Is amazon just a giant drop shipping scam at this point?

Ive started checking Ali for every item I'm about to buy from Amazon and the same item is always on there for less than half of the cost.


So far no reddit posts about it, but chuds on Twitter are jerking off over it.

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Tony Hinchcliffe causes a political crisis in India


characters:Tony Hinchcliffe

this cute twink has an open mic show where he, with his guest panel, bullies the participants who bomb. sadly, the show is funny and has the charm of old school hazing

Act 1:

characters: AIB , Mumbai Police , Ranveer Singh

AIB was a skit comedy-satire collective and back in 2015 organized a roast show (tired copied concept i know) of Ranveer Singh (and another fella). the thing went viral...leading to police complaints, apology letters, video bans, media debate blah blah. the hot topic in contention - vulgarity. @Sasanka_of_Gauda 's favourite party, BJP, wants to maintain their monopoly on the right to be potty mouth and they made a huge hue & cry

nah, it was an across the aisle issue

writer's notes: AIB planted the flag of edgy comedy india by surviving this onslaught but couldnt cross the torrent of metoo

Act 2:

characters: Samay Raina , Ranveer Allahbadia

Samay Raina is a big chess streamer/comedian/kashmiri pandit/edgelord who likes to create parody game shows with his audience. he has been hated by the left wing for his "misogny" and love for the right govt. (he's a normal centrist tbh). he once made a fear factor + the dictator mashup where he would just eliminate players on whim calling "life is unfair". (beast games before it was cool). he one one fateful morning decided to copy.....kill tony and mix it with america's got talent. the participant has to perform, predict his score and is rewarded on the basis of their self awareness

the show blew up for its golden age unscripted game show honesty. it seriously BLEW, beyond the target audience and celebrities started clamouring to join the next cool thing. streaming websites offered money to buy the rights, live shows were getting sold out, kids were buying youtube memberships, haters were name dropping it to get views

the character 2, Ranveer Allahabadia, is the indian r-slurred joe rogan + logan paul. he used to make nofap nonsense before transitioning to clickbait podcasts. and i swear by god, HE MADE MONEY. the most braindead content with aliens, yeti, ghosts there was no r-slur grifter on internet that he had not interviewed. the people with brain hate him for that. the right wing govt, BJP, approched him to do their propaganda during elections and my man counted cash. the left wing hates him for that. the rest of youtuber hate him for his clout

ACT 3:

characters: samay raina , ranveer allahabadia , mumbai police

on the 10 year anniversary of AIB roast, when the stars aligned, my neighbor released his episode with Ranveer Allahbadia as guest. and something happened. on the show, there was some homophobic participant and the guests were grilling him by asking what if his son would turn out gay, "would you suck my peepee for 10 mil?", "what bout 20 mil?". in the flow and def due to being drunk, my man RA to fit in with other comics pulled out an old copied stinker "would you rather watch your parents have s*x or join it once to stop it forever?"

left wing clipped it to defame the right wing govt about their association with such "vulgar" people. the right wing ( @Sasanka_of_Gauda basically) went in apeshit overdrive to kill the connection by metaphorically killing the man themselves. other indians joined in their favourite passtime after r*pe, mob lynching. chief ministers of several states are personally name dropping them, police is raiding their computers, rounding up everyone from the day 1 episode 1, opportunists are planning to introduce censorship laws, libertarian right wings are clenching their jaws over their low iq compatriots, people are using "motherlover" while condemning incestuous jokes. RA is crying and apologizing. meanwhile Samay Raina is touring US while chilling cuz "life is unfair". zoomers are seething over their skibidi potty going away. media is making shit up literally to fill airtime. parliamemtary committees are being formed

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Who are you and what have you done with the real pizzashill? - trans lives matter
:marseysoycry2: NOOOOO YOU CAN'T IMPRESS YOUR MAGA BASE LIKE THAT, THAT'S A WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONIES : Leftoids cry and suddenly care about government waste when Trump decides to do laps around Daytona :!soycry:

			 the guy who hasn't taken a salary for TWO terms and the only POTUS or politician who lost wealth and who works EVERY DAY is getting under your skin for THIS..??

