesn't know FB owns whatsapp:

Or why people don't just hack Elon Muskrat out of existence :marseyrick:

Life is hard for a black woman in tech :marseysadge:

She makes up for that small lapse by being extremely knowledgeable on laws:



Early life

Jews take great pride in being מאמינים בני מאמינים "believers, the sons of believers" - an unbroken lineage of faith in and loyalty to G-d from the times of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Similarly, this middle aged mammy is unfireable, the daughter of unfireables:

Sadly, they're not supportive enough of her having to... go back to work :marseyrain:

She shuffles around lazily between agencies

Deleting every email she doesn't like

Pooping up everything she touches

Unfortunately, the country will fall apart if we can't reach her after 3:30 pm :marseydepressed:

Weigh in!

Which of the following metaphors best describes the role of HR in an organization?

  • backbone

  • visceral fat

  • metastasized stage 4 lymphoma








Full accelerationism to self destruct the USA!

:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseyflamewar:

What happened to good old fashioned r-slurred people?


I'm in my mid 40's. When I was younger I had a mentally r-slurred cousin. I would often see other r-slurred people in public too. What was up with them? Were they severely neurodivergent? Brain damage or traumatic brain injury? It wasn't Down syndrome because they have always been around too, like Corky. But I never see the classic r-slurred people anymore. They were a lot of fun.

Newly discovered near-Earth asteroid isn't an asteroid at all — it's... a Tesla :marseyconfused2: (link)

Astronomers have been left red-faced after announcing the discovery of a new near-Earth asteroid — only to realize that the supposed space rock was the remains of Elon Musk's cherry-red Tesla Roadster and its spacesuit-clad driver "Starman."

The misidentified object, which was launched into space on board a SpaceX rocket in 2018, highlights a growing problem in astronomy that could lead to costly errors, researchers say.

On Jan. 2, the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center (MPC) added a new object, dubbed 2018 CN41, to its list of near-Earth asteroids. The supposed space rock was identified by an unnamed amateur astronomer in Turkey using years of publicly available data, reported. However, just 17 hours later, the MPC released an editorial notice retracting the discovery after the citizen scientist realized they had made a mistake.

The Tesla Roadster, which was previously used by Elon Musk, was launched into space on Feb. 6, 2018, as the test payload for the maiden launch of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket. The publicity stunt garnered widespread attention at the time, partly due to Starman — a mannequin in the car's driving seat that was wearing a likely defective spacesuit and "listening" to David Bowie's album "Space Oddity" on loop.

The car and its driver headed toward Mars after escaping Earth's gravity and were supposed to enter a stable orbit around the Red Planet, which raised alarms at the time that it could become a potential Martian "biothreat" if it accidentally crash-landed there. However, the pair overshot their target and instead entered a stable orbit around the sun. Now, it circles the sun and occasionally zooms past Mars.

The Tesla has now completed roughly 4.5 trips around the sun, traveling at roughly 45,000 mph (72,000 km/h), according to This means that the car has now exceeded its initial 36,000-mile warranty around 100,00 times.

However, the car is probably unrecognizable now after being exposed to years of intense radiation from the sun and bombarded by tiny fragments of space rocks, which have likely stripped the outer layers of the car and shredded Starman.

This is not the first time that human-made objects have been mistaken for near-Earth asteroids. The MPC has temporarily listed a number of spacecraft as space rocks over the last two decades — including the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft, NASA's Lucy probe, the joint European-Japanese BepiColombo mission and others — as well as rocket boosters and other debris, according to

This type of confusion will also likely increase as more human-made objects are launched into space.

These misidentifications could lead to more false alarms for near-Earth asteroids, which could in turn result in costly errors, Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told "Worst case [scenario], you spend a billion [dollars] launching a space probe to study an asteroid and only realize it's not an asteroid when you get there," he said.

While space agencies and private companies are required to accurately track their products in orbit around Earth, there is currently no legislation that forces them to do the same for spacecraft and debris that escape Earth's gravity, like the Tesla Roadster.