Search "Obama vacations" and come back here with your BS [-7]

This is ironic because bread and circus is right out of the democrats playbook. That's basically all your party does [-5]

We enjoyed it 🇺🇸 better than a president we never saw or when we did looked like he should've been in hospice [-2]

Trump is doing his "Triumph of the Will" thing. His wife wrote he kept Hitler's speeches at his bedside and I'm sure he studied the way his hero would fly over the crowd

Bread and circus for his supporters...

Being a liberal nascar fan is tough work when things like this happen.

Presidential apprence is going to cost a lot no matter what, but seeing the president out promoting American culture is cool. [-3] [ledditors of course downmarsey this lmao]

Blue angels are not exciting. What the frick is exciting about machines designed to kill thousand in an instant [ :soycry: ]

Spare us your fake outrage. You're mad we're not going to keep sending tens of billions around the world for ops disguised as aid, but the cost of Air Force One is now beyond the pale.

It's impossible to take you people seriously [-5]

He should of done more laps, whatever makes the loser lefty rejects cry [-6]

At least the money was spent here [-8]

It cost me, an individual taxpayer, $.000075.

Worth it. [-6]

Yeah but this is epic [-9]

He donates his yearly salary back to the federal government.

How much did Biden send to Ukraine again?

Absolutely unacceptable. That fuel could have gone to Ukraine!!! [-7]

And took the presidential limo around the track. Love this guy! [-3]

Democratically elect a clown and the clowns that lost make fun of the chief circus performer in hopes of being reelected head clown. [-13]

yall wonder why republicans hate you guys so much [-6]

Being a liberal nascar fan

They're nascar fans, you know they're too dumb and brainwashed to think like that.

this is my new favourite comedy sub. [-7]

Reported by:

A hole for all the bird lovers to post about pigeons and birds in general.

!birdposters - Lil B

Caesars Palace - Jerk It Out (Official Video)


So...s*x slaves

aka legalized r*pe

Step 1: Maga erases black history

Step 2: Maga erases women's rights

Step 3: the Female Chattel amendment

'Open season for unpunished r*pe and abuse would really settle down the incels.' Frick all the way off of this planet.

Jesus Christ why are we letting the incels out of the basement?

Don't be fooled, these are functioning members of society. They are your grocers, neighbors, uncles, cousins, your bestie's new guy.

They are not some basement dwellers who are now just brave enough to surface. They are people you know who have had these thoughts which are now validated by this administration, so they don't feel like they have to hide anymore

Exactly this. My entire family and I aren't hardly speaking now because they berate me on my views and now my husband and I are looking into divorce because I will not conform to his will. >>> He is giving me ultimatums constantly and gaslamping me the same way our administration is working. It's quite terrifying.

Their ultimate goal is the subject of this conversation: they want it to be legal for men to own women. We are livestock, blow up s*x dolls, property to them. Not humans. It's incredibly disturbing.

Slavery. The ultimate entitlement of white men. They don't want girlfriends, or companions, or even trad wives. They want slaves. That's all Elon wants and he's the boss level bro for them.

Yep, because a "state mandated girlfriend" won't stab you with a kitchen knife or knitting needles or anything like that.

Certainly won't brain you with a frying pan.

Or poison your food.

At minimum malicious incompetence. Accidentally dyeing all their clothing pink. Pretending mixing soda with your coffee in the morning is completely normal. Getting them a new hot pink work lunchbox for their birthday. Oops, the bleach made its way into the washer with your pink clothes. Right before bed is the perfect time to vacuum.

Most likely being openly verbally abusive. I would not be surprised if someone who's forced to be someone's girlfriend would use every opportunity to tell them how much of a loser they are to need the government for this.

Occasionally physically abusive. Because do you think all women are pushovers who will let you hit them without hitting you back?

I have a body count in the 100's so that's my out 😎 I am far from their ideal unicorn virgin

Hidden bonus: anything they do, one of your previous did it better.

As a 44 year old white guy I am EXTREMELY pro rampant kitchen knife/ knitting needle home accidents. :malefeminist:

And frying pans?!?! So incredibly dangerous. Especially if some guy were to trip in the kitchen and land face first into a frying pan currently being used to make some fried chicken.

State issued girlfriend? You better be ready to meet your maker, cause if I'm stuck with some dumb butt male feminist we're both going out in a blaze of glory.

Insane - seriously insane. We are not property to parcel out. If we ever are - there will be violence.

They're already treating us that way. They're removing rights and protections so we have less and less. Male feminists can already pick their child's mother as it is. We are chattel and nothing more to most of these pieces of shit.

How about state mandated education and job training for men who are way fricking behind? Women don't want to date some video game playing nitwit who lives in his mom's basement rage tweeting about :rape:

I'm married with two kids, and i still find time for video games... what's your problem with people having a hobby? It's interactive storytelling and problem solving.

As far as living in your mom's basement and the other bits... yeah, i mean, i get that.

You cannot be that dense. You know exactly the type of guy that she's talking about. Congrats for obviously just fishing for a way to say "b-but not me!!!!"

Was my comment not nuanced enough for you? Yes i was being defensive, yeah i over do it sometimes.

Get a hobby.

I'd love to enjoy my hobbies but unfortunately I have worry about my BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS being taken away! :marseydarkfoidretard:

Add this guy to the list of People who have not read or watch handmaiden's tale…

Worse: he did, and he LIKES it


Remember to set your clocks for "spring ahead"

I fricking hate losing the sleep but I like the change to later sunsets PERIODT

Worst Korea does a woopsie, bombs their civilians
:capy: Capy is now fighting crime in a third-world shithole :capynasser:


!nonchuds posting AI gay porn and pretending its praxis


The irony is you know it'll trigger the MAGATS. They do the trolling, not the other way around.

"Heh, this'll trigger the MAGATs" jerks off to gay porn

/u/Neren1138 This neighbors r-slurred

Bard spotting on Bluesky 08 March 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : I reported @WayOut for jacking off desu
  • DangerousBlackGuy : Im defecating as we speak
Consistent with Pharaoh @Aevann's instructions, all rDrama users must report what they got done last week. Failure to respond will be taken as a resignation.

Please reply to this post with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your hole !jannies.

Please do not send any DMs, links, or attachments.

Deadline is this Tuesday at 11:59pmEST.

Gene Hackman and wife's cause of death released


  • Wife died naturally due to mouse poop disease

  • Hackman, having severe Alzheimer's lived with the body for almost a week

  • Hackman died due to heart failure

  • Dog in kennel starved/dehydrated to death

Darn life is so fricking brutal, even the most privileged among us meet this kind of end



Are anorexia forums still a thing

I don't mean the support/healing ones, the genuine pro-Ana ones. I really wanna lurk one. Do the feds shut them down or have ppl lost interest?

American schools problems are not caused by funding


Reported by:
  • X : :marseythousandyardstare:
lmao :MarseyModernWarfare: :marseyshock: :marseydrone:

>tf 0.000003 nanoseconds after the batteries in your EMF jammer goes dead

For international women's day I deleted my entire waifu image folder

Many of the pictures were too erotic and in retrospect posting them was disrespectful towards her, and From now on my new criteria is if I would not be comfortable showing this image to my mother I will not save it or post it and its EVERYTHING

Schizo 4chan biofoid tripstrag snaps and stabs child

A 19-year-old woman has been charged with attempted murder in the stabbing of a six-year-old boy in downtown Halifax on Sunday afternoon.

Halifax Regional Police responded at about 1:20 p.m. to a bus stop on Barrington Street by Scotia Square and found a child with multiple stab wounds.