However, "such transparency is essential for promoting space situational awareness, reducing interference between missions, [and] avoiding interference with observations of natural objects," members of the American Astronomical Society warned in a 2024 statement.

:marseycop: Redditors mald over cops eating hot dogs. :!marseyweenie:


Food looks amazing. I don't think I would be so enthusiastic about serving the oppressors though.


ACAB tho


so cops just roll up and get free food then then go down the street and give someone a ticket for handing out free tho the homeless..

The boot lickers here don't wanna talk about what cops actually do.

everyone is like he's so fast! he's crapping himself.....


How is this not a bribe?

I sell heavy equipment to municipalities, and I can't even take them out to lunch because of conflicts of interest. Cops are above the law.

It literally is. And they are taught that accepting free food is an ethical violation. These losers are willfully corrupt.


Did those cops get a free meal?

I hope so! If I had a place like this law enforcement would eat free if I could afford it. 👍

Would you serve boots to your customers or do you just save those for yourself?

holy frick redditors are insane


I've learned this is a tough situation. First, you for sure want the police protection in your area, and you want them to like you. Second, we pay taxes and favoritism is inappropriate, and one business should not incurr a cost in excess of another business for the same level of protection.

I wanna see the pink women's lace underwear shoppe also offer free pink lace underwear at the same dollar rate as the meal subsidy.


Don't think! Feeeel! - YouTube :marseymetokur:

Which background color works better for this banner?

Edit: trick question, you all lose. It was this one

@Vegeta !poll_voters !art

Post shitty chud comix

Taken from here:

An air cwompwesswor service fwor beach hwotels.

Like, u get off the beach and u and ywour shit is cwowored in sand. Weww just swipe ywour cwedit card fwor $1.50 and u've gwot an air wand that can bwow aww of the sand out of ywour shit. As a bwonyus u can use it two inflate innyer tubes and other beach twoys.

Im thinking abwout it. Im alswo sick and fuww of DXM.

Think abwout it.


His :marseychud: fratboy neocolonialist cishetnormative anthem of mysogyny :

:soysnootypefast: about how much they support the misogynist taking a stand against national socialism

misogynists stay losing


Some music while you read:

and/or the original:

(ctrl + v):

Zizian Murdercult summary, for those out of the loop

I know a bunch of people who were involved or adjacent, including someone who accidentally got some footage.

The summary below is based on talking to these people, looking at court documents, reading blog posts, etc. (I was also at the protested CFAR reunion and knew Daniel)

More info at the bottom (especially for journ*lists who would like interviews)


Curtis Lind allows people to live in trailers and containers on his Vallejo, CA property, initially offering affordable housing to artists, woodworkers, and electricians. Over time, some tenants stop paying rent and are later referred to as "The Cult" by neighbors. The cult consists of Ziz (Jack LaSota), Emma Borhanian, Somni (Alexander Leatham), and Gwen Danielson.

Separately, at some point Ziz attends a workshop by CFAR, which is a nonprofit focusing on behavioral psychology and AI.


November 2019: CFAR bans Ziz and Gwen from their alumni reunion, partly due to fears of violence.

November 2019: Ziz, Emma, Somni and Gwen protest at the reunion with accusations of bad decision theory (it's complicated) and transphobia. (All four of them are trans).

The protestors get arrested for blocking entrances (while there are children on the grounds) and wearing Guy Fawkes masks. They're released on bail.


August 2021: Ziz advocates for "airlocking" (a sci-fi term for killing) various people in blog comments and claims many people seek "suicide by Ziz." Ziz runs a blog which appears to be the primary attractor for this community. They claim that people have two hemispheres, and are either non-good, single-good, or double-good (very rare, which Ziz herself is). Ziz advocates for a ruthlessly enforced altruism towards all living creatures, and to follow the principle that it's never valid to surrender. She promotes the punishment of "non-good" people, particularly those who are not vegans.


February 2022: Jamie Zajko, a close friend of Ziz, claims that Ziz threatens to kill Jamie, if Jamie does not kill Jamie's girlfriend and provide proof of it.

April 2022: Gwen Danielson, one of the protestors, stops appearing for court hearings, and their lawyer suggests they have died.