Paramedics transported the boy to the IWK Health Centre in Halifax. Police said the youngster's injuries were life-threatening.

The suspect was arrested at the scene.

Elliott Chorny of no fixed address was expected to be arraigned in Halifax provincial court Monday on charges of attempted murder and possession of a weapon, knives, for a dangerous purpose.

"The victim and the suspect are not believed to be known to each other," a police news release said.

The boy remained in hospital Monday, police said.

Police are asking that anyone who witnessed the attack or has video from the area around the time of the incident contact them at 902-490-5020.

Premier Tim Houston posted his reaction to the stabbing on social media Sunday night.

"I struggle to fully express my outrage and sadness at learning about this attack on an innocent child in Halifax this afternoon," Houston said on X.

"My thoughts are with the victim and their family. The person who did this is clearly a threat to the public and should be kept locked behind bars."

here she is doxing herself in case you doubt it was her:

picture of her:

she also posted some pictures of herself on 4chan (no nudes):

archives of her posts:

and the last threads she posted on /r9k/ and /soc/:

/r9k/ thread reacting to the news:

AI "Art Bros" Mocked by Real Musicians


The drama: the /r/SunoAI sub has a redditor making a post complaining about the declining quality of output of generated music, and the redditors of the /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers comment about how ridiculous and entitled the Suno commentors are.

Original Suno post:

Quote of OP:

"It looks like creativity was hugely lowered, now you get the same bland results from any prompt, even using complicated prompts. Everything sounds like through some "normie filter", autenthic 70-80s genres sound like tik-tok slop. Rock music filled with meaningless pentatonic arpeggios. Electronic music filled with.. same arpeggios. A lot of descriptors just resulting in 100% garbage, generations get similar to each other and mediocre."

Response post:

Note: The OP of the response post was just a link/crosspost to the Suno OP post and was deleted by a mod, however the comments of the response post are still visible and where the juicy stuff is.

Example comments to demonstrate the drama:

The Biggest Lolcow of the Get Rich Quick Gurus

I don't have the will nor the time to put into making a kf thread so I'm just leaving my input here. If you have any involvement in "hustling" twitter, you might know this guy. I honestly forgot about his early life but when I first discovered him he was trying to sell a membership for a groomercord where he'll teach you how to resell items. He was also selling other memberships for other servers like a "creditmaxxing" course, "travelhacking" course, and some bots to automate shopping.

Right now he claims to make $200k a month from all his methods that he sells. This money is actually from all the memberships that he's selling. Everything in these servers either take way too much effort for little profit or just flat-out stop working after a day. This isn't a random accusation, you can verify this for yourself by looking at the stats of all the servers he's running. (his largest server with public information available)

I left the scene a while ago so I'm not 100% sure on this, but he's made a few smaller servers and tried to sell "season passes" for them to eventually just discontinue them and auto renew people for his more expensive membership. Don't try criticizing him though, cause he'll accuse you of being... POOR!

This guy has an incredibly fragile ego and will instantly meltdown under any type of negativity. If you mention that any of his schemes (which he pushes to unknowing children) are illegal, you'll instantly be blocked. It's not like these methods are complex schemes either, these are pretty basic:

  • Making fake receipts to harvest rewards points

  • Cashing out EBT/SNAP

  • Sending false credit reports (they actually send it on your behalf, but you have to give them your ssn)

  • Self referring yourself to different apps (not illegal but def a TOS violation)

  • Promocode stacking at small businesses for free items (not illegal but very shady)

  • Whatever this is

This guy is also heavily hated by other get rich gurus, as he's known to send hate mobs and steal content from other shitty memberships.

While proofreading I remembered I had this screenshot of him threatening to sue some little kid who said his groomercord server was shit lol.

To summarize: this guy is an insane grifter with a huge ego and you can probably get him to sperg out by calling him poor.

Command and Conquer are all now open source?
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