July 2022: A different friend of this group commits suicide and cites ideas from Ziz's blog in their suicide note. Ziz appears to suggest their ideas caused the suicide.

August 2022: Ziz fakes her own death in a boating accident and stops showing up to court hearings. The Coast Guard conducts a search for her, but finds no body. An obituary is released.

November 2022: Emma Borhanian is killed by Curtis Lind during a violent altercation at his Vallejo property. Somni stabs Lind with a sword, and Lind shoots both Somni and Emma. Lind is stabbed dozens of times and loses an eye. Lind's account is that they had been threatening him for some time, and one day requested he come fix a leak. They hit him from behind, and when he woke up they were attempting to cut off his head (he has scarring consistent with this claim). He then shot Emma and Somni in self defense. His friend claims upon entering the trailer afterwards he found surgical equipment and chemicals he believes were intended to dissolve Lind's body. Somni and Suri Dao are arrested. Ziz and Gwen are seen at the scene, alive. It seems likely Gwen had faked their own death earlier to escape court appearances, much as Ziz had.

November 2022: Somni attempts to escape from jail (twice).


January 2, 2023: Richard and Rita Zajko are found dead from homicide in their Pennsylvania home from gunshot wounds. Their daughter Jamie Zajko was associated with Ziz, and we suspect the homicide was an attempt to gain money (several million dollars) from inheritance. Police also suspect Ziz is involved in the murder. Police also suspect Daniel Blank, an associate of Ziz, is involved in the murder. Blank has not been seen since and we suspect he's dead.

January 13, 2023: Ziz is arrested in Pennsylvania for "obstructing administration of law" and "disorderly conduct." Ziz eventually makes bail (in June) and stops showing up to court. We suspect that the arrest was indirectly related the murders, and that the police didn't have enough evidence to make a full charge.


January 17, 2025: Curtis Lind (who was set to serve as the primary witness in his assault case) is stabbed to death outside his Vallejo property. A man named Maximilian Snyder is later arrested for this murder. The previous year, he applied for a marriage license with a woman named Teresa Younblut, who was in contact with Ziz.

January 20, 2025: Teresa Youngblut and a man named Felix Baukholt are stopped while driving by U.S. Border Patrol in Vermont. They end up in a shootout, and Baukholt and a border patrol agent dies. Police find tactical gear, firearms, and burner laptops in the car. According to the police, an unnamed person who purchased the firearms used in this shooting is also a suspect in the Pennsylvania Zajko murders. We think this is likely to be Jamie Zajko, given that the shooting is in the same town that Jamie Zajko has a registered address (Coventry, Vermont).

That's it so far. We still don't know the whereabouts of the people in this story who aren't either dead or in custody, and we sort of expect them to continue doing murders.

1. If you're a journ*list and want to get in contact with people around the community/rationalist scene who knows the people involved, you can fill out this form and your contact info will be shared around our networks

2. My friend, trying to interview Lind about something else, ended up getting a bunch of footage of him talking about the attack. If you're a journ*list or documentarian interested in this footage, please reach out to him here

3. The above timeline is collected from sources the community has accumulated here.

It also has some high-confidence guesses made by people familiar with those involved. Please doublecheck all claims yourself.

Here's a riddle for you: What does a buck and MarseyIsMyWaifu have in common? I'll give you 3 guesses
Prominent Train James Elisa Rae Shupe roped...

here is an interview with him (which i didnt watch)...

>highly informative and filled in a lot of blanks. When he was lucid, James was able to explain exactly how porn addiction led him to his fetish, and why there's an over-representation of AGPs in the military. He was able to explain precisely how psychiatrists basically brainwashed people into believing that they are trans. A lot of details we roughly suspected but he gave very concrete, clear experiences.

suicide note (didnt read) but apparently he was mad at Elon...

>Have that Nazi piece of shit Elon Musk and his DOGE henchmen deduct the savings from my $93,000 of federal pensions from your bankrupt coffers.







So vegan you Animorth into a Marsey

:marseyfoidretard: :implies: :marseycatgirl4: :implies: :marseyexcited:

